Lisa-Jo Baker
About the Author

Lisa-Jo Baker is a bestselling author, lapsed lawyer, and current acquisitions editor for HarperCollins. Originally from South Africa, Lisa-Jo lives outside Washington, D.C., where she fell in love with her husband in the summer of ’96. Their story spans decades, languages, countries, books, three very opinionated teens, and one dog.

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(in)side DaySpring:
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  1. WOOHOO!! Cheering big for you today Lisa-Jo, and Sally, and the entire team behind this. So excited to see this launching and to watch as women around the world come together and make a difference for their sisters.

  2. Oh, this is exciting! Happy, Happy Birthday (in)courage! May this space and its inhabitants and its visitors be blessed in the coming years as it has been a blessing to others. xxoo

  3. Thrilled to be a part of this! Can’t believe I’m just now learning about (in)courage — just goes to show there are so many women just waiting to connect, needing this community, still out there unaware!

    Cannot wait to see God’s work continue to be done through this ministry in Kenya! Thank you for the humbling opportunity to help!

  4. Happy Birthday, my dear (in)courage!! God has worked mightily through you in these four short years, and specifically, He has equipped me to encourage other women through you. Thank you for your obedience to Him and your love for women! I’m so excited to be a part of these projects for Mercy House, and know that God will do even more than we can imagine through them! Love & cupcakes to you!

  5. So, so happy for (in)Courage, for all of you dear writers, for Kristin, and especially for Mercy House. How God has blessed me through your words and actions. Praying that Mercy House would be incredibly, mightily, beyond-all-we-could-ask-or-think blessed in these next few months. Excited to be a part of it!

  6. Happy birthday, (in)courage! What a blessing you’ve been in my life these past 4 years. Thank you for dreaming with me. Your presence in my God-sized dream and my life has been tangible. The road has been long and hard, beautiful and inspiring and I thank God you said yes with me!

    • Thank you, Kristen for teaching us all what brave looks like. How it often looks like tired and run down and still yet still determined. It’s been something to be able to join in on this with you. Thank you for bringing us along.

  7. I am so blessed to donate to this wonderful project. We have very close friends who are missionaries to Thailand. I know what a difference we are able to make when we support each other in what the Lord has called us to do.
    Thank you for this beautiful privilege. God bless the Mercy House and the heart of all the (In)courage women for listening to what the Lord has spoken!

  8. Amazing! Happy anniversary, what a wonderful way to celebrate!!! I have a mom friend who lives in Kenya/Nairobi and she coordinates a MOPS group there. If you are interested in contacting her or meeting her, please write to my e-mail. Her church runs a pre-school in the slums with over 100 kids. Thank you!

  9. Thank you for what you all do – GOD BLESS YOU AND ALL THOSE BABIES & THEIR MAMAS in Kenya! I am in – here’s to reaching ALL the goals by contributing dollars and prayers, and spreading the word!! 🙂

  10. And doesn’t this just have me all weepy at school!!!! And how did I miss the blog party about this…????? Epic fail.
    So much love in this post!!! Praying that Mercy House will see God’s provision beyond the wildest of expectations!!!! This here is Kingdom work… this is holy work!!!! This is community work! Good on ya (in)Courage.

  11. Woot Woot! So excited to be a part of this!! Thank you Lisa Jo and the whole Incourage team for all you do for the Kingdom!!

  12. Happy Birthday (in)courage!!! So happy I am apart of something that feed my soul and other ladies who enjoy it as much as I do. I feel blessed to be apart of something that the FATHER is in the mist of all of us.

  13. Kenya has been on my personal prayer list for a few years now. I wasn’t sure why God put that burden on my heart but, now I’m thinking this is why!!
    Oh ya and I just met a women in my bible study who is from Kenya. How crazy cool is that. Helen

  14. I love the idea of Mercy house. This one sits heavy on my heart as my own daughter gave birth at the age of 16 and it ended up being the best blessing for our family! I am happy to join you in the cause….

  15. I am actually headed back to Kenya in June 2014. I will be following up on projects that I started in June 2004 with my dear friend Martina, who is a Kenyan. I will try to plan a visit to the Mercy House.

  16. This project is blessing me, just as (in)courage has blessed me since I first stumbled up it 4 years ago! I’m honored to be a blogger participating and can’t wait to share, spread the good news, and watch love bloom for this facility and all its sweet occupants!
    xo Heidi

  17. You know I love this! So so excited to partner all together! It has to be such a proud moment for the Lord when he sees the body moving together in this way to honor and glorify him! Just love it!

  18. HaPpY AnNiVeRsArY!! What a wonderful way to celebrate!
    Thank you so much for bringing this ministry and its needs to light. I would never have heard about it otherwise. I am honored to give and share/partner with such an amazing ministry.

  19. My Mom left for heaven 3/15/13. On Sunday it would haven been her 71st Birthday. So this marks six months she has been gone and her first and my first without her. My birthday is next week the 18th. I have been trying to think of a way to honor my Mom and her kindness and legacy of love she left me, this is it!!!

    • Hi Melissa. I was just reading through some of the comments for fun, and saw yours. What a beautiful way to honor your mother! I’m so sorry for your grief. You are giving a wonderful birthday gift in her name. God bless you! I just said a prayer for you and your family.

  20. Happy anniversary! Is wonderful to know what is happening in Love of our God. Be blessed dear sisters.:)

  21. W.O.W! What a testimony of ” Women of Wisdom & Women of Worship”! Let’s invite our girlfriends to a Mercy Morning Tea or Girlie Day Spa at our homes. Each one donates whatwe would have paid for these out in the world ~ what a beautiful gift for the daughters if the King in Kenya! Bundles of love, joy, peace & hope, LYNG.