Lisa-Jo Baker
About the Author

Lisa-Jo Baker is a bestselling author, lapsed lawyer, and current acquisitions editor for HarperCollins. Originally from South Africa, Lisa-Jo lives outside Washington, D.C., where she fell in love with her husband in the summer of ’96. Their story spans decades, languages, countries, books, three very opinionated teens, and one dog.

(in)side DaySpring: things we love
& you will too!
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(in)side DaySpring:
things we love
& you will too!
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  1. Hey from Arizona! 🙂

    Well, (in)courage to me means hope. It means a step in the direction of God’s heart. A window. A BIG DOOR leading out into the vulnerable and beautiful hearts of others. Possibilities! Ministries! Connections! Oh my!

  2. Hey y’all from Peachtree City, GA!! Fresh from AZ!

    This site has carried me through my husbands 2 year battle cancer and a move across the country. That’s just the big events! You have kept me from becoming completely Unglued and you have Reglued me! You have given me friendships and renewed inspirations! Everyday here is a blessing! Thank you!

  3. Hi from Truro, in Cornwall, in England 🙂 I’ve been here 10 years, though originally grew up in Baltimore, Maryland.

    I have been so so inspired and helped by (in)courage. I found the website a few months ago when I was battling the onset of reverse seasonal affective disorder and the anxiety, stress and depression that hit with it. I’m the mum of two little boys and a church planter. My husband and I planted Grace Church in Truro 3 years ago, it’s part of the Newfrontiers family of churches. I have found this site to be an oasis for my everyday. I’ve read some great books, heard some brilliant thoughts from other women and it really has been a touchstone in my day of connecting in a different way to a community of women journeying with God. Thank you so much for all you do!

  4. Greetings from San Antonio, TX!!

    I am relatively new to this site, so I am excited to see the changes and learn more about what is being covered.

  5. I’m reading from my iPhone or kindle fire HD most.

    In (courage ) means to me a place where I can find others who think the same and challenge me to be the best wife and mother I can be. I’m a mobile military wife and so many of my closets and longest lasting connections start on the Internet.

  6. The new website looks great! I’m reading from Dallas, TX. (in)courage to me means women in my community (both local and those “in community” with me via the web) encouraging each other to live God’s Word every day!

  7. I’m from England! I’ve been reading InCourage since 2010, after leaving missions for 10 months and being desperate for a christian community. I’m now back in missions but still love getting your blogs and Holley’s through everyday. They always speak to my heart in one way or another!

    I work as a volunteer and regularly travel overseas for mission trips in discipleship, training, evangelism but also my real passion; photography!

    INCourage gives me the strength and inspiration to keep going on days where I feel alone or exhausted, or those days when I think it’s just me that feels this way then I read a blog from a woman I’ve never met writing out my heart! I love the diversity of this community, from singles to mothers, from young to old-er! Even though I don’t interact on here, I know I would be accepted and loved,

    Bless you in all you do!

  8. Hey there from the Sunshine State!

    (in)courge is a place where every girl can come and find a warm welcome. Jesus hangs out here too, I’ve seen Him put His arms around each one who walks in the door.

    He does it through words.
    He does it through hearts that connect.
    All over the globe.

    And they see Him arms wide open right here, too.


  9. Hello from Rochester, NY! For me (in)courage is a authentic community where I am reminded of my identity in Christ and where I am inspired and challenged to live a live worthy of my calling in Christ. The women who write here are real and I appreciate them sharing their successes as well as their struggles because it reminds me that I am not alone in this journey as I seek to follow Jesus.

  10. Good morning from Colorado! 🙂

    inCourage, to me, means a quiet place to start my day. Before my kids get up, before the craziness starts, I can come here and breathe in the presence of God. I can talk to other women and listen to other women. It’s a unique place. So peaceful.

  11. Hey Lisa-Jo, from Salt Point, New York!

    What a fresh, lovely facelift! You’ve been working hard … and you’ve done WELL!

    Through incourage, this pastoral counselor has met some of my favorite bloggers who’ve introduced me to other bloggers who’ve led me to discover other bloggers! Without having to leave my little office in this corner of NY, my world has been enlarged and expanded, my faith has been stretched and strengthened.

    And I thank you.

  12. (in)courage is a place of community and support for me. I was so humbled to be able to do a guest post a few weeks back, something I had literally prayed about for weeks. A place to have a chance to just be heard even if just by a few. I love reading the post by all the amazing girls whom I have looked up to for so long.

  13. Today I’m reading from London, Ontario, Canada.

    I stumbled on (in)courage last year when I was just trying to sort out my faith. It had been a long and rocky journey back to relationship with God and needed help and encouragement. The words that I have read on this screen but such wonderful women have done nothing more than breathe life into faith. And, last fall I was part of the (in)courager Community Groups – and I’ve loved every second of my interaction with beautiful, courageous and loving women from all walks of life.

    Such a beautiful new site – love, love, love it!

  14. Hi from Kenosha, Wi

    I discovered (In)courage a few months ago and it has become part of my morning reading. It has been used to encourage me, inspire me, convict me, widen my views, introduce me to more blogs, and equip me in my walk of faith.
    Blessings to you for all of your hard work and individual walks of faith your willingly share.

  15. I’m reading today from Wichita, KS!

    I absolutely love Incourage – it was the website I found when I was a newlywed in Texas, wondering about this thing called a blog-world, and through the words of Ann Voskamp, discovered Incourage. Incourage will always be one of the places that ignited my love of blogging and re-energized my love of writing! It has been pure joy to meet some of your community. I regularly read the Bloom studies, and now am a Blessings Unlimited consultant. You guys have brought light and beauty to my life in so many incredible God-scidented ways! 🙂 I’m a regular reader, and am so grateful for all you do here!
    The new website is WONDERMOUS! Love it! Love to you all, and abundant thanks for all you do!

  16. Hi from SC! I stumbled across (in)courage just recently. Maybe 6 months? I love reading what others share. Very relatable. I know- hey, me too! I’m not the only one- I appreciate the authenticity, the realness & honesty of those sharing. I hope to write & share so it’s very encouraging to me. I am an avid reader so I’m very excited about the book club. This will be my first one with Bloom. & I love the DaySpring products! That’s just icing on the cake. 🙂

  17. “very excited about the book club… ” Oops ;). My fingers were very excited about it as well!

  18. Hello from Virginia Beach, Va!!
    I have been reading since day one of (in) courage! It is part of my morning devotional. I have gleaned so much from all the different ladies who write on here. Sometimes my heart has been so raw and the words spoken here have been exactly what I needed to hear during that trial. Thank you (in) courage for allowing God to work through you!

  19. San Antonio, Texas

    (In)courage to me…is a warm, cozy corner of the Internet where there is always a group of women ready to listen, share, encourage. When I need a moment of respite in my busy day, I click over to the blog and read through a post and all of the comments. I feel less alone in the isolating task of raising and homeschooling my children.

  20. Reading from Shippensburg, PA!

    What does (in)courage mean to me? It has always been a home where my heart feels welcome, a place where I can find women who “get me” and welcome me to come sit on the bench beside them. More recently it has become my community, my prayer warriors, my courage and my hope. (in)courage has been where I’ve learned what it’s like to be in community the way Christ intends, where God has connected me with incredible women who pour into my life both on & off the computer screen, and where I’ve discovered what God created me to do.

  21. I’m here from Dundee, Iowa. (in)courage is a restful place to be encouraged in our daily life and (in)couraged in Jesus Christ. It is a safe site–one where I feel welcomed to expose the real me. Thank you, (in)courage!

