Lisa-Jo Baker
About the Author

Lisa-Jo Baker is a bestselling author, lapsed lawyer, and current acquisitions editor for HarperCollins. Originally from South Africa, Lisa-Jo lives outside Washington, D.C., where she fell in love with her husband in the summer of ’96. Their story spans decades, languages, countries, books, three very opinionated teens, and one dog.

(in)side DaySpring: things we love
& you will too!
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(in)side DaySpring:
things we love
& you will too!
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  1. Oh my! So many of you I already know and love so very much. SO MUCH!! And I am celebrating with you today and thanking God for each of you and the words you will share with us in this place. What a gift so many of you have already been to me {sigh}..SO grateful! Congratulations, and welcome to (in)courage…xoxo

  2. Congratulations to all of you! This is an exciting time and God is sure to continue to bless so many lives, including mine, through the words and truth expressed through this awesome community! Blessings to you all and here’s to a life-changing-Jesus-following-cake-eating-coffee-drinking 2014! 😀

  3. Ooooo, girlieQs–we are so thankful for you to join us!! We know how difficult the selection process was, and I am so very proud of EVERYONE who tried. I trust the Lord’s hand was a part of each decision, and it is HE who wishes to use the collective voices he’s brought together for now. 🙂

    To God be the glory alone, building his kingdom through the sharing of Good News.

    I love this space, her people…and ((you)).


  4. What a lovely group of women. Had the opportunity to meet Karina Allen at Refine Retreat this past weekend. Can’t wait to read your words.

  5. Oh these beatufiul faces and the stories and words that will come from their hearts… what a beautiful blessing to this community. I can not wait!

  6. I love this! I am familiar with some of you and can’t wait to become familiar with the ones whose words I haven’t read yet. I love that that this is a place where so many beautiful women can gather to share their stories and lift each other up!

  7. Love the we all get to keep loving Jesus together, loving on each other, loving a world that needs to know O, how He loves them!

  8. I am looking forward to reading each new heart and story! I cannot wait to see the fruit of God’s gifts continue to pour out on this space!

  9. Wow, what a fun, diverse group of girls! I’m excited to get to know you all through your writing. Congratulations!

  10. Just *thrilled* beyond reason to welcome each of you and for the grace and love personified throughout the (in)courage community. God is so good to each of us. Group hugs all around!

  11. As I read these introductions and looked up some of their websites, I see beautiful spirits in a variety of stations in life. Congratulations to all of you! I’m looking forward to reading your posts. 🙂

  12. Hey ladies…You picked a winner winner in Shannen Martin, that flowerpatch of a farmgirl. Love that you add new voices occasionally. Can’t wait to make new friends!

  13. What beautiful new faces! Some are familiar and some are new to me. I can’t wait to read your words and hear your hearts. You chose well, (in)courage, but then again, I knew you would. Bless you all! I look forward to hanging out here at the beach house with you.

  14. This community fills my heart with so much joy! I’m beyond excited to welcome our newest contributors and I am both humbled and inspired to know that nearly 500 brave and beautiful Jesus-loving women reached out toward this opportunity. How amazing is the evidence of God’s passion for filling and encouraging women to share their stories wherever they are as a means to serve Him and others.

  15. Yay, congratulations to these sweet sisters! So excited to see Jennifer Dukes Lee on this list as she is one of my favorites. Looking forward to walking up each morning with each of you ladies. It’s so fun to make new friends. 🙂

  16. WOW! This is an amazing list of new contributors!
    Reading through your short intros, I had tears in my eyes. The sweetness of your words is so touching my heart. I am so EAGER to read more from each one of you!
    I recognize several ladies. Alia Joy, I have just been getting to know from the (in)courage writers community group, which is an amazing group, led by 3 amazing ladies (Alia, Kathi and Tonya). Liz Curtis Higgs I got to know from the down on the farm Christmas video with Ann Voskamp. Jennifer Dukes Lee I know from reading so many of her blog posts. A couple others I am sure I have seen blog posts or comments from as some of your faces look familiar. I am SURE I will be reading and commenting on your (in)courage posts very soon. I LOVE the energy of love, joy, peace, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, humility, and self-control that flows from each of you. The patience fruit is probably there too, but right now it is overwhelmed by excitement, because you are probably as eager to write for us, as we are to read your posts.
    God is blessing us all today. Thank you to the (in)courage writers and organizers for all that you do to encourage us, support us, love us, correct us, pray for us … You are all amazing!

  17. Welcome! I love seeing these beautiful faces and families and look forward to reading your words, getting to know you, and watching you energize this space.

  18. Hey there Aliza Latta, good to see a Canada represented here. I feel so incredibly blessed to come here and be encouraged by this amazing group of women. Thank you for sharing your gifts for the benefit of others. I love this community.

  19. Congratulations, lovely writers – you are each a beautiful and perfect addition to the (in)courage team! Can’t wait to see where God leads you in this!

