Tami Vanhoy
About the Author

Tami writes to share how God feeds her soul to be strong and in His will one day at a time. She knows that each morning God has prepared a meal just for her; to be strengthened, prepared and nourished for this day. She writes to encourage others not to...

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  1. I loved your post. I clicked to have a meet up, now I am scared to death. But no turning back now. I am also going to watch and see what our Saviour has planned for my meet up. Please pray I can do it?

    • Thanks Mary… I truly was blessed by that day and was encouraged to move forward one more step at a time when the winds of change were pressing hard into me…making forward movement difficult. This year I found a meet up being hosted closer to my back yard here in East Texas…so while I’ll MISS you and gathering with old friends…I’m excited about enlarging the circle with MORE new friends.

  2. Great post! It is often hard to step out of our comfort zone. God often asks that of us so He can bless us even more than we could ever imagine!

    Thanks for taking the step!