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At (in)courage, we empower women to be like Jesus. Our writers share what’s going on in their life and how God’s right in the middle of it. They bring their joys & struggles so that you can feel less alone and be empowered by the hope Jesus gives.

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  1. Keeping a prayer journal and actually remembering to write when the prayers have been answered.

  2. I’m hoping to be encouraged in how I can pray that God lead me- and how to discern the difference between God leading me, and me just..thinking something extra hard?
    I don’t know if that makes sense 🙂 I want to understand how to really HEAR from God as opposed to just talking to Him all of the time is what I mean.

    • That is the exact same thing that I’m going through right now! I’m glad to know that my struggles are not unusual.

  3. I’m hoping to be encouraged in how I really hear from God as opposed to just talking to Him all of the time 🙂

  4. Last year for me was constant struggles with Health and finances for my family. This year we would like to be encouraged in these areas as well as praying that The Lord will bless us with more children.

  5. I am looking forward to this study my prayer life is an area I would really like to grow in. Bought this book a while back and have been intimidated to read it. Maybe together with you guys we can all grow through it together. Thanks for choosing this book.

  6. Looking forward to this study on prayer as this can be an intimidating topic. Having a prayer journal is a wonderful idea. Glad to have incourage to walk me through this book! Thank you

  7. I would like to grow in the depth of my prayers…I don’t want to use prayer as just a means to “get out of trouble” or ask for help…but want to develop a heart of constant thankfulness and praise.

  8. I would like to be encouraged when praying for something long term without getting discouraged or losing heart.

  9. Starting a thankful list so that I am always in every moment offering a prayer of thanksgiving. I want that continual spirit of communication with my Lord and Savior!

  10. I read this wonderful book two years ago and am now reading Foster’s Celebration of Discipline…both have been game changers for me as I try to become more present for God. Meditative prayer and fasting are two areas where I think it would help to have a community of encouragers!

  11. I want to grow in my prayer life & would also like to learn to pray with my spouse & children.

  12. I am needy in the area of physical fellowship. So I am stepping out of the comfort zone, and hosting a meet up! Scared ? Yes, but The Lord put it on my heart to try! It will be at my house of course. Not far from home for me, LOL.

  13. I’m looking forward to encouragement in faithfully praying for family members, especially using Scriptural prayers.

  14. With each passing year of my life with Jesus, prayer becomes more important. it is where I am renewed and grounded in the life of the Spirit. I am a useless and a mess without Him.

  15. I need to start with myself. Praying that I am encouraged to believe in myself, that I am worth it. To not blame or harbor resentment, but to faithfully praise and worship and believe that I am good and God does love me.

  16. I want to be able to fully trust and obey God and live a life of total service and surrender to Him.

  17. I am so excited about the study! I have just accepted the lead for our Women’s Conference Prayer team. I will be responsible for leading a team who prays for the conference and for each of the 4-500 attendees. I am challenged, humbled, and excited for this walk with Jesus and will use this study to encourage my team—- and myself!
    What a joy it will be to study with you:)

  18. I’m looking forward to generally growing in my prayer life and also being grateful and thankful.

  19. I think that I need more praise in my prayers with God. But I’m really excited to just dive into this study with all of you ladies! Allow God to speak to me and be (in)couraged that I’m not alone!

  20. I look forward to praying with extreme FAITH and BELIEF that God will do what he says he will do!

  21. I need to pray more for areas in our world where God is working.
    I need my heart broken for victims of human trafficking,
    and for God to show me my part in His plan to rescue them.

    • Kathy, I agree with you that we need to pray more for areas of our world where God is working. Two specific issues I feel I need to be more intentional about praying for are unreached people groups around the world who have never heard of or had any exposure to The Gospel and for victims of human trafficking. My heart is burdened for both of these critical issues, and I too want to learn how to pray more effectively and passionately, powerfully, and consistently for victims of human trafficking , a greater awareness about this issue, and that this horrific atrocity would be brought to an end once and for all very quickly. Have you heard of International Justice Mission? If you go to http://www.ijm.org. or http://www.enditmovement.com, you can find some suggestions on how to get involved in combatting human trafficking that might be helpful in addition there is a lot of beneficial information on the issue on these sites. Also, I encourage you to go to the following link and sign the petition there and get others you know to sign it too. http://freedomcommons.ijm.org/action-alert/ask-president-help-make-freedom-real

  22. I am looking forward to growing more in love with Him. As well as seeing His plans unravel in my family’s life as we have answered a crazy good call from Him. I’m also looking forward to all of us growing in our prayer lives. This is gonna be great!