  22. Popping in from Loches, France. I love the new look!

    (In)courage is a way to feel connected with my sisters in Christ, a reminder of what’s important in life, and a little taste of home.

  23. Good morning fron Sunny Arizona! (In) courage has been my life line for 2 yrs. went through some challenging times & you got me thru them. Your Love. Connecting to other women, I feel like I’m reading about my life in some of these stories & God ministers in & through me with these precious women. I look so forward every morning for my (in) courage emails. Love you ladies God Bless each one of you abundantly for all of your giving❤

  24. I am reading from my laptop! 😉 Enjoying the lovely creation in Pikeville, KY.

    I just recently found (in)courage a couple weeks ago. Reading through another blog & found a link to this one. I have enjoyed it so far and added it to my daily reading of morning devotionals and encouragement. There is true heart, love and prayers as I read the genuine & authentic musings from each writer. 🙂

  25. Hello from Cenetral (soon to be East) Texas gal.

    (In) courage was something I happened upon, when God allowed me to find one of your regular bloggers, Sarah Markley.

    I did not know at the time just how much I needed the (In) courage commUNITY in its entirety.

    (In) courage, for me, has become a lifeline to other women. Women who have common goals, experiences. Each person offering unconditional support and love.

    Genuine. Grace-filled words overflowing with powerful redeeming words. Words burned in their hearts from God Holy Bible to us.

    Thank you for your burden, Lisa-Jo Baker.


  26. Hello from Southern CA! It’s full on June Gloom over here, but still lovely. 🙂

    I love the new look! Great job! (in)Courage for me is a place to read wonderful and encouraging words. The stories of how God is moving in these women’s lives encourages me in my own walk. This is a place full of true soul encouragement, and I thank you all for your wonderful words!

  27. Reading all the way from Abuja, Nigeria!

    I discovered in (courage) about two weeks ago and I’v never found a site for women so real, so up close and so non- pretensive. I connect with every one of you all in your writings and there are times when I’m done reading that I stare at the post in utter disbelief, shake myself over and over again and be like “Wow! So this “thing” I struggle with is not just me”. These past few days, I have re-discovered my relationship with my Father in newer dimensions and He’s taking me on right turn. It’s scary, yeah! but I’m in and there is no looking back.

    Thanks so much for putting your lives out there (just the way it is) to encourage women like myself who are still struggling with the personal disappointment of not being a constant perfectionist. I admire your courage.

    Please keep up the work. Praying for greater impact as more women connect. And that I get to meet y’all someday.

    • Lolu, my best friend was a teacher in Abuja for 2 years! Crazy. 🙂 Glad to “meet” you here, and so grateful we are all in this walk of faith together.

  28. I’m popping in from Switzerland:)

    For three years, (in)courage has been my faith community while I live overseas. It’s the place I turn to again and again to find honest, authentic women encouraging me to live out my faith in the day to day. Thank you all for providing a place for me to meet Jesus apart from the church. This community made me feel welcome when I struggled to find my place in a new country, and now as I return home to the USA. Love you all!

  29. (in)courage has become my close little nest of friends. I have met the most amazing and loving women here, who like me, are finding that community can be found online. Though we don’t sit on the couch next to each other having coffee. We text and tweet and email, sharing stories and encouragement – while having coffee. This is frequently my oasis of refreshment in this wild and busy world. Love you!

    It might be my computer, but the tweet was 3 characters too long and I could not get the FB link to work. I want to share this with my peeps!

  30. Reading from Jacksonville, FL …..

    in(courage) got me through my affair. I can’t say enough about the ladies on this site and the sisterhood that has been formed as we perfect our walk with Christ.

  31. Hi, from the NW Chicago burbs! 🙂

    (in)courage…is a piece of my family and a place I know I’m always welcome. Thank you for that. 🙂

  32. Greetings from the suburbs of Chicago! (in)Courage has uplifted my soul many, many times. You make me laugh, cry and ponder the awesomeness of God. I’m very thankful the Lord has put this whole thing together – intimately created to bring Him glory and honor. I’d like to personally thank the writers for their transparency. The way they approach life is refreshing. It’s a blessing to know I’m not alone in the journey called life. Thank you for keeping your eyes on God and staying grounded in His word. May God continue to bless this website and everyone who has a hand in it.

    • I would love to agree wholeheartedly with all that this comment has said.
      I am relatively new to the site, having followed a link from the Ann Voskampf blog.
      It has been inspirational to know that so much of how I feel is felt globally by other women!

      God bless you as you aspire to bring Glory to His name and encourage others in their walk to do the same.

      I read form Cheshire, UK

  33. Well, incourage to me is amazing! The inspiration I get here has motivated and encouraged me to take huge steps in faith in my life!!! 🙂

  34. Hello from Grand Rapids, Michigan!

    I have been encouraged and rejuvenated by blog postings on (in)courage for the past few months. When a new posting shows up in my email inbox, I save it for a quiet time when I can digest what I’m reading. Postings on (in)courage have inspired me and strengthened me. Love the new website design! Blessings!

  35. Good morning from the Pacific Northwest. We’re being true to form this morning – so much grey skies and rain, but still so beautiful. Discovering the (in)courage community has been such a revelation for me. I’ve been overwhelmed and amazed that an online community can be so sincere, so genuine, and so real. It’s one thing to have Facebook friends that you’ve known for a while and can connect with online when life gets busy or someone moves away, but its an entirely different – and wonderful thing – to discover those same quality relationships from women I’ve never met or even spoken to on the phone. I’m not a person who makes friendships easily and have not always had good experiences with women as friends, but I’m so blessed by these women that I’m meeting through (in)courage and how we’re blessing and impacting each other’s lives through prayer, conversation, and writing.

  36. To answer your questions first I am reading from home on a PC using Google Chrome. (in)courage for me has been a wonderful group of encouraging prayerful supportive creative women. I have been part of the (in)design group for quite a while and I love it. I had hoped to get to the conference this year and had it all planned but was in a car accident that Friday and had no way of getting there. I am looking forward to meeting up IRL next year.

    In terms of the changes…I wanted to put the new (in)couragers logo on my blog but it is so wide that when it resizes it is too tiny to read. You may want to reconsider the design. The only place it will view well is at the bottom of my blog and that is SO far down I doubt anyone will see it.

  37. Hello from rainy Nebraska
    I don’t comment often but you are a daily read in my email a d I love that I feel I have sisters from all over the world . You are a blessing.

  38. Hey everyone! Love the new look…but what I love more is what’s inside…the heart of (in)courage! Love the contributors…love the…well love everything! LOL

    I’m from the Pacific Northwest…Seattle area and thank you for blessing me…ALL the time!

    Blessings to you!

  39. I am reading from my chemo chair in Woodbury, Minnesota today. For me, (in) courage means community and encouragement. As much as we think we are experiencing, thinking and feeling things unique to us, there is another woman it there feeling, thinking and experiencing the same thing. God created us to live in community and to encourage one another!

  40. Reading from Singapore. (in)Courage is an encouragement to me where people are real and share the raw things from their hearts. Love all of you!

  41. Reading from South Carolina!
    Incourage is a wonderful gathering place for all of these likeminded women. When I came upon the site, it was so refreshing for me to find this kind of online community. Thank you all for what you have done here!

  42. Like one lady already said-it’s that “really?? you too?? I’m not the only one??!!!” moments that encourage me to keep pushing forward and remember that God loves me beyond my flaws.

