Deidra Riggs
About the Author

Deidra is a national speaker and the author of Every Little Thing: Making a World of Difference Right Where You Are, and One: Unity in a Divided World. Follow Deidra on Instagram @deidrariggs

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(in)side DaySpring:
things we love
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  1. I love all my Dayspring products…but I happened to get an unexpected box on the very day I was let go from my job. I was “outsourced” in the morning and arrived home to find this platter and cards I had won. I felt like God was giving me a little hug through the mail that day!! ๐Ÿ™‚

    • So glad DaySpring was there for you that day. I know some of the people behind the scenes at DaySpring and believe me when I tell you, they ARE sending hugs through the mail.

  2. I haven’t ever ordered from dayspring, but if I had an unlimited supply of money I would totally order some cute journals and bags. At this point in my life though I can’t justify buying $10 journals when 25ยข target journals will get the job done, and I can’t justify buying cute new bags when the ones I have are still functioning well enough…once I’m not trying to pay off a college education I probably will order a few things from dayspring…

    • I hear you! My daughter just graduated from college and I gave her a few DaySpring items as house warming gifts for her new apartment. If it weren’t for DaySpring (and Craig’s list) the rooms in her new home would be empty!

  3. I love dayspring products, too hard to choose just one. Winning these beautiful items would make my day Spring!

  4. So funny, if I know I have a package coming (from Dayspring) or anywhere..I stalk the window until it arrives, my delivery man is probably thinking the same prayers as I swing open the door before he’s even out of the truck!!
    My favorite Dayspring package? That’s a tough one! Does my Blessings Unlimited kit count? Because that was pretty wonderful!! But really all have been wonderful. My ‘Lord Bless This Home Server’ was exciting because it was my first Dayspring purchase. I received a lovely mug (with the same verse above actually) as a gift, and was the first package in our new home, also exciting! (Not to mention one of my favorite mugs!) I think though, the most exciting was not ONE package, but when I had FIVE Dayspring packages being delivered in one day!! It was like Christmas morning opening all the wonderful decor items for the new house (which now has something Dayspring/Blessings in nearly every room!!) Needless to say, I’m a big fan:)

    • Stalking. Yes. That is the correct term. ๐Ÿ™‚

      FIVE packages in one day?!?! I think that would have sent my guy over the edge. How fun for you!

  5. Love Dayspring! Hands down favorite is my teacup and saucer–it’s all mine, and everyone in the house knows, hands off!

  6. The best that I’ve received was the first one. I won the Life platter from Bonnie Gray and it was the first thing I ever really won (not by default) and the first DaySpring product I ever had. Its seemed to take forever to come and I think I hounded Bonnie for it. I immediately tried to think of ways of use it because I feel in love at first sight. It broke recently because I am as clumsy as a bull in a china shop. But my delivery guy should be stopping by today today with a new one – as well as my inRL dvds and a gifts for friends who are getting married. Both of which I am beyond excited about.

    • I am laughing at the idea of you hounding Bonnie.

      I just received my inRL DVDs in the mail last week. Yay yay yay! And, I have to say the Life Collection may be my favorite of all the DaySpring products. (Many of the items from that collection are on sale this month!

  7. I loved receiving the Beach House Box for the InCourage Conference! Everything was excellent quality and I loved it all! They made great gifts. I love my Perfectly Loved Teacup. Thank you DaySpring !!!

    • I LOVED being able to give so many wonderful DaySpring items away to the women who showed up at our inRL event. Everyone went home with something amazing.

  8. I’ve never ordered from Dayspring but I would love to have some of the wall art some day!

  9. I just gave away my last card from Dayspring that said thank you in a way that seemed to speak my heart better than I could do on my own. It was a surprise to me when I received the package of cards. It said something about “one of the lives you’ve touched is mine”. I meant to write the card down word for word but I didn’t and gave it to my daughter’s kindergarten teacher last night. I saved these cards for the people I really wanted to know had impacted my life. Funny, the best things are sometimes the simple ones. I love Dayspring!

    • There are so many amazing cards. I have a stash of them in my office and – no matter what the situation – there is always one that says exactly what I mean.

  10. That sure is a cute little set…

    I love all the lovelies that Dayspring has. I have a birdcage greeting card holder that I absolutely love. It sits on a table in my entry with pictures pinned to it. It’s one of my favorite things. Makes me happy to look at it :).

    I love seeing your face here, Deidra. That makes me happy too :).

  11. My delivery man is a blessed man! I’ve never actually been home when he has delivered my packages. He’s probably delivers to one of you other squealing Dayspring fans- God has shown him mercy at my house.

    My favorite Dayspring package has been was my beautiful serving platter!

    • Yeah, I’m starting to think my delivery guy has my routine memorized. I don’t see him quite as much as I used to…


  12. I received several things from dayspring the one that was the most fun was the red ‘pitcher’… what I really want to purchase is the ‘write on board’ so we can write notes to each other throughout the week. I have been waiting for my budget to get to where I can ‘spend’ some fun money.

    • I have that pitcher! I LOVE that pitcher! My mom saw it and wanted it, so I gave it to her and got myself another one. My mom saw that one and wanted it for her friend, so I gave it to her, and got myself another one. I’m not showing that pitcher to my mom anymore. ๐Ÿ™‚

  13. Deidra, that is a challenging question for me to answer! Whenever I get a DaySpring catalogue, I drool over it for hours, perusing each page slowly! I take in each item and dream of where in my house I would place it or think about whom each item would be a perfect gift for. I, like so many others, have not yet ever ordered anything; but no worries! I am saving my pennies for that sweet special day I can order the clock. I already have a spot waiting for it! I would be honored to win and meet my delivery guy! ๐Ÿ™‚

    • That clock is SO beautiful in real life. You will not be disappointed. And if you win, tell you delivery guy I said Hello!

