About the Author

Jennie is a Bible teacher, author, and the founder and visionary of IF:Gathering. She loves God and believes in this generation of women. She wakes up every day on a mission: disciple a generation.

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  1. I meet with a group of precious college age women. I’d love to do this study with them!

  2. I feel stuck in perfectionism. I put a lot of pressure on myself to be what (I perceive) others want me to be and end up feeling frustrated and dissapointed in myself when I don’t meet those perceived expectations. God has recently put on my heart that I need to let that go and instead focus on the love He has for me, imperfections and all. Hard to do but I am praying and learning. I love the idea of sharing the DVD with those women I know who went to church when they were younger and then something happened and they haven’t been back since. For some of them I know what their “stuck” away from church and God is but others have not told me. The DVD study would be a helpful tool for them to look at what it is that is holding them back.

  3. I feel stuck in discontentment.

    The ladies in my church. I think it would help us build a stronger community. We are lacking.

  4. I am stuck in not believing the promises of God are for me. Not good enough.

  5. Wow! Inspiring and motivational! My curiosity is piqued!
    I’m most “stuck” with my husbands’ job… It’s always been “the other love” in our marriage; even as his heart chases after God, THE JOB beckons and calls all hours of the night. God says man will labor and toil…so toil away he does.
    Thanks for giving away some of these! If I had one I would open it to use with the other stuck women whose husbands are working with mine. They are all tangled up in the corporate web together, and we pray for each other to hang in there with these men we love. These men God has put in the mission field of a chicken plant.

    • Marina, I am in the same boat as you! This post today couldn’t have come at a better time! Our God is so great!

  6. I feel stuck in neutral. It’s like some days I’m not moving forward and I’m not moving backward. I’m just sitting still and the rest of the world is passing me by. I want to grow. I want to get deeper. Yet, as a 43 year old single mom to an almost 3-year-old, who works full-time, I feel like it’s all I can do to get through the day. There is never enough time to do anything else. I pray for God’s direction and His peace.

  7. I feel stuck in my relationships, or rather my lack of relationships. My marriage is struggling with little effective communication and I have realized reciently that I have let most of my friendships go along the wayside as I have focused on my children and being a ‘good mom’.

    I would invite a couple of ‘old’ friends as well as a few women who I would like to know better and start friendships with.

    Thank you for the opportunity to be vulnerable and feel safe doing so! I feel encouraged and challenged today. 🙂

    • So thankful you shared and I think you would be so pleasantly surprised at how many women need the same thing you are looking for. We all have struggles no one else sees.

  8. Oh my. Why did you have to ask this question? Now I have to deal with it! 🙂

    I feel stuck in….routine. I get up, feed my family, read my Bible, work work work, feed my family, watch tv, go to bed. All along, I feel this tug at my heart…what is it? Should I be doing more? Helping somebody? Going somewhere? (Oh God, please don’t make me go to Africa!) I want to know, yet I don’t. Because routine is easy. Maybe that’s really it: I’m stuck in comfort. Funny how it’s becoming less and less comfortable. Dang it.

    • Oh my gosh- I love your answer! So deep- so true- comfort is never comfortable for long. I think you have inspired me to write a blog on this. I just have been resting for a while after all our anythings this year and there is NO life in it. We were built to recover with Jesus- not watch 4 seasons of MadMen to recover and a few seasons of Downton Abby. 🙂

  9. I get stuck in fear of if I press in deeper, bad things will happen to my family. I want to go deeper into His ocean but I get stuck in the sand. I’ve grown up in church my entire life and only now as a 35 year old, do I truly have a personal relationship with God. I want more of what God has for me but the fear is overwhelming.

  10. I feel stuck in want. I want this or I want that. What I know I need to realize but seem to fail to do is He provides everything I need.

  11. Stuck…I’ve been stuck not believing God’s promises for so long! By God’s grace and a good counselor my life is changing. Just yesterday I was talking with a friend about how to help another who is stuck – this could be my answer!

