About the Author

Kaitlyn is a Virtual Assistant, book launch manager, and storyteller who writes about discovering God's goodness in the ordinary and faithfulness in the difficult. She loves good books, deep conversations, and iced vanilla lattes. Kaitlyn is the author of Even If Not: Living, Loving, and Learning in the in Between.

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  1. Love this update Kaitlyn! Thanks for all you do and for letting us know how God is moving and community is blooming!

  2. I missed something along the way. But how refreshing! How wonderful! How inspiring! This is a great way to start my day!

  3. Kaitlyn!! I’m SO GLAD you shared this with the greater (in)community!! Generosity is blessing, for the giver AND receiver; and these words of affirmation are pure and true. I have the wonderful opportunity to pen the posts to go with Jessica’s and Angie’s videos….and this DEEP study has made huge impact in the lives of those taking part.

    I just have to add my thanks to the 220 givers :).


    • Robin I’m so glad we have a real life friend in common! We’re totally friends now. 😉 You’re doing such a great job summing up TONS of material each week. It’s great to have you on board.

  4. I just wanted to say that I am one of those that received a book even though I couldn’t afford it. Thank you to all of you who sponsored a book. Your generosity and sacrifice did not go unnoticed. This book is a huge blessing to me, a new wife and mom, who’s having a little marriage difficulty. I am believing God for the miraculous…

  5. I am also one who received a sponsored book. I am so blessed by the generosity of an unknown person. I had heard wonderful things about the book but am at a point where there was no way I could afford it. The book and the lessons in it and the connections with others during the study have been amazing. Thank you to those who are able to sponsor a book and chose to do so. I know that my situation will turn around (I have faith), and I will be more than happy to be the first to stand in line and sponsor a book for someone else.

  6. There have been times when I wondered if I mattered or not, especially at work. Tuesday 3/5 was my birthday and I got a card with a lot of well wishes. A few of them said we really appreciate you.

    Today was super busy at work and finally at the end of the day I walked out with 2 RNs. They both stated that the day would have been much worse if not for my helping out here and there. Makes one realize how valuable you are no matter what the task.

    To all the wonderful women at In Courage and on these blogs—YOU ALL MATTER & MAKE A HUGE DIFFERENCE! 🙂 God Bless!!!

  7. I am also someone who received a sponsored book and would like to say thank you so very much for the opportunity to receive a book and participate in the book club. I have been struggling to find my way for quite sometime, living in a difficult situation at home as well as with other family members. I am truly devouring “Bread and Wine” and am so appreciative of this special gift. Thank you!!!

  8. I am so touched by all the kindness of other woman……. It would be a honor to sponsor someone. I was reading a book on happiness and a woman asked me if I liked it because she was struggling. I stopped wrote a note of encouragement inside and gave it to her as I left. This week I saw her after 3 years, she remembered the BOOK and couldn’t believe I remembered her…… How could I forget… She was my blessing in disguise.