Mary Beth
About the Author

I love Jesus, my husband, and my little boy. I am now a stay at home mom, writer, and blogger. My career was first in teaching and then in Marriage and Family Counseling. Living in a small, Southern town in Mississippi, we enjoy football, playing in the rocks and dirt,...

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(in)side DaySpring:
things we love
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  1. Good stuff, Mary Beth. Truly.

    There’s a lot to soak in Right Now. And it won’t always be this way. I ponder this today and appreciate your perspective.

    Rich blessings as He leads you in Wonder.

  2. I used to live in downtown Chicago so your driving description made me smile but I totally understand what you’re saying about anxiety. I really struggle not to let anxiousness crowd out joy. Thanks for the great reminder.

    • I knew I’d find some Chicago dwellers! That place was crazy! πŸ™‚ Hoping your recognize the joy today! πŸ™‚

      Mary Beth

  3. And somewhere along the way, I mistakenly learned I was the only one. Thank you, Mary Beth. You could have been telling a story from my own life, except that I’ve never been to Chicago.

    • Well, there are at least two of us Jennifer! I have a sneaky suspicion there are more! Here’s to hoping you make it to Chicago one day and enjoy every minute of it–even the crazy traffic!

      Mary Beth @newlifesteward

  4. That drivng fiasco would’ve done me in. I just conquered my fear of driving over bridges. I do miss much in the now, wanting to know what the next thing is ahead. I’m taking some time to stop and listen and hearing jesus ask me, “what if I told you do nothing.” I’m sitting with that for awhile. Lovely post Mary Beth, thanks.

    • Wow. I learned a similar lesson last week about rest and just letting things be. God is sovereign and He can take care of it. (I wrote about it…post goes up tomorrow). It’s so hard for us to just sit still, isn’t it?

      Enjoy your break and truly REST!

      Mary Beth

  5. My son is 6 months from eighteen, a year from graduation. Where did the time go? I am positive my little boy was running toward me with sticky hands and baby fat cheeks just yesterday While I was sleeping someone replaced him with a huge man child with facial hair and a rumbling voice. The days went by slowly sometimes but the years moved quickly. I learning moments are fleeting and memories are precious. Your post reminded me to do better at savoring both.

    • That’s not the first time I’ve heard about the days passing slowly and the years quickly. Such a true statement! My little man is almost 18 months and it seems like we were just celebrating the pregnancy! I can’t imagine staring at an 18 year old MAN!

  6. Mary Beth, thanks for being so real! It can be SO difficult not to let anxieties take over. Your words are a great reminder of what we are really here for.

    • It is truly hard. I’ve tried to instill the habit of turning my worry/anxiety into prayer when it begins to take over. That way, I’m actively entrusting it to the one who can do something about it.

  7. Have you been living in my brain the last few decades? These could have been my words as well. I’m so anxious about the bad thing that just happened or the bad thing that could happen next that I miss the joys that are happening now.

  8. Girl, when I was little, I used to lay in bed and plot my escape if the house caught on fire. I made my parents buy me a fire escape ladder to hang out my window! I am all to familiar with anticipating the bad things around the corner. I’m learning to rest in the right now and trust God with it all.

  9. Interesting story. I,too tend to rush the time along waiting for the next “exciting” adventure or just the blessed weekend away from work!

    Why can’t we just learn to rejoice in the day and moment–be thankful for what we have and not complain or worry about stuff?

    • I want to give the cop-out answer and say because I’m a sinner, but I know that God has given me all I need for life and godliness, so it’s possible to live a life without discontentment and anxiety!

  10. Oh Mary Beth! You gave me almost-tears and goose bumps. What a beautiful, revealing post! You had so much to say in these sentences. I KNOW our God was orchestrating the effect they would have on the hearts of your readers. So much is here, in this wisdom of the constraints and consequences of anxiousness. Thank you for writing your experiences, and for writing them so well. πŸ™‚ A joy to read today.

  11. God continues to reaffirm this theme for me lately. How familiar your words felt. And I’m grateful once again for this reminder to slow down and enjoy where I am instead of rushing to what I believe will be a safe haven.

    • I love how you described that “rushing to what I believe will be a safe haven”. Don’t we always think the “next thing” will be so much better and safer than where we are! I’m learning right along with you!

  12. Mary Beth, I love this reminder! (And I love country music, so of course I enjoyed your title, too!) I am so often guilty of looking ahead, planning, worrying, analyzing that I miss what’s happening now. And I really need to just remember that THIS is the day the Lord has made.

    Also, your writing is lovely and your voice totally made me smile this morning! πŸ™‚