Shannan Martin
About the Author

Shannan Martin is the author of Falling Free: Rescued From the Life I Always Wanted, wife of a jail chaplain, and mom to four kiddos. She's a big believer in community and salsa, and blogs at

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& you will too!
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(in)side DaySpring:
things we love
& you will too!
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  1. Beautiful thoughts this morning on how God loves us and how we in turn love our children. I ♥ you Shannon! I didn’t technically adopt but I did marry a man with sole custody of his 13 year old son and became insta-mom…. 5 years later, I can’t quit that boy. I could have chosen to walk away because back then at 29 I thought what do I know about parenting a kid??? But I’m so glad I went all in.

    • Yes!! I have friends who are blessed to be on the receiving end of insta-kiddos. I love your spirit and heart here. So thankful you went all in, and I appreciate this perspective this morning.

  2. Shannon, I needed this post this morning. As the mother of two adopted pre-teen boys we are having our struggles. And yet, you’re right. Our boys are chosen—by God for us—and by us by virtue of the desire to adopt. We love them with all of who we are.

    And what a beautiful reminder that God chose me. Yes, walking in this truth is something I need to do more consistently. I can rest in the fact that He chose me. He’ll never give me up. He loves me (and each of us) perfectly, passionately and completely. He will never leave or forsake me/us.

    I needed this today. Thank you!

    • So glad this was a blessing to you!
      I just prayed this morning (in the shower, haha) that I would walk in MY chosen-ness today, too. We all need this reminder!
      Stay strong with those boys. This is not for the faint of heart, but God knows exactly what each of us needs.

  3. Your encouraging words really blessed me this morning after an attack on my mind, soul and body from someone used by Satan to make me feel unworthy. God has chosen me and he loves me and for that I am eternally grateful. Thank you.

  4. I read the title of this and said to myself, I wasn’t chosen. I had been struggling with my 3 foster children all week and was feeling discouraged. I had to smile as I began to read the article and knew it was a message from God. I was chosen to be with these kids no matter how short or how long and they were chosen to be with me for stability and unconditional love. Thanks so much for your encouraging words!!

  5. I love this post Shannon. What a beautiful picture you’ve painted of being chosen. We have two adopted children (all grown up now) but they are so much of who we are. God’s beautiful design for our family.

    To look each day as we were chosen would silence the lies we tell ourselves that we are not enough. To look each day as we were chosen would be living in gratitude every single moment. That is a beautiful way of looking at today.

    Thank you for your words.

  6. My heart is sad for those who are children who are not. We have foster children in the U.S. who are not chosen. Families choose to adopt from other countries and we refuse those children right here in the U.S. I read in our local newspaper that 780 children in this city of Springfield, MO are homeless. I plan to make, hats, scarves, mittens, legwarmers this year for these children.

    • I’m thankful you’re willing to do what you can for them, Carol.
      And it’s encouraging to know there are foster parents (like the ones on this thread!) who are taking up the mantle and choosing these kids while they have them!

  7. Thank you for this. The word “chosen” has been on my heart and in my healing these last several years. My marriage of 17 years ended when my husband, torn between me (and our 5 children) and another woman he had recently met off a “have an affair” website, declared to me that he knew he had to choose between us, and “I Dont. Choose. You.” The reverberations of NOT being chosen by him re-opened never healed wounds from my own parents’ divorce when my father chose not to father, my brother chose to move away, and my mother chose another relationship over me. God has been miraculous in the journey since those ugly words from my former husband, but I still struggle with believing I AM chosen. I am loved. I am His beloved. He is woo-ing me daily and i rejoice in how it is changing me and my heart. Thank you for your sharing!

  8. So what I needed to hear as I struggle to rise today. I can’t save my son, but he is mine and I love him. No matter what. I will share this post with him. He needs to know he is chosen by me and God. Thank you.

  9. we have a hymn in church that’s relatively new… it moves me to tears every single time.

    Do not be afraid, I am with you
    I have called you each by name
    Come and follow Me
    I will bring you home
    I love you and you are mine

    knowing he has called me… has chosen me. it’s the most amazing gift. i spend the better part of most days forgetting that!! beautifully written.

  10. <3
    Thank You So Very Much for these Words Today.
    God's Perfect Timing.
    It is Between Him & Me as to Why these Words are So Very Special.
    <3 S
    Psalm 25:14-15 (NIV)
    The LORD confides in those who fear him;
    he makes his covenant known to them.
    My eyes are ever on the LORD,
    for only he will release my feet from the snare.

  11. What a blessing to be reminded that I have been adopted into God’s family, right into His loving arms, with all of my failings. Thank you.

  12. What an uplifting post! Thank you, Shannan for reminding us that we are God’s chosen–marked for divine favor (LOVE that!). He provides for us and protects, he guides and prods, he encourages and trains–all because of his unfailing love for us. AMAZING!

  13. I love this beautiful truth! We are chosen! I am writing a series about identity and I recently wrote about the topic of being chosen. I enjoy reading your perspective on this topic. I love “being chosen changes things.” Thanks for sharing!

  14. Shannan, thank you…our amazing Abba has been reverberating this same message to me, but I esp appreciate the “changes things” perspective. It struck me today as I read your post, He has also chosen those who have hurt us…it gives me courage to pray for them, that they, too, will realize they have been deeply loved, favored…chosen.

  15. Shannan,

    Thanks for sharing that we are all Chosen by God. No matter what we do, don’t do or how we act He will always love us and want us!!

    Blessings 🙂

  16. This hits all the happy spots in my soul. We live in South Africa and we gave our (adopted) daughter a Zulu middle name, Khethiwe, which translates as “chosen”. AND her Nana calls her “little treasure” which was written in the scripture you quoted. Wow! Gotta love God-incidents.

