Lisa-Jo Baker
About the Author

Lisa-Jo Baker is a bestselling author, lapsed lawyer, and current acquisitions editor for HarperCollins. Originally from South Africa, Lisa-Jo lives outside Washington, D.C., where she fell in love with her husband in the summer of ’96. Their story spans decades, languages, countries, books, three very opinionated teens, and one dog.

(in)side DaySpring: things we love
& you will too!
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(in)side DaySpring:
things we love
& you will too!
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  1. hi, ladies! so excited to register–but it was a little odd that i had to pick a US state to go with my address in another country! 😉 so, i picked my in-laws’ state!

  2. Hi cant seem to register it just keeps taking me to the page about Registering Wednesday 15th with no where to register? Help!!! Living in Mauritius are we allowed to register?

  3. Hi!
    Would love to register but there is no option to choose my province only States :o(.
    Thanks for any help offered!

  4. I’ve registered from London U.K. but just chose a random U.S. state so I could complete my registration. Very happy to host. So excited about this amazing venture and I guess God is too. Thank you so much to everyone who works behind the scenes to enable registration and the weekend to happen. X

  5. Call me brave AND crazy, I signed up to host…although I have never participate before. Jumping right in with my whole body, mind and soul, apparently. I am slightly terrified that: A. No one will show up – even my bestie B. I’ll forget the chocolate, or something because I do stuff like that.

    • You, my friend, are BRAVE! (in)RL isn’t about big numbers, or the chocolate (though goodness knows I do love that!)…it’s about holding open the door to whomever God has planned for your meetup – whether it’s time for you to connect one-on-one with Him, or celebrate over cupcakes with 30 🙂

  6. Hi ladies,
    I signed up earlier as a host, but actually opened two separate meet ups. Oops, can you help? The Beach House is the one that needs to be deleted. My second one “Meaford” should stay put…thanks so much!

  7. I’ve registered for the first time and would love to host a meet up in London, U.K BUT I’m not great at IT and can’t work out how to register to host. Sorry to be so stupid

  8. I just registered and am hosting my first Meet Up! I will take any suggestions, advice, encouragement 🙂

  9. I am stupid, it’s official! I can’t find the ‘start a new community’ to click on when I go to the map page!!!!!!

    • Definitely not. I’ll walk you through it! go to this link and log in in the top right corner. You’ll have to create a free meet up account if you haven’t already.

      Under the map it says 72 (in)courage: home for the hearts of women communities. Beneath that, it will show if there’s a meet up by you already. For me, I live in Birmingham so it shows the one that’s already meeting there. But right below that, there’s a small green circle with a plus sign in it, and next to it it says “Start a new community in____” Click that and it will ask you the name of your community – put in your city and click create!

  10. Aaaaaaah!
    Had a confirmation e-mail once I’d registered but now when I try to register as a host it tells me there’s no record of my e-mail address being registered.
    God is good, struggle with technology though! I do believe in miracles though because God is good.
    Maybe a sign I shouldn’t be hosting!!!!!!???? Only joking!

    • Did you click host or attend when you registered? And what’s your email address that you registered with? I’ll check real quick to make sure it went through! Just click “Reply” right under this comment and I’ll see it when you write back!

    • Hey Lisa! Keep checking back at we get closer to the day! And maybe consider hosting a meet up? It’s so much fun – I promise! I loved hosting last year and we will provide SO many tips, tools, and fun surprises to help hosts!

    • No no no you are completely fine I promise! It shows that you’ve registered with the correct email address! I think the issue is that Meet Up doesn’t recognize your address, right? If so, that’s because meet up is a separate website and you have to create a free account with them to sign up to host/attend a meet up!

  11. Oh, I am all over this! The last two years I’ve sat timidly with my pile of pain watching the excitement but not engaging, but this has been a Brave year. Truth finally knocked out Pain in the 12th round and I’m (in)!

  12. I registered on the 15th and would LOVE to win either of those tickets! I would freak out and kick down doors to get there no matter what!! 🙂

  13. After I signed up to host, I saw someone else start a meetup in our town. I left her a message on her meetup page, but I was wondering if there was a way to connect with her to see if she wanted to do something together. Thanks.

  14. Hi,
    Just checking in to see if the winner for the Allume tickets has been announced. I was able to go last year and loved it.

    Danielle Rogers