Lisa-Jo Baker
About the Author

Lisa-Jo Baker is a bestselling author, lapsed lawyer, and current acquisitions editor for HarperCollins. Originally from South Africa, Lisa-Jo lives outside Washington, D.C., where she fell in love with her husband in the summer of ’96. Their story spans decades, languages, countries, books, three very opinionated teens, and one dog.

(in)side DaySpring: things we love
& you will too!
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(in)side DaySpring:
things we love
& you will too!
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  1. Thanks for this encouraging post, Lisa-Jo! Definitely having a lot of those errands forgotten, laundry and dishes piled up weeks, and occasionally some smeared eye makeup days, mixed with the good and the laughter. Goes very well with yesterday’s Broken theme. Thanks so much for posting 🙂

    • My husband and I were blessed to acquire the perfect accomodations for our family’s vacation next year, to celebrate my 65th birthday with our children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren! Thanking God for giving us the desires of our hearts…..getting to share time with our family! ! !

    • I got to see one of my little brothers after almost 26 years. He’s sick now but it was still to see him again and to help him go through what he is going through with now. I’m a little heartbroken this week and I don’t know what to do with it and I thought I was doing something good for one of my family members and I guess I just wasn’t measuring up.

  2. Lisa-Jo,

    Thank you so much for the reminder that no matter what kind of week I’m having, HE SEES ME!
    One thing that made this week special is that my son (20) who is home for the summer, and who has taken a bit of a prodigal walk, has been practicing playing his drums again in order to play in the worship band at church tomorrow. Sure it’s been loud and noisy ’round here and the dog keeps wanting to go outside lol, but I see God at work drawing my son back to Him. I know there will be tears in my eyes tomorrow when I see/hear him using his God given talents to glorify God! It’s just been a wonderful reminder that God NEVER gives up on us and loves us no matter what…

  3. All week it’s been one of those I shoulda but couldn’t, wanted to but wasn’t able, wished I felt better but didn’t, and ended with oh thank you Lord I made because of you. So, this was incredibly fitting to read as my first one this week. Just what I needed as guilt was creeping up for not being able to do the things I wanted and needed this week due to sickness. Now off to pack for vacation and squeeze in a urgent care visit!

    …..thank you!!!!!

  4. In a week of feeling like in live in a glass house, this is a wonderful reminder that He is my most significant spectator. Is so often forget that.

  5. Thank you for the post. I got fired at the end of my shift on Friday. Sometimes it’s hard to know what to do about a situation that you have ni control in. I know I didn’t allow (or trust) God to take care of the situation. Because of Obama Care I had lost hours and became a part time employer losing my vacation and any holiday pay. I worked for a company that works for another company and asked that company why they didn’t take back over? My cimpany called that inappropriate conduct and fired me. I feel I didn’t do anything wrong except to try and keep my full time job.

    • Patty,
      Your situation touched my heart. I’ll be praying for you that good will come out of this.

    • Patty- Empathy goes out to you- I got fired too, but, for being overly compassionate to a customer. Where I live you cannot get unemployment benefits if you are fired. This is a first for me so admittedly the self esteem took a nose dive. Our Heavenly Father has a plan for us to prosper us and not to harm us so keep our eyes on HIM. Prayers for you and Blessings on your day.

  6. I agree with Andrea- it was a loong week. But with God seeing — he got me through. One special thing was my 13 yr d daughter cleaning and organizing our downstairs. What a blessing that was! Then last night visited with old friends.

  7. What a blessing this was to read this morning. What made this week special was playing hockey with my 16 yr old son in the driveway. He’s a travel ice hockey player, but still likes to play outside. If taking shots on net keeps me connected to my teenager, then that’s what I’ll do! Thanks for the reminder that He sees me.

  8. This post was a blessing to my heart this morning. Thank you.

    One special thing for me this week is seeing our one month old daughter smile out of being happy for the first time!! She was cooing and smiling yesterday morning as well as this morning. It is so wonderful.

  9. I found myself nodding as I read this post…yep, yep, it was that kind of week. Oh, yep, and that kind too…Awesome reminder that we are loved. Thank you!
    One thing special this week: A conversation with my brother that was healing for both of us.

  10. Wonderful reminder of His love for us – thank you! This week I have been praying for a friend going through some dark times. Praying that God will see her through this. As for my week, I am stepping out in faith to pursue the use of my portion of creativity… God is good, and I love that He is the great I AM…

  11. My heart jumped at this post. I needed this so badly and God provided it!! Just to know God has gone before me and prepared the way for me to make it through makes all the difference!! When the week was done, this morning I see this insightful post–God sees me!! Thank you for sharing your words with me!!