  43. Good Morning from Oklahoma. I love (in)courage so much. It is my community as I make my way in my own community. As a stay at home mom, I have done a good job making a family, but have done a poor job in the area of friendships. After in (Rl), I have begun reaching out of my comfort zone and making connections with other women. God is helping me to open my eyes, my heart and my home to others and I have been so blessed by saying yes.

  44. Hey from Colorado Springs, CO! I am blessed with an amazing community and lifelong friends in actual real life, but I come to incourage for encouragement in daily living, mothering, being genuine and returning to the King for grace.

  45. Reading from rainy Fremont CA today! More widely known as the SF Bay Area.

    I got connected to incourage through Ann Voskamp. Love her! Love the many other contributors as well. Emily Freeman has fast become one of my favorite authors/bloggers to read. Incourage is like my secret get-away each week…kinda like getting away alone but never really alone. Reading the comments of the many different women shows me just how not-different we really are. 🙂
    Thank you. Doesn’t seem sufficient. But thank you. I feel as though I’ve found my tribe.

  46. Hi girls! Reading from Nashville, TN. Love the new look. So fresh and clean. Makes me feel peaceful.

    {In}Courage to me has meant that I am not in this alone. There are woman all over the world dealing with the same issues and questions as I am. I may not know them personally but having a space like this makes us all feel together.

    Thank you for your commitment and dedication to this community Lisa Jo and team!

  47. Hi! This is Dawn from rural Ohio!

    My teenage daughter found the (in)Courage site while surfing the net…the first year you all were up and running. She shared with me, believing that I would love the site, and she was right! I have read blogs, gotten to know the writers personally, joined the book club, reviewed Day Spring products, and most importantly have experienced a closer walk with the Lord. Thank you so much! I look forward to many more years of (in)Courage.

  48. I am reading from Newport Beach, CA where I am on a family vacation. I live in Riverside, CA, but am about to move across the country to Annapolis, MD. For me, (in)courage means a place to come read words that resonate with who I am as a woman, a follower of Christ, a mother, wife, daughter, friend. It is a place to be real, a place for friendship and smiles and nods of understanding. I am grateful for this place.

  49. I am reading this today from United Kingdom, to be more specific South Wales. I signed up originally because Michele Perry being a guest blogger, and I really respect and value her as woman of God( She has come to us as a teacher here in Wales).
    I value the experiences and things that I don’t have because I am a singleton, but as sisters in Jesus the experiences I read about, the daily emotions, some of the difficulties are similar, although not for the same reasons.
    Anyone who loves Jesus I can learn from and find that in many ways I am doing better than I thought. As person on the Autism Spectrum (High Functioning end) I do not have many close friends, although I have many people who would help me, discussion about personal feelings is difficult, so reading how people deal with situations in their live gives me ideas and principles which sometimes help me. I have had a small number in the last 2 years. Thanks incourage

  50. Happy Noon from Sterling, VA where I am surrounded by unpacked moving boxes! 🙂

    (In)Courage means knowing and being known by others, both online and (in)RL!! Shared life is community.

  51. I look forward to receiving your posts by email every morning. All I know is I pin just about all your beautiful words to my Pinterest page. Such rich content. Thank you!

  52. I am reading from Kernersville, NC
    (In)courage means that I have a place where God can pour into my soul so that I can pour into others. A place to explore my struggles from the comfort of my home. A chance to know that I am not alone and that sisters in Christ have similar experiences.
    I am not sure how exactly I ran across (in)courage, but praise be to God that I did!

  53. Joining you all from Durham, North Carolina! 🙂

    I discovered (in)courage several years ago and you all have been a true gift. It’s my go-to site for encouragement and that sense of belonging…I am always able to relate in this safe and uplifting piece of the blogosphere.

    I can’t wait to start reading Bread & Wine tonight! 🙂

  54. Reading from Wenatchee, WA.

    I stumbled upon (in)courage while looking for some encouragement that I’m not alone going through the experiences of motherhood and family. Love it! Keep it up ladies!

  55. Following you from the northern mountains of Appalachia in the United States.

    For me, (in)courage is a place where women encourage other women by sharing their stories, insights, hurts and hopes about what He is doing in their lives. I love the new page, and I love what you are doing in His name! Thank you!

  56. Chiming in from Guelph, Ontario, Canada.

    Echoing the words of others about the genuineness of all you authors. Maybe it’s easier to be genuine in writing than in person, but your articles are helping me to be more genuine in my relationships with sisters in Christ that I meet face-to-face.
    Blessings on all of you ….till we meet in glory. 🙂

  57. Hello Everyone from Bandon, Oregon on the Pacific Coast….

    I Love everyone of you!!! Just as you are!!!!
    The new site is a little confusing for me, but I’m finding my way around by clicking on buttons…lol

  58. Aloha from the Big Island of Hawaii!

    Incourage has given me so much! Always inspiring, supportive, and uplifting. Encourages me to be a better mother, wife, daughter, friend and sister! Much love and appreciation to you all!!

  59. Hey there… I am joining in from the PNW and I LOVE the new look!

    This site is just what is says – it is a Community to me. It has connected me with amazing women… some are ‘ahead of the game’ in different seasons and I can so learn from them… some get me – and are going through it right along with me, and others are reminding me of how things used to be and maybe, just maybe, being here, commenting, and playing a part will help them get through better than I did! I love this gathering of awesomeness all in one cozy spot… and meeting up here, has broadened my horizons and helped me to branch out in other places too!

    How refreshing to find a Community of women who hunger after the same things… who want more of God, and want to live life out loud and honestly, and who want to be FOR each other and to encourage one another and build each other up… it is what we all long for, is it not? To be safe to become who we really are? To stand up tall in our own skin and be welcomed in? It just sounds so… so… New Testament-like, so full of Grace and Love and Honor and Joy… and we all need a dose of that, right?

  60. Hi from Belleville, ON, Canada

    I love (in)courage because I learn so much, am challenged so much, am inspired so much….
    I’ve only been following you since about January of this year. So hope next year to get the courage to do (in)RL….

  61. Hi from HOT Tucson, AZ!!

    (in)courage has been such a place of refreshment for me over the last year and a half. The ladies who share their hearts here are all talented at expressing their beautiful hearts for God, family, community, & life. I’m looking forward to the years ahead!

  62. I just LOVE the design!!

    I am reading from Seattle, WA.

    To me, (in)courage means a place where I can connect with my sisters in Christ who are in my same life stage, provide encouragement to those who are going through something I’ve been through, and receive wisdom from women who have been through my path. It’s an amazing feeling.

  63. Hello from Arizona! I came across (in)courage almost 2 years ago when a friend shared a post from Ann Voskamp on Facebook. I am so grateful for your daily (in)couragement. Many times it feels as if a post is specifically for me. Thank you for being obedient to the Lord’s leading! I have come to feel as if you all are personal friends! I am happy for you in your victories and accomplishments and sad for you in the hard times that you share with us. You have inspired me to pick up my pen and write about the hard things; to write in a way that scares me. Thank you for creating a community where we can truly feel at home!

  64. Greetings from Willow Street, PA!

    I am reminded of God’s love for me when I read (in)courage. The words seem to meet me where I’m at in my day. I thank God for your encouragement.

  65. I’m reading from Phoenix, Arizona. And yes it really is triple digit heat even though it is a dry heat!

    I love your site. I’ve made some connections with your bloggers, especially Bonnie of The Faith Barista. I also love to participate in Five Minute Fridays with Lisa-Jo.