  14. I ordered a Variety package of cards from Day Spring. Loved mailing to people who the card seemed to fit perfectly.

  15. Oh by far, it’s my “Blessed” lantern!!! Can’t wait to put it on the porch of our new house next week!

    • Blessings to you in your new home, Brenda. Praying the Lord shines His light on you and yours in your new place.

  16. I have not ordered from Dayspring before but have plans to start soon. There are so many things I would love to have. I love the Redeemed line and will probably order the Inspirational blocks first. My birthday is May 30th so that might be my birthday gift to me! Love Dayspring!

    • Happy birthday to you!!! The Redeemed line really is beautiful, Pam. There are so many wonderful pieces, it’s hard to choose.

  17. I loved it when I got my teapot to give to a sweet sister of mine. My late grandmother collected teapots so when I opened it up it brought back precious memories of her. My friend almost did’nt get her present because I loved it so much!

  18. It has been a long time since I have ordered from DaySpring. This tote and teacup is really beautiful as are many of the products Dayspring has ๐Ÿ™‚

    • I gave that tote to my mom for Mother’s Day. She loved it. I think my mom is DaySpring’s number one fan.

  19. I haven’t ordered from Dayspring, although everything is so beautiful! But if I could choose, I would choose birthday cards to pass out.. Each month at work one of us is responsible on providing a little something to the birthday person, so I would like to share a little bit of Jesus! ๐Ÿ™‚

  20. I have never ordered from DaySpring. ๐Ÿ™ No finances to do so.

    I have seen so many lovely things I would love to order. Especially mugs and to drink my tea out of and add a little beauty to my day.

    • The mugs are beautiful. And drinking tea or coffee or hot cider or chocolate from one is really a great way to start the day, or end the day, or just take a break in the middle of the day.

  21. That is a problem, isn’t it? I often order gifts from DaySpring and when they arrive, I realize I should have ordered two.

    I love the story about the memory of your grandmother. So sweet.

  22. Like everyone else I LOVE anything from DaySpring, but the pitchers I recently ordered have been amazing, I love having a stockpile of gifts ready to go! I also love giving quality made gifts, and these pitchers hit the spot!

    • Okay. Once again I must talk about my mom. Those pitchers make wonderful gifts. Last year, I sent a bunch to my mom (at her request) to give away to her girlfriends for Christmas. They are beautiful and perfect for lemonade, sweet tea, or a bouquet of flowers.

  23. I would like to get the daily bread promise box. My grandmother had one when I was little, I would pull out the card and tell her the book and verse number to see if she could recite the verse. She almost always could. It would be a wonderful rememberence of my grandmother.

  24. I have not ordered anything but have been wanting the Ever Grateful collection for over a year!

  25. The Blessed and Loved set I bought for a friend’s bday/Christmas gift (yes, same day for her!)…it also came along with the card holder for my sister’s Christmas gift and the “God’s Heart for You” for a sister-in-love’s gift ๐Ÿ™‚

  26. I have never ordered from Dayspring, but I love the entire Redeemed collection!!

  27. Oh this post made me happy ๐Ÿ™‚ I definitely do the same thing! Those poor delivery guys need to get in a small group to help one another through the chaos.


    favorite thing i’ve ever received from dayspring? the box of goodies my sister sent me for my birthday! jewelry tree, necklace, post it notes..loved it all!

  28. There’s NO WAY I could just pick one thing! I love everything I have ever ordered from DaySpring. So for me it really can’t be one thing, but what I love most is that everything I have ever ordered has always been on sale. I ALWAYS shop the monthly specials and clearance section for gifts for me and others. Then I make sure I order above the $50 mark so I can get the FREE shipping. Yay!!! What a deal! The free shipping and the sale price makes me jump and shout!!! Oh, and I get really excited when I can get something at Buy 2, Get 1 Free!!! That means I have two gifts ready to go and I get to keep one for myself. Woo hoo!!!!!

  29. I absolutely LOVE my coffee mug! I use it each and every morning… it has so many reminders on it… Seek Peace, Over flow with hope, be filled with joy, live by faith, grow in grace, walk in love..

    I bought two other mugs as well, one for my best friend… the Heaven Stuff Mug… and one for my grandmother.

    I can’t wait to get more items from DaySpring.. I love everything they have!

  30. I just absolutely LOVE my blue Life Collection platter and 2 matching red and blue mugs! I have them displayed in my kitchen and I look for excuses to use them ๐Ÿ™‚ When it came I was at work and actually opened the box to show all of my co-workers! They all loved it too…and I like to think they were all a little jealous that they didn’t have an awesome Dayspring package to open!

  31. Last fall–feeling a bit down & in a season of “funk” due to job changes–I won the Resolution for Women Book & Resolution for Men print. Loved loved loved the book. My husband actually read & signed the print & we have it hanging in the dining room.

    Also won some peanuts cards & organizer. I use those cards all the time to tell people how I feel & help encourage them.

    Like most women it is to hard to choose just 1 item. I would probably go with the journals or devotion a day books. Everything here is wonderful & so is God!

  32. I have not ordered from Dayspring having just found this site in the last few weeks, however, I have used the free e-card system to send a Mother’s Day greeting to a lonely friend. If I were able to order I would seek something for my daughter to tell her how special she was for supporting me and her dad during the last year of his life and still being able to graduate college with MagnaCumLaude honors.

  33. Actually, I’ve ordered two things from DaySpring and love them both! I have a mug with a ceramic lid that I use at work – it’s awesome because it keeps my hot tea hot – a lot longer than regular mugs without a lid. The second thing I ordered was a card organizer with a handle. I LOVE that I can keep the cards organized as it makes finding a card that much easier! Plus the handle is AWESOME – it’s so easy to grab the organizer and carry it to the table when I’m ready to send out cards. I highly recommend both of these products!