  12. Thank you for this important reminder. I immediately forwarded it to my work email so I can remind myself of this during those difficult days! 🙂

  13. Thanks for the reminder. I know God is with me even in the smallest details. Love you.


  15. As I read the fifteen comments so far to this heart-warming blog, I was impressed by what a busy week our God has had! He’s been working in the hearts of loved ones, assuaging guilt, reassuring us of his power and presence, enabling us to endure, augmenting the joys of life, keeping our loved ones safe, giving wisdom for dealing with people and circumstances, and more. Thank you for pointing out, Lisa-Jo, that God not only sees us, he’s got this!

  16. This definitely speaks to me! For those highs – and especially the lows – He sees us!! Thank you for reminding me, Lisa-Jo! God blessed me, through you today!

  17. I have been looking for a job for many months and interviewing quite a bit. I never imagined that the Lord would bless me with 3 job offers on the same day. I had faith He would provide me with the right job… the twist was that HE provided me choices. I know so many people are out there looking for work and it is so hard to wait. Just remember to enjoy the season of waiting — take the time to do the things you normally wouldn’t do if you were working. If you get frustrated like I did so many times it is okay to let God know — He understands. Hold onto faith — even if on some days it is as small as a mustard seed do not lose faith. God’s timing is always what is best for us.

  18. God is Good all the time. Thank you Lisa-Jo & thank you momof3. Husband out of work 9 months now & trusting God daily. Enjoying our days together (I don’t work) HE has the plan. HE sees all! Tuesday was truly Blessed with a Birthday dinner with my daughter & 2 grandsons!! God grants the desires of our hearts! HE sees! Love you Ladies & pray you have a great weekend! ❤

    • Carol…I totally understand about husband out of work. Mine has been out of work for 2 years and I have been home with him the past 2 years because I was not working. I will pray for both your husband and mine that God will open up doors and bring them both a job soon.

  19. Thank you for this reminder! We are never forgotten, even when we may have forgotten to spend time with our Father. My blessing is a week with my immediate and extended family who all live hours away. So blessed to get to see them, and hug them!

  20. Being able to have spent time with family in another state and then traveling home safely to ‘get back to normal’ and just live each day to its fullest.

  21. I took my boys to the Ohio State Fair on Wed. We shared a funnel cake, looked at livestock, watched a lumberjack show, ate dinner, saw a parade, checked out the butter cow, got ice cream, rode rides, and watched fireworks. My oldest, with whom I have a VERY difficult relationship because he has behavioral and psychiatric challenges, thanked me over and over again for taking them to the fair and gave me lots of hugs. The meltdown the next day because he was overly tired was almost cancelled out by his spontaneous show of gratefulness and affection. 🙂

  22. All I can say is THANK YOU for keeping it so REAL here. These words they were balm to my wounds today.

    One thing this week that was special was the one card in the mail (Dayspring at that!) for ME, meant just to encourage this momma in her very difficult season.

    Leaning on the Faithful & Unchanging One.

  23. These past few years have been hard, work wise. My job duties have changed drastically, we got new boss & she & I don’t get along to well.

    This week especially was hard as my almost 88 yr. old father tripped on some board & fell face down on concrete. He is banged up, but doing ok. I seem to be the one who has to go look after him & make sure all is well. It can be draining at times.

    Thanks for the reminder!

  24. Thanks Lisa-Jo for your most insightful post. No doubt, you sweetly followed the Holy Spirit’s leading on what to write to tap into the feelings of so many people.
    This week revealed many things to me, the best of which is that last week is over and for all the troubles people caused me last week, Jesus made good on His promise to return blessings when people meant me harm. I’m not all about getting blessings. I’m about nurturing a deeper and sweeter relationship with my awesome Lord and Savior. <3

  25. Today is the one year anniversary of being told I had cancer. The surgeries & chemotherapy were very difficult; but God was always with me. On Monday of this week, I started radiation which has been a piece of cake in comparison, although & I had it every day. Many friends & family members have prayed for me and I know that I know that God will always be with us no matter our circumstances so I praise HIM! God bless each of you.

    • I pray for your complete healing. Father according to Isaiah 26:3 you guard us and keep us in perfect peace. Shalom Shalom. Wholeness wholeness. Be the guard of Frances Lord and strengthen her in her weakness soul, body, and spirit. In Jesus name, Amen.

      I don’t have a life or death illness, but I do have a chronic one. I hate for anyone to suffer with any illness. God bless you.

  26. Reading Psalm 139 before I logged on today. Brought tears to my eyes because I so need to know He sees me. He knows me. He has a plan.