  23. I need to learn to listen to His still small voice instead of asking Him to listen to my loud asking voice.

  24. I am really working on trusting God’s plan and getting out of His way. This is a big thing for a control freak such as myself 🙂

  25. I want prayer to become an everyday thing, not just an every bad situation thing.. I would love to prayer more!!

  26. I need encouragement to be more consistent in daily prayer. Focused time devoted to God and nothing else.

  27. Thank you!
    One area of prayer I’d like to learn more about would have to be encouraging my family in the ways the Lord answers our prayers. Also, that I would put my own prayer needs in my prayers! Sometimes I’m praying for others more than myself.

  28. I would like to pray more than just when I’m in need. Also to pray for specific things and others and not just myself!

  29. One area where I pray to be encouraged is the “waiting” process. I can pray daily, but I’m learning to wait on God… To trust in HIm completely and to rest in His promises and put my confidence in HIm and let go!!!! That’s my biggest struggle ……. Thanks!!!

  30. Not much I would not like encouragement in with regards to prayer! Consistency, without ceasing, for my husband and with thanks! are the words that first come to mind. Thanks!

  31. Making the time daily to meet the Lord in prayer has always been a challenge. When I do reconnect after a period of neglecting that time, I wonder how I could ever have given up that special time with Him. I get distracted so easily! Yet He is so patient and forgiving…
    I would also like to learn to be a better listener in my prayer time. It’s supposed to be a conversation with my Lord, not just me doing all the talking. How can I better hear His voice?

  32. I hope to be encouraged with my role as a wife and mother. I struggle often with being overwhelmed and underappreciated, I could really use some guidance on changing my attitude to one of serving and gratitude.

  33. i would like to make prayer as natural part of my life as breathing is. too often now it is just an after thought

  34. I am reading this book because I know that there is always more for me to learn about prayer and communicating with our Father.

  35. I am going to start keeping a prayer journal. I think this will help me to “remember” o pray for specific people. Don’t w say we will pray for someone and then it gets lost in our day? I want to make sure to keep my little prayer request book close by so I can write the request down! I look forward to this study

  36. Prayer is one of the things I have the greatest problem with. My mind wanders, is distracted and I don’t feel like I am accomplishing anything. Still, I keep trying as I know He hears even our feeble attempts at prayer.

  37. I am asking God to help me put feeingsl behind my prayer for others. When a friend asks me to pray for them, I do….and then mentally check the little box in me head. I once fasted and prayed for my own need, but I want to do that for others. I am asking God to open my eyes to the needs of others, and not just my own prayer requests. I feel like a little kid always asking for things for myself. That’s no way to have a relationship.

  38. A personal relationship with our Lord is everything. The only way to have that is through prayer and thankfulness to him for everything.
    Jesus is Everything !!

  39. Really need prayer and encouragement regarding the 2 children we’ve recently added to our family from the Congo. This are flipped upsidedown and I’m struggling.

  40. Encouragement in keeping journal of prayers and blessings! I also would like prayers for my family as we transition to another phase of our life together – one daughter in college, one in high school, and as parents needing/wanting to downside our family home. Thank you.

  41. Growing closer in relationship with my Heavenly Father and walking in His will for my life. Prayer journaling teh journey and praising Him!

  42. I need encouragement in being consistent with my daily prayer and devotion time. This year I really want to learn to be intentional about seeking God more as I begin to step out more in ministry. I want to hear God’s voice more in my everyday life.

  43. I recently became a first time mom on 12/29/12..I yearn to become closer stronger and more faithful in my prayer life. I want to be a good role model for Elizabeth and an example to my husband. I want to learn how to surrender all..fully trust and leave all my worries at Jesus feet. Thank you for this opportunity to grow as a christian wife and mother…

  44. I am looking forward to being encouraged in the act of keeping a prayer journal that I ztarted this year and recording answered prayers. I am also looking forward to daily prayer. Yaaaaaaaaay

  45. I am looking forward to being encouraged in the act of keeping a prayer journal that I started this year and recording answered prayers. I am also looking forward to daily prayer. Yaaaaaaaaay

  46. I am looking forward to learning how to pray for my husband and kids. I sometimes struggle in this area when life is just going along and everything is great!

