Angela Nazworth
About the Author

Angela Nazworth is a shame-fighting storyteller who writes mostly about the beauty of grace, faith, friendship, vulnerability and community. She is a wife and a mother of two. Angela's also an encourager, a lover of good books, coffee, girl's night out, sunshine, and waterfalls. In the 15 years since she...

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(in)side DaySpring:
things we love
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  1. Angela,
    I’m struck by what a tender heart you had as a child…and still do have 🙂 The world needs more people like you! What a beautiful call to all of us to walk slowly enough through life that we truly see people and let them know that not only we see them, but God (El Roi) is the God who sees…He sees them and, furthermore, He cares! Loved this true story about Bean Soup. I know she was blessed by your prayers!
    Bev xx

  2. Oh my goodness, yes! I think everyone feels unseen and forgotten at some point, and reminding them that they matter is such a great way to point them toward the God who would never forget any soul he created. It’s so easy to get caught up in all the day to day hassles and rush right by people, so perhaps that’s why it feels so good when someone takes the time to actually see us.

    • Simple acts of kindness can do so much for a weary soul, Amy. You are exactly right. Thank you for sharing here.

  3. I like your challenge. Once I was in Target with not one but TWO screaming, crying children, and a woman approached me. I feared condemnation, but she placed her hand on my arm and said, “Good job, Mom.” Her encouragement nearly brought me to tears. She was the hands and voice of Jesus that day.

    • Oh Sarah, I am so glad that you experienced kindness during such an unnerving experience. I have been there and it’s so difficult to handle screaming kids AND disapproving stares … I’m thankful you received encouragement.

  4. I so need to hear this today… I get lost in the daily grind of job, kids, bills, and stress. A single mother raising two girls can be overwhelming, but I am reminded that I am never alone. God is always there! This story touched me deeply!

  5. Thank-you so much for writing this post Angela and for being there and praying for Bean Soup. Everyone matters and should n’t be treated as though they matter less. This reminded me of a story that was recently shared about a homeless Vet in need of a few dollars for a journey he was on. Some professional football players walked by and one of them mockingly offered him some money.The Vet refused it. Someone else passed by and sat down and over a burger and coffee took the time to listen. He offered the Vet dry socks and his shoes for his journey. As he was on his way he overheard the Vet as he patted his dog on the head say, “You see I told you that God was looking out for us.”

    To me this story along with your’s about Bean Soup says it all, take the time to listen and the time to care.

    For all lives matter……

    Blessings to all,


  6. Life is busy and I sometimes erase messages without even reading them. I’m so glad I didn’t do that with this one! We all need a reminder that we matter, others matter, everyone matters to God. May He bless you today and always.

  7. Angela, your words continue to bless. What a beautiful heart of God resides within you…and just as in Song of Songs 2, its fragrance is released to those around you. God is SO very good and faithful. And it’s when we listen to His promptings, as you do and have done, that He reveals His powerful love that breaks through anything. I’m only just starting to behold it and it’s breathtakingly beautiful.

    • Thank you, Anna. There is none more beautiful than our Jesus. What a blessing it is to know Him and hear Him speak to our hearts.

  8. Thank you for sharing this story that reminds us of God’s watchful eyes of love over His people though they may not be aware of it. It reminds me of a poem I wrote awhile ago. It is called “Hearts of Diamonds”
    Hearts of diamonds, radiant pure and clean, shining on the inside, are not always seen. Old containers holding hidden treasures: who knows where they’ve been? They are precious beyond measure. Wonders and new worlds to be discovered beneath the surface, hidden below what appears to be covered. Take the time to search and seek the hearts of diamonds hidden so deep; shining on the inside so humble and meek. Hearts of diamonds shine through the eyes of old; becoming more childlike as years unfold. Don’t pass on by , stop and stay awhile. go beyond the surface, gaze into the deep and you may see the heart of a diamond smile…..
    May the Lord BLESS your day……

  9. Angela, I love this post and how God speaks to us and through us. This is something I’ve been trying to do more- to see people, to take notice, and to let them know I see them. Thank you for this encouragement today. Beautiful.

