About the Author

Kaitlyn is a Virtual Assistant, book launch manager, and storyteller who writes about discovering God's goodness in the ordinary and faithfulness in the difficult. She loves good books, deep conversations, and iced vanilla lattes. Kaitlyn is the author of Even If Not: Living, Loving, and Learning in the in Between.

(in)side DaySpring: things we love
& you will too!
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(in)side DaySpring:
things we love
& you will too!
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  1. Kaitlyn,
    Since discovering (in)courage, I have been soooooo blessed by the women who have a heart for encouraging others. As a writer, you have kept me going many times when I felt like throwing in the towel. As a woman and Christ follower, you have spoken to my heart and loved on me in such a special way! I appreciate the “realness” of your team and your willingness to be vulnerable so that others may be drawn by His love. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

    • I’m so glad (in)courage has been a blessing to you! Keep on writing – you’re a part of the (in)family, too πŸ™‚

  2. This community has blessed me up and down and sideways. So thankful for the friendship of so many of you and others here. When I found this post, I was sitting in my bathroom, still wearing a towel with hair dripping wet and tears streaming down. I wanted to quit. I wanted to go downstairs and delete all my words, all the comments…everything. Then I saw the tweet from you about this post, and reading it, the tears dried, and God reminded me why I write – for Him, for you, for me, for all of us Sisters trying to walk this journey in faith. It is a hard walk, and we need each other. Thank you for this needed reminder this morning. Love and hugs to all of you!

    • What perfect timing that you would find this post when you so needed it. Girl I’ve told you time and again, you are so a part of this family. Everyone is! There’s nothing exclusive about it, we just get to plan and dream for you, and you can just sit back and dive into community and enjoy! We just hold open the doors. Hugs to you.

      • Haha – don’t get frustrated with me if I need that reminder continuously. πŸ™‚ My human brain falls back into its old routine of doubt and second-guessing all too easily πŸ™‚

  3. I’m a new reader to (in)courage, and I love it. I look forward to reading here every morning. I love the perspective I get from reading posts written by women from different backgrounds and stages in life.

    Praying for this ministry.

    • Welcome Marty! I always love hearing from the “newbies” and I’m so glad you’re here and part of this family that stretches the globe. We appreciate your prayers!

    • Nasreen I see your name all over social media and you are such an encouragement. Thank you and I’m so glad you’re here!

  4. I just love the hearts of the (in)courage women! I sense such good will, such of sense of you cheering us on, that you truly are interested in our good. Thank you. Praying that God would continue to use this ministry for community with Him in the center, just like that awesome cross at Dayspring. Bless you girls as you bless us:)

    • I am *so* glad that you sense those things…they’re all true! We really appreciate your prayers – and yes, I seriously love that the cross is in the center! That’s always what is most important.

  5. Having read (in)courage for a few years now I am so excited to read this post, you encourage me each and every day with your posts and although I am in Great Britain I feel like I know you all xxx it is such a fab community and I look forward to the future of (in)courage xxx

    • Absolutely LOVE that you’re reading from Great Britain! How fun! It’s always encouraging to us when we see this (in)courage family around the world!

  6. I can’t wait to see what the future holds for (in)courage! Such a lovely place to hang out and fill your heart with words from women in all seasons of life. Does my heart good! πŸ™‚

  7. Oh, Kaitlyn, I just love your heart! I love this whole post with all the pictures and permission to be (in)cluded in such an awesome community! Thanks for sharing with us! Waiting with much anticipation for (in)RL 2014 …

    • You are absolutely included…and I’m always thankful for your kind, encouraging words. Thank you, Julie! And yes…I am pumped for (in)RL 2014!

  8. I would love to be a new (in)courage to start the fall session on September 16th, but I’m a little confused as to what I’d be signing up for! What is it, exactly, that starts on September 16th, and what does the commitment of a new (in)courage entail? Thanks!

    • Hi Beth! We would love for you to be a part! Just email incouragers(AT)gmail(DOT)com and they’ll give you all the details. : )

  9. Kaitlyn,

    Thank you to everyone at In(Courage). You women bless the socks off me every day with your posts about daily life! I love reading all the posts & comments. It has helped me realize how blessed I am with a great hubby and wonderful life in the country hills of upper E. TN.

    Thanks for everything you do! God Bless!!

    • It’s a blessing to do the behind-the-scenes work, and a bonus to hear that it blesses you! We’re thankful you’re here. : )

  10. I have to say I am newish to this blog and I trulyhad not rrealised how many were involved. Shame noone from uk.

    I love what you contribute

    • I’m so glad you’re here, Tracy. πŸ™‚ I think most people don’t realize how many it takes behind-the-scenes, but that’s true of everything! It’s a joy for all of us to serve His girls.

  11. I’ve been tuning into (in)courage for a couple of months now and I get my weekly update via email and settle into reading all the posts through the next few nights before bed. I have had encouragement to a lost faith, Jesus has always been with me and yes he is my Saviour but there has been a long absence to our relationship in between. As I am growing closer to God (in)courage has been doing just that encouraging me with each step. Thank you xx

  12. I just came to your site. I love the idea and the feel of the interaction. I am an older parent (I’m 51 & have a 10 & a 12 year old). From your pictures, I’m not sure that fits your demographics. Also, while not speaking for everything cross-cultural, I know many -far too many I’m afraid- who would not return to your site because they pics seem to display a lack of diversity. I’m praying a change will come in that area as you seek to minister to others. God’s richest blessings to you all.