  47. For me the biggest gift would be to learn to be consistant in my prayer life even when my head “thinks” God isn’t hearing me or even aware of me. That’s the area I keep tripping over….and I find it so hard to push through it.
    It’s a constant battle and makes me feel fake…if you know what I mean. I want to loose myself in prayer…and find the intimacy I keep hearing about! xoxo

  48. Looking forward to receiving encouragement to develop real consistency in my prayer life. Not that I don’t pray every day, but that I would have a more organized prayer life.

  49. I want to be more intentional about praying—period! I know I need to seek Him first when it comes to how I walk as a wife, mom and leader, but too often I don’t.

  50. I am looking forward to learning more about praying self-LESS prayers…I tend to be very selfish with my prayers and I want to be humbly honoring Jesus in every whispered prayer..thanks for the great giveaway..blessings to all!

  51. I desperately need to focus on clearing my restless mind before meeting God in prayer. It’s easy for me to pray randomly throughout the day, but I love the idea of having quiet time set aside, no interruptions, for these deeper conversations with Him.

  52. I’d love to grow in intercession for people – I want to be one of those people that you know they are really going to pray for you when you ask – but right now, I’m one of those ppl that say, “yeah, I’ll pray for you,” throw up a quick “Lord bless so-&-so” and don’t think about it again until you call me. So yeah, intercession.

  53. I am just excited to learn more about prayer in general. I am fairly new in my walk with God and I have not been praying like I should. So I am very excited to see what this study can do for my prayer life!

  54. I am desiring to know how to pray more for the nation and our government. I pray for our church daily, but want to grow more in prayer. That is why I desire to win the book on prayer.

  55. I can’t wait to read this book. I am really hoping to grow in my prayers. I often feel like my prayers are shallow, that they only graze the surface. I need encouragement to dig deeper even when my mind feels clouded and it all becomes overwhelming.

  56. I need to learn to “get out of myself” and my burdens & cares to pray for others’ needs more.

  57. I would like to see my prayer go to from the surface needy prayers to something deeper that meets God. I want to go from speaking words, to actually listening to the responses.

  58. I am looking forward to be encouraged to pray more about following God’s will for my life and not my own ideas about what my life should be about. I could also use some encouragement and ideas about how to pray for others salvation. Thanks!

  59. I’m looking forward to getting encouragement in developing a more organized prayer life that goes beyond what I’m already doing.

  60. In praying WITH my husband and others… was challenged to do that in our service this weekend which confirmed a needed refocus on prayer in my life.

  61. I looking forward to”being still and knowing” through my prayer life, the daily grind and raising 3 small kids by myself, I need to work on stillness and listening.

  62. Praying for me is as simple as inviting God into my thought life, but, at times, this is much easier said than done!

  63. More consistency! With four young kids in the house, I get interrupted in the middle of everything! 🙂 When they were nursing I’d pray while I was up in the middle of the night with them, but we’re past that stage now. I’m hoping that reading this book will help me become more focused and intentional about prayer.

  64. I know God listens when I pray, so I’m looking forward to learning how to focus my prayers even more…not focus on the requests but really focusing on giving God glory in my prayers.

  65. I need encouragement to pray at all times, not just at the dinner table, when I can’t sleep, when I need a green light in traffic, or when something bad is happening in my life. I utilize prayer blindly and sporadically and I want to change my approach (and response) to prayer 180 degrees.

  66. I know that what I fill my mind with is what is going to come out of me, so I look forward to surrounding myself with encouragement and exhortation and seeing my prayer life refreshed through it!

  67. I would love to learn to pray more selfishly, and to pray for others. I also want to become even more prayerful -so that my mind goes – problem, pray! concern, pray! rejoice, pray! I want to praise God and pray all the time!

  68. I am looking forward to just being encouraged in my ENTIRE prayer life…I haven’t been as faithful in my prayer life as I would like to be and I think this is the encouragement/motivation that I need. Thanks for the chance to win!

  69. I’d like encouragement for how to pray without distraction and also to praise Him even when I don’t feel like it.

  70. I am looking for encouragement in praising God in all moments and making my prayer life more thatn just 5 minutes a couple times a day. I need encouragement making prayer an all day conversation about all things.

  71. I’d like to make prayer, and praise, a more prominent aspect in my daily life. Not just something I do before going to bed. I need to learn to just listen for Him speaking to me, to lead me where he wants me to go. I also need to learn to pray for others and write out my prayers.

  72. I am hoping to make my prayer life more of a conversation between me and God, not just me telling Him everything that I need.