  27. Thanks for the encourgement!! Even though all the things that happen this week I know that the Father got me and was walking with me through things. I felt His presence more this week letting me know that you will never walk alone.

  28. Yes Jesus is the same yesterday today and forever He gave me revelation to a vision I had 12 years ago !!!!!! Blessings Marilyn

  29. Thanks for the post to remind me to count it all joy! As vacation plans are falling through due to my sister-in-law being sick (she has a summer home) I’m still looking forward to spending some special days with my husband. And the special thing that happened to me this week is that my husband told me I didn’t need to color “my grays” for him, but if it makes me feel good, then go ahead and do it! Just came back from the salon. 🙂

  30. My week feels kind of wrinkled, but in a good and relaxed way. Thank you God for seeing me and not my wrinkles.

  31. ….an unsolicited phone call from my son. Although I was at work (a busy ER) God granted me 10 whole minutes of quiet, uninterrupted conversation. It was an awesome blessing!!!!!

  32. Got back to school supplies for the kids handled… that makes me feel SO accomplished. 🙂 Thank you for this post today! What a joy to know that the God of the universe really SEES each of us! AMAZING!!

  33. Thank you for this post! It was a hard week but a great one, too! We found out we will be blessed with another baby boy this winter. God is SO good!

  34. It was a week! Good reminder. We have adopted our grandchildren who are now 2 1/2 and 3 1/2. We have had the 3 1/2 year old since he was 14 months old. Yesterday for the first time, he said to me “Mom, I love you!” I melted. The younger boy has said this often. The older boy I figured out was waiting for mom to come back so he could live with her again. This breaks my heart to know this, but also melts my heart that he is feeling more at home to tell me he loves me.



  35. Finding this post and replies blessed me today. After a difficult week, I was blessed to spend a lovely afternoon on a beautiful day out with my husband of almost 29 years. God’s grace is sufficient for our every need! Blessings to all!

  36. I think I should print this one out for future reference!

    Many volunteers at our church poured their hearts and energy out to 170 kids at vbs this week. I was so weary by Wednesday that I began to complain to God about how much this taxed my already-over-taxed-energy store. That day I learned that a little boy who lost his father earlier this year decided to give his life to Jesus! I was so humiliated at my poor attitude when this one little boy trusted Father God to fill the gaps in his heart. Everything is worth that!!

  37. It was a ‘finally answered prayer week’ for us. I have been earnestly in daily prayer for my son to get a job again! Praise God – he is employed as of August 1!! SO thankful! Because yes, there have been weeks/months of waiting, watching through teary eyes as he dealt with rejection and “need more experience” job descriptions!

    Thankful hearts this week – that say Thank You GOD!!

  38. Thank you. Today I went to a 60th anniversary party for my sister and her husband. I was in the wedding at age 2 1/2 yrs. She is dying. She had already had most of one leg removed. I went to say I love you and good bye, my nieces said she may be gone in a month. He saw it all.
    Our relationship has not been smooth and for years I have struggled with resentments and forgiveness. I went because I should, not because I wanted to. And yet I did. I wanted to say I love you. As I left her I said if I did not see her on this earth again I would see her in heaven. It is a true statement. We both are God’s daughters.
    My brother was there as well. He has chosen to shut me out of his life. I tried to give him a hug, that is hard to refuse when you throw yourself on someone sitting in a chair. The response was painful. I ache for the brother I once had. God saw that too. He heard my plea to forgive, to let go, to realize I can’t change his actions.
    I sit with mixed emotions, knowing that God prepared a way, walked with me, let me find love in the mess, let me love in the mess, and loves me even when I am a mess.
    Again thank you.

  39. last week we had company and it was a week from a total horror movie…….then this week the Lord sent a couple that is in the seminary and we could talk about Jesus……I so enjoyed this week as apposed to the week prior and thanked God for this couple and the breath of fresh air they brought to this house. THANK YOU JESUS!

  40. I needed this right now. I spent the afternoon at a funeral for the 16 year old daughter of friend’s of ours. (This is the second child they have lost–they now have one child left who is 13) She died Tuesday evening in a car accident. It has been an emotionally difficult week ending with a draining day. So many tears shed this week, yet a hope knowing that she is in the arms of Jesus right now. This we know and are thankful for!

  41. This week has been with mixed emotions; thankfully not in a bad way! Nevertheless, I’ve been on a rollercoaster with my emotions. I’ve had the privilege of spending this weekend at She Speaks and what a tremendous blessing Lysa and her team have been! Superb ministry it’s been! Many defining moments and I’m grateful for this grace. Thank you Lisa-Jo for encouraging that He sees me and cares about where I’ve been and where I’m going. God bless you.