  12. I feel stuck in mothering. I want to convey Christ to my children but feel I show my humanity more than him.
    I’d invite other mothers. Our children are so important and if we learn, they’d learn.

  13. I feel stuck in trying to be perfect for my children’s sake rather than in trusting their hearts to God’s care. There are several friends I would love to do this study with!

    • We keep a fund going for all of their future counseling. When they turn 18- we’ll send them and apologize for how we screwed them up. 🙂

  14. I feel stuck in SO many places, but today I would say I feel stuck in worry. My relationship with the Lord goes deep, but I still find myself worrying about way too many things. I know worry is a sin and shows a lack of trust in God, so I am praying every day to overcome this fear! I lead a small group of 12 women and I think this study would be PERFECT for us. We have met for years, but have rarely been completely transparent with each other about our feelings and struggles. We are STUCK on a surface level! This may be the perfect study for us to move our group to a deeper level.

  15. I see the Lord working in my life…and it’s difficult. This idea of praying “anything” is very powerful to me. I read Kiss for Katie recently also. So much “stuck” with me from her few 100 pages but all that I keep thinking about is how she said that “we” .. the readers shouldn’t look at her like Oh, she is so amazing (which she is) going to Uganda and doing all these wonderful things for the Lord. Katie said that she is just a normal young woman who JUST SAID YES to what God was calling her to do. Oh, if we could just say yes!! What He could do with these vessels He’s created us to be. Open and poured out. Whatever He asks….Whatever is requires…that our answer be Yes. I haven’t said Yes to His calling in many areas of my past but I want to now. I do…to be BRAVE and say Yes!! Thank you for this.

  16. I feel stuck with no direction… I live and teach in a small town where there is no clear class or study for my co workers and friends outside of school. We could all use something to help guide us away from our routines and insecurities

  17. I feel stuck in a few things. :/ But lately, feeling the most stuck in fear. It seems to be at the root of most of my struggles. Fear of not being a good enough mom, fear of what people think, fear of death, fear of change…the list goes on. People around me often say, “just let it go.” Oh, how I wish it was that easy…but I know God is the God of miracles and I will never give up my hope in His incredible healing.

    I know that I am not alone in some of these struggles and would love to include some of my mom friends. 🙂

  18. I feel stuck in the past. I’m trying to work through past pains and failures…and I feel incredibly stuck. I’m not even sure how to describe and didn’t realize “stuck” was how I was feeling until I read your post. But, I think you said it perfectly, “stuck in trying to be perfect. Stuck in sadness. Stuck feeling numb….etc.
    Thank you. I really would love to find friends to share Stuck with.

    • Wow….this is exactly how I feel and I too didn’t realize this was what was going on until I read this post. Love how you expressed exactly how I felt and that we share the same name.

  19. I feel STUCK in the friendships I currently have in my life. This Summer I will be home and I would love to get to know my neighbors and invite them to my home to do this series. I feel God could use this opportunity to build new friendships while building community to engage our hearts souls and minds for God and all he has to offer.

  20. I often get stuck with “what if” and fear. I feel like I sometimes miss out because I am afraid to take a leap of faith and take that next step towards my dreams/goals.

  21. I feel stuck in….anger/frustration. It’s ridiculous.

    The first person I would ask to do this with me…would be my friend Carrie 🙂 We like being ‘stupid honest.’ Transparency brings transformation.

    Blessings and love,
    Kate 🙂

  22. I feel Stuck in trying to figure out how my calling will utilize my time the best. I feel compelled to work with women; to encourage and motivate when they don’t see the hope or the faith or the dream. I feel compelled to listen and discern. I feel compelled to return to speaking and teaching.
    Now I need to get unStuck from the paralysis that keeps me from moving forward.

  23. I feel stuck in disorganization. There just always seems to be more of everything than I can get a handle on. When I need it, I can’t find it. When I don’t need it, I’m tripping over it.