  73. I am hoping to learn different ways to pray and also learning how to listen to God’s voice. I can’t wait to hear the different ways other women pray . I really would like to work on journaling through prayer.. Not very good at this..

  74. I’m hoping to make my prayer life more conversational and to express more gratitude. I feel like I’m always asking him for something. I need to thank him more too. I’m hoping to be drawn closer to him

  75. I’m looking forward to a more intentional and specific time for prayer in my life, as well as praying for my husband, and interceding for others in need. So excited you are doing this book study – thank you!

  76. I would love to learn to pray more from my heart and not just words I think I am supposed to say. Thanks for getting me thinking about this.

  77. I am looking forward to having more meaning in my prayers. I pray the same thing every time I pray and I want to have some intense, honest, meaningful prayers, something other than my ‘usual’ from memory.

  78. Feeling the tension in reading a new book..Practicing the Way of Jesus, and could use a prayer journal or coffee mug ! Journal for sorting out my thoughts and prayers and always love to sip a cup o’ joe as I try to figure out what I am supposed to be doing with this life of mine….who will I impact thru HIM….and I live Richard Foster too….pretty much would love anything to grow my relationship with God…:)

  79. I am looking forward to learning to pray through. Too many times I think I give up before I get my break through. I love soaking in the Lord’s presence and praying helps us get to that intimate point.

  80. My word for the year is peace. This year is sure to bring an out of state move for my husband and I. While we wait for God to reveal the details, I look forward to learning and experiencing His peace as I pray for direction and discernment.

  81. One area of my prayer life that I would like help with is learning how to pray for others while they are sharing their burden with me. Whether it be a stranger in the grocery store or someone from church, I want to be able to pray for them. I often feel very awkward doing so.

  82. To grow in praying trusting prayers, consistent with knowing and believing the faithful and loving God we have, even more…

  83. When I studied Celebration of Discipline, Foster’s chapter on the discipline of Pryaer was so deep and so practical at the same time. I am looking forward to reading an entire book dedicated to the purposes as well as the how-to’s of incorporate prayer into every aspect of my life. Not only in a separate quiet time, but something I can do continually as I walk through my days; while I do laundry, wash dishes, cook dinner and help with homework. I think it’s going to be awesome. I want to really grow into a woman who truly prays without ceasing.

  84. I’m looking forward to improving my prayer life so that it reflects a thankful and gracious relationship with my Savior rather than a time to list all of my needs and wants. He knows what we need before we ask so I want to work on using my prayer time to just come to Him, get to really know Him, and trust His plan for my life.

  85. I’m really wanting to make it more of a habit to pray regularly and to spend time in ‘prayer’ not really wanting to be heard but just to be in His presence.

  86. I am looking forward to helping myself see me how God sees me, and discovering through prayer how much He loves me, because I have discovered that I cannot love anyone else or truly care for them as I should if I do not love myself as God wants me to.

  87. Consistency of writing down when HE answers the prayers, so I can later go back and remember those times when things are tough in my personal life, as well as continually give him thanks.

  88. I have already read the first chapter and learned so much. Thinking about giving sims as gifts. Looking forward to the study

  89. I am looking forward to a total rejuvenation to my prayer life! To breathe prayers as life-giving air. To be encouraged so I can reach out to nurture. To deepen my awareness of God’s presence in my life…. I could go on and on!!!!!

  90. I need encouragement in knowing that no matter how bad I mess up that I can still go to Him in prayer. Often times I feel like I’m too much of a sinner that He doesn’t want to hear me or won’t want to answer. 🙁 This has been an ongoing struggle for me for a few years.

  91. I am looking forward to being encouraged in paying attention to God’s answers to prayer and His faithfulness towards us.

  92. I want to remain steadfast in my faith inspite of circumstances and be bold as I once was to share the gospel.

  93. I’m looking forward to growing in praying consistently for my five children, ages 14 through 23.

  94. I am not consistent in my prayer life. Looking forward to learning how I can pray for others and to my Lord.

  95. Like a lot of others, I am hoping to be more consistent in my prayer life and encouragement in putting my prayers in a journal.

  96. I need to be more focused and purposeful in my prayer life. So often I end up praying the same things over and over to the point it becomes script-like. I want to learn to listen better and pray as the spirit leads.

