About the Author

At (in)courage, we empower women to be like Jesus. Our writers share what’s going on in their life and how God’s right in the middle of it. They bring their joys & struggles so that you can feel less alone and be empowered by the hope Jesus gives.

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(in)side DaySpring:
things we love
& you will too!
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    • Hey Nancy,

      If you don’t have a blog – why don’t you just share about (in)RL another way – Facebook would work – and leave us a comment letting us know you did πŸ™‚

      • I recently deleted my Facebook account πŸ™ in an attempt to refocus myself . . . I’ve been spending a lot more time with InCourage . . it’s been a good thing πŸ™‚

          • I NOW use my FB account for GOD first … to facebook … HIS word & church & Bible study stuff … this works so much better for me. If you have 1000 friends and you FB … one BV a day … HIS word is then multiplied greatly!

          • Shari, Could you ask them to E-mail you photos of your nieces and nephews?
            I don’t think everyone should get rid of Facebook, but it seems that a lot of people say they’d like to . .
            I’m an addict by nature, I think. Which is why I’ve never owned a cell phone – I’m 27 years old and feel quite outdated, for not keeping up with such things. .

  1. **would really love to win but I’m confused about how to enter…I also do not have a blog or website…love your references to the bible throughout the site that’s why I’m here!…please let me win also and all those who just want to register and are not too computer savvy…lol…thank-you!

    • Hey Cheryl,

      If you don’t have a blog – why don’t you just share about (in)RL another way – Facebook would work – and leave us a comment letting us know you did πŸ™‚

  2. I used to have the blue mug but it got knocked over and broken. So sad, it was my favorite! I’ve written several times about in{RL} because I’m excited what you guys are doing and how women will have their hearts touched through it. Thanks for your generosity, for your spilled-over heart.

  3. Wow – this is so generous of you all! Shared on Facebook to and thank you for your inspiration!

  4. I shared via my Facebook page, as my blog doesn’t have many followers (it’s new-ish) and I can reach more through my Facebook page! I did link up above, but just in case, my Facebook page is located at http://www.facebook.com/courtney.fanning?ref=tn_tnmn and the post I shared is below! πŸ™‚ So excited about (in)RL! Is it April yet?? πŸ™‚

    I’ve shared before about (in)RL (coming in April by the ladies over at incourage!) And I am so excited about it that I just have to share again! I will be hosting a gathering in my home and would love for you ladies to join us! There will be webcasts to watch, pretties to take home from DaySpring, some fun activities to do together and of course, food and fun. It will be a relaxing, rejuvenating girls’ day in. No babysitter? No problem! I have a huge yard… bring the kiddos! Come prepared to kick off your shoes, make yourself at home, and enjoy the day with other amazing women! For more information, or to RSVP, please contact me or follow the link below! http://www.meetup.com/incouragemeetups/Shreveport-Bossier-City-Louisiana-And-Surrounding-Areas/

  5. I do not have a blog but, I DID however, share about in{rl} and our group Meeting up on my facebook.

  6. I just shared on facebook, as I have far more friends there. I’m still dipping my toes into blogging. πŸ˜‰ I’m excited about the conference in April in Santa Fe! Can’t wait!! πŸ™‚

  7. I shared this wonderful conference on my FB page. Hope that it may inspire some women right where they are. Thank you for all that you do for so many women. Blessings.

  8. I shared the post on facebook with an invite for poeple to register for our local (in)RL event! I so hope people will register, so far they have not, but I am praying about it. THanks so much!!

  9. I don’t have a blog, but I shared on twitter…hope this helps ya’ll! :-)https://twitter.com/#!/tigergal01/status/169808548233097216

    ~eunice b
    tigergal01 @gmail .com

  10. I don’t have a blog either, but I shared the (in)RL website on my Facebook page. Thank you for all the daily encouragement!!!

  11. Don’t have a blog, but linked up my facebook page and posted about the (in)RL unconference ~ love the build up to this amazing weekend and so excited for it to be here ~ thanks for the giveaway girls!