    • Thank you so much, Abby. You have such a beautiful soul and an encouraging heart.

  10. Can’t believe how these words resonated with me today. God sends His love and encouragement in so many ways. I try to do this at every opportunity. Once the moment has passed, it’s gone forever. There have been times that just a smile has changed my whole outlook, literally made my day. Lately too often have felt ‘unseen’. But try to remember that God’s Eye is always upon us. Thank you for sharing your story.

    • You are seen so clearly, Bobbie. You are seen and the One who sees you also delights in you. Thank you for sharing a little of your heart on this space.

  11. Angela,
    I’m awed by the fact that you noticed a woman and prayed for her as a child. That speaks volumes 🙂 We all need to be seen, celebrated and prayed for. God may see us, but we need the world to slow down and pay attention to us. I pray for people daily, yes if need be send a card, hand written note to let them know I care and notice them. Last Christmas I was feeling down. Aging dad & work stress had gotten the best of me. Then suddenly God showed up in the form of Joshua Tree ornaments, book and nice note cards that state “You are a beautiful blend of abilities God breathed into your soul.-from (IN)Courage. It was just the pick me up I needed.

    Blessings 🙂

    • Oh Beth! I just love that God spoke to you through the words etched on an ornament. I love that He uses any and everything to get our attention. Thank you for sharing.

  12. That is great it’s nice sometimes when someone really does notice you I love it when that happens so I do my best to notice others when I can!

    • Simple gestures of kindness go a long way. So wonderful to hear that you make this a practice in your life. Thank you for commenting, Cheryl.

  13. Thankyou, I was told by another lady yesterday that I wasn’t beautiful. Your excerpt this morning is God telling me He was there with me, because I was very ill but God was in control. I had just written about the incident in my “God Diary” and asked the Holy Spirit. ” do I need to be beautiful to mean anything to you Holy Spirit?” You see I had a stroke some years ago and yesterday I knew my body was very ill as a result of the manner in which I had been assaulted day in day out. I am resting today, thankyou for letting me know that He sees me and assuring me that He is with me.

    • I’m so sorry someone spoke that lie to you Adeola. You are beautiful … with sickness or whole, healthy body. There is beauty in you and around. God marvels in you as His wonderful creation. Blessings to you!

  14. “When you notice someone, let them know you see them.” Having 4 children, 3 of them boys, I have spent 29 years as a Mom, being all “Jason Bourne” in social situations. You know, casing the joint for possible escape routes, looking for items that could be used for weapons, and making sure no one slips behind the couch to do their “business.” We like to call it “multi-tasking,” but if you’re trying to engage with someone, and really let them know you are listening and concerned, it’s called, “NOT PAYING ATTENTION.” My kids are pretty much grown now. Our oldest has Down Syndrome, and I still have to keep tabs on him…but when I am talking with someone, I am trying to train myself to say (in my mind), “PAY ATTENTION…STAY FOCUSED.” I SO want to be present for people. I’m a work in progress, for sure, because a 29 year habit is hard to break! 🙂 Love this post. Thank you so much for sharing.

    • Thank you for sharing a part of your journey, Marty! I love how you are committed to being present for people. Jesus will really use that!

  15. I enjoyed your message and realize how often I pass by others without any inclination to smile or offer them encouragement by recognizing their plight. I have felt the same way as being “invisible” to those around me. While my outward expression may be pleasant, my inward being yearns for someone to reach out and recognize me as a person of worth. Thanks for sharing about Bean Soup and the prayers you offered in her behalf. I need to look outside of myself and see others as those who need God’s comfort and presence. Prayer changes a person and brings them peace.

    • Hugs to you, Kathy! May you be blessed with extra encouragement today and through Jesus, may you “see” more people. I just love your heart, thank you for sharing.

  16. Thank you for sharing, and it is so encouraging that you SAW her and prayed for her. If only we did this for each other more often. It would be even better if we all saw the “bean soups” and if we went to sit with them for a while.