Lisa-Jo Baker
About the Author

Lisa-Jo Baker is a bestselling author, lapsed lawyer, and current acquisitions editor for HarperCollins. Originally from South Africa, Lisa-Jo lives outside Washington, D.C., where she fell in love with her husband in the summer of ’96. Their story spans decades, languages, countries, books, three very opinionated teens, and one dog.

(in)side DaySpring: things we love
& you will too!
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(in)side DaySpring:
things we love
& you will too!
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  1. Opening your doors a bit – how humble and awesome and exciting.

    Just prayed that you all would have wisdom, discernment, and even joy – as you go through the process of picking those 5 contributors. Lord, lead them.

    Kate 🙂

  2. Love this…lifting all of you up as you pray over so many hearts and stories. God’s got this, and it will be beautiful to see what He does. 🙂

  3. Wow!!! So exciting. I know you will have quite a job ahead of you selecting whom to join your team. I’ll keep you in my prayers. I know with God’s leading you’ll find the perfect people to join your team. Good luck!!

  4. Wow what a blessing to work alongside such amazing women. May God grant you wisdom and discernment as you choose. May you choose wisely. Bless you

  5. I love this…..I have felt God pulling me to do something with my new freedom (recently moved, 3 kids left for college, quit my school job mid-yr). Writing devotions from an empty nest heart might be just what God is directing.

    Praying for you INCOURAGERS!!

  6. What an exciting opportunity! I’ll be praying for not only those applying, but also the ones making the decisions – that God would clearly communicate His will. 🙂 I love this place and how it nurtures the hearts of women. 🙂

  7. How exciting! Praying for the (in)courage/Dayspring crew as they endeavor to choose these contributors! I can’t wait to find out who they will be and look forward to reading their words! 🙂

  8. I am probably the only one out there, but I feel you should choose someone who doesn’t/isn’t a mom. Everything written seems to relate to a busy schedule and being a mom. I’m heavily involved in my church, but I am not a mom. It was never in God’s will. Just a suggestion.

    • Tammy, we hear you & we are excited to be able to add some new voices to this community who can encourage from a variety of life experiences & stages 🙂 If you know anyone you think would be a great fit, please have them apply!

  9. What an incredible and beautiful opportunity you are offering! I echo what these other kindreds have said in their comments: I pray for wisdom, discernment and a true confirmation and knowing for the committee. It is a joy and a gift to read Incourage everyday, friends!

  10. I, too, shall be praying – what a beautiful, encouraging site this is. I get the daily posts delivered to my inbox, and look forward to them every day! I’ve often read soothing words of hope and help for exactly what I’m going through that day, at that time. I frequently forward posts on to others, too, and have used them in workshops as so many of them hit home with real life situations. What is here is relevant and relateable, which makes it such a great resource. Blessings to all of you as you seek His will in expanding your beach house family!

  11. Oh how exciting that you’ll be adding new contributors. For the past three long years, I’ve been contemplating, over analyzing on being a writer. I’m going to throw my hat into the ring and see what transpires. During the past four years of my life, I’ve experienced life in a whole different way, as a caretaker, being broke financially but not spiritually. God has shown his power, faithfulness and grace despite my weaknesses. I am being forced to realize my former career is in the past, and writing is something God wants me to do. To give other women (& men) encouragement in their marriages, families, and friends. To hold onto what is concrete, and worthy of time, and energy. What really matters in our walk with God, is how we love, and where our strength comes from.

  12. Yes to Tammy’s suggestion–or even more radical: how about a contributor who’s over 50? It seems that the 35 and under crowd rule blogworld . . . And that leaves a large demographic virtually voiceless.

  13. I use to read blog posts often and then life got busier and I forgot about this site. Recently, I came back again. Actually it was through joining Lysa’s current on line bible study ~ Made to Crave ~ which has been a wonderful read by the way.

    I find I enjoy reading due to the different voices and perspectives with each post….I look forward to see who comes into your world to (in)courage us all a little more each day.


  14. I read this post this morning and got way more excited (read: distracted) than any one person should be when she’s trying to get two kids out the door and to the doctor! Praying for the applicants, the team, and God’s leading. And thank you, thank you, thank you for the opportunity!! Amazing.

  15. What an opportunity! What if you’ve never written a blog before but feel God tugging at your heart? Step out of the boat?

    • After two years of putting the idea on the backburner, I finally stepped out of the boat last month. I just got to the point one day where I thought, “If I’m ever going to start a blog, it’s going to be today.” I wrote a post and went live. It’s been incredible to see the way others can be encouraged by your shared stories. GO FOR IT KRISTIN!

  16. Umm crazy excited and breathless because boy I love this place and these women and this community of sandy feet. Can’t wait to see where God leads next, how these generations can stand united FOR each other, to change the world by bringing Him glory.

  17. This is such a great moment! (in)courage has been the ocean breeze in my life so many time this past year, it would be hard to count. I’ll definitely by praying over this increase! More voices means more joy and more truth and more light and well, MORE! Blessings!

