Lisa-Jo Baker
About the Author

Lisa-Jo Baker is a bestselling author, lapsed lawyer, and current acquisitions editor for HarperCollins. Originally from South Africa, Lisa-Jo lives outside Washington, D.C., where she fell in love with her husband in the summer of ’96. Their story spans decades, languages, countries, books, three very opinionated teens, and one dog.

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(in)side DaySpring:
things we love
& you will too!
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  1. Lisa-Jo, thank you for these powerful words and also for showing me that even though my own precious Mum has gone to meet her Heavenly Father in heaven that I am surrounded by mothers: by women who have shepherded me in my grief through the love of Christ that runs deep within them and overflows to meet me at every aching turn. Women who pray for me and my family, who message me to check up on me, whose hearts grieve AND rejoice with mine, who point me back to my Saviour when life overwhelms me. Thank you, Lisa-Jo: these words are so precious to me right now, barely a year after I had to let go of my Mum, as cancer swallowed more and more of her life here on earth (but not in heaven: praise God!!!!).

    • And BTW: thank you so much for writing your book. It was such a blanket of comfort just after my Mum passed away and I also ordered a copy for my sister as a baby shower gift (first baby and she lives on the other side of the world to me) and she told me it really touched her too.

      • Anna – so glad to know we can do life together even though we may never meet. That we can walk through the shared highs and lows and cheer for one another and pass the chocolate cake and a good book.Thank YOU for sharing this beautiful look into your own journey. So many warm wishes, Lisa-Jo

  2. Lisa-Jo,
    I believe that when we embrace the mothering nature in ourselves we are seeing a unique side of God. Man and woman were made in God’s image and sometimes we think, or at least I do, of God being more like a man. But, God nurtures, and cares, and cradles, and rocks us when we hurt. He holds us close, like only a mother can. I believe we are called to see the mothering side of God and then to go out into the world and pass on that nurturing gift of ourselves on to others. It doesn’t matter if they are our own children that we’ve given birth to…whomever we love is a child…a child of God. Thank you for a beautiful post and a loving call to go forward into the world with a mother’s heart.

  3. This is so true. I recently came back to a little ministry job I had to give up for season. The Pastor welcomed me back and said, “We missed you, you Mothered the church building through your ministry.” I can’t think of a bigger complement than to be told, “We missed you, mothering.” Thanks Lisa Jo super post and love the pictures.

  4. Lisa Jo, what a wonderful celebration of WOMEN! Thank you so much for your words today. They will encourage many. I appreciate this because I always wonder how Mother’s Day feels for women who aren’t mothers. They need encouragement too! 🙂

    • Thanks Betsy, and yes – I think we all mother in ways that sometimes we don’t even recognize. And we bless each other when we say it out loud. so many warm wishes, Lisa-Jo

  5. Lisa-Jo,

    Thanks for a great post! I loved this quote: We mother and motherhood is its own mission field and no one is disqualified from serving.

    I never truly thought of myself as a mother as I’ve never had children. The way you describe mothering is so much of what I’ve done lately. Last year we moved my aging dad into assisted living and I “mothered” him through many trials, falls, etc. If mothering consists of making food for people who have lost loved ones, or have family in hospital then yes I have mothered a bit last year! I will continue to mother & show Christ to everyone!!
    Blessings 🙂

  6. Thank you! This went along with our pastors sermon this morning.We are all nurturing to those we come in contact with even though we may not be biological mother’s.Thank you for putting my heart into words.To all ladies- Happy Mother’s Day!