  34. The Dayspring ecards are always a delight to send, especially to my sweetheart who’s in Afghanistan right now. I just love how uplifting they are.
    I have a growing wishlist of the gorgeous and encouraging decor items that you have… oh, as well as the fun jewelry!
    Thanks for always being such a blessing!

  35. I like the “You Are Special” platter…..good for birthdays, special days, down-days….any day!!!

  36. I just joined the Day Spring’s Heart Connection Card Club. I was so excited to receive my first “batch” of cards! A friend was leaving for Africa on a missions trip and I wanted to share with her how special I think she is and what a blessing this trip would be for her and those she met along the way. I COULD NOT find a card anywhere that said the things I wanted to say to her. My box of cards and I was so excited to find the perfect card for my friend inside. I was able to get it to her the day before she left. It meant so much to her and she was so excited to receive a card in the mail (don’t we all get excited when we see a card in the mailbox?! ๐Ÿ™‚ ) Thank you DaySpring for these beautiful cards that always express what I want to say!

  37. I reviewed a few products recently….a love plaque and mug with a dress form on it. I LOVE that mug. I’d love another. Lol. I use bags all the time but don’t have one so pretty! I homeschool and they are great for storing books on the fly!

  38. Well i have a daughter ready to be married in a few months so i know an assortment of cards to start her out would be wonderful!!!

  39. I would love to order something from dayspring someday…it would probably be wall art of some kind. THanks for the chance to win!

  40. My favorite thing to get from Dayspring in the mail was the Redeemed “I am Found” Pillar Mug I ordered for my mom for Mother’s Day! She writes me all the time now to tell me how it blessed her and changed her perspective on the day when she uses it in the mornings! It’s a beautiful piece, and I’m so glad she enjoys it!

  41. I’ve never personally ordered from Dayspring… however, I did receive a package from them one day.. During a time of struggle in my 10 year, 3 child marriage, I received the framed “Courageous Oath” with a place for the family picture at the bottom that my husband had ordered after watching “Courageous” while at a Men’s Conference with a friend… Needless to say.. it was the “turning point” of our struggle…..

  42. I love everything Dayspring…kind of like I love everything about you!!

    1000 gifts book is probably the best thing I have ordered…or Holley’s new book, You’re Already Amazing. ๐Ÿ™‚

  43. I love dayspring! I would get any of the tea cups, the overnight bag or any of the inspirational jewelry. I especially like the redeemed line ๐Ÿ™‚

  44. I have never ordered from Dayspring but have purchased their cards in stores and through Blessings Unlimited. If I had the money I would buy lots of their cards… I love the blank Inspired Living cards or the Quiet Moments cards… I also love the assortments of Birthday, Hope & Encouragement, Sympathy (Comfort & Peace), Anniversary and the Max Lucado Get Well set. I also love the Prov. 3: 6 Vinyl Wall Art, the Be Still Wall Clock, the Blessed & Loved Tote and the You’re Already Amazing book. So I guess I have to save up my money !

  45. I LOVE all of the items that I’ve received from Dayspring, however the one that gets used the most and brings a smile to my face every day is my red coffee mug from the Life Collection. ๐Ÿ™‚

  46. This cracked me up because I ordered the beach house in a box stuff and was thrilled when it came. My two and four yr old girls however were beyond excited. They squealed and jumped around and lavishly praised our delivery guy. I’m not sure what he was thinking but he smiled and said thanks and walked back to his truck.

  47. There is not a BEST thing that I have gotten delivered from Day Springs. All my orders are great.
    I order calendars for Christmas gifts for special friends.
    My friends appreciate that their calendar relates to their personality and can’t wait to read the inspirational message each day.

  48. Hi I never ordered Dayspring but bought cards from retail store . I also love teacups ordered from church several years ago for Christmas tea.


  49. I have never ordered anything but I am always looking through the store. I have a very small community of girlfriends, all with different religious backgrounds, that I would like to send a gift to, but for some reason feel embarrassed about it. I am not the best nurturer of my frienships but this site is teaching me. I would probably get some of the books and cups.

  50. Sad to say I am yet to recieve any goodies from DaySpring but I am planning on ordering some Summer Reading books for myself & my kids. Thanks for the chance.

  51. that is hilarious!! ๐Ÿ™‚ my best friend once mailed me a gift with lips drawn on the outside of the box because I had let it slip that I hugged and kissed a care package… Heheh! So yes I like getting awesome mail. ๐Ÿ™‚ the cards from dayspring are probably my favorite.

  52. I love, love, love my tote bags from Dayspring. One I use for toting music and instrument accessories to band practice. The other I use for when I have more to carry than will fit in my regular purse. They always make smile. =)

    The one that made me squeal with excitement was when I received a copy of “You’re Already Amazing” to review. I didn’t know that it was coming. I almost bought it in the morning but decided to think about it first. I checked the mail and there it was! My boys thought I had lost whatever shred of sanity I have left, but I didn’t care!

  53. Thank you for giving me the chance to get to know my delivery person better!
    Th pattern on the tote and mug is very pretty.

  54. I have never ordered from DaySpring but really love from the Redeemed collection I love the wall art “redeemed by grace & truly blessed” as well as the “beautiful in its time” vase

  55. I haven’t ordered from DaySpring but have looked at their items admiringly for awhile now. I’d LOVE

  56. Hilarious! I wish I could be there when the FedEx guy delivers your next DaySpring box! DaySpring boxes are the best! I remember Sara (Gitzen Girl) talking on her blog about getting a box from DaySpring, how great it was, etc. I wondered how a package of something you ordered could really be THAT good….until I got my first box from DaySpring. They really are that good! The DaySpring folks are so generous – always doing giveaways, letting bloggers do reviews and host giveaways, and sometimes even putting in extra items in the boxes as a surprise for the recipient. Plus, the quality is good. When I order something from DaySpring, I always know that I’m going to be getting a good product.