  18. TRUSTING God to give you wisdom on choosing your new contributing sisters. Praying for preparation of all the hearts of those applying to be acceptive of rejection AND for those chosen few…the acceptance. I’m new to call myself a “writer” and have already found many blessings from the words shared in this community. I know I’ve been called to write for His glory. If it’s His will, I’ll join you! What an exciting thought. And if not, I’ll route on those chosen. And continue to be blessed by this forum that speaks to my soul as a mother…writer…sister…daughter…friend. Praying! xoxoxo

  19. Very exciting! I’d love to write and if I’m not chosen, I’m excited to hear new voices. You’re always an encouragement 🙂

  20. Thank you for the exciting opportunity. I, too, will be applying like so many others because – well -why not? As a fairly new, semi-regular visitor to the (in)courage community I have enjoyed discovering all the goodness you offer here. Will be praying for you all during the selection process and for the writers/teachers you’ll add. God bless!

    • I was thinking about you. And sure do hope you apply here! It would be great for more women to hear God’s voice through your wise words.

  21. A God-ordained opportunity for some special women who will be sharing their hearts (and His heart) on behalf of thousands of special women. I, too, have only recently been introduced to (in)courage, but I am blessed by it every day. Praying that each of us responds to the call of the Holy Spirit to pursue whatever He has put on our hearts. Thanks, (in)courage!

  22. Oh my! What a huge opportunity! I applied and will be praying multiple times daily for the writers that you choose to become a voice here at (in)courage. Whoever is chosen I am positive they will be a huge blessing as well as become very blessed by the opportunity to allow God to shine through them to thousands of women!

  23. Hi

    This is such a great opportunity to spread the Gospel of Love,Peace and Hope through our Lord Jesus Christ.

    I am in Africa – Kenya. Can i still apply?


  24. What an amazing opportunity. And what a blessing for us all as we get to receive the fruit of the ones chosen to join alongside this beautiful team and ministry. Praying for Wisdom, Grace and Favor over you and all those who are led to join!

  25. this is great, we know our God be pleased with every application, and may the selection team be full of wisdom and grace for the task that lies ahead

  26. Praying that the enthusiastic response will only be an indication of God’s grace and faithfulness here, as you have opened your arms and taken us in, whereas we have plopped ourselves down and made ourselves at home in this safe place.
    Thank you for investing in our hearts and lives, for His glory.

  27. How exciting!!! Praying for wisdom, praying for courage, and just generally praying for all the amazing things this team has and will accomplish. Love you ladies!!

  28. Amazing! May the Lord’s will be done as you all work diligently to yield to Him as He adds to your team. Praying now for the many hearts that are fluttering with nerves and excitement as their eyes hurry to scan blog archives to find the perfect submission. 🙂

    With Hope,

  29. What an opportunity for your team, the new contributors and your faithful followers to be blessed! I pray that God will be glorified through your decision making. I’m sure it’ll be a difficult call to make, but all you need to do is trust that God will be with you and guide you to the right people. Exciting times!

  30. What a great opportunity…praying God gives you all wisdom as I can only imagine what a tough job it will be to pick just five people as there are so many encouraging writers/people 🙂

  31. If I write for myself but have never started my own blog, is it possible to apply? I have wanted to get to a point where I can’t not write on a regular basis and felt that the door has opened for that in the last month or so.
    I am praying for you as you make decisions for new contributors. I also am praying for al that apply t o seek His wisdom and His heart on the matter.

  32. I love that you guys are doing this and are opening the doors in such a way. I will be praying as you work through the applications. Big hugs to you all!

  33. What an exciting opportunity! I cannot wait to see who you add to this already amazing line-up of women who’s hearts are hard after God.

  34. Wow! You truly are a home for the hearts of women. What an amazing group of women you are! Thank you for this opportunity and for sharing His love the way you do.

  35. Wow! Only 5? That will be a difficult decision! And for those 5 chosen, an awesome responsibility!! God will be in the decision, and in the postings of those 5 brave women given the task to encourage women online with (in)courage. May God bless you all, and give you wisdom and strength. This may not be an Olympic event, but it is exciting!

  36. My prayer as I hit “submit” on my application form: Thy will be done. (And of course it WILL be, as it always is!) 🙂 Blessings and peace.

  37. This is such an amazing opportunity for so many women who are pursing God’s calling on their lives. I’m praying wisdom and discernment over the entire (in)courage team! God bless all of you!

  38. As I read the comments left by others I am impressed with the spirit of wanting to please and praise God. What a mighty force as we move forward the Kingdom of Light just a bit more! Trusting God will lead you as you expand your team. A recent upheaval of a move leaving behind my established work, family, everything familiar has me wondering what God has in store for this season of my life. Waiting for him to reveal and direct as he promises he will.

  39. How am I supposed to sleep now?! I read this post while I was at my son’s karate class and could hardly sit still in the bleachers. Doing a few karate chops in the air might have helped release some of my excitement (but probably not)! I am in awe of this opportunity and so grateful for the chance to be considered. Praying for God to clearly illuminate who would be the best fit for this place and space. Love what y’all do…I had the courage to apply, in part, because of this encouraging community and all the ways I have been inspired by those here. Thank you!:)

  40. In the same way God guides you each day in bringing us all the (in)couragement and community we need, He’ll lead you in this wonderful process of expanding the contributor family. I join my sisters here in praying for each member of the team as well as for each woman who applies. May God give you wisdom and discernment grace and strength. Thank you for the gift of (in)courage!