  24. I feel stuck in life. Like I’m going nowhere and there is no meaning to it anymore. I have friendships here, but no one wants to get together with me. I desperately want to move, but the jobs I’ve applied for haven’t panned out. I want to know God more and want to know HIS will for my life… but I’m afraid that everything I believe is really a hoax because of all these “unanswered prayers”.

    I feel like I’m stuck in failure in so many things. And the success just won’t come to me.

    • I keep thinking about this… I have actually typed two responses out already. And the thing that keeps coming to my mind is this….

      God is Enough.

      I know it must not feel that way right now. But He is better than every thing you have asked him for. And I know he is with you. Psalm 34:18 The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.

      He doesn’t promise to give us everything we pray for- but he does promise to be with us.

      • Sometimes I totally can believe that. But right now… in a job I hate – looking for something I want to do that I feel passionate about… having friends here that say they care, but never call or check in… and wanting to have a partner in life, but not finding (or knowing where to look anymore) him is proving to be more work than maybe it’s even worth.

        I have more tears than joy right now. And apparently God does not have the same vision for my life as what I do. I just don’t know where to look for this anymore.

        I am blessed. And maybe this is what I focus on. I have a wonderful extended family, and that I can afford to have a house and car. So maybe I just have to settle for this life.

        • I understand that. I have been in the place where belief is escaping me. But pray. Write it or say the words out loud. Read how David talked to God. Make sure you are giving him a chance to meet you in these places.

  25. I feel stuck in the past as well as in complaint mode a good part of the time. I could do a Stuck study with my sweet ladies at work and/or the girls and women at my church, though I would like to outreach beyond that to our community of ladies!

  26. I feel Stuck in my anger and grief and dis-affectation. I feel flat and uninvolved and dis-engaged. Apparently clearing the 1 year anniversary mark of losing my father unexpectedly was not as “releasing” as I somehow thought it would be.

    I have already emailed a handful of women I know who might be interested and winning the set would be FANTASTIC. 🙂

  27. I feel stuck in the new church my husband and I came to a year ago. He is the Senior Pastor and we love the church but I have allowed my fears and insecurities to make me stuck in the background. I dream of being a leader among the wmen but am so afraid to fail so I just dream. I would invite the women of the church into my home to do this study and be authentic with them about my dreams, fears, and insecurities. Maybe it would be the open door I need to get unstuck.

  28. I feel stuck in my purpose. I want a direction, a need, something I’m supposed to do. I’m floundering and need to feel God’s pull on my life.

  29. I feel Stuck in insecurity. Insecurity abounds in my feelings of loneliness and fears of rejection and being forgotten. It’s a place of being emotionally stuck. It is being a single professional who is stuck in a daily routine that lends no recess for socializing and meeting new people. I love the relationships I have with my Christian sisters but there is a fear of being forgotten of pushed to the side by them as their lives are rich with husbands, children and other obligations. Single friends often play second, third or fourth fiddle…as it should be to a woman’s family. But that leaves me in a place stuck with insecurity.
    Who could you ask to join in on a Stuck Study that either needs God or needs a group to dive deep with? – I believe that some of these same Christian sisters from church and from work feel stuck in various areas of their lives as well and would be open to meeting at my place or a local coffee shop over a warm cup of java to discuss these strongholds and how to break free from them.

  30. I feel stuck in this seasons that I’m in. I can’t really put a name on it. It’s full of not knowing what comes next but feeling as if I should. It’s quiet and still and feeling as if my tree has quit baring fruit. It’s feeling out of place in the familiar and not knowing what to do about it. It’s reading His words over and over searching for what comes next but not getting a clear answer. And so I just wait and pray wordless prayers.

  31. I feel stuck in my neighborhood and my “routines.” I feel stuck in “unfulfilled” dreams.

    Perhaps I could do this study with some lonely neighbors? Thank you for this post and for the encouragement to realize where we are stuck and then DO something about it!