    It’s hard to pick the best thing I ever received from DaySpring. I really like the caddy. It is so sturdy, functional, unique, and pretty. Recently, however, my favorite thing was a Redeemed t-shirt that I received in a package as a bonus. I was reviewing the wallet and make up bag on my blog, and DaySpring included a t-shirt as well. Just because. It was such a blessing to me because I was truly in need of some more t-shirts at that time. God used DaySpring to bless my socks off!

  57. Love all my DaySpring stuff. I especially love my “By Grace Alone” necklace by Lisa Leonard.
    Deidra, I’m pretty sure my delivery guy prays the same thing being that I react the way you do. ๐Ÿ™‚

  58. I love all of the inspirational Daily Devotionals that I receive from Dayspring. Usually whatever one comes whether from In courage, or Holley the message is one that I really need to read and feel. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!
    Robyn Meyer

  59. I have never ordered from Dayspring. I always admire the beautiful Tableware on Ann Voskamp’s blog…especially the pitcher ! I would love to have that ๐Ÿ™‚

  60. When my children squeal, this Momma beams and squeals too! DaySpring is awesome for putting out The Really Woolly products! My kids have had the intense pleasure of watching little Jacob and Gracie learn terrific life lessons and ask great questions because of them! Thank you DaySpring!

  61. My favorite Dayspring purchase is the red Full Life plates. The Advent promise calendar was especially enjoyable as well.

  62. I’ve never ordered from Dayspring; however, I have been a recipient of their ever-so-lovely Card Organizing File. My mother covets it. โ˜บ If given the opportunity, I would purchase some of the beautiful canvas art.

  63. It’s so hard to pick! But a month or so ago, I ordered one of their beautiful teapots. For me. And I put it in the closet to put under the tree for myself for Christmas. Between now and then, I’ll probably discover that I need to give it to someone else instead. I already have 2 teapots, but that one is so pretty I couldn’t pass it up. I’m hoping Husband gets me the totally frivolous frilly umbrella for my birthday.

    • Oops! I got so excited about talking about the teapot that I forgot to put in my contact information!

  64. I have ordered MANY, MANY wonderful things from Dayspring for myself and as gifts to others. HOWEVER, my FAVORITE Dayspring items came from my sweet “person” Courtney during our In(rl) conference! She gave us all little gifts bags and mine had the STRENGTH wood block and the You’re Already Perfect journal!!! Two wonderfully simply little gifts that I like to call “happies” from my very loving, giving friend. It made me feel so incredibly special.

  65. I love the Dayspring mugs I have that were gifts & love the wall hanging with the hooks for house keys! Thanks!

  66. The best thing I ever ordered from Dayspring was my By Grace Alone necklace. I wear it alot – it reminds me that God saved me & loves me by His Grace Alone!!
    God Bless!

  67. The red dishes that say LIFE, or I have come that they might have life, and have it to the full. John 10:10. I don’t use them as dishes but as remembrance tokens, icons if you will, for the two kids that we have adopted with Compassion. They would be their places at the table, only they are on the tea cart by the front door. If I sponsor more children I would buy more sets of dishes.

  68. Well I drive my delivery guy crazy. I am a teacher and so any time I have ordered something for school I am jumping up and down. You would think I am the student not the teacher. I have nevered ordered from Dayspring, but if I did I would order the journals and teamugs and bags. I always need a new tote for the school year, I am never without my daily tea, and I journal to God to keep sane daily. I am crazy for HIm and I am sure I send Him to giggles at the silly things I do. I am so glad He just loves me for me.

  69. I haven’t ordered online but I purchase Dayspring cards. I love sending encouragement to my friends and family.

  70. If I was employed instead of unemployed, the first thing I would purchase is the wall plaque that says “Lord Bless this Home”! Then definitely the tea cup set.

  71. First, the prayer above made me smile and laugh, something I really needed on my Thursday! Money is really tight right now so I haven’t bought anything from DaySpring (although I do download the “freebies”). I love love LOVE the new Redeemed collection as well as the Urban Soul collection. Both are very unique and offer something for everyone.

  72. I have never ordered from DaySpring.

    However, my wife has… and she’s having a rough time at work these days and a little package love from DaySpring would be a big smile on her face.

    And I like making her smile so I’ll enter my name here… ๐Ÿ™‚

  73. DaySpring is such a blessing in my life! It brings such encouragement on days when I am lonely and feeling far from God. I love this tote and I would love to have it as a witness for our loving lord!

  74. Best thing ever? The “Mr. & Mrs.” set I got – two coffee mugs, coupon book, journal, etc. We’ve loved them so much, that I bought sets for our two separate kids who got married last year.

  75. I’ve gotten inspirational Christian cards from Dayspring before and I really the Redeemed wall clock too! thanks!

  76. Well, I pretty much love everything I’ve ever gotten from Dayspring, but if I had to choose one, it’d be Ann’s book, One Thousand Gifts. Absolutely life changing for me! (What Women Fear and You’re Already Amazing are close runner-ups!)

  77. Thanks for the beautiful post! Maybe my delivery guy is glad that we usually miss him…
    My recent favorites and ‘splurges’ from Dayspring have the the “Truly Blessed” mirror and the Redeemed cross. They are absolutely beautiful! I also adore the totes and teacups.

