Michele Perry
About the Author

Author, Artist, Creative Coach: Founder, Create61.com; Chief Creative, EDGE Creative Consulting LLC {Home of the #S3Edge}; Founder, IrisSouthSudan.org

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  1. […] there is more to this story.  You know there is.  I’m humbled to be sharing over at incourage.me where An Invitation to the Supernatural Life is being featured as a Fall Recommended Re….  What grace is that? Won’t you read the rest of the story there and join in the […]

  2. Thank-you for this Michelle,
    In a confusing place right now on this healing journey – I needed the reminder that God is moving in ways I cannot see. He is so trustworthy!
    Blessings to you.

  3. Thank you so much. I really needed to be reminded of this today. I’ve been in a place of depression for a while, and being in depression plus having a packed schedule has meant that in this season I’ve been hard of hearing and seeing on my own. God may be working differently in this season than in most, but it blessed me to be reminded that sometimes God’s surprises are right before our faces and all it takes is for us to change the filters on our eyes, to see it!

    • Athena, the seasons when the colors seem to go grey… and everyone else keeps wanting to compare color charts. They can be the seasons that call on the deepest reserves of faith we have {even beyond our knowing}. I am praying Papa puts some extra special surprises in your path… even the little things that will let you know you are in not way alone and in every way cherished. He is for you. Always. Love-Michele

  4. Thank you so much for this. This week I’m challenging myself to be the woman that sought after Jesus and held onto His garment to receive her healing. I don’t need a physical healing but I need to know where He wants me, what He has for me to do. This was such an encouragement to me today, that God is hearing me this week and He is doing way more than I can see. I want to have those eyes to see Him daily in and through my life.

    • Danielle, may Jesus guide you and open every door in its time and take you on a wild love adventure with Him. A pray I prayed for years- “Papa I want to love with Your love and see with Your eyes. Show me where You are already moving.” Has really helped me navigate those waters of transition. Above all else. Just be. Be the loved. Be loved by Him and out of that overflow all else will follow. So thankful you shared your heart here… Celebrating His goodness with you!

  5. Thanks, Michele! I’ve read your book in June (first download on my new kindle which I received as a gift while in Australia!) What a blessing and inspiration it was (and still is!) Continue to pour out your heart – the words you write are truly Holy Spirit-infused! Much love from sunny South Africa!

    • Thank you Sandra! We all are on mission with Papa… Every day. Address is truly incidental. What I don’t live here I won’t live there. Flying 30 hours on a plan didn’t make me any more “qualified” or “sanctified” just more bleary-eyed. But mission trips are life changing experiences and come highly recommended. 😉

  6. What a fun idea! I was taken aback by the list of sponsors (Oprah?) but love the idea of lifting folks up as the Holy Spirit leads. Dayspring cards are some of my favorites.

    • Minou, I’m not sure where or what you saw Oprah sponsoring related to this post… but lifting up others is such an important way to love Jesus and the people around us. Amen to that. And Dayspring cards are just plain happiness in an envelope. Bless you, Michele

  7. Michele,
    I was wondering what you think going deeper with God means. This has been my journey this year – or should I say my goal. I know it’s not spending more time reading the bible, or more time ‘doing’. Any thoughts on this?

    • Denise, when I think deeper in God I think of sinking deeper into Who He is. It is more time being. Being with Him, being aware of His being with us. Listening, leaning until it all becomes as natural as breathing. Not hard, no striving but definite intention. A fixed gaze on Jesus. It is not about performance (aka how well you read the Bible while that is important and good) it is all about posture and position. Positioning yourself by faith-filled intention to connect with Him… in the secret place, in the market place and in every place in between. What a beautiful goal. Jesus. Celebrating your journey-Michele

  8. Dear Michele..I cannot wait to read this second book…your first book comforted me so deeply a year ago as I was confronted with my Mother battling stage 4 non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma..my Momma is a precious Spirit-filled woman of God and my Daddy, our pastor of 30+ years…I remember taking your book over late one night and the three of us reading and re-reading the story of the new backbone God gave a friend of yours…amen! I love you, sister in Christ!

    • Becky- thank you so much for sharing this treasure. It means far more than I can find words for. I pray you enjoy and find many places of new encounter with our beautiful Jesus. My love to your whole family- Michele

  9. Hi Michele,

    I’ve been reading your book “Invitation..” and its been a huge blessing!!!… and I’m only on the 4th chapter! I love the way you write! Abba has truly blessed you and is using you MIGHTILY.
    Keep up the great work!
    your brother in Yeshua,