    I’ve also participated in the (in)courage online conferences and loved them. I always know I can receive encouragement in my walk with the Lord on your site. Thank you for that.

    Blessings and love,

  66. Hi all! I’m from Lancaster, Pennsylvania! InCourage has been a constant encouragement to me these last few years. It’s nice to know that there are others out there that are dealing with a lot of the same things I’m going through. I appreciate the transparency of your writers and your community as a whole. It’s refreshing! Love the new look!

  67. Howdy y’all form Canton, Texas
    The website is true to it’s name and that is why I come back ever day… thanks for all you do ladies!

  68. Reading from Panama City Fl!

    I am typically a bible-only reader but I love to come here and “fellowship”! I am an aspiring devotional writer and love to read what you have to offer in God’s glory, because that is what its all about. It is great to be connected to a group of women with similar values b/c as the Word says, “Bad company leads to corruption” so obviously good company is where we want to be! Thank you all for what you do in the name of Jesus.

  69. Good morning from Philo, Illinois!

    (in)courage has, for me, been a place to learn more about the heart of God and to be reassured that I am not alone in this journey of trying to love God and people more.

  70. I am from Corydon, Indiana. I am so blessed to have found this sweet community of women. To me, it’s a place I belong and know that the ladies here love our Lord and eachother. It’s not a place f comparison, but of encouragement and compassion for eachother.

  71. I am reading this from the United Kingdom on my I-pad, I have been reading in courage for a few years now, it is where i find inspiration, encouragement and hope every day xx the new site looks amazing and I look forward to many more years of your encouraging words x many thanks to you all xx

  72. Hello from Illinois. No, not Chicago. A small town of 1700 people, located on old Route 66.

    I receive emails to read. I try to read the posts that are relevant to my life. Your writing inspires me to work on my faith. I struggle with getting myself closer and more obedient to God. I have no “sisters in Christ” available to me where I am, and I get very lonely.

  73. Hey from Ontario, Canada!

    I love getting the in{courage} emails because it keeps God at the front & centre for me. A daily reminder that He is my main priority. 🙂

    Thanks for keeping this site going. It’s awesome, and I often find such encouragement through the posts!


  74. Hi! Checking in on my Droid in rural Pennsylvania. Your blog lifts me up, and am so happy for you all. Will click around to see your new look. God bless you & keep you.

  75. Reading from sunny South Florida!

    I get a lot of encouragement from the emails as I seek to know the Lord more fully as I raise four children, ages 11 months to almost six years old. Some days I’m more overwhelmed than others, and it’s always great to get a reminder in my inbox about what it’s all about! Keep up the good work.

  76. Today I’m reading from Illinois on my trusty ol laptop.

    in[courage] means I have sisters willing to speak the word of truth into my heart and my life…..directly or indirectly by sharing their stories and experiences. Sharing how God has worked in our lives, through our blessings and trials (which are blessings in disguise!) and through the lives of others around us….. the best way for the Gospel to be shared is through doing life together.

    That is what in[courage] does – – it brings our lives….together.

  77. Hello from northern Vermont! I’ve only been reading here on (in)courage for a few months but I enjoy how real and relatable it is. I can read posts and see myself in them and find myself encouraged by the honesty and faithfulness of the writers.

  78. Reading from the middle of Nebraska!

    in[courage] has blessed me so many, many times over the last few years. It has brought God’s word to me in some many tough times. Words of encouragement, inspiration, blessing, kindness, perspective, and love. Shared stories- been there, done that, survived it and so will you stories. Thank you for all the words you have blessed me with!

  79. Good morning from south central Alaska!
    I started out reading inCourage from North Dakota, and then read inCourage in Texas. Now, I read it in Alaska. It truly is a home for the hearts of all women, all walks of life, all time zones…

  80. I am reading today from Bangor, Maine on my iPad.

    I found your site about the time you started the book club series with Ann Voskamp. I was encouraged to find younger women who really loved Jesus and were open and honest. I am one of your older readers. At 60, I am caring for my toddler granddaughter right now and away from home so the connection for me has been priceless. I’ve read all of Angie Smith’s books since finding your site and they have ministered to me.

    What a joy to read through the comments and see where so many are from!

  81. I’ve been lurking here for quite a while and I am excited about this new look! I am a 58 year old empty-nestor (off and on!) and often wonder if my age is welcome here. I’m sure I am and will continue to wander around. Blessings,

  82. Reading from Atlanta, Georgia.

    (in)courage is both an escape and a lifeline for me. It helps me remember that there are women out there who experience the same things that I do every day even though we live in different places and are in various stages of life. Reading (in)courage helps me escape from anxiety and insecurity and tethers me to women all over the world when I’m feeling alone.

  83. Hello from Murfreesboro TN:-)

    (in)courage for me, means hope…..I have been battling the enemy and the negativity that comes with and each day my burden is lifted a little more. Thank you….

  84. I’m reading incourage from Meridian, ID. I really appreciate the incourage website and writers. They add uplift to my day. What a wonderful community of women!

  85. I’m reading from Wilmore, KY, usually as I click through from the email updates I get. I’m reading (in)courage as a way to connect, especially to other women who might love to write as a way of encouragement, as I do. I’m here because of Lisa-Jo Baker and her amazing FMF fun!

  86. Terry here from Washington, Il. I don’t rarely comment but read everyday and also love the Book Club. Besides being personally encouraged I get a ton of information that is helpful in ministry. Working in a small church the resources I find here are awesome both personally and professionally. Thanks for your ministry!

  87. Howdy from hot and sunny Texas (H-town specifically)!

    Love the new look—- so well done and easy to navigate!
    [in]courage has been a very special part of each day for about the last 18 months. I look forward to seeing what’s been posted each day in my inbox. Such encouragement and transparency offer at least one “nugget” I need each day. Love the Community of sisters in Christ!

  88. Hi! I am I Hattiesburg, MS. Love these encouraging emails that helpme stay focused on our God and rest in Him.

  89. LOVE the new space. It is so clean and functional yet still looks and feels like the old version. I’m reading from Alabama on my lunch break! What I’ve loved about (in)courage is how the writers inspire me while relating to me. I love the brand and what you offer (both physically and spiritually) and I love how you welcome our words with open arms. (in)courage really is about community.

  90. Hello from Texas! (in)courage means community – finding fun and helpful camaraderie in the little things, like blogging, and unconditional sisterhood in the big things, like infertility. I love the ladies I’ve met through this (in)courage community groups. I love the accountability to be intentional in writing. I’m thankful for the hard work you ladies put into this community.

    (And I usually read in my e-mail!)

  91. Hello from Southern California! (Where I read from my iPad most of the time. )
    I love knowing you all are here, this site has blessed me and others I’ve shared it with. I appreciate all your hard work & efforts to make it a comfortable place to be, to share & learn. The changes look great!

  92. I am reading from Dallas, TX.
    I love the new look! I love InCourage. I look to it every day for some new meaningful topic that always applies to my life. I am a struggling working Mom of two teenagers and I love to hear how other Moms are also dealing with life. It is so encouraging to me. Thank you for all of your hard work and your open hearts!

  93. Hello from Pittsburgh, PA!! 🙂
    (in)courage to me means encouragement delivered to my inbox that I can look forward to every day! 🙂

  94. Hello from rainy Grinnell, Ia.

    I found over a year ago and though I’ve started to stop many daily emails from various places, my daily devotional stories won’t be on that list. I’ve been lifted up so many times and needed it more over the last year than I could have ever imagined. When I get one that not only reaches me, but makes me think of a friend, I “pass it on”. Why not share the happy! i have a goal to host an in/rl gathering and share the experiences with others.