  78. I would say the thank you cards! They’ve come in handy lately as I’ve been sending them out to people who are supporting me on a mission trip I’m taking next month. They’re super cute and beautifully capture the heart behind my words.

  79. I love your post! I can relate but I think my mail carrier is just happy that we have a bench on our small porch…perfect for love packages from Dayspring.
    This is a difficult question so I will choose my most recent order…an unbelievable sale on the bird cage card holder…I still need to hang it up and can’t wait to fill it up!

  80. I love daysping items! The item that I like the most would be a devtional “God’s Heart
    For You” by Holley Gerth. I have so enjoyed reading it each day! Holley has gifted way
    with her words. I have bought more to give to my daughters and a freind!

  81. I love, love the Jesus is the Gift line of products! One year I wrapped all my presents in the paper, bags and boxes. It made for a beautiful Christmas tree and another reminder of the reason for the season.

    Love the tote! So pretty!

  82. I have never purchased anything from there before, but I would love to buy the “created for beauty” handbag in the Redeemed collection for my Mom.

  83. I love getting things in the mail. Cute prayer. I bought Ann Voskamp’s newest book 1000 Gifts from incourage. It was amazing. I keep looking at some of the Redeemed items. I love the cards, bags and jewerly they’ve designed. It’s hard to pick just one…or a few things to get.

  84. So many things…. I think the one I loved the best was the stack of encouragement cards which I started sending out to people I know just so they would be cheered up. Plus it came as a surprise as I was not expecting that pack of greeting cards. I would love to have the pretty umbrella with the ruffle fringe. Or even one of the lovely necklaces….everything is so pretty that it’s hard to decide.

  85. I’ve never ordered before but I love the/whole redeemed line, especially the overnight bag!

  86. I have 2 boxes coming today! My favorite thing was the beachhouse in a box. My husband just shakes his head when he sees a dayspring box on our porch. I have a feeling that after today my favorite thing will change bc my inrl! Dvds will be here today.

  87. I have never ordered from Dayspring, but I would love a copy of One Thousand Gifts.

  88. I’ve never ordered anything from Dayspring but if I had unlimited financial resources, I would buy one of everything.

  89. I just ordered the Found and Treasured Purse set and a few other things. I am sure I will be squealing and jumping for joy when my delivery man comes.

    Hmmm, maybe I should copy the prayer and hand to him LOL.


  90. I am a member of the monthly card club so I always love receiving my monthly pack of cards. Additionally, I LOVED getting my (in)RL stuff before the two day conference. And I shop frequently through a friend who sells Blessings Unlimited so I love getting those products (which have an attachment to DaySpring).

  91. I love my dry erase memo board with wrought iron stand!!

    Seriously, If I won this…I’d give it to a dear friend. She would love this!!!

  92. I have never received anything from Dayspring, so this tote and teacup would be especially nice.

  93. I have ordered 2 things from Dayspring so far and I absolutely love the whole collection from every category. I ordered the mousepad that quotes Lamentations 3:22-23 and has a beautiful princess crown on it and a beautiful purse with “found and treasured” embroidered on it. I was so excited when I got this that I began to non stop squealing and jumping for joy. To know that I am treasured by God so much and to know He has found and wants me to seek Him is so wonderful to me! When my package came, I was coming out of a wilderness season of my life and it came at the perfect time. It felt as if God was reminding me who I was in Him and that He has not forgotten about me.

  94. I love getting a box from Day spring! My last one was Christmas gifts, so I think I’m due again. (Hint, hint) ๐Ÿ™‚

  95. I LOVE the pitcher I ordered for myself and a few others. It is beautiful and multi functional!

  96. I got a set of note cards… It’s so hard to find Christian note cards that aren’t super cheesy, and these were perfect!! Also, the pitcher I got for my MIL almost ended up staying at my house. I had such a hard time parting with it!!

  97. I love the “By Grace Alone ” necklace I purchased.It reminds me to stop doing things “all by myself “but in the strength and joy of the Lord.

  98. I’ve never received ANYthing from dayspring, and boy would I love to! That bag is very squeal-worthy! ๐Ÿ™‚

  99. Each and every Dayspring product I have ever received has been THE BEST! I can’t choose just one. I do the happy dance and my day is brightened every time the delivery person brings a Dayspring box to my house!!

  100. I love just about everything DaySpring, but my absolute face has to be the awesome encouraging cards….best delivery thus far.

  101. I haven’t ordered from there, but I’ve had friends give great dayspring gifts. I love my teacup and saucer. So inspiring!

  102. I’ve received many things – and love them all.
    Hard to pick a favorite, but I think it might be my new lock from the Redemption series. It’s gorgeous!

  103. I haven’t ordered or received anything from Dayspring. I do like a lot (ok, ALL) of their items. I have not been able to participate in any of the Bloom book club activities because I didn’t have the money to buy the book. So if I do happen to win the gift card, I will use it to buy the next Bloom book club selection. Then whatever money is left over I will use it to purchase books for other people who want to participate but can’t afford the book. Thank you for the giveaway. God bless.

  104. I haven’t ordered anything yet, but I’ve loved the Ever Grateful pitcher for the longest time! I also love the “you are special” platter.

  105. I have not ordered but I would love to order This is the Day – Bird Cage Card Holder.

  106. I don’t think I ever bought anything from Day Spring. They have lots of beautiful products…I especially like some of the plaques & signs!

  107. Never have ordered myself – the redeemed standup bathroom mirror is gorgeous to pu jewelry or makeup on!

  108. The best thing I received from dayspring – hmm that’s a tough one. The redeemed jewlery line, I received a necklace and a bracelet from my kids for mother’s day. Beautiful stuff & a sweet reminder of God’s love for me.

