Lisa-Jo Baker
About the Author

Lisa-Jo Baker is a bestselling author, lapsed lawyer, and current acquisitions editor for HarperCollins. Originally from South Africa, Lisa-Jo lives outside Washington, D.C., where she fell in love with her husband in the summer of ’96. Their story spans decades, languages, countries, books, three very opinionated teens, and one dog.

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(in)side DaySpring:
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  1. Hi, have just looked at the groups you currently have, and it seems there is not one in the UK?

    Keep up the good work!

    Blessings to you all.

    Chrissie xx

    • Hi there Chrissie,

      Actually these aren’t quite the same as our (in)RL meetup groups. These would be online groups unlimited by geography and connected purely on the basis of shared interests. So please do go ahead and apply if you feel called to lead one. Or wait till we have the group leaders in place and then come and join one!

      Warm wishes

  2. Just wondering: If we lead a group say on Facebook, if other ministries share articles/videos that we’ve found helpful, can we share them with our incourage group?

    And Chrissie, I’m in the UK too. 🙂

    • Absolutely – Facebook would be a perfect way to connect and lead your group! And yes, we’d love you to share whatever you think would encourage, inspire, speak to your particular group – it doesn’t have to come from (in)courage. We’d just want it to be in line with the heart of (in)courage which you can read over here

  3. What an amazing opportunity this is. Looks like two people (Sarah and Chrissie) have just found each other. 🙂 Building community in a post before it even gets started. Love it!

  4. I am interested in starting a community in Indiana. I have a friend who might be interested also. However, I am older (70s) and not sure there would be an interest in my age group? Let me know your thoughts. Thanks!

    • Hi there Marcella,

      Yes, we NEED your wise and wonderful age group to join us. I think we have readers from all demographics and would love to have a group they could connect with. The idea is it would be an online group that can connect and encourage each other via email or Facebook or whatever medium you’re most comfortable with.

      • Hi Marcella,
        I’m sixty-five and have been wondering the same thing. I live in Texas but would love to be a part of a group of older women.

    • I just wanted to pipe in here and say that the (in)RL meet up I went to was all ladies in an older age group. In fact, I was about 40 years younger than anyone else there!

      It was lovely to gain their insight and we continue to meet up every month for dinner.

    • Marcella, I am from Indiana and I know of at least 4 ladies in my area of northwest IN that are near or in their seventies, love the Lord and are active on the Internet!

  5. I am not techno-savy enough to be a community leader, but I would sure love to be part of one. How do you go about doing that? I have a heart for women and love to encourage and walk beside them.

  6. This sounds like us mexican girls would enjoy. Technology is great. Why not start something here too.

    • Hey Ana. I am in Mexico…where are you located? We are missionaries in Southern Baja. I was wondering about having a group here.

  7. Very much looking forward to joining a group in September. Praying for you all and the work you have ahead of you for choosing leaders (I’m sure you’ll have a great group to choose from), and praying for whoever the leader of the group I join is. 🙂

  8. (in)Courage continues to be such a great model for online applications for all kinds of ministries. Thank you for everything you do!

    I’m wondering if it would be too simple to call the community leaders (in)Couragers?

  9. To my older sisters in Christ: We are all on our own personal spiritual journey. No matter the physical age, our experiences and the wisdom we have gained can be shared. Often, it is in the sharing that we are lifted up, recognizing someone else has travelled a similar path and come out the other side. Count me in!

  10. This sounds so wonderful (and scary!) I just started a forum on my blog this past weekend because my heart truly aches for women that are struggling and hurting. I’ll look more into what I need to do to host a community through (in) courage. Oh, and I just love Richella’s idea of it being called, (in)Couragers! : )

  11. Lisa-Jo,
    I looked at the app. and everything looks great, however, I’m partner challenged! I’ve been blogging just over a year now and I’ve met some ladies on line but are you looking for us to find partners in our area of the world or does that matter?

  12. I am loving this idea Lisa-Jo! Your heart is truly evident in your purposes. Thank you for sharing the heart-beat of the Christian walk here at inCourage!

  13. Lisa-Jo, this is a fantabulous idea! I filled out an app but left the partner blank. I have one in mind but want to talk with her first and have her pray about it.

  14. Did this girl apply? Yes ma’am! I would be so thankful and so blessed to be a part of something so wonderful! I LOVE social media and would love to reach out to other women through Facebook, Twitter, and blogging. Thank you to (in)courage and Lisa-Jo for giving us the opportunity to be a part of yet another something wonderful at the (in)courage beach house!

  15. I’ve been encouraged over the last year by many of the blog posts here at InCourage. The writing has inspired me and encouraged me greatly!!!
    I do have a genuine concern about the vision for online community groups here though. I assume (I could be wrong) that InCourage is under the umbrella of a business, not a local church and I understand it is a Christian ministry that provides wonderful resources and teaching materials. So my concern centers around the question: where does the authority and accountability for these groups come from if there is no Elder to oversee them? If anyone can apply and lead one of these groups, isn’t there a danger that perhaps a leader could start up an online Bible study with her group and have very unbiblical teaching and doctrine and perhaps lead many women astray into wrong teaching causing a lot of hurt and damage to one’s spiritual life?
    I think InCourage has done a great job as being a Christian women’s network and I’ve recommended it to many people including many of the resources and books that y’all recommend! Having this community is great and exciting to see so many interacting already within it. But I’m curious to know how this would affect the local church if groups are formed and anyone can become a leader for those groups. Shouldn’t Christian women be focusing their limited extra time on building community face to face with women in their local church body which provides pastoral oversight, accountability to correct theology and biblical doctrine and meeting the needs of people in their physical communities? Women are already so over saturated with technology from their iphones to computers and facebook, instagram, twitter, blogs. I’m just afraid that InCourage might be taking the place in meeting a need that should be filled by a local church, which is the local Body of Christ and for which Christ died and rose and is coming back. Many churches are using Facebook and other social networks like The Table or The City to have Bible study discussions and forums within the church community providing pastoral protection over the teaching that is given to its members for their spiritual health. It also provides the pastoral/elder oversight to deal with conflicts that come up between members, doctrinal issues, and how these things impact the church culture.
    Thanks InCourage for all you do! God is using your blog ministry as a “refuge”, a “safe harbor” for many women! Many blessings!
    Love Jen

    • I’m not a person in charge with (in)Courage but I thought I’d share how I see these groups.

      First off, personally, I wouldn’t use anything to lead a Bible study that wouldn’t be approved by the leadership of my church. That aside, I see these groups as additional “places” for people to meet. There are some people who can’t leave their house because of medical reasons, there are some who have busy schedules and try to make it to in person church functions but it isn’t always possible, etc. I understand the concern but at the same time I know that I’ve gained a lot by being part of online groups. I would hope that if there was a group that had non-Biblical teaching, that a member of that group would speak up and say “Hey, this isn’t right.” You know?

  16. {Melinda} Just heard Holley and Stephanie speak at She Speaks last month. Really appreciated their hearts and encouragement to women. Excited about this opportunity to create a small group community under the larger (in)courage umbrella …. just filled out an application!

  17. I’m sure you all will think of this as you’re coming up with group ideas, but just in case it needs to be mentioned: MISSIONARIES, please. : )

    Thank you! Looking forward to hearing what comes out of this…

  18. I just realized while going through the cancer treatments I missed the deadline to sign up. Will you be taking additional applications later on to add to this program once it is up and running?

    Thank you,

    Danay’e Taylor

  19. Phenomenal idea! I just discovered this page but it looks like the deadline has passed to apply. Let me know if you have a need for leaders. Included my website with background info.