  95. Shreveport, LA here ! I love the sense of community here at (in)courage – the community I’m not getting in real life, but that’s a story for a different time!

  96. A place of refreshing. It’s scorching hot outside. The summers in the desert of California are always gray. I need to hold tight all what I do that could mean money. So InCourage supplies me with nourishment throughout the day as I browse contributors’ blogs and messages.
    It motivates me to organize a inCourage group in my home since the conference. We meet on the 4th Friday of each month and other projects are popping up.
    It helps me to keep tracking my daily chores and my list-to-do.
    I’m in love with Bread and Wine book club reading.
    It inspires the Project Seven since the “Seven – the Mutiny Against Excess” by Jen Hatmaker.
    InCourage keeps me on the go.

  97. Hello from Potomac, MD.

    I love the support that inCourage provides! It’s also a wealth of wisdom from fabulous writers.

  98. I love the new look. I have very little friends. Moved 5 years ago and had to leave all my long time friends behind. I have no one to share or cry out to like all you women. I love the pictures of women together on the beach or sitting have coffee sharing the word of God together. You have become my friend. I get lonely for friends. Each day I open my email to find you still there encouraging me to be ME!
    Thanks for being there for me.

  99. Hugs and cheers to you from Minnesota! Love the new design! It seems like it will be easier to find all that (in)courage has to offer. 🙂

    (in)courage has come to mean so much to me… you all are cheerleaders in my walk of faith, you’re a channel connecting me with sisters in Christ (both online and in real life), you’re helping me to use my gifts to serve others… I’m so grateful. ((Hugs))

  100. Hello from Lawton OK.

    I found (in)courage through a blog I follow regularly. I’m a reader and soon found the other bloggers to be as insightful and encouraging. Last session I became part of a community group…….WOW what an experience that was. We laughed, cried and prayed together. We were able to share things that we weren’t able to share with anyone else. What a blessing this has been to me.

  101. Hello from Fredericton, New Brunswick, CANADA.

    I am very excited by the new look! It’s bright and easy to get around the website. In the craziness of a very busy season of life, this is one of my daily stops for encouragement and girl connection. I discovered (in)courage through Ann Voskamp’s website and am about to enjoy my first book club experience with Shauna Niequist’s “Bread & Wine”! Cheers!

  102. Reading from out in the country about 30 miles West of Salem, OR.

    in{courage} means hope to me. Hope that I can make it, that I will persevere on this path toward God, that I will make it through each day, and get back up when I fall. It means I am not alone in all the things I feel and think and in the struggles I deal with. It is reminders of God’s love of why I am here and why I must press on and keep reaching. Thank you for being one of the positive voices in my head. 🙂

  103. I am reading from the middle of a severe thunderstorm in the middle of the beautiful state of VA. We live at the foot of the Shenandoah Mountains and are homesteaders. As a published author who has a debilitating genetic illness (Ehlers-Danlos and its not so glorious sub-disorders), (in)courage has been a lifeline. Those days when the adaptive equipment for the computer are the only reason I still can write and do my job as a homeschooling advisor, I know I can jump on over here, read for a bit and come out ready for the rest of the day. The chronic-illness group and one of the old writers groups have given me so much in the way of resources and encouragement. The conference this year was amazing!
    It is truly a place for community, especially so for those rural bugs like me who don’t “get out much.” I lurk a lot and rarely post, but don’t think for a moment that the work here has not had a massive impact on my life!

  104. Hello from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

    Like some others, it was Ann Voskamp’s blog that introduced me to (in)courage during a period of limited employment while setting up a business a couple of years ago. I have a large church community and attend a regular Bible study group but I enjoy (in)courage because it offers a fresh perspective sometimes and I have quite appreciated many of the book recommendations through Bloom. I usually visit the (in)courage website once or twice a week but recently signed up for the once a week e-mail compilation to ensure I don’t let a week go by without popping in. I’ve also started reading blogs from some of the other contributors to this site and LOVE the videos that Angie & Jess put together. They seem like old friends now…

    Keep up the good work, (in)couragers!

  105. I’m reading you in Everett, WA just a few miles north of Seattle.

    (in)courage is a trusted space I can come to when I want to be encouraged or re-focused. I know that the ladies here will be real in the midst of good and bad times while pointing me towards the Lord through it all. I know that I can send my friends here and be confident in the content they’ll find. Thank you! Love the new look.

  106. Reading from the Pacific Northwest of Washington State!

    I am fairly new to (in) courage, but have enjoyed what I have read so far. As a mom to two young ones it is easy to feel like I have no clue what I am doing & I am the only one who doesn’t know, but I have found encouragement here that tells me otherwise. I appreciate how real the authors are as they share with us each day. Thanks!

  107. Hi I am reading from: Parker, Colorado

    InCourage is one of my first stop’s of the day. I love the layout and especially the products. Thank you for your encouraging words and posts here. They are a blessing to me and I know to everyone who reads them. From what I can tell the new look is special. I will continue to visit…. it is starting to feel like home!

  108. Hi Girls! I love you! To answer some of your questions, I’m reading you daily by email, but I am also a “friend” on facebook. It was just easier for me, than to go to your site. This way I’m sure not to miss anything. I started following you when Lysa TerKeurst was a guest blogger because I already followed her blog. That’s also how I found out about Ann VosKamp. Now I am an avid reader of Lysa, Ann and you!
    I guess the best way to sum up what you mean to me is that you are my encourager. I look to you for practical advice, ideas and just plain old encouragement to get me through my day. Thanks for everything you do! Congratulations on your anniversary!

  109. Hello Sisters!!
    I’m currently reading from the Book of Acts (BibleGateway, NT in a year online) and getting deeper in Bread & Wine (so good)!
    I’m so blessed by (in)courage!! To me it’s a place to make connections (yes, even though I’m a teensie tiny bit older than most of you, there’s a GREAT community of us here!!) and find the women I long to do RL with – but we happen to be scattered around the globe, around the US, and around the age/stage spectrum. Thank you Lisa-Jo (and team) for having the vision and tenacity to put this place on the map…”for such a time as this…”

  110. League City, TX (just outside of Houston, close to the Space Center)

    InCourage is one of my favorite places to visit. I found out about you all from following Lisa-Jo’s blog. I feel at home here, and I hope that over time, I’ll make some great friends here as well! I love knowing I have other sisters in Christ who live the same real life that I live, and share their lives with us to encourage us and carry us through this thing called motherhood. 🙂

  111. Hello from the west coast of British Columbia!
    One of my dear friends pointed me to (in)courage a couple months ago and it has been a huge source of hope and community for me. I am battling chronic fatigue syndrome / myalgic Encephalomyelitis and therefore cannot get out very much. But (in)courage has been a place where I can be encouraged by others and their stories. Where I can feel connected and where my voice can be heard.
    As a west coast girl, l love the ocean and beach. Loving the new website and the description of this being like a beach house.

  112. I’m reading from Florida.

    What I enjoy about (in)courage is one … The (in)rl retreats.. I do mine alone but the testimonies have meant so much to me.i had grown lazy in prayer and the ladies were very encouraging to get back into it. Two… The blogs are so good.and incouraging. I’m partial to the ones that include single ladies. Thank you all! You each are priceless.