  12. Looking forward to in(rl) conference….. and yes I shared on FBtoo… I have registered but no one hosting yet in my neighborhood, trying to get others to register perhaps I will host have not decided yet but I love your posts, I love the encouragement and I can’t wait!!

  13. So excited and looking forward to the (in)RL conference and I just got registered!!! I shared on my FB page to let all my friends and family know about this great event! I’m praying about hosting for my area because there aren’t any meetups scheduled yet. Can’t wait to see what God is going to do!!

  14. My blog is currently not being run but I posted about it on facebook and hope to get a group together to participate πŸ™‚ What a wonderful idea.

    I’ll be posting about it on my blog if/when it’s running again. Thanks!!

  15. I’m on CA time, so by the time I read this 25 people had already linked up. Good go!

    I don’t think I’ll be writing since today is already quite full, but I do want to host here, and have to get on with the paperwork.

    I have the red mug, just gave Hubby his morning coffee in it. He always acts pleasantly surprised to see the big mug coming his way. Fun!

  16. I don’t have a blog (on my bucket list) but I posted this on FB-Thanks for all of the inspiration!

    https://aws.incourage.me/ is a great faith-filled and encouraging website. I’ve really enjoyed and been inspired by their posts. Check out this webcast conference which sounds fun & inspiring & a fabulous bargain!

    Per their blog, We’re bringing an (in)courage conference to life! Well, better to think of it as an un-conference, since we’re hoping it will be all kinds of unexpected – no waiting lists, no need for plane tickets, no limited number of spots – everyone is (in) and no one’s out with (in)RL {in real life}!

  17. I posted a comment and a link the the (in)RL conference coming up…. on my FB page status. 2/15/12

  18. I don’t have a blog, but posted it/shared it on my FB page. Thank you for all you guys do daily to (in)courage me!!!

  19. I have a blog but haven’t posted in *months, so I posted about it on facebook, where I actually *do post regularly and have people who read it!

  20. Hi, I entered my blog post in the Linky about 15 minutes ago and it’s not showing up but won’t let me re-enter, either. Not sure what is going on but I am looking into hosting an event in Houston if anyone is interested!

  21. I don’t blog, so I’m sharing via Facebook and twitter. I am excited to join my group in April!

  22. Shared on Facebook. Thank you so much for your wonderful site and for offering this conference.

  23. Thanks ladies, shared of FB. Looking forward to hosting this event in our home in Laguna Niguel, CA!!!

  24. I hope I did this right. I do not have a blog but did share with a post to all my facebook friends. This sounds so exciting. Let me know if I did not do it right. Blessings to you.

  25. What an opportunity to grab onto the passion of this exciting event! Let the winning and sharing of God’s goodness with each other begin!!!

  26. Well I’m stepping out of my comfort zone and I registered for the conference. I am looking forward to it. I’m being called out of my current ministry, after 11 years, and am feeling a little like I’m stepping off a cliff. So what better way to meet new friends and hopefully find some old ones by being a part of this conference. I love the idea of being in our homes and communities. Looking forward to seeing who in my neighborhood is going to be a part of this conference!

  27. I was #13 on the linkies… and now I am not there?? Is it because I posted a comment, too? Just wanted to make sure my entry was valid. Don’t want to miss out!

  28. I have shared it on Facebook – twice! Hoping to host here in Lisburn, N Ireland πŸ™‚

  29. I posted on my blog. I am not able to attend, beacause my baby turns one that weekend & we havef family coming in for the festivities…I am SO hoping this opportunity arises again, because I would LOVE to be a part of it πŸ™‚

  30. I shared this on FB. Still trying to figure out if there’s a way I can “attend”…there’s a lot going on here that weekend, but I’m hoping to work something out.

  31. Hello, what a graceful gift indeed, I have dreamed about this cup for a while now. Are applicants from Europe allowed to enter the draw? I have been following your website for the past year now, and I share lots of posts with our prayer group meeting. I have put this link on my Facebook page, hope others will check in to your site. Thaks for the lovely gift. Lori πŸ™‚ xx