Chavos Buycks
About the Author

Chavos is a wife, creativepreneur and intercessor who seeks to comfort, exhort and edify people. She’s addicted to God’s presence and often sweets...

(in)side DaySpring: things we love
& you will too!
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(in)side DaySpring:
things we love
& you will too!
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  1. Oh my friend . . . I can relate to hating my body so well! Not hating it has been a long process, and one that I have to revisit fairly frequently! Thank you for sharing this vulnerable and wonderful story.

    • You’re right, it is a long process. A journey of self love to see ourselves the way God sees us, and a day-to-day reminder of our true beauty in God. Thank you for reading Melissa!

  2. Thank u for sharing ur journey which will inspire, encourage many others. Ur Beauty starts inward, then reaches outward. U r
    truly Blessed, Anointed with GOD’s DNA.

  3. I have also struggled with hating the way I look, especially after gaining my baby weight. Recently I read an article on CNN from someone who works in hospice, and it said one of the things that people regret the most is spending their life hating their body, especially in those moments when their body is diminishing as they die. Our bodies help us experience beautiful things in this life – a good meal with friends, sunny days playing outside with our children, etc. This gave me so much perspective on not hating my body but thanking God for the gift of it instead. It has also challenged me not to complain about its imperfections, like my extra baby weight 🙂

    • Sounds like a great article. I would love to read it. Well said, Elizabeth. Yes, we must see our bodies as a gift and moved from complaining to gratefulness. Blessings on your journey as you celebrate life and its beautiful imperfections 🙂

  4. I have struggled with my self-image too. My skin is far from perfect and I too have tried many products and home remedies to try and make it look better. I have asked the same questions and have felt so worthless and not beautiful. Thank you so much for sharing your story and for helping me to see that I AM BEAUTIFUL…AND I AM FEARFULLY AND WONDERFULLY MADE IN HIS IMAGE.

    • YES you are Carmen! Society doesn’t do a great job in helping us women accept ourselves like God created us. They constantly bombard us with product after product, image after image, and cause us to compare and be dissatisfied. But in spite of them, “WE will arise and declare, “we’re beautiful, we’re accepted and we’re approved by God!”

  5. Chavos.

    I am right there with you. I guess you could say I’ve been in a prison for about 3 years now. The phrase “bars of self-rejection and low self-esteem” ring true with me also. My job drastically changed 3 years ago due to new boss and recently underwent a tremendous change, Having low self-esteem didn’t help the fact that they were in fact saying that I couldn’t do certain things I had been trained to do in school simply because I didn’t have the right degree (AS medical assisting not BS RN).

    Now I find myself taking offense a lot when people say I can’t do this or that! It makes me feel stupid, dumb, ugly, etc. I will start saying that verse “I praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made” to restore and heal my self-image. over to myself. I will remind myself that God doesn’t make junk–He makes good things!