  97. I hope to make prayer a more natural part of my life – even if that means doing habits that aren’t natural to me 🙂

  98. I’m looking forward to establishing consistent habits with my unchanging and ever-faithful God.
    It’s so easy to let how I’m feeling on a specific day and the “stuff” of life to determine how much I communicate with the Giver of Life…
    But learning, day by day, that abiding in Him is the only way to experience life to the full.
    And who doesn’t want a full abundant life?!?

  99. I’m looking forward to growing in many areas, but especially in praying in trust to God. Trusting Him that He will hear what I pray and that He listens to me.

  100. Better praying for others, my husband and children. Being thankful to God when my prayers are answered.

  101. I need to know God hears me… I want to see His answer…. Yes, no, or wait. Just need His real work in my life right now, specifically in our finances.

  102. I’m hoping to be encouraged in how to truly hear God when I pray for discernment and guidance and really know that it’s Him speaking and not me.

  103. I need help in prayer for myself and my husband. He is legally blind and has Alzheimer’s. I am his caregiver, but still young enough to “go and do”. I feel that I need to know what and how to pray for our situation.

  104. I need help re praying for so many in need on the prayer chain for my church…it can get overwhelming and my heart soaks in all of the sadness and makes me depressed. And I very seldom pray for my needs…it’s always for others. To pray for exactly what each person needs is very time consuming and I feel guilty if I don’t do that, but it is difficult when one’s list is long.

  105. I would like to learn how to quiet my mind while praying, to be able to just have my mind of the Lord, and I would like to learn how to better pray for others and for my son I am expecting to have on April 10th 🙂

  106. I’m needing encouragement on REALLY leaning on God in my prayer life. Not holding anything back and trusting Him wholeheartedly.

  107. Richard Foster is one of my favorite, favorite writers. This book has been sitting on my shelf, waiting. Waiting for next week, I’m guessing! Looking forward to being encouraged to be more creative in my prayer life.

  108. I need to discipline myself to just pray and not worry about if it is correct or not. I also need to learn to just listen.

  109. I”m working on having conversations with God again through prayer, and not just praying through the hard time. I have begun daily prayers again, which has been a huge blessing to the start of my day. Now I need to work in more prayer, and quiet time to just be still and listen.

  110. Where to start… I would love to win this, and plan on signing up to see if I can get a donated book. I just started a part-time job as a paraprofessional with autistic children after not working for nine months. I wasn’t getting unemployment… just answered prayers and miracles to survive… along with food stamps. There are so many things I pray for, and so many people. I know God is great and He has truly been carrying me these past two+ years. I’m looking forward to starting this study one way or another.

  111. God has called me to women’s ministry, and my response is, “Who, me?”. I am exploring in obedience, and had already realized that I needed to really focus on my prayer life and my time speaking directly to God. This study is exactly what I needed to have flash up on my Twitter screen. And, I’m confident that it was placed right there by Him. I want and desperately need a closer walk with Him. What better way than PRAYER?
    I hope (and pray) I win!!

  112. Becoming a more focused, purposeful and constant prayer warrior. I feel like I could be an awesome one- if I do the above…. And learn to listen and hear!

  113. I am looking forward to be encouraged in prayer for myself (to accept things as they are) and others whose lives I impact (making the best possible impression and speaking my faith to others through my actions!

  114. I’m looking forward to keeping a prayer journal and watching throughout the year how God answers them. I want to pray large and see great things happen!

  115. Consistency has been an ongoing struggle with my prayers. I want to move beyond the desperate pleadings of my heart, and return to God with my grateful heart.

  116. Being consistant and making sure I take a timeout each day to spend more than a few minutes here and there in prayer.

  117. There are many areas and aspects of prayer that I need to grow in. I want to be more consistent and persistent in prayer and intentionally make prayer a central focus of my life. I truly desire to be a prayer warrior who prays unceasingly and develops a deep intimacy with God through prayer. Often, I just bring God my requests, and I need to make a greater effort to be silent and listen to God’s voice and what He has to say . Some aspects of prayer that would be important to learn about and put into practice include praying God’s will, modeling my prayers after Jesus’ prayers, waiting on God, and fasting. Additionally, I think it is important that I put a greater emphasis on praise, thanksgiving, and intercession for others when praying.

  118. To slow down so I may pray more honestly and sincerely. For prayer to be first of thought versus an afterthought. To create a stronger relationship with God that allows prayer to become a conversation with Him rather than only hearing my own voice.

  119. Going “Further Up and Further In”. I want to be like the older gentleman I met today that you can see his quiet time. As he spoke you could hear God’s voice in the background.