  32. I feel stuck in my current job. The responsibilities have drastically changed since last fall & I’m only doing ancillary stuff–not much patient care as when I started. I pray daily for God to provide something different/better.

    I would love to do this with my women’s Bible study group probably in Fall or Spring. This Summer is really busy for our pastor’s wife who usually leads our Bible studies.

  33. So often I feel stuck as a mom and have a hard time remembering any other identity. It would be great to pair up with other moms I know who might be feeling the same way.

  34. I am stuck, mired, in fear. It has consumed who I am. I started my prayers this morning with “God, I am so afraid” and I wanted to cry. I am so tired of praying that. And God is probably tired of hearing it.

  35. I would invite a few ladies from a bible study we just finished. It was their first one EVER and I am looking to keep the group growing in Christ.

  36. I feel stuck in my financial situation.
    I also feel stuck with my weight.
    The Stuck Study would be so useful for my group of ladies who gather for prayer meetings.

  37. I feel stuck in life. I try so very hard to improve myself for not only my sake, but for God’s. But the more I try, the less it works. I am stuck trying hard to make things better, different for my sister and I, but I don’t know where to go or what to do. Sometimes I get the most overwhelming feeling that I just need to run away, run as fast as I can. My job makes me feel stuck and my lack of ability makes me feel stuck. I am constantly reminding myself that, my treasure is in Heaven, yet, I continue to seek something I will never have. Oh well… Sometimes, I just want to give up.

  38. I’m stuck in fear and lack of inspiration. I should really invite my neighbor – she’s a mom who doesn’t go to church, although she’s a believer. I feel she needs to experience the advantages of fellowship and the support of other women.

  39. I feel stuck: So often I wander about my thought thinking what “if” what if I was never raped.. what if I hadn’t gotten married so soon after the accident. What “if” I fail at being a mom. What If I don’t live up to what God wants me to do? What if I don’t know what God wants me to DO?. Every now and again the “what if”s get to much and I journal to my hearts content or until I fall asleep which ever comes first. I have hurts but they don’t have to hold me, they don’t have to make me insecure in what the plan God has laid out for me. I am special and wanted. Some days are better than other.. Well heck some months are better than others. I am blessed.. some days the rose on my glasses are in the shop. I am imperfect and hoping to grow and work through those stuck moments more. Blessings

    • I am so so sorry for your pain and past hurts. The world is so broken. In awe at even the brief version of your story and the way you are tasting freedom. I pray today would be a day of half full- and if it isn’t that God would be enough for the empty places. Bless you.

  40. I feel stuck in my short fuse/easily angered mentality. I have been praying about this for a very long time and still, I struggle with it more than I’d like. This kit sounds amazing and I have a group of friends, ladies from my MOPS group who would likely love to go through this together…. thank you for offering this!!

  41. I feel stuck in fear of rejection. It keeps me from inviting those I love into the messy places in my heart and it keeps me from speaking the truth even when I know it will bring freedom. Fear of rejection keeps my conversation overflowing with information, ideas, and stories that are not mine so that no one will notice that my heart is in hiding. There are a few friends who reach deep in my heart and I appreciate them muchly, but I feel God calling me to invite others into that place, and honestly, it is terrifying.

  42. Right now, I feel stuck in my job search. I keep thinking I need to have a job because my husband and I don’t have kids yet, so I need to do something with my time that will be productive. I’m not sure if God’s views are the same… I often just get so STUCK into believing that my worth comes from what job I have… when I know it comes from who CHRIST is… I don’t want to just know that Truth, I want to believe it and live it, and let it shine through my life.

    I would invite a few of the other young, married women from my church. My husband and I just moved after getting married in August. We haven’t felt like we’ve fit in. This study would be a great way to get to know some of the other ladies my age, while learning and growing together in the Lord. It would also be a great outreach for those who either just received Christ, or are just going to our church but don’t know Him. There are a couple of ladies I already have in mind to invite because that is the case.