  109. Never have ordered myself – the redeemed standup bathroom mirror is gorgeous!

  110. My favorite thing to get with a Dayspring logo on it, is a card from a friend…and I like to give those, too! ๐Ÿ™‚

  111. I Love my Holley Gerth mugs…the red ones with all the words on them… Whether I put coffee or ice tea in them (they don’t tip as easily as glasses), or just water, the words affirm to my heart what my head doesn’t remember easily enough….

  112. I have not ordered from DaySpring yet, but one of the very first things I want to order are the plates and coffee mugs that speak of Gratitude! Everytime someone joins my family at our table, we could be inspired to tell of His Goodness!

  113. I have ordered cards and teacups and other things from DaySpring, But my favorite thing has been opening my computer and reading my daily sayings, scriptures from daySring!!

  114. My favorite has been the mugs I ordered for each member of my family. We each have our own mug that fits our own personality.

  115. I love my serving platter and mugs from dayspring. They are the only things from dayspring I have, I won them once, and I use them ALL THE TIME because their beauty and verses bring gladness to my everyday tasks in the kitchen. As a stay at home mom I would say the kitchen is my “office,” it’s where I spend a lot of time. These items bring beauty to my everyday mundane workspace.

  116. I’ve never ordered anything, but I’ve had my eye on that tote bag and the large cosmetic, multi-purpose bag. The Dayspring collection is so beautiful and uplifting, I can see why one would squeal with delight when a package arrives!

  117. I love everything I have ordered, but my favorite are the blocks that are on my mantel that I switch around once in awhile to read GRACE, RISEN (Easter), FAMILY, etc. I get such compliments on them and I love that I can change them to fit the mood of our household occasionally!

  118. The best thing I’ve ever received from DaySpring is a Christmas sign that says “Christmas: The only thing that really matters is Jesus.” I look forward to putting it up every year and having it serve as a reminder that Jesus is the reason we get to celebrate.

  119. The one thing I ordered was for my friend who had just got married. I got her the Mr& Mrs coffee cups! She loved them but I think I loved them even more!!! I cant wait to get married so I can buy a set for myself!!!!!

  120. After reading it myself and talking with a my college roommate about struggles she’s been having, I ordered You are Already Amazing and the Perfectly Loved mug for her. I prayed for her as I placed the order that she would find some comfort in the messages the items shared. We are finishing up our second year after college and are no longer roommates,but when I received a text from her when it arrived, it was almost like being there to share the excitement with her! Such a nice thing when so very close of a friend is many hundreds of miles away.

  121. How I love Day Spring and if I had the chance to order something it would be the “Be Strong and Courageous”- Tree – Wrapped Canvas Print. However, there are about 100 things I would love to order! Thank you for hosting this lovely giveaway. If by chance I do win – my email address is – thanks again. Love your blog and your inspiration!

  122. I do believe I order Ann’s book from DaySpring…that was a nice thing to get! I also remember a stamped necklace that said “Grace” on it that I long coveted…I don’t see it now.

  123. Best thing I ever received from Dayspring…ONLY thing I ever received from Dayspring: my (in)RL t-shirt and card pack!

  124. Everything that I have ordered from Dayspring was the best – but the really bestest best — were 2 of the’cherished and adored” necklaces. The 2 people I gave them to were thrilled and happy with the gift, and both mentioned that they were asked to explain what the necklace meant, which was an additional blessing.

  125. Only thing I ever received was also my (in)RL t-shirt and card pack . Love them…I would have to say anything with the word *Redeemed* on it. I love the Redeemed , Found and Treasured large purse. I would think of ordering it next.

  126. All of my Dayspring deliveries have been wonderful, but my last one was kind of fun. I don’t even remember what it was called, but it’s hanging by my front door. ๐Ÿ™‚

  127. The best thing I’ve ever received from Dayspring (besides my card sets every month), is my new Redeemed wallet! I LOVE it and get compliments on it all the time! I hope I win!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  128. I’ve ordered cards once, would love other things. We’re in hardship right now, trying to pay mortgage, so just look – and hope and pray!!!!

  129. Best Dayspring – well that’s easy for me – Joanna, new “girl” that started working in our dept. about 5 mo. prior, gave me a tote bag, “Live well, Love God”, for my birthday. This touched my heart, kindered my spirit, and has woven us to being very close friends – that one bag did tha!!! That bag is now being held together with safety pins, so a new bag & tea cup would be wonderful – only – to give to my friend who first touched my heart with her giving – that bag & tea cup would be given to Joanna.

  130. I’ve only received one thing from Dayspring, and my husband ordered it, which totally makes it better. It was the “By Grace Alone” necklace, and I LOVE it! In fact, I’m wearing it now.

  131. I don’t think I’ve ordered from Dayspring. I’ve bought locally from retailers who carry DaySpring merchandise, but I have to admit, it’s been limited to cards and such. I’ve been on limited disability income for years and if I got anything bigger (I know I’ve wanted to) I don’t remember. I know last year I looked at clearance and found things I could afford and wanted but wasn’t quick enough.

  132. I’ve never actually ordered anything from Dayspring, but that doesn’t stop me fro looking whenever I get a chance! Right now I have my eye on that cute “Grace” tile wall hanging. It would be just perfect in our new home that we’re moving to next month! I always see things I love, that inspire me, and I thank you for such beautiful things.
    Lisa E

  133. Oh those poor delivery guys, I love my monthly card delivery, and just had some mugs delivered last week. As much as I love the deliveries, I love to deliver more. Love Love Love Dayspring, hmmmm do I keep this for myself or is there some one who needs a little lift. We’ll see ๐Ÿ™‚

  134. Eek! I LOOOOOOOOVE Dayspring products so much! They really are happy packages! ๐Ÿ™‚ I think my favorite product from Dayspring currently is my Perfectly Loved journal – it is my daily devotion journal and I just love the fresh breaths of wisdom and truth shared on each page.