  120. I need encouragement with it all! I would love to be more consistent. For prayer to be my default, instead of a last resort. To pray with perseverance and to HEAR from God, not just my own voice.

  121. I would like to grow in stilling my heart as I come before God, listening to Him in prayer as much as I’m talking to Him. I’d also like to use prayer as an opportunity for my burdens to reflect God’s burdens–praying for the nations, praying for the persecuted Church, praying for the downtrodden around me.

  122. I need to spend more time in prayer. It’s so easy just to quickly give God my “grocery list” and say amen. I know this is an area that has always been a struggle for me and want to use this time to grow closer to my Savior.

  123. I’m good at being in a state of prayer all day long, but actually stopping the multi-tasking to do NOTHING but pray is hard for me!

  124. I would like to learn how to pray more naturally instead of worrying if i am doing or saying things correctly.

  125. Continuing to learn to just “be still” and listen for God when I’m praying…sometimes, ok often (!) I get frustrated because I feel like He doesn’t hear. But in those time when I remember to calm my heart and remain still, I know I hear His replies 🙂

  126. I am hoping to be better at shutting out the world and noise to spend more focused time in prayer. And listening to /for God.

  127. I would like to know a better way to keep a prayer journal. Some requests need to be prayed for longer than others and my journal gets all out of whack.

  128. I want to be intentional about my prayer life, having time specifically devoted to communing with God, and learning to listen as well.

  129. I need to quiet my heart to really engage with my Lord in conversation. And I really need to learn to ‘wait’.

  130. To grow in faith as I commune with The Lord through prayer. To hear Him more clearly and experience His blessing as I obey Him.

  131. I want to be encouraged in my prayer life as I pray for all those I work with daily. I run a prematurity/NICU support group and am a Christian Life Purpose Coach. I’ve seen God work miracles when we raise our needs and thanksgiving to Him! I feel tired somedays, though, and feel like the burden is more than I can bear. I need a reminder of His amazing gifts and to hold fast.

  132. I’m looking forward to re-reading Richard Foster’s book on prayer and being inspired to pray more. I want to learn to make prayer a part of all of my life, not just during my quiet time.

  133. I guess I am looking forward to it ALL! Praying Scripture and God’s promises. Learning not not just treat God like a magic genie. Growing in my walk!

  134. I want a closer relationship with God and a better prayer life. In 2011 I had hodgkins lymphoma and God helped me get through that journey. I want to be able to read the Bible and understand it. God is so good to me that I want to repay Him by spending more time with Him in prayer. I’d love to have something like this to write my prayers in. Thank you for the wonderful giveaway! 🙂

  135. Writing down prayer requests so that I do not forget (Praise the Lord; He knows them all in spite of me!) is an area in which I need to do better.

  136. Oh so many things about prayer that I want to grow in…deeper intimacy with Christ, more of Him and less of me, more intercession, more God-centered prayers.

  137. Would like to grow in the area of being more consistent with journaling my prayers. Thanks for the chance to win.

  138. Using the ACTS model for prayer helps me to remember four areas of conversation when I pray. My desire is to use a depth in my prayer language. An advancement from feeling elemental in my words. Simplicity at times. Humble with more confidence. Certainly not just flowery words as fillers. Often times I feel fearful to be transparent when The Maker already knows my thoughts. But, talking with passion, love, and emotion to respect my Father as I can do with an in-the-flesh friend.

  139. I am struggling with how to pray. Asking for specific things does not seem right and yet Jesus said to ask for anything in his name and believe we already have it. Yet how often do we ask for what He gives?

  140. Praying for God to reveal Himself to me afresh in His 3 persons individually. Just heard someone say that “how you view God is a direct representation of how you do life.” (Jenn Johnson of Bethel)
    I’d like to clearly view Him in His 3 persons & walk in a way to please Him.

  141. I want to go beyond the praying for the things of the day and really going to the deep places with God. I want to push through the hard and LISTEN to God ~ in other words quit talking and be willing to sit in the quiet with God.

  142. Believing God is who He says He is. Praying…and then leaving it in His hands. Leaving the answer and outcome to Him.

  143. The area i need encouraging about prayer is simply to start praying….something i lack to do in my life. i need a boost to begin to pray fervently. #prayeristhegreaterwork

  144. I am looking forward to being encouraged to SHARE my prayers!! I need to encourage my children and their walk with the Lord, and really help them to learn to have great communication with our Heavenly Father!!