  43. I feel stuck in the routine of life. I feel like a hamster on a wheel. No passion, no purpose. Just numb. I know there’s more to it than this.

    I have a couple coworkers and a 3-4 friends that I could invite to go through this with me. I’m going to invite them. I pray that they say YES!

  44. I think I’m stuck in impatience. Seeing things that MIGHT be coming and wishing them here sooner, rather than stopping to really live in the here and now every day. Praying for clear direction but also for clarity to just BE HERE NOW. To teach my littles and figure out how to balance that with full time work (which you would think I would have figured out since this is the end of year 3 of single mommyhood … but no, still struggling for balance.)

    I have a few friends who I think we would really grow and learn doing this together … ladies that I know, each from something different but I think we might benefit from all doing this together and them each learning with new ladies. Maybe uncomfortable since they don’t know each other … but then maybe, just maybe, knowing that all of us are sisters in Christ would be enough for us all to feel safe to share among strangers.

  45. I feel stuck in… Pretending. That I have enough hours in the day to be supermom with a smile on my face and holding up the appearance that I can cook, clean, parent, work, excel at my marriage, keep everything organized, encourage my friends… All the time. Pretending I am not tired or lacking what I truly need. Pretending I can do it all.
    And I’m stuck watching my friends do the same.
    I’m calling my girlfriends, forwarding the post… And hopefully we can let our guard down. Grow and finally learn gow to surrender it all and no longer feel so… stuck!

  46. I feel like in the last year….I have had a friend pull me out from being stuck and I am continuing to walk in whatever God has for me and I pray that I can God can use me to give a hand to others that feel stuck and need encouragement.

  47. Goose bumps! As we were driving home from church this past Sunday afternoon I told my husband that I just felt stuck! (exact words!) Thank you for praying “anything” because through that prayer God has used you to affirm the words he has been whispering into my heart. I don’t know where we will end up but I do know the one who is already there. Thank you!

  48. I feel stuck in my… mess. In all of the mess that surrounds me on a daily basis, my emotional mess, my spiritual mess, my physical mess and my relational mess… all. of. my. mess.

    Thank you, looking forward to this study!

  49. I feel stuck in a romantic relationship with an unbeliever that I know is wrong but my selfish flesh wants to stay in it because it feels good for now…

  50. I feel stuck in the inbetween!! I’ve recently dealt with fears and insecurities and God has moved me into youth ministry…..now I feel stuck, not knowing how far He wants me to go!

    There are a few different groups of gals that come to mind <3

  51. Goodness….I feel stuck in many situations. As a wife, mom, routine, anxiety, insecurity…..I could go on and on.

    But, that’s just it. I don’t want to FEEL it anymore. And I’m sure that this study would help myself and a few other friends overcome the “feeling of” being stuck in a life or season that God surely did not intend us to be in!

  52. I feel stuck in trying to do too much at once and then finding myself frustrated and cranky!
    I can immediately think of a neighbor that I could invite who feels the same way but is not walking closely with God. A few others from different activities also come to mind.

  53. I feel stuck in so many areas. For the past 11 years, I have lived with chronic pain and illness and I am often dependent on others to help meet my basic needs. For years now, I have felt stuck in grief, brokenness, pain, anxiety, fear, and hopelessness. Because of the pain, I have many limitations that keep me from doing many activities and fulfilling dreams I have, which is really frustrating. I seen others my age able to be active and move on with their lives, and I’ve seen so many others around me doing great things for God’s kingdom, while I grow tired of waiting for life to start, and I feel as though my life is useless and doesn’t seem to have much meaning or purpose because of my health situation and limitations. I’ve also struggled spiritually for a while now, and I feel “stagnant” in my faith and my relationship with God. My family and I have been weary and overwhelmed, and we definitely need refreshment and hope for the present and future. I truly want to grow to closer to God, know and live in His will, and make progress and become “unstuck” in each of these areas. I know of a few other young women who also deal with chronic pain or health challenges and maybe we could all do this study together. Jennie is such a godly woman and it would be such a blessing to do her Bible study series and learn from her!