  42. Daily Skype dates with my 7-year old daughter, who spent the week with her daddy brightened every day this week! T

  43. Seeing my husband for the amazing friend that he is to me. Had a bad car accident and he was THE friend that I needed all week long.

  44. Just returned from a week’s vacation. Four kids in a van for 12 hours! My 4yo and I picked up a food borne parasite mid week which made traveling extra exciting as we mapped rest stops with facilities. Came home to find that our 18yo son who stayed at home to work and care for pets had quite a wild drinking party while we were gone. How I can feel so spiritually recharged from a week at Bible camp yet so defeated at my sons choices to reject how he was raised is quite a strange thing.

  45. This week was marked with an appointment to see all my children under my roof for an “around the table” dinner, sharing honest conversation and each other’s company. My daughter declined but the event was good and next time will be better!

  46. This past week was very brutal, Sick little girls, broken dryer, too much rain! Things were upsetting. But God put a rainbow in the sky when I got to drive my 58 yr old mother to the airport. She is on her first ever mission trip and out of the country experience! The Dominican Republic has no idea the blessing they are about to receive! As we pulled up to drop her off, she was giddy! Her joy for the Lord and the amount of trust she has in Him filled my heart!

  47. Just now my son called to say the project he so desperately needed to save his work went to somebody else -he was hurting and very sad — my husband and I were praying at that time — I just did not feel like carrying on in prayer but we persisted and then I asked my husband why is the hard work of 2 long years not getting any success — he quietly replied that God will show him the way! I trust HE will . I need to comfort the boy and I pray that I say the right thing to him!

  48. wow…thank you; last week was bitter-sweet for me, my friend moved abroad to study his masters’, and getting used to not seeing him or those 3 days before he was settled enough to be online or have a number were really hard but then again,I received lots of presents too for no apparent reason, not celebrating anything, just people being nice to me. Thank you for the reminder,He sees us always indeed

  49. I was completely blessed with community this last week. I attended the she speaks conference and the love that ruminated through those grace filled days was enveloping. God was truly present and I am thankful for that presence and the words that He spoke into all of our hearts. Thank you for all that you do to (in)courage love of the Lord!

  50. This post is wonderful, I look forward to reading the blogs (in)courage presents each day (and sometimes I get taken away from my computer and I get to catch up on a few days all at once)! Thank you for all the encouragement!

    Today’s happiness (and laughter) came when my daughter posted pictures of my grandpuppy on Facebook…I just wrote a blog post about it – I hope you enjoy it and it makes you smile too!

    Patty O
    A Thankfully Imperfect Woman

  51. A blessing this week happened when I went to visit my Dad, who struggles with Dementia, at his assisted living. Two little ladies were sitting on the porch and when I asked how they were they responded they wanted some ice cream. Long story short, I signed them out and we took a little stroll thru the parking lot to a frozen yogurt shop and shared a treat together. I still don’t know their names but the thought of this time together has kept a smile on my face and in my heart. Thanks be to God for giving us these special “winks” in the midst of trying times!

  52. Thank-you so much for the reminder that no matter how my week has been, He sees me. Expectations and reality can be so different. This again gives me permission to accept myself and know that God sees it all and loves me just the way I am.

  53. This week was VBS, and I was a snack helper for the first time. God was truly there supplying all of our needs. Many of the people I met had been brought through tragedies, and they were volunteering their time to serve others!

  54. I’ve had a truly exceptional week with JESUS. HE has accomplished much in my life this week. Ground breaking.


  55. Lisa-Jo

    I needed to be reminded this morning how faithful God is to all who love Him! Your email, I read as I had been wondering where are all the prayer warriors!! And it’s been the hardest 2 years left behind now
    My home, gone. Job searching. However,
    GOD, keeps reminding me through InCourage, angels unaware, I’ll have a job
    this coming week. I’ll buy a home in 2014.
    He never has left me through all the tears,
    losses, He became so real to me. I loved your Post this morning. thank you, Mae

  56. Really loved this verse. What a reminder of what is truly important in life. My week was one of some tears , some joyous laughter watching my 6 month old granddaughter on Face Time smiling and babbling. My husband kept me sane and laughing at the same time. Very greatful for him, God! Thankyou!

  57. absolutely love this and could be so helpful to so many. May I use it in my parish ministry?

  58. Lisa-Jo,
    I cried a ocean full of happy tears as I read this over and over today. The words spoke to my heart, my soul and the deepest part of everything I was feeling today. I actually used your outline and wrote my own hearts words as I sat at an airport after my family boarded a plane back home to Belgium. Thank you for loving Jesus and sharing with us today. Blessings, Hugs in Him…