Lisa-Jo Baker
About the Author

Lisa-Jo Baker is a bestselling author, lapsed lawyer, and current acquisitions editor for HarperCollins. Originally from South Africa, Lisa-Jo lives outside Washington, D.C., where she fell in love with her husband in the summer of ’96. Their story spans decades, languages, countries, books, three very opinionated teens, and one dog.

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& you will too!
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(in)side DaySpring:
things we love
& you will too!
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  1. Needed this today! My anxiety has been at a high last night and this morning. This has brought me peace. Love the song! Thank you Lisa and God bless you ❤

  2. Lisa-Jo,
    This weekend I’ve been at the Cove – Billy Grahams retreat in the NC mountains. Two nights ago we had a worship session of singing led by Travis Cottrell, who has a dynamic voice. As we all sang, I pictured what it would be like one day when we will all stand together praising and singing unto God most High!! With arms raised, I was enthralled with His majesty. Yes, He left all that for you and for me…wow!! Dynamic post…
    Advent Blessings,
    Bev xx

  3. Lisa-Jo,

    This world in its frantic pace & noise makes it hard to be still and think on the true Glory of God. Lately it seems the devil is working overtime to keep us and our minds busy with worries & activities so as to distract us from true righteous thoughts. Many people here in America have never heard the real story of Christmas & Christ. People these days don’t want to hear the real story of Jesus and His saving grace. They want prosperity gospel preached. Do good and God will abundantly bless you. I feel it is high time to get our priorities straight and pause to reflect on the real Glory that Jesus left for us. Also on His Virgin birth, in a dirty stable, and his excruciating death on a cross!

    Have a blessed Christmas!

  4. I love this song. Christ is our Lord and King. As I go this first Christmas without my beloved husband, help me remember this.

  5. This is fantastic Lisa Jo, I too, have seen Him in His glory, He is high and lifted up after coming as a baby and a horrible death,
    from swaddling clothes, to grave clothes and a stone manger to a tomb, He was born to die, and He deserves the praise.

  6. Oh yes! So beautifully expressed… a poignant reminder of His glory. How can we begin to wrap our heads around it all? Amazing love. Thanks for sharing 🙂

  7. Lisa Jo,

    Thank you for so beautifully reminding us of the coming of the almighty Lord, for us. It’s truly breathtaking…….

    Blessings, I hope that you have a Merry, Peaceful, Christmas


  8. It is amazing to think about all that he gave up to come to earth and live among us. All the limitations he took on, like time and gravity and being cold, when he came here. Thanks for the reminder.

  9. Love your writing and reminder.
    Love the song that you were listening to.
    Love that you are sharing all of these.
    Thank you sis.
    Joyous blessings indeed.

  10. That was just beautiful! My choir sang this song(Oh what a Glorious Night) just a week ago at our Christmas music celebration! It was so powerful.
    Blessings for you to experience the Joy and Awe of this season,
    Jessica Joy

  11. I love this devotion! It was amazing and timely for me as most emphasis are on celebrating the birth of Jesus during this Christmas season. Thank you for reminding me of who Jesus was before He came to this earth! The King of Kings and Lord of Lords!! Holy, Holy, Holy my Lord God Almighty! Hallelujah!
    I surely will share this devotion for our family worship!!
    Blessing, peace and joy this season to you and your family!!!

  12. Stuck in my head are words to that Addison Road song…

    …I think I’ve made you to small
    I never fear you at all…
    What do I know of Holy?

    I need this reminder hourly, it seems.

  13. My grandchildren are singing this song on Christmas Eve for the Christmas program. Love this song and I love your message. Jesus is our savior Alleluia!

  14. Thank you for your truth and encouragement to just pause, God came down from heaven to earth and was born in a manager to reconcile man with God. The song has filled my heart with blessings and joy. I am not in the hectic, business of Christmas this year as each day I am having radiotherapy to beat cancer. This year I don’t want presents but the presence of my Lord and Saviour, Family and Friends and God’s Peace. May Your Family and You be filled with all God’s Blessings, Love, Joy and Peace.