  145. I would have to say an area that has been hard on my heart as of late is intercession. I don’t know what it is about women in Christ, but when I think of us I see an army of spiritual warriors and I want to become a more effective one.
    There are things in my life, like my dad’s salvation/his return to Christ’s arms (he used to be a missionary and pastor), that I have been praying on for years, 11 years exactly, and I know God will answer mine and countless others’ prayers. However, this year the topic of prayer and warring prayer, specifically, has been on my mind non-stop.
    I know that whatever we bind in earth will be bound in heaven and whatever we release on earth, will also be released in heaven. That is my prayer and hope FOR prayer this year. I keep getting more and more blessed the longer I participate in this (in)courage community and I know that nothing happens coincidentally. Not with everything I know about how God operates. I believe God is calling me – in fact, bombarding me – from all sides to go deep with interceding for those great mountains I see in my world.
    This is my hope for prayer this year.

  146. I need to learn not to shy away from heartfelt prayers. I talk to God frequently during the day, but stopping to pour out my soul is difficult for me because it makes me cry, and I hate to cry. It’s one thing to put it off for myself, but my oldest son could really use that kind of prayer from me on his behalf right now.

  147. I would love to participate in this book club – I have so much to pray in thanks for and it would be awesome to read this book.

  148. i would really like to focus on the relationship of prayer, not just a one-sided list or emotionless statements.

  149. Prayer has always been a struggle for me. Especially since late last year. Un-forgiveness and anger hit my heart and I didn’t even know it. To even begin to say my prayers first thing when I wake and throughout the day, every day is where I would like an ultimate understanding of my heart and encouragement to actually do it.

  150. “It is vigilance combined with prayer that spells victory.” says Frances J. Roberts. This is what I want my prayer life to look like. Nehemiah 4:18–Every one of the builders had his sword girded at his side as he built. And the one who sounded the trumpet was beside me.

  151. The reviews are so good that I’d really like to read this book. I love these book studies and sharing the learning together!

  152. I want to cultivate a deeper “boldness” in my prayers and to have more of an expectant spirit about the miracles that God can work not only in my life, but in the lives of others.

  153. Learning to share prayer with my young children…and to learn stillness and patience in prayer.

  154. I would love to nourish and enrich my prayer life. I am intrigued with the idea of keeping a prayer journal and would like to understand how best to incorporate one in my daily prayers!

  155. I need to be more intentional about praising God and noticing all His many many blessings, rather than focusing on the things I’ve been praying a long time for, but still don’t have answers to!

  156. I’m looking forward to praying for the clients that God will bring into my life. I believe we’re divinely connected and God desires me to pray for the hearts and needs of women.

  157. I want to learn to consistently pray without ceasing. I find that on the days when I am in an atmosphere of prayer my days are much calmer, much more productive and I feel closer to God and more in His will when I am giving Him praise and asking Him to guide me through my days.

  158. My husband and I are trying to be more intentional about praying about surrendering our future to Him.

  159. Looking forward to encouraging me to keep up my Gratitude Journal…
    thankful for you guys, stay blessed!

  160. I want to be better of leaving things with the Lord when I lay them at His feet. I’m great at taking them there, but so often, I grab them back and don’t completely surrender them to His will and His handling. I want to be better about thanksgiving along with my supplications. I want to be better about talking about prayer in the course of my daily activities.

  161. I would love to use this resource to document praise, prayers, and how The Lord moves and changes my heart.

  162. Looking forward to praying together with my husband about His plans for our life…instead of for Him to bless our plans.

  163. I really know first-hand the power of prayer .It has been a part of my life and for many generations before me…..I want to be able to really share this knowledge with others.

  164. I would like to be encouraged in being obedient and having the desire of pleasing God so that I can set the example for my boys for when they begin their prayer life.

  165. I know this might sound selfish, but I’m looking forward to being encouraged about getting answers when I pray for myself. It seems like so often I approach the throne of grace confident God will answer the petitions when they’re about a friend or a need of the church or community as a whole, but when I come to Him for me, I feel small, timid, and so terrified that I will hear silence.

  166. I’m interested in learning how to make prayer a daily part of my life. I go through phases where I pray faithfully every day and then I go through times when I don’t.

  167. I would like to learn to be committed to daily ‘organized’ prayer–not just sentence prayers as I go about my day.

  168. To experience a real depth in my relationship with God that I haven’t had before. ” To be still and know He is God” through the journaling and to develop at absolute dependence on my Heavenly Father who knows me better than I know myself, to listen to His leading in the way I should go and more importantly to be thankful and grateful for the good and bad in my life knowing He’s in complete control.