  41. I’m new this week to (in)courage but I’m a huge fan of Ann Voskamp. I love it when women encourage and speak life over other women! It is so vital to building the kingdom of Heaven here on earth! Blessings to all, with wisdom and discernment, on your endeavor to seeking new contributors!

  42. I am fairly new to this absolutely awesome beach house ~ what a community this is! Not only are the blog posts encouraging, inspriring and faith-building but the comments others leave behind. I nearly chuckled outloud (but bit my lip- it’s crazy late and I don’t want to wake my hubs) at how nearly every comment poured more and more encouragement over the applicants and hosts. How good is God, giving us a place to link arms and stir up joy, strength, hope, and love!!!!
    Come Lord, shower this place with a fresh dose of Your presence! May each applicant be guided by your voice and encouraged not just in the acceptance or rejection but in the process, the process of stepping out! And may you shine your favor and light on the hosts of this amazing community, expand their territory Lord, strengthen their voice. May they have the mind of Christ, may they have wisdom and discernment to steward this place for your glory! In your mighty name, Amen

  43. Hey girls- This. Is. Awesome. I read your words and immediately thought of a few friends I should encourage to apply. And then God whispered: “what about you ?” And so in my ’50 yr old /sort of empty nest/ living in the suburbs/ raising a middle schooler/moving past widowhood/ writing from my heart & life and hoping it blesses someone’ phase of life, I am taking the plunge ! Regardless of outcome, praying that God continues to breathe life through the words that flow on this sight. That sisters continue to link arms and hear His voice whisper “You are not alone” by the words they read here. What an incredible blessing you all are !

  44. Very exciting and wonderful…Praying God will lead you to those He is calling. And that those who aren’t called to this, but want to be, will find their way to the perfect fit for them. Lord you are good, your plans are good. Bless this team with your Holy Spirit wisdom, counsel, and peace. In Jesus’ name, Amen!

  45. Thank you for your love and for opening your doors to everyone. May you find the right ones that God has placed in the right spot and the right time for you.

  46. What an exciting time for the (in)courage online community. Yes, I will pray in agreement with you for the perfect fit–We can be certain that when we ask the Lord for anything within His will that He always hears us. And since we know that He hears us, we know that whatever we’ve asked of Him, He will provide. 1 Jn. 5:14-15

    I’m looking forward to meeting your new writers and reading their sweet sisterly love hugs.

  47. Wow! So much awesomeness right here! So many amazing women. Thank you for opening the doors and saving seats. I will pray for the hearts of those making decisions – that God will give His Spirit of discernment and clarity. And I pray for the hearts of each woman who longs to share His story through words of hope and grace. I thank God for this rare and beautiful community.

  48. What a wonderful opportunity! Praying He will use you and those you choose to His great Glory. Praying He will lead you to the few with wide open doors – making your decision process clear and smooth:)
    Sweet blessings!

    • Kelley, read through the comments above. I’m pretty sure I saw someone else ask if they needed to have a blog and Crystal said, no, that it wasn’t a requirement and encouraged her to apply! Find a way to contact one of the incourage gals directly and ask how you can still apply without a blog! 🙂

    • Hi Kelley – yes, please feel welcome to apply if you feel led! We’ll collect your email address on the application and will be able to contact you if we have questions or would like to see a writing sample (just fill in “email for further information” or something along those lines in the form field so it allows you to submit).

  49. Hi! How might I apply to be a contributor if I don’t have a blog nor a URL to direct you to my writing?

    • Hi Audrey! Please still feel welcome to apply – we’ll collect your email address on the application and will be able to request additional information/writing samples from you if we need them 🙂

  50. Oh, my! How exciting. The thought of it has butterflies in my stomach. Wondering how many other: closer-to-60-than-50/outrageously in love with her husband/mother and stepmother/grandmother of teenaged boys/living in a multigenerationsal family/works at a Church House/just packed up my Christmas decorations last week kinda applicants you’ll have? Because, really?? I have to hope there are lots of gals out there just like me! Love all y’all and will be praying that the obviously God-ordained ministry continues to blossom and bless!

  51. Do you ever seek out photography contributors? I think that your photography is often as beautiful as the writing it accompanies… or do people submit their own to go with their writing?

  52. Yikes! Was just finishing my application and it disappeared, could I please still send it in somehow?!

    • Me, too! I thought the deadline was the 28th. Can I forward my application responses via e-mail?
      Thank you!

  53. Hi. I was wondering when It would be announced who the new writers are? Thank you so much and God bless.

  54. I’ll be praying for the Lord to guide you in your final decision. I wanted to share a story with you regarding a Brady Bunch mom who thought she was done raising kids until God stepped in and delivered a boy via email. I’ve attached the link to my story above. Have a blessed day!

  55. Wow, what a fantastic opportunity this must have been! Thank you for allowing God to shape your community and I hope the nine new-comers enjoy the ride!