Lisa-Jo Baker
About the Author

Lisa-Jo Baker is a bestselling author, lapsed lawyer, and current acquisitions editor for HarperCollins. Originally from South Africa, Lisa-Jo lives outside Washington, D.C., where she fell in love with her husband in the summer of ’96. Their story spans decades, languages, countries, books, three very opinionated teens, and one dog.

(in)side DaySpring: things we love
& you will too!
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(in)side DaySpring:
things we love
& you will too!
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    • Anna, girl your meet-up is already ROCKING. 22 girls in the Twin Cities SO excited for community! We can’t wait to share your post later this month, by the way. 🙂

  1. I’m due to have our third little one at the end of March so, I’m sad that I can’t make it. Maybe next year there could be one in Washington? That would be awesome!!!

  2. Registered, set up to host in small-town Illinois, and looking forward to it! I’ll be sharing on fb + blog as soon as I get my kids settled with schoolwork. Running behind today!

  3. Do you get my college-aged girls joining? I thought my daughter and some of her friends might enjoy but not if it’s all moms.

    • Erin – I totally think they would enjoy it, and learn a lot! They could have their own little event if they don’t have another meetup they want to join. 🙂 Our group last year was quite varied in age, but mainly women in their 20’s.

    • Hi Erin! I’m the (in)tern at (in)courage and am in college. YES, your daughter and her friends should be a part! I participated last year and will be hosting a meet-up on my campus this year.

  4. I am so excited about the registration day, and the upcoming (in)RL 2013 event. I’ve registered and invited others. This is sure to be one of my personal event highlights of the year to remember.

  5. I think I just registered. Do I get a email confirmation ? Love the connection with (in) courage emails. They get me through my days the last year❤

  6. So excited to be co-hosting an event in Minnesota! I attended last year and was SO nervous, but so glad I did. I was able to reconnect with my former Bible camp counselor, who has since become a dear friend (we’re co-hosting together this year!). I’m looking forward to building in more time for discussion this time, and probably a time to sing in worship together at the end. 🙂 Oh, and a “photo-booth” area just to be silly and document our time together! 🙂 Thank you SO MUCH, (in)courage, for putting this together.

  7. So bummed, second year in a row I will have to miss the meet up. Last year I caught parts of it on the flight to CA. This year I will be shooting a wedding for my photography business. Going to miss it. Have a great time MN gals.

    • We’re bummed you can’t join us. 🙁 Are you able to watch on Friday night at least? If you’d like to watch last years (in)RL you can always purchase the DVDs through

  8. So, this is a bit of a techie question and this probably isn’t the best place to ask, but last year I read all the meet-up stuff and could never figure this out and never saw a place to ask. Is there a way to test and make sure I can indeed stream the content? We live in a rural area and our internet is, um, “special”. I don’t want host a meet-up and then have everyone have to sit thru hours of buffering.

    I was very scared last year to host a meet-up – we’re new in this area and I was worried that only like 2 people would actually show up and it’d be awkward and weird and that my lack of tech skills would unravel the whole thing and it’d be even more awkward…

    I’m feeling a lot more confident this year and would like to host a meet-up, but without being able to nail down the tech stuff I don’t feel like I can sign-up/invite people.