  113. I’m reading from Southern California!

    And (in)courage means family, community, and sisterhood to me. A place to kick up my feet, drink some hot tea, and chat away for hours about my dreams, hopes, struggles and joys. This place is a pure gift and the sisters I have met here have changed my life. Giving thanks to God for all of you and SO excited for this beautiful new place! With SO much love… xoxo

  114. Hi from my I-pad in Maryland on vaca, but home is Nebraska. Loved (in)courage retreat a couple months ago – met some lovely ladies and we plan on meeting soon again. I love connecting, and it was a blessing to connect in person.

  115. Reading from Owensboro, KY! (in)courage is just that – daily encouragement for me as a wife, mommy, and writer. You have touched on all of those areas over the past year or so since I discovered you, and I appreciate all of the work that you put into making this a good place to be.

  116. I’m from Joliet, Illinois.

    (In)courage has a way of putting my heart into words. It’s where I go to find encouragement to keep building community. While I have a strong community, sometimes, I just need this place to remind me of what God has called us to.

  117. Hi, I read your blog from Brisbane, Australia but more recently I’ve been travelling the ‘top end’ of Australia so I’ve been checking in from some very remote places.
    Incourage means to me Christ inspired love and support. When many interactions with other groups demand time and money, incourage just says ‘here we are, come and connect with us’.

  118. Oops, I thought I had commented earlier, but it didn’t go through! I’m Amanda, reading from Minnesota. I love the new look — it’s much easier to see and find all that (in)courage has to offer!

    You know I love you, ladies. You’ve been friends, cheerleaders, partners in ministry, sisters, and so much more. Through you, God has given me a place to encourage working moms and be encouraged by them. Through you, God has connected me with real life friends and helped me to open up to new friendships when old ones faded. Through you, I have been inspired to boldly follow Jesus, to choose joy, to take steps of faith. I praise God for your obedience to Him and your love! xoxo

  119. G’day from Inglewood New Zealand! (in)courage keeps me grounded in my faith. I can get so easily distracted from where I am meant to be, living for Jesus, but your stories which arrive by email subscription every morning start me off on the right foot each day. I remember first of all that it’s not all about me. Then there is usually a verse or an encouragement or an inspiration which is exactly for me. God is so cool how He does that. Thankful.

  120. Reading from Garberville, California…the Heart of the Redwoods.

    To me, (In)courage means acceptance, agreeance, understanding, hope, renewal, community, friendship, reminders, focus, laughs, tears, and the spirit of Lord. It is the place I stumble to first thing in the morning and at the end of my night. I wander over when I need perspective, hope or someone to put words on what is in my heart. I often link articles on this site when encouraging a friend, or teacher, a new mommy or an empty nester. It is a vital part of my daily routine and a place I always look forward to sitting while I enjoy my first sips of coffee in the morning.

  121. Hi i’m from the Republic of Mauritius, a small island of the Indian ocean. Sorry for my poor english, im mainly french speaking.i came across (in)courage a few months ago while struggling through some times and subscribed to receive a mail still struggling through some tough times but it helps a lot to know that there are words of encouragement, of hope, of joy, of love waiting for me in my inbox everyday. May God bless you all abundantly for all the little things that you bring into the lives of women across the world. Thanks, big thanks to you all.

  122. Oh my goodness…inCourage brings me Joy, Hope, Fellowship, Encouragement,but above ALL Jesus, who is the center of my life and to be able to connect with and read about other Christian women’s journeys….

    I just Praise God for all of you, and very much want to share my writings and struggles and thoughts and joys with each of you!

    God bless all of you!

    Everything is Grace,

    Colleen Comito

  123. Greetings from Upstate New York!

    To me, (in)courage is the perfect blend of inspiration and encouragement. It’s a place to come and be reminded that there are others have walked, will walk or are walking the same path, we are all in this together, we are loved and we are NOT alone! Such a blessing to come here and connect with all you wonderful ladies!

    • So well said – encouraging and inspiring. Helping us where we are and encouraging us to grow.
      Saying with God, we are not alone, even though . . .

  124. Hello from Cincinnati, OH!

    I came across (in)courage a few months ago when I started a journey of healing and a search for true community. I have found a home here where women openly and honestly share their hearts about so many things, some joyous and some hard. The openness has encouraged me to reflect the honesty in my relationships and ministry. And when I need to recharge and connect, I come here and God meets me.

    So thank you for putting your hearts into this site and pouring your passion onto the screen. You inspire and refresh me daily. God bless you all! 🙂

  125. I’m writing from Rochester, NY

    I use this as a devotional each day, and I time for looking into myself. It’s like going to a Christian therapist. I never knew women had some of the same, what seem to be very strange, feelings about things….but they can articulate them better than I can. I have save and printed many of the blog posts.

  126. I’m from Darlington, MD.
    As a relatively newcomer to your site, I am looking forward to each day’s writings and the short notes from people I’ve already met.

  127. I’m reading from my laptop in computer room. I live in Watauga, TN (Turkeytown) in upper east TN (Johnson City) area.

    In(Courage) is a place where I can encourage other women, and let off steam about problems I am having. It is getting to meet new writers & learn about their lives and how they cope with life. Plus I get inspired by you all!

    Thank you for all you do! Congratulations on your accomplishments! God Bless!@

  128. Greetings and warm (temperature wise too) thoughts from Singapore.

    Each day, picking my iPad , my fingers and eyes scan quickly for “real” mail and mail from friends. Anything from (in)courage falls into this category. I have been encouraged, inspired, put in uncomfortable places in a good way. I am SO GLAD I knew about this site since the start. It is my connection to a bigger body of Sisters, a proof each day, as I read the articles, that GOD IS REAL. This is where I have also found a dear friend, though we have yet to meet in person. I have been blessed indeed. Thank you folks – readers, writers and all*\(^o^)/*

  129. Hello from Watkinsville, GA. I have been visiting (in) courage for a year now after reading Holley Gerth’s book. Your words and stories inspire me daily to read my Bible and share my faith. Your honesty about the beauty and messiness of life really touch my heart and I often find myself sharing them with friends. You even inspired me to do an online women’s Bible study for Lent. I look forward to reading your stories daily. Thanks for sharing. 🙂

  130. Reading from beautiful Barbados! Been here a few years now and (in)courage still encourages me everyday on this journey.

  131. Hi from Atlanta, Georgia!

    in(courage) has been a place to sit & relax with a cup of tea and be inspired to know God more. Through the nitty-gritty of life, I am reminded of God’s faithfulness and how He meets us through community. And that community can only grow as we are real with Him and with each other. I love the honest, down-to-earth posts that remind me of what is important in life and the value of my relationships as a wife, mother, friend, co-worker, daughter, sister.

  132. I join you all on a near-daily basis from Washington, DC.

    For me, the (in)courage blog really feels like a sweet voice from a trusted friend, providing that needed boost when the days seem long and the years seems short. I first found this website via Lisa Jo’s blog, and I continue to enjoy it each time I come over. I only keep a few blogs on my blogroll, and you all are one of them. Thank you for all that you do and give.

  133. Greetings from Lawrenceville, NJ!

    (in)courage is part of my daily schedule. I love to read the posts in the evenings, and have been reading ever since I discovered the website a year and a half ago through Ann Voskamp’s site.

    (in)courage is a very unique place on the web, and I love to visit! Thank you for opening the door and inviting me in.