  135. Realitivly new here so haven’t ordered anything yet but have the God is Good all the time canvas on my wish list. All the products look fabulous! (((hugs)))

  136. Ok I’ve never ordered Dayspring….yet….but you should have seen the day my delivery guy brought me a fish!! It was a special yellow betta my sweet hubby got me and I was standing on my front porch with another of my husbands gifts, my huge Great Dane…the delivery guy really thinks I’m nuts!!! He said, ” I think this is another live animal for you!!”

  137. I was blessed enough to be given a beautiful wallet from Dayspring and I ordered somethings from Dayspring not too long ago and one was a year calendar of Charlie Brown characters with happiness spread throughout it and scripture sprinkled in at all the right places and I will be able to give my son who is graduating from Tech. school in the Air Force on his birthday, June 1st this as a gift he will be able to take with him to his next base and it can remind him of home and the thoughts that I still remember that he loves Charlie Brown characters and that it is a loving gift from his mom.

  138. I have LOVED everything I have ordered! It’s so hard to choose which one…there is the LIFE platter & coffee mugs. I drink coffee from them every day…trading off between the blue & red mugs! Oh I have a list of things I want…its truly insane.
    Oh I would LOVE to add this tote & mug to my collection.

  139. My two favorite things are gifts I have won. A necklace that says “By Grace Alone” I won right before I took my youth group to camp. The theme I was teaching that weekend was Sola Gratia…by grace alone. The other is a cupcake mug that says “God gives us all things richly to enjoy.”

  140. I love every Dayspring product I’ve ordered (or won!), but most of all I appreciate their calendars, notecards and greeting cards. Nothing pleases me more than to be able to send a card with a Scripture verse tucked inside that just perfectly suits the situation. What an awesome company to be there spreading God’s Word while having the delivery guy trying to avoid all of us excited Dayspring customers!

  141. I’ve never ordered from Dayspring but think something cute for my office with an inspirational saying =)

  142. I too, order lots of stuff from Dayspring! My favourite are the Journals. I buy them for friends, Bible study ladies and for me to write down my ‘1000 gifts’! I buy lots of cards too – in these times of electronic media, I think it’s still nice to receive a card in the mail – ‘just because’. And as I live with chronic illness; I feel especially loved and card for when a friend takes the time to send me a card – ‘just because’.

    Of course the canvases are a big favourite too! ๐Ÿ™‚

  143. I have never ordered from Dayspring, I thought they just sold cards and stationary. That bag IMMEDIATLY caught my eye though, love the colors!

  144. I love Max Lucado’s cards–they say just what I want say–only so much better. Choosing each year’s Christmas cards is always fun, too.

  145. The best thing I ever received from Dayspring is a sqare, rather large, carved wooden artwork of three words – Ask, Seek, Knock. For those who know it refers to Matthew 7:7 it’s a sweet reminder. For those who don’t, it’s a conversation piece!

  146. The cards I received with my registration for the conference:) I loved them – and am looking forward to sharing them with my dear friends and family!

  147. I have never ordered anything from Dayspring. We don’t have a lot of extra money so if I want a new bag or tote I go to garage sales or good will. I would love one of Daysprings “new” handbags If I won! But everything from there is so beautiful.

  148. I have ordered many many things from Dayspring! One of my favorites stories from this year was the bronzed cross trivet that my 11 year old son chose to give to his special teacher Miss Stadel who also taught my husband when he was in 5th grade. She has been at his Christian school for years and years and we absolutely love her. She asked my son to play a solo of Amazing Grace at the Rescue Mission in our hometown this year on his saxophone while she accompanied him on piano. For weeks he missed recess and practiced with her and they would eat lunch together and talk. He loved having lunch with her and it didn’t bother him a bit not to be out on the playground with his friends. He wrote Miss Stadel a very nice card and gave her the trivet to thank her for taking the time to work with him before his solo. She was touched and teary and it was a very special gift for a very special lady who has taught at this school for over 25 years and poured her heart and soul into these children.

  149. I have not ordered anything yet, because I am a single mom and trying to finally get 100% out of debt to add a level of freedom for my young daughter and I. I have looked many times at the Bless This Home wall art. I look for reminders for both of us that God is always taking care of us and we are covered by His many blessings! That might be my first gift to myself when my debt is totally gone!!

  150. I have not ordered from Dayspring, although I have on a number of occasions filled the shopping cart ๐Ÿ™‚ But, Dave Ramsey is currently the other man in my house, and while I would love a this new tote for my work as a Hospice Chaplain, I have to tell myself “No, for right now.”

  151. My favorite product from Dayspring is my God’s Heart For You sterling silver necklace. Not only is it gorgeous, but I LOVE it’s reminder to me each time I wear it – which is almost every day!

  152. I have never purchased anything form the website. I like almost everthing on the website but my favorite thing would probably be the jewelry.

  153. i bought an animal calendar this year from them and love it!!! it has a bible verse for every month and the pictures are so cute!!!

  154. I love almost everything on the Dayspring website, but I think right now, my favorites are the Urban Soul products….and, of course, all the bags and journals :). I love using things that remind me of God’s promises everywhere and in everything!!!

  155. I love to get the dayspring cards – you know the ones with the worship songs on the backs! I love to read them, get them, give them! They come in so handy and i keep them at work. In fact, i need to order some more beacause I’m running low! Watch out delivery man, here I come!! ;)))

  156. The best DaySpring box I have received has been the (in)RL box. The entire conference was life-changing. Can’t wait for those DVD’s to get here! My poor mail carrier has been stalked the past couple days!