  17. Thanks! For this beautiful message on being chosen by God! Right now, Because of all the rejection and hurt, it’s sometimes hard to understand, the what!

  18. Dear Shannon
    I am chosen… Those words are resonating at a very deep level for me at this moment. I am thinking of all the people with physical and intellectual disabilities that I HAVE BEEN CHOSEN to raise money for so they can continue living in community in L’Arche with the dignity and respect God says they deserve. And they do deserve to be welcomed like every member of a family. So even though I have never adopted as a parent, I adopt every day and share respect and love and dignity for those who are marginalized.
    God bless you in your work and your words

  19. God bless you all,
    God has chosen us, what a beautiful blessing to receive. I have been hearing chosen this week and needed to hear God’s voice. God is amazing and I’m so thankful that He chose us. We are his treasure and He is our King. I will focus and thank Him all the days of my life. I pray that we all bow at His feet and bless His holy name. Hallelujah! Amen

  20. This message today has been a lift for me in my spirit and my heart. I had been struggling my entire life and made choices in men and/relationships based on past childhood hurts for not being chosen and accepted by my paternal side of the family and it led to more brokenness, heartache and pain. But for God himself to use you so mightily today to speak to my broken aread is nothing short of beautiful and amazing! I thank
    you for walking in your purpose!

    God bless!

  21. This is wonderful to read. I am getting married in the summer and will become insta-mom to three school age kids. I never wanted to be a mom but I wonder why I love them so much. Even though they have their mom, they bring out in me such a love and desire to protect them from the world. I always wonder why. And I realize it’s because just as God chose me to be His daughter, he has chosen me to be these kids stepmom. This is something I have to remind me myself when the crisi and problems come. Thank you for this beautifully written devotional today.

  22. Thank you! I needed to hear these words. I also have four young children who came to me through adoption. And now I am walking through the fire of divorce. I need to remember that I also am still chosen. No matter what.

  23. Thank you. An especially timely message as this is my birthday. With life that sometimes feels like it’s in the blender and other times smooth as silk, it’s important to be reminded that we are specifically CHOSEN by the KING. An assuring thought and one that makes it worth it to continue to rise and be and do. Thank you.

  24. This brought tears to my eyes. Recently, I have felt beyond the grasp of Christ, because of one particular sin. I wake in the morning and am already defeated. “I won’t overcome this today.” “I will never win this battle.” Thoughts similar to those sit inside my heart and mind, just simmering. As I was reading this though, a thought came to my mind. God does not just choose me once and that’s that. He chooses me every single day. There will not be a morning where I wake up and He has left. So grateful for what The Holy Spirit as whispered to me through this post. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

  25. Dear Shannon,
    I still have goosebumps, the struggles I have been through, after reading this I understood my PEACE i have today, yes I am the chosen on with all my chosen friends. God Bless you all!!

  26. Amen !!! Thank you for the reassuring and encouragement. Truly. we are the chosen one and He will never forsake us!! With His strength and power, we can overcome all things along our path. Have an awesome day.

  27. Shannon , thank you. Lately I have been feeling greatly discouraged…God, do you hear me? Are you really there? I have two adult biological sons, two gorgeous grandchildren, and one beauty of a daughter-in-law. My older son is a skilled worship leader who suffers greatly from Crohn’s disease . My younger son no longer calls himself a believer – I know God knows how lonely he is. Yesterday I went to bed even shutting off my desires…I felt that I could no longer pray. When I awoke in the night with nightmares, I cried out to Him…to Whom else would I go? And now I read your blog with keening in my body and spirit! I will ever love my sons, and The Lord will ever love us! We are the chosen, Oh Lord, sustain our faith when we are exhausted, bouy us up when we need You encouragement !

  28. Shannan, may the Lord keep blessing you and give you more encouragement words for us. Words which reminds us always that we are chosen for God’s will.

  29. That ministered to me. We are all God’s chosen people, according to Paul in his ltter to the Romans. Every who is covered in His blood, those who where baptized belong to Him. He will not let them go.

  30. Its a hard time in my life, I can’t believe someome choses me, because I dont want to choose myself!!! But this day I’ll try to say to myself GOD LOVES YOU He Loves me just as I am

  31. This unique message came @ the Lord Fathers perfect usual timing !!! This has blown me away, I am his “chosen” one out of millions of people !! I have been in a very long seasonal poverty time with the Lord fighting my corner after losing a job in 2012 & major surgery in 2013 which was a hugh success, because the Lord carried me though it !! Becky xx

  32. Shannan, Isn’t chosen a beautiful thing?!?!! I was chosen by my parents 56 years ago and they helped me realize I needed to chose our Lord and Savior while still a little one. Bless you all!!!

  33. This is wonderful. As an adopted child myself, I love adoption verses and verses that tell me that I am chosen by God. I always have known I am adopted. I was told when I was old enough to understand. My mother fondly remembers me being 4 years old or so and my wrapping my arms around her legs and telling her, “I’m glad you chose me.” I still am. But most importantly, I am grateful that God chose to allow His son to die on a cross in a pain-filled matter that I don’t even want to imagine for my worthless human self. Someday I hope to wrap my arms around the Savior and say the same words – I am glad you chose me.

  34. great words of encouragement indeed. Brethren, God is really showing His great power, signs and wonders in the lives of the CHOSEN ones. No doubt it is evident in the lives of the members of the LORD’S CHOSEN CHARISMATIC REVIVAL MOVEMENT. They are like the Israelites in the Bible days that God was so protective of. Get connected and get into that real covenant with God today.