  54. I feel stuck in tears and grief, losing my husband and the only life I knew for 38 years. Now I must look forward to a different life by myself, and it is so lonely.
    I used to teach a small group. Perhaps I could summon up the courage to start again with this study.

  55. I *was* stuck. In my job. In accepting whatever God had for me that might be different than what I want.

    But…He has been releasing me and growing my faith in Him. Holla!

    It doesn’t mean I wouldn’t like to have Stuck, though. There are always areas where we’re coveting or idolizing or not strong in Him…He’ll reveal them in His time. I’d love to do this with a friend who is apart from me. Maybe several Mommies.

  56. I feet stuck in moving on. I am divorcing after 28 years of marriage – it was easy for him to move on but for me – it’s not. I have been home with my children for 22 years and they are moving on, he is moving on but me I am stuck with so many things from the past to deal with I can’t make that step. I am feeling stronger, my faith is strong but needs to be stronger. It’s always been me taking care of everyone else – and I do not know how to let go of that without seeming to be uncaring of those in my life I still love!!! I have to learn how to find something for me and let go of the past, guilt and move on. It actually sounds exciting for me to be able to find something new but stuck in dealing with the past…….

    I have several friends that are in about my same spot, one in particular who has lost all faith in her “stuck” place and I just try to encourage her daily – would love to share this with them – even at our church. I am sure there are other ladies that may feel the same way.

  57. I feel stuck in infertility. So wanting children & wondering how in earth God continues to bless all the pregnant ladies around me but never my husband and I. It such a hard battle.

  58. I feel Stuck in my depression, being stressed out. and my financial circumstances.
    Who could you ask to join in on a Stuck Study that either needs God or needs a group to dive deep with?
    I would invite my friend who also struggles with the same thing, also church friends who could benefit from this.

  59. I just led the Stuck study at the Women’s Jail Annex in our county. They hung on each lesson, as did I. We found ourselves stuck in each one. Some more profoundly than others — anger, scared. Can’t wait to lead it again.

  60. I feel stuck in the things I want to control but know I cannot. As a self-proclaimed control freak, it is so hard to just sit back and let God work where He needs to. So often I want to open my big mouth when I know I just need to listen.

    I am a MOMSnext coordinator for our group that meets at our church. I would love to share this with the moms of school aged children who come to our meetings. We were just discussing the other day different ideas we could talk about and this sounds PERFECT!

  61. I feel stuck in between stepping out and getting approval to stepping out from church leadership.

  62. I feel stuck in complacency. I could do more and work harder to use all my talents, but some days it is just easier to do only what I need to do.

  63. I feel stuck in my physical pain that leads to depressions, frustration and pity parties. It would be good for me to start a Stuck group in my area. I get too focused on myself.

  64. I feel stuck in procrastination… Or complacency, like someone else said. They kind of go together.

  65. I feel stuck in a state of being overweight. I am over 100 pounds overweight and I want to lose weight so much but something is holding me back. I think it’s something mental that has me stuck but I can’t figure out what it is!

    • Hi Shannon. One area of ministry that I am going in to is Revelation Wellness. Check it out, maybe it will help you- Revelationwellness.org

      Much love-

  66. I feel stuck when I make a decision and then back out and then make another one and then serve here and there and spread myself between so many things and feel like I am not exactly where I need to be. I am learning to focus, but not very quickly. I need to BE STUCK sometimes but unstuck in being in so many areas. Does that make sense? lol .. I would love to get a group of random women from my community to share this. I have people I serve with from some churches but go to a very small church but have unsaved and non-churchy friends that I would love to see get real! 🙂

  67. I have a group of neighborhood women that I could reach out to…and a host of homeschool moms.

    I can’t put a finger on where I feel “stuck” – possibly feeling stuck with little energy to do what needs done each day….or stuck not knowing the answers to this transition period my husband and I are in ….stuck as to how to move forward in ministry. :-0

  68. I feel stuck in my house. Literally. We have just over 1200 square feet for 7 people, and we share our bedroom with a baby who isn’t even ours (we foster), and I wonder if I can truly be content and happy if this is where God has me forever. Can I move forward with God, serving Him, loving Him, being a part of His story – even in my small home? My feelings haven’t quite caught up to God’s truth yet.