  20. And then I clapped and did a happy dance for all my sisters that I love so much and the opportunity that God has given them and all of us to read and write stories of His amazing grace. Ya’ll rock and I can’t wait to read!

  21. This made me smile! Congratulations, awesome women!! Some of my favorites and some that I do not know yet but will no doubt soon be added as favorites! 🙂

  22. Thank you all for the warm welcome. I love this community, and how we’re all just a bunch of sisters serving Jesus, and serving one another — washing each others’ feet with words. It happens in the posts, most definitely, but also right here in the comment box every day.


    (((((( All the sisters who come to this place ))))))))

  23. It’s SUCH a joy to see these beautiful new faces and anticipate ther words in the posts to come. Contratulations, ladies! May God fill your pens/keyboards with powerful words of truth, hope, and life for His girls!

  24. So thrilled to read this news and also to read the welcome comments from this amazing community, I love this small reflection of Heaven. I love that we are “for” our sisters in a way that is so counter cultural. Will be praying wisdom, protection and God’s presence over each of you lovely women of God xx

  25. What a joyful bunch of voices and stories – I’m so excited about this new lineup joining the (in)courage contributors. I’m looking forward to their words mixed with the ones that are already shared here. What a blessing.

  26. Wow!! What awesome news! I cannot wait to see what God has in store for all you ladies and the (in)courage team ♡ i am looking forward to hearing your hearts and how God speaks through each and every one of you… this is a wonderful place of encouragement

  27. Oh my. Meeting so many new friends, all on the same day! Thrilled, scared, and every emotion in between. Asking God to whisper the words you most need to hear.

  28. I’m so excited! Already love Liz Curtis Higgs and now look forward to hearing from the rest of you. So many walks of life are represented here, any woman can find a piece of her own story and be encouraged to walk with Jesus!

  29. Wow- seeing all these lovely faces is so encouraging.
    Many of the women here have spilled out words that have comforted, challenged and made me laugh. Grateful for their voices and anticipating all that will unfold.

  30. So exciting to see the new contributing writers at (in)courage. Some I know already, some I am glad to meet, but I look forward to the all hearts and stories shared through their words to encourage hearts of women to be built up in the Lord.

    Congratulations to the nine new writers.

    Thank you to the (in)courage team for prayerfully considering and welcoming these women.

  31. I am blown away by the grace of this community. Thank you, each of you, for the warm and genuine and enthusiastic welcome! You’ve totally made me all floaty and joy-filled today, and I am also totally terrified =) Thank you for such grace.

  32. I’m so excited for the new writers! I’ve spent periods of my day looking at Flower Patch Farmgirl’s blog and Joy Forney’s blog and I’m thrilled. FPF’s sense of humor keeps putting a smile on my face and I’m giddy with excitement over her adopted family. I haven’t looked at Joy’s blog too much, but one of her favorite posts caught my attention, “20 Things I Want to Tell Engaged and Newlywed Women”. I’m looking forward to being encouraged by you ladies. Thank you 🙂

  33. This is my first involvement with (in)courage. I can’t wait to read them all. I’m a wanna be blogger and writer but life always seems to get in the way. Excited about being a part of (in)courage community.

  34. Wow! Congrats to the new contributors…I see some familiar faces and some new ones…Look forward to reading more…blessings to each and every person 🙂

  35. I’m excited to see some familiar names and faces on this list. And I’m looking forward to getting to know the rest. May God bless each of you as you share you’re stories with us. Thanks for living in Courage.

  36. All of you are such BEAUTIFUL women!!! I can’t wait to share my mornings and a hot cup of coffee with you…. another 5 reasons why my life is blessed!

  37. Great lineup! Expecting fabulous things from the nine! I recognize some and some I do not but won’t it be super fun to get acquainted. I know all of us will be blessed!

  38. Praise The Lord! Thank you ladies for sharing your life and wisdom with us. I’ve sat around a table with Karina laughing and praying. It’s so exciting to see so many more faces at the table!

  39. Yay! What a line-up of great new faces, talented writers and encouragment galore! He is to be praised for each wonderful lady! And my two favorite authors Renee and Liz!!! I am thrilled! Can you tell? 🙂
    Well done ‘incourage’!
    So looking forward to hearing from each and every one!

  40. This sounds like a fun adventure! And what a rich dynamic of personalities and experience to share it with. Looking forward to hearing more!

  41. Wow, wow, wow! What an amazing group of ladies!!! Congratulations to my beautiful friends and the ones that I haven’t had the privilege of putting in that group yet. Your words inspire me and challenge me. What a blessing for all of (in)courage’s readers to have your words now. Thank you for saying “yes” with your life! Hugs across states, borders and oceans!

  42. So excited to check this out! Looking forward to hearing all of you share the message of Jesus Christ! Prayers and blessings to each of you.

  43. Love seeing this community expand so we all can reach out and touch more who need encouragement, love, inspiration. God bless you all as He has commissioned you in this new role!