  169. Looking forward to becoming more disciplined in my prayer life. Making time to pray and meditate, praying for others and seeing how God works.


  170. I am desiring to grow in faithfulness in my daily prayer life, and to know the answers when they come 🙂

  171. Praying over things in my life like future husband, my identity in Christ, desiring increasing love for Jesus that flows over to all those around me!

  172. I have trouble spending time with God each morning before I do anything else. Some mornings I do, but the habit and consistency of it are lacking. I know when I do read God’s word at the start of my day I seem to carry those thoughts and words with me throughout my day..

  173. looking to grow in my faith. Truly trusting God and trusting His will.
    I’m bad about trying to do everything in my own way, and I’m working on faith and trusting Him. In prayer, and in life.

  174. Would like to focus on growing my relationship with God through prayer. My prayer life definitely needs some work!

  175. I want to be more focused during prayer. I often get side tracked and lose focus. I want to pray with my wholeheart.

  176. Looking forward to learning to pray less in a list (of both thanks and wants) and more genuinely.

  177. I’d like to be encouraged when I need assurance that God is really listening because His answers just don’t seem to be coming on my timeline. ☺

  178. I want prayer to be a major focus in my life and not something like an afterthought at the end of the day. I also want my depth of prayer to grow and evolve a bit more.
    Thank you!

  179. Praying for my daughter with PTSD and both daughters health issues. And praying for my husband and marriage that has suffered with all of the stressors we are dealing with.

  180. I am really aiming for a more ceaseless prayer life. For prayer to be my first go-to. Always. 🙂

  181. I am trying to just pray throughout the day – for situations that come up – just to be focused on God and thanking him for the day!

  182. Becoming more focused in my prayers, learning to block out my wandering thoughts that occasionally manage to get in the way.

  183. I desire to grow in praying for myself and others especially in the midst of temptation. I also want to be able to pray continually (1 Thessalonians 5:17).

  184. learning to pray in groups with others

    learning to pray out loud and to speak life into my situations, without worrying about what people around me might think…
    … within reason

  185. I have made progress over the last few months in my quest for a stronger prayer life, but I have far to go. I would like to be more focused during quiet time… To listen for God’s voice, to recall the multitude of items I need or want to include. I’d like to learn more about journaling with prayer.

  186. I’m a “shy” prayer… I would like to feel more comfortable praying aloud in church, praying together with my husband, etc. I have always been a quiet/private prayer and I would love to be able to share prayer more comfortably with those I love.

  187. I’d like to be encouraged in asking God for what I need, but ALSO thanking him after realizing he’s answered. Staying faithful to Him. It’s easy for me to believe and ask prayer for others that I feel deserve it, but not so much for myself.

  188. I am taking some time off of work right now and am trying to discern what God is calling me to do next in my life. To stop “doing” for the sake of doing, to stop hiding behind my business and take the time to be still and listen. To find worth and confidence in being a child of God, not in the accolades that I try so desperately to accrue. To figure out why my inner monologue is so desperately unkind, and to find a replacement voice that is honest and courageous and strong. And so my prayer is –

    God, I don’t have any idea what I want, or how to align my will with yours. Please help me.

  189. I need to work on my daily prayers and reminding my children to pray more, not just when they are struggling

  190. I know I need to grow in the area of solitude with God and really hearing from him what his plans for my life and ministry are.

  191. I am sooo looking forward to deepening my prayer time engaging with the Lord. I, like many keep a mental list of supplications, but to write how the Lord is answering those prayers will be exciting. May He alone be praised during this study!

  192. I am really looking forward to being encouraged to find the right words to pray, so that God will hopefully show me if I should try to have a so much desired baby (no. 2) although I’m not as healthy as I would like to be. Also I would love to be encouraged in praying for God’s help to deal with my anxiety about what the future might bring – referring to the illness.

    And a little encourage to pray for more patience with my beautiful and sweet 2-year-old Charlotte wouldn’t be a bad thing, too. 😉

  193. I was honored in receiving a copy of Prayer. I read Celebration of Discipline in Portuguese 20 years ago in Brazil, and I’ll enjoy this reading now. Love in the Lord

  194. My focus is for prayer to become such a natural part of my life that its the first thing I do rather than the last thing I happen to remember.