  69. I feel stuck in “waiting” I’m waiting on a new job… tired of waiting and being unemployed… I’m waiting for my perfect mate… don’t know if He will ever come… but seems my life is on a big wait mode and I want off… I want to see things start to happen for me… I think I can rally a few friends to do the study with… Lord knows I want to do it… even it I do it all my myself….

  70. I feel stuck in grief, the loss of our business, the loss of relationships, & frightened of starting over in life at 47.

    I would love to do this study with some Amazing friends that have been dealing with many of the same issues in life <3

  71. I feel stuck in my own sense of lack. I am burdened and held down by all the “not enoughs” in my life. We just moved to a tiny rental. I found out I’m pregnant with our 6th child, my husband is in recovery and just lost his job and yet I feel so convicted to do Gods work more than I ever have. I feel challenged to stop living in the fear of all that I’m not and open my home to strangers in order to grow Gods work. This study is exactly what Im looking for.

  72. I feel stuck in my journey. Some days I feel like I’m moving forward, while other days I feel like I’m moving backwards.

  73. Sometimes I feel stuck just in every day life…..getting in a rut.

    I would invite ladies from church and work who feel the same way, women who want to make difference for God, but for whatever reason feel like they can’t.

  74. I feel stuck in a waiting game… between jobs, between states, between homes. Waiting… To hear God, to see His leading.

  75. I feel stuck in the hopelessness somedays of dealing with my husband’s PTSD and depression.

  76. I feel stuck in….go-go-go mode. It is as if I always need to be doing something. But, I really need to be ‘doing’ resting in God and His faithful promises.

  77. I feel stuck in singleness. I feel like God has called me to be a wife, but now as I continue to get older & things around me seem to show otherwise, maybe I heard God wrong??

  78. I feel stuck in STL! We want to move to pursue seminary, but out house won’t sell. I know the lord has a plan, but I am not sure what I should be doing in the meantime. What does God want me to do NOW instead of all this waiting?! I wonder if having a stuck bible study is part of that?

  79. I feel stuck in my disobedience… I have actually identified this study already to do with several ladies: a neighbor God has laid on my heart, a friend dying of an autoimmune disease God has asked me to walk alongside, a few sisters in Christ that I know I’m supposed to do life with and another godly neighbor I want to ask to be my mentor. Thank you so much for the opportunity!

  80. I am stuck in my responses – poor responses to my husband (verbal and non-verbal), responses that tear down my kids, mask wearing around others, and so on. I feel that I shouldn’t be stuck – I have known the Lord for most of my life! The Lord is showing my husband and me that we need (He, Christ, needs) to change our hearts, thought patterns and responses to be more “graceful”. Oh, how stuck I feel to respond the typical way I always have. This is a “season” of feeling that I can’t do much right. How I have begun to learn the unconditional love, grace and mercy of the Lord! I so long to meet with a group of women that can be real together, grow in the Lord together and get through these “stuck” places together. I have never been one to gather much with women. Four homeschooling kids didn’t seem to leave much time. I am seeing the need for it now!!! I have a wonderful group of women in mind from my church and possibly our homeschooling group.

  81. Ive been leading a book discussion group on Emily Freeman’s “Grace for the Good Girl.” It will end this coming Monday. Sounds like “Stuck” would be a great follow-up!
    P.S. I love the promo video above! It made me want to see the movie 😉