  134. Hi from Minneapolis, Minnesota!

    God has used you amazing ladies in incredible ways in my life. I think I found (in)courage through Sara Frankel’s website, maybe 3 years ago, and I’ve been reading since. I also subscribe to a silly number of blogs that are featured here 🙂 because you have AMAZING women writing. Through (in)courage, I have found soul sisters whose hearts are even bigger than their blogs, and whose words ooze the heart of Jesus. You guys are the real deal. Love the new look! xoxo

  135. I join all my (in) courage sisters-in-Christ from Barbados , West Indies.

    Was so happy to find this (in) courage website and look forward to connecting with my sisters-in-Christ all over the world to share things that affect women and in such a homely environment. Also to see that no matter who we are or where we’re from, we all have so much in common. I am always blessed by the sharing. So wonderful to see how this ministry is growing and how God is blessing it. I have shared this website with some of my family and friends. May God continue to bless you (us) all.

  136. I’m have been reading blog I guess for a while now enjoy very much the insight and the honesty of real woman their joys sorrows, and limitations and failures. I have been so encouraged by your honesty and hope.I thank you so much, and I am so excited to see this new page God bless each of you. I ask for prayer Wed. I am writing exam and I still have so much studying to do tomorrow, god will truly bless me thanks

  137. G’day from Melbourne, Australia! I’ve really enjoyed waking up to your emails which arrive in my inbox while I’m asleep. It’s perfect timing and gets me thinking about God, community, love and all sorts of other real, important things as I gather up the (in)couragement I need to start a new day rejoicing in all that our Lord has made.

  138. Hey from Greenville, SC!
    {in}courage is a place to rest for me. To hear that I’m not the only one… and be excited to walk this road with others.

  139. I love the inspiration. Thanks for keeping everything fresh and beautiful. Keep up the great work those of you that blog. I love reading current issues and the inspirations from heaven you all receive.

  140. Hi from NM/Co!

    I think I originally found this site through Ann Voskamp’s blog, and I have really enjoyed coming here each day and reading. So many wonderful writers here – and so much in common! I just love it! It is a bright and beautiful place to spend time. Thank you so much!

  141. Congratulations on your fresh digs!! I’m reading from Indiana. {in}courage has been really inspirational for me ever since I discovered it a year or so ago. I’ve been going through some really tough family issues during this time and I really value the reminder to stay close with God, stay close with the people who matter in my life, and hold it all loosely with the knowledge that God is in control.

  142. My friend who is a writer and blogger shared this page with me when we were considering the inRL connection conference in april. It was awesome beginning of uniting and building comunity and transparency with the women who attend our church. We have passed out the perpetual calendars and have started our own Facebook page called The Sister Bench. It is is private, by invitation only, with rules of privacy, prayer and encouragement. We offer each other support and opportunities to connect – creating “benches”. I have personally found my coaching niche with the help of Holley Gerth’s blog and free book I won about God-sized dreams. The site is engaging, inspiring, founded on the Word. Love it!!!

  143. Hi from Massachusetts!
    (in) courage is a wonderful place of honesty and encouragement to me. I love that you all are real in your struggles as well as your triumphs… Thank you!!!

  144. I don’t know where to begin. A blog that spoke to my heart allowed me to grow and be real. Book club readings and our inrl conferences. My personal favorite to be ago host for the community group for singles. I’ve been blessed by everyone who has shared. I’ve grown in my ability to speak And to encourage and I’m so proud to be a member.

  145. Reading from Perth, Western Australia. Thank you to all the encouraging writers who are honest, so we can learn from them, and to all the readers who have prayed with me and for me over the years. Thanks to you, and your prayers and encouragement, my marriage is on much stronger ground these days!

  146. Hello from Aguadulce, Panama
    You’ll never know how much your in-courgement means to me. I am retired, living in a small Panamanian town ~ the only gringa ~ and my spanish is poor. I have no church… have tried but I understand nothing of the rapido espanol. So my only connection… my only community is online. Yet, here, with no interruptions I’ve met with God in an entirely new and overwhelming way. I’ve learned so much and grown by leaps & bounds. He is currently leading out of my comfort zone into something that is sooo WOW that I just love to watch Him direct my path. Thank you for being “here” for me ~ you are my church family! And I love you all. Nandi

  147. I read here in West Virginia :).

    For me, this space is a deep breath. A place I can go where no one expects anything from me or needs me to be anything other than myself. It’s a safe place–one filled with beautiful sisters who know how to love with their whole hearts.

  148. Hello from Lake Gaston in Littleton, NC

    I have been reading (in) courage! Almost a year now. I love receiving my emails & devotionals and include it as part of my devotional. I am so “incouraged” by the women who write/comment on here. It never fails that I can take away some if not all of it as if it pierces my heart with the words spoken here have been exactly what I needed to hear or needed to share with someone else. Thank you (in) courage for allowing God to work through you! God Bless to All!

  149. I’m reading this in Melbourne, Australia! I love the new look. It’s calming and inviting.

    I’ve been reading in-courage for about 3 years now. I’m not sure quite how I found the website but I believe God speaks to me through so many of the posts here. Thank you for sharing your joys and struggles so honestly. It’s a blessing to me to have sisters in Christ to look to for guidance and hope. I’m so grateful to have discovered Angie Smith’s blog and books and I read both yours and her blog regularly.

  150. Hi! I’m living in Hilton, NY I think I’ve been on this site for as long as it has been here. I pretty much ditto ALL the previous comments on here lol I love reading the blogs and get a lot of encouragement from them. I feel like I am missing out on personal “community” and fellowship daily because I work two jobs and feel a little alone. I am married but my husband works nights and we really don’t connect anymore. I guess I really need to feel like I belong someplace and even though I don’t reply or interact on this site much, I am sure that you all would be such great friends.. Something I long for but have a hard time finding..

  151. From an iPad in southeastern Wisconsin, I click over to (in)courage to remind myself of the many Christian women’s voices that surround me. Amid a world that often seems cold and heartless, I am reminded of just how blessed we are, wherever we are. Thanks~

  152. Hi! I’m reading from Bakersfield,CA. I was introduced to you as I stumbled upon some 30 day posts on blogs one was from JRUSTUDIOS ~ Jennifer. She and I connected immediately on a personal and spiritual level and when she had the button to click to (in)courage I did. I signed up right away. I enjoy the thought provoking posts. The personal testimony posts. The delve deeper in the Word posts. I never leave empty handed. Even today, before I check out your new formats, I decided I’d write my response first ( like eating dinner before candy?) and the verse at the end of the post? It’s going to be perfect for a Bible Study Reunion this Saturday that The Lord is using for so much more than just getting together!!! This passage fits the growth of the past four years…. And it fits for our get together. For our time is to point to Christ and yes, I’ll be reading it on Saturday.
    I have been blessed.

  153. Hey from Jackson, Tn!

    I love the encouragement and strength I gather from Incourage. I love reading and feeling like I am not alone in this world!!

  154. Hi from Nottinghamshire, Uk.

    Incourage is a ‘real’ reading for me everyday, that you can tell is written by real people working through the adventure that is life. Its easy to relate to and yet always comes back to the Word, so is such a great encouragement.

  155. reading from the Islands of Philippines … MABUHAY!

    hi, I am April and chanced upon (in)courage today … from what I have seen/read so far, I am wanting so much to stay forever. i know in my heart that this is a snippet of a preview of what truly our final “home” is where love abounds through our gracious Father shared in a community.

    thank you to Steph of Everyday Awe which linked me to this inspiring site!

