About the Author

Bonnie Gray is the author of Sweet Like Jasmine, Whispers of Rest, wife, and mom to two boys. An inspirational speaker featured by Relevant Magazine and Christianity Today, she’s guided thousands to detox stress and experience God’s love through soul care, encouragement, and prayer. She loves refreshing your soul at...

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  1. Oh Bonnie,

    I felt so beautifully touched by your words. This christmas is a christmas of changes to me. But I’m satisfied. Really.
    As I read your words, I felt a bit more cozy and I enjoy this winter time a bit more. And knowing about God’s great and never ending love is a big present to me. Over and over again. And maybe…this is the first christmas I feel it so deep!
    Thanks for your words. For the song that touched me gently.
    Be blessed,

  2. Thank you for this beautiful post.
    I am up early because so many thoughts swirling steal my rest.
    I am reminded that Jesus is the Savior, not me.


  3. It’s amazing to me that every step of my journey it brings me to ur words of such joy. Jesus surely uses u to bring such truth in a way to bring light to our paths.

    May ur Christmas and all ur readers be able to see the light in their journey to whole ness in Him.

  4. Tears are streaming down my face. Thank you for the reminder to keep looking up. Today I woke up to the raging storm. But I am now finding comfort in Jesus. Thank you for this !

  5. I have never felt a snowdrop fall in the night but this Christmas I felt the touch of the little Christ Child’s hand. Like a snowdrop. The LORD is touching me this Christmas with a lot of peace and stillness and in the silence and peace and quietness of it all, JESUS is big time in my home and my heart and my husband and I are having such a joyful Christmas together. Alone together with JESUS. A blessing falling from above for us this Christmas.
    Thank you, your winter song is lovely.

    • karyn, my heart smiles so warm and happy to hear what a peaceful and quiet Christmas that is filling you and your husband. May you drink in and swim in the blessing fall so abundantly on you this year. Savor it and take it all in, friend. All for you.

  6. Bonnie, your beautiful description brought so many images to my mind. The ‘light in the dark’ metaphor reminded me of our junior high school choir’s Christmas program back in the 70’s… we would wear white robes and carry a single battery-operated candle in our hands as we walked in procession into the historic auditorium. Our candles were the only light, and as we filled the aisles and moved onto the stage, the warmth of that light glowed and illuminated every corner of the huge room. As we walked, we sang ‘Silent Night’ in four-part harmony, acapella, to a hushed and captive audience. It was a profound experience for me..

    That experience has inspired something that I have done nearly each year since: At or after midnight on Christmas Eve, I steal away outside to look up at the stars and softly sing ‘Silent Night’. Acapella, alone, in the darkness. It’s my own personal hymn offering to God, in thanks for His amazing gift to us on that first Christmas. When I close my eyes, I can still see the glow of those candles in the darkness… bringing the light of love to all it touched. Oh, how I wish I could find a Christmas Eve service with something similar!

    • Deb, thank you for taking time to share such a beautiful memory to light this space here this morning. It’s amazing how something so simple speaks so deeply to our soul and spirit. It’s beautiful worship — the special gift you give to God — your personal hymn. Merry Christmas and may those moments continue to feed your soul.

  7. Thank you, Bonnie. It’s a hard Christmas for us at the end of a hard year. At the end of a series of hard years with no assurance next year will be easier. Thank you for the reminder that I have permission to steal a moment of beauty alone with God. Blessed Christmas to you!

    • Sweet tinuviel, it has been a long year for both of us. 😉 Yes, may you steal a moment — hear His Winter Song for you — and hear my warmest, heartfelt Christmas wishes for you — from here in CA — to where you are. With wishes of rest and recovery for you, friend! xoxo

  8. Your words helped to warm my heart to the real meaning behind Christmas -Christ. I seem to keep getting lost in the list of things left to do and the procrastination but your post has in a sense given me permission to procrastinate and focus on the Lord. The presents will be wrapped. They will be enjoyed and most of all love will fill the season because God -JESUS is not only a part of it but He is the REASON! I look at my makeshift nativity scene and I think to myself “if a manger was good enough for my Saviour then surely an unofficial nativity set on a hope chest is acceptable because I built it with my heart, my LOVE for Jesus and my gratitude for His birth and His resurrection.

    • Dear Marisa, thanks for sharing your reflection. May you feel the company of all of us who are wrapping presents alongside you — all of us hearing God’s winter song in our hearts. Merry Christmas, friend!

  9. This message really resonates with me. I’m not completely in the dark, but I’m not fully walking in the Light either, but I want to. You remind me that God’s light faithfully shines – and we know it’s there even if we have our eyes shut tight for a moment.

  10. I have tears running down my face. I know that God is with me even though I am going through tremendous pain. I know that some people wont understand this. My cat is missing. He was gone on Dec. 6th and I have done everything to find him. Posted on craigslist, facebook, put flyers door to door, made a report to animal control, checking all the shelters and still I have not been able to find him. He is not just a cat to me he is my baby. I treat all my pets as my family. This has shaken my faith somewhat. I know that God hears me but I have found no comfort, no answers. When am I going to feel or hear an answer? I will always look to God even if I cant see because of the tears.

  11. Such poetic words. Truly a gift from God.

    Thank you for writing so eloquently about something so simple. Following a star. Letting a little light into an otherwise dark world.

    I need more light in my world now. It has become a little dark. Needing more happy & beauty to shine from within!

    Thank you for your open honest writing.

    Merry Christmas!

  12. Your words touch the deepest part of me, I love poetry your poetry is amazing I have never given myself permission to be creative I am only really beginning to see myself how God sees me its been a long journey of peaks and being so low I never realised just how low one can get, its the worse place I have ever been, I have an understanding now where I just want to reach out and say NO its not the answer just reach out to Jesus scream out. My dear Mother passed away very recent and I never realised just how much I would miss her she is home with the Lord now, it has left a gaping hole inside I know that God wants me to get closer to Him i’m scared I keep running to everything else that I know is not going to do it, I am going to follow your wise words of stepping outside in the night or sitting alone with the lights on with a candle I am I will I’m not going to be afraid anymore……….God Bless You

  13. I know this is several weeks later, but I am just getting around to reading this Bonnie. I think it is the right winter day for me to read it. Oh I so identify with seeing beauty and beginning to cry wishing I could just have a bit of same things. I need the reminder of the the winter song from God… thank you dear friend.