  157. While I have not been able to order anything yet, there are many items from Day Spring that I would like to have in my house or use as gifts. I think the wall art would top my list or some inspirational dishes or coffee mug… And the cards to give with gifts. It all looks wonderful!

  158. Wow…it is definitely hard to choose my absolute favorite delivery from Dayspring! It would be between the BEAUTIFUL set of Nativity Hurricane Lamps and the Life collection platter and mug set I won in a give-away! Right now I would absolutely love to be able to purchase the “Abide in Him” metal wall hanging but with my oldest graduating high school in a few short weeks money is tied up. LOVE LOVE LOVE Dayspring products ๐Ÿ™‚

  159. Post it notes. Who can ever live without them. I ordered some of the cutest from DaySpring for my three daugthers. First daugther is pregnant with my first grandbaby and on bedrest. She is only 28 weeks along. The post ts help her feel like she is accomplishing things. My second daugther is in college. She calls the her prayer cards and has them all around her dorm room. My youngest is going to be a senior in high school and leave Bible verse for the two of us to enjoy and pray over. God is good.

  160. I ordered some beautiful alphabet blocks from DaySpring. I loved them so much that I ordered a set for every woman in my family!

  161. I’ve never received a box from DaySpring, but i thoroughly enjoy looking at every one of their adorable products. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  162. My favorite is the necklace I received for my birthday “God’s Heart for You.” I have many other favorites that I have ordered but this was a very special surprise! Thank You , Day Spring for you wonderful blessings!

  163. I’ve never received a box from dayspring before, but if I were, I’d hope for it to be the “Beautiful In Its Time” vintage glass vase ๐Ÿ™‚

  164. I always keep boxes of Dayspring cards on hand to sent to church members and others who may need a lift! If I was to order something right now it would probably be that Good Things umbrella. So cute and a lovely way to share the Lord.

  165. I have many things from Dayspring and love them all, but once I received a package of free cards in the mail and I had enough to share with a dear friend, that was the best.

  166. I would order the Good Things teacup and tote set, as well as the umbrella to match. I also love the Redeemed and Holley Gerth collections! ๐Ÿ™‚ I’d be happy with anything from those lines!

  167. Hi, I have never ordered anything, yet…..but I love the “do not conform” plaque and several others that hang on your wall and many pieces of jewelry. Yay!

  168. I have never ordered anything (yet), but I was very excited when I received my package containing the t-shirt from (in)RL and the lovely cards. I am very fond of the vinyl wall art! And I think it’s high time my delivery person had a similar prayer!

  169. I received a beautiful coffee cup (which I use for tea) from my pastor’s wife for my birthday… still use it!

  170. i love my BIG pitcher that came from the LIFE collection. I ended up getting 2, with the intention of giving one away to a friend but I’m not sure I can do it… I might keep it. I also love my letter blocks where my kids will spell things out on our shelf.

    If I could get anything, I’d get the new clock that’s advertised and some mugs. I really want the ‘life’ small bread plate – I think it’s so cute, the message is perfect and I like the size.

  171. The best thing I’ve ever received is a coffee mug with a verse inside at the top, and a cross at the bottom that you see when you finish your coffee. It is so encouraging and a great reminder that God is the drink of life.

  172. The best thing I received was my Beach House in a Box for (in)RL. The products were TOTALLY awesome and all the ladies who won them (I gave them as door prizes at my meet-up) really liked them!

  173. This post talks to my heart. I received once, from Dayspring, a box that was such a surprise and really made my day…it has a card organizer with packs of greeting cards.
    It gave me so much warmth and made me wanting to send them out and bless my friends as well!
    If i’m going to order from this wonderful company, would be something about home decor, this way I could display it!
    Thanks again, Dayspring.

  174. I’ve never ordered from DaySpring before, but I want to get the Redeemed – Created for Beauty – Purse and Wristlet Set

  175. I love everything. I have never purchased anything, but I LOVED the free cards I got when I registered for the card club! Oh, and the organizer! And did I mention all of my fun (in)RL stuff?!

  176. I have never ordered anything before, but a dear friend recently won a wallet and gift set from you. I believe it was from the redeemed collection and I loved it! Thank you for the giveaway!!

  177. I was blessed to receive a stack of Dayspring cards from a friend of mine and I loved them! Like so much that I want to have a massive stack of them since I send a lot of cards. I haven’t ordered from Dayspring yet, but I have been to the website and made quite a mental list of all the things I wish I could have. They have some amazing products!

  178. I just browsed their website for the first time and I can’t believe I had never heard of them. I loved just about EVERYTHING! However, if I had to choose (and it wouldn’t be easy), I would love to order the Ann Voskamp 1000 gifts book/calendar set. I haven’t read it yet, but since its on special right now I just might get it… that calendar would go a long way to bringing The Light into my office here at work. Okay, just talked myself into it ๐Ÿ˜‰

  179. My husband and I are hoping to purchase our first home this summer. Therefore I would buy the “Bless This Home” – Wall Art to decorate the entryway.

  180. My favorite delivery ever was the one full of notebooks for a teenage girl’s retreat! The notebooks said “He has my heart” and fit perfectly with our theme for the weekend. The girls loved their notebooks and the message it reminded them of! ๐Ÿ™‚

  181. 10 Years ago me and my husband relocated to the US from South Africa, just after we got married. The first year was hard in a foreign country and I missed my mom tremendously. Just before my birthday 10 months later, I found out I was pregnant with my first son. This made me miss my mom even more. Soon after my birthday, the Dayspring delivery guy visited me with as package.. I don’t know how my computer Illiterate mom managed to get it all done, but it was as if an angel delivered a special delivery filled with love. We are back in SA and my mom has passed away, but the journal is still on my night stand.