  156. Hello {iN}COURAGE Sisters, I am reading this on my iPad from Adelaide, South Australia! GMT +9.
    I imagine you all as flickering lights of Christ on a giant map of the world, shining examples of encouragement
    for each other as followers of the Way. I love reading the articles, love the Dayspring products and enjoy the strong community feel! Congrats on the new look, we appreciate all the efforts! xxxx

  157. I’m writing from West Lafayette Indiana though i live in Lafayeatte. I am hungry for developing friendships. i love the blogs and how they relate to every day life. I am so alone that I’m thrilled about having relationships with other women. Thank you so much for opening the door for me!!!!!

  158. Good morning from Fort Worth, Texas! 🙂 I found (in)courage through a blog I read, and I have been so blessed by the hearts of women who post and comment here. It really is like a cozy conversation with a trusted friend, and I leave feeling uplifted every time. We have just moved to a new city, and it’s such a joy to visit this spiritual community of women while we’re in between church homes. I have been edified by the words of the courageous contributors, and I’ve even been able to write a guest post of my own. I hope to do that again soon. Thank you, ladies!

  159. (in)courage has always brought just that for me….encouragement. in. a. parts. of. life. Feeding the soul (most importantly), as well as the body. Nice clean, new look, too.

    God bless you all richly and abundantly,

    P.S. Oh, yeah, I am from Las Vegas, Nevada, where I meet with you each morning at my computer email! Keep up the good work!

    • sorry for the typo above (fingers are flying this morning, lol) *should read “in all parts of life.”

  160. Hi from West Virginia 🙂 I found (in)courage after reading one of Holley Gerth’s books. Her writing was so genuine and inspirational that I wanted to continue reading more Christian writing like hers. I’m so glad this site is here to encourage women, especially a new mom like me. I’m also really enjoying the book club selection. Thank you for what you’re doing!

  161. What a beautiful new website! I always feel better after visiting your site and reading the newest posts. . . thank you so much for doing such a wonderful job of lifting up so many women.

  162. Hi from Oregon (and the S. California desert in winter)!
    I just love perusing all the different states ( and countries!) we ‘sisters’ come from – joining together to share Jesus, our lives, to encourage one another – and be encouraged. It IS a small world! 🙂 I get so uplifted and amazed when God speaks through one of these blogs or comments – straight to my heart – just when I need it. I believe we are all “His hand extended” as we share our trials, challenges, experiences and joys from where He has ‘planted’ each one of us.
    May He be near to each of you today and every day!

  163. I usually am sitting at my desk at work when I read (in) courage. I’m not completely sure why the Lord has chosen this means to speak to me as He has, but I can’t tell you how many times I’ve read the posted blogs for the day and they speak directly to me. It’s as if they were written specifically for me and what I am dealing (or not dealing) with at that moment. Supernatural in the way details seem to embody me, my experiences and my needs. I am frequently stunned by His abuility to address my need so explicitly and timely through others.

    Thank you for being the willing vessel. Thank you for allowing our Heavenly Father to use you.

  164. As usual, I’m a day late and a dollar short, but wanted to chime in anyway — I’m not sure what y’all meant by “reading from” but I’m reading this post from my laptop, and “reading from” Job in The Word!

    (in)Courage has given me the chance to connect with empty nesters from around the world! It’s been so fun to make new friends and share the encouragement. This is a great time of life, but not without its hiccups. I love the community on our Facebook page, and also the greater (in)Courage community here.

    Love the new look!
    One suggestion — changing the comment section: post the newest first. I had to scroll through 160+ to get down here. New visitors might find that cumbersome and click away.

  165. Hello from northern California! I’ve been reading for a couple of months now and find (in)courage to be the perfect amount of uplifting encouragement everyday in my reader. I struggle with setting aside quiet time with th Lord and having these posts in my reader help me to remember to take some time and read scripture and pray. Thank you!

  166. Reading from Singapore.

    I don’t have time for reading many blogs/websites. But I read this one because it has SUBSTANCE–the kind of substance I need to keep me going in the Lord.

  167. Reading from New Hampshire.

    (In)courage has become the place where I go to read what I’m thinking. It is a safe space to read what my own heart is sometimes just too scared to write. It’s a place where I see that other women have experiences that really are the same kind of different as me and that there are others who truly get what it means to live out community day-to-day; both in real life, and from this cyber-space. In love. In truth. And in grace.

  168. Reading from Scranton, PA

    incourage has been a breath of fresh air, a kick in the pants, laughter and tears, a word from God at just the right time … encouragement … the start of many beautiful friendships.

  169. Oh my goodness Lisa Jo. I just got chills seeing that you concluded with Ephesians 3:20-21. God made that our family’s life verse while walking through huge challenges with our second child and his health.
    Reading from New Mexico, Roswell (no, never seen an alien)

    I love (in)courage because it is community the way God intended. Love love this place.
    Great work on the new look! You guys are awesome! Feel blessed and humbled to share even in a small part as an (in)courager…..:)

  170. I am reading from my couch…but many days I read at work…a true respite to the hectic nature of the emergency room. I feel as if you are my precious secret, The Lord’s way of sharing life with me. I have a connected Bible study group that I have been part of for many years, but whenever I attempt to share this site, a story, a product or a happening from (in)courage, they are confused…they don’t know what to make if it. They have no idea what the are missiThey so, you remain my little secret! Thanks.

  171. You asked where we read (In) courage and I read it at home in the morning from my e-mail. Sometimes I comment sometimes I don’t but it always encourages me to see that other woman experience the same things. Or just problems in general. I don’t work so I don’t get a chance to meet a lot of people. My family all lives in another state as well as my children. So thanks because many times I can relate to what others are going through.

  172. I read your weekly emails at my kitchen table in Tacoma, Washington 🙂
    These fabulous emails have challenged me to reach out more. Not just to my friends (that’s easy), but to neighbors & co-workers in a new and more fearless way. Thank you for your words.

  173. I’m reading from El Paso, TX. I’m newer here and haven’t had time to check out much here. However, I’m excited to find encouraging and inspiring posts with practical, helpful ideas!

  174. I’m reading from Langley, British Columbia, Canada (near Vancouver). I’m a wife of a pastor, mom of three kids (20, 16, 13), Educational Assistant, blogger, child of God. I love this website. I love that the voices are varied … I have laughed, cried, pondered and re-blogged and linked to this site. This is a thought-provoking, challenging, guilt-free zone. Thank-you all for sharing it!

  175. I’m reading from Coon Rapids, Minnesota.

    (in)Courage has literally meant courage for me. Courage to show up, courage to share, courage to start a blog, courage to myself. (in)courage has broadened my horizons, inspired me, moved me to tears and to out loud laughter!

    (In)Courage has meant stepping out of my comfort zone and into new friendships. (in)Courage has showed me the love of Jesus through so many women both online and inRL. <3

  176. I’m reading from Chicago. Anyone else out there in Chicago? Would love to start a meet up with local incourage women.

    Incourage has been a source of comfort and connection for me over the last two years, which have been very lonely and traumatic. It’s also been a place where I can use my gifts to encourage other women through the (in)courager group for artists I was honored to co-lead.

    I have made some priceless friendships and look forward to making more!

  177. Hello, I’m reading from Bloglovin. I’ve been enjoying (in)courage since the beginning. As a busy mom of young children I don’t always have the time to read the blog posts, so I love that they’re all stored in one place for me. I’ve truly found some of my favorite bloggers through this website. Their encouraging words have pushed me in my own writing and encouraged me to dig deeper into what it means to be a friend, wife, mother and child of God.

  178. I like the new look, but I can’t find the monthly calendar anywhere. Do you still have one? I like using it for my background on my laptop.

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