Lisa-Jo Baker
About the Author

Lisa-Jo Baker is a bestselling author, lapsed lawyer, and current acquisitions editor for HarperCollins. Originally from South Africa, Lisa-Jo lives outside Washington, D.C., where she fell in love with her husband in the summer of ’96. Their story spans decades, languages, countries, books, three very opinionated teens, and one dog.

(in)side DaySpring: things we love
& you will too!
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(in)side DaySpring:
things we love
& you will too!
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  1. This sounds so fun, but i am a little afraid that i might be the only one in Gothenburg Sweden and that there won’t be anything happening in my area. What do you guys think? Should i dare to become a host and just pray and see what’s going to happen?

  2. Yay!! SO looking forward to all this going on, promoting, encouraging, and loving on my friends the way God intended us to!
    We were meant for so much more than soap operas, Bon bons, and gossip!! Join us in the Evansville, IN area for faith, fellowship and FUN!

  3. still a little confused about the agenda for Fri 27th?? I’m hosting and have printed off the invitations which I am going to put in some of my neighbours doors, but I also want to invite a few friends from another area that will be travelling and having a sleep over…Just trying to work everything out..question – should I be inviting everyone to both Fri and Sat for the conference? Also I’m hosting at our newly purchased house we are using as a weekend cottage right now (Meaford). I don’t want you to think that I’m neglecting the (Burlington, ON) community as I am still living there, but have chosen to Host the (in)RL conference at my “Beach House”..

    • Hey there Patricia,

      Friday night is only going to be about an hour or so of content intended for folks to be able to watch alone from home – Saturday is our meetup day – with a line up of videos for hosts to choose from to screen. Choose one or two or all of them -it’s totally up to you!

      And we’ll be sharing the videos with hosts a week or so before (in)RL so they can choose which ones they think will work best for their meetup.

      So excited you’re hosting!

      • I would love to host this, but we had plans for the symphony on Friday night.
        Is there flexibility on the timing?
        I think you just answered my question: it’s not simulcast but hosts have the material beforehand. I like it: sign me up.
        Will each participant get the Friday content at home to watch whenever?

    • Yes please, for a few reasons. To make sure you get your (in)RL t-shirt as well as the Simply Marvelous card pack. And so that we can keep an accurate headcount of how many are participating in (in)RL, and because even though you’re watching at a remote venue it helps us cover the costs of bringing (in)RL to you.

  4. I was planning on hosting, and was completely excited about it! Then I got a “save the date” card in the mail from my niece…she chose that weekend in April to get married. I’m so happy for her and her fiance…..but, now I won’t be able to participate in the conferences on Friday or Saturday:( Sigh…….

    • Oh that’s too bad – but exciting for her!! And you know what, we’ll always have a backstage, all access pass after the fact so that anyone who missed it, can tune in to the videos even after (in)RL 2012 wraps 🙂

  5. I am definitely planning on doing this, but I haven’t registered yet. We will likely be moving before the (in)RL conference. Is it possible to change my address after registering? I don’t want to register and then have my t-shirt and card pack sent to my old address. I don’t want to miss out on the t-shirt! When are they being mailed? That might help me to know when to register and which address to use.

    • Hi Rachel! You can register at any time– we can make adjustments to your address easily for you. We’ll start shipping the shirts out in March. Just let us know if we need to make changes to your address {incourage at dayspring . com}. Thanks!

  6. Super excited about (in)RL! Can’t wait to order my Beach House in a Box & Guest Giveaways… getting ready to send my save the dates, too! 🙂 So far there are 6 including myself… planning on hosting in my home, and having a relaxing day of webcasts, food, and fun with the girls!

  7. Hi Lisa-Jo,

    I am thinking of hosting a small get-together here in Thailand, but was wondering with the time differences if that will work for us? Maybe I missed that info. somewhere? We are exactly 12 hours ahead of East Coast time, so it makes connecting things pretty tricky — ya’lls Sat. morning is our Sat. night and all. Ideas on that? Would that work somehow?

    Thanks! Sounds like such a fun, ACCESSIBLE idea. And I love that– I have been bummed that I have not been able to go to a conference like this to date!

    Love from here,

    • Hey Laura –

      Yup, because there are (in)courage gals all over the world and we want them to be able to join us we’ll be offering the webcasts at several different times, so that you can pick the one that works for your time zone.

      Also? The Saturday videos will be accesible “on demand” all day – so you should be able to plan your meetup for when works for you and then just tune in 🙂

      Yay – LOVE that you might join us from Thailand!

  8. I registered for this conference when you guys first announced it and I haven’t received a T-shirt yet.

  9. I’m late to the party, but this sounds so exciting! I live in the Caribbean and I am going to check into hosting a party in my home. I think its wonderful that you all have thought of us international peeps too…thank you!

  10. I am thinking of hosting a party! Do you know what the Topics are for the videos on Saturday? Ta

  11. I love the idea of an (in) RL conference. It looks like you women have soo much fun at the beach when you go to the conferences.

    I haven’t done a women’s conference or weekend getaway in years, probably since I got married.

    Will pray for all who attend and the speakers. May God richly bless all of you & give the speakers the words He wants everyone to hear!

    God bless you all!

  12. This sounds like such a wonderful event. We will soon be moving, and thus far there is not a local meetup setup for where we will be (Indianapolis area), is there a deadline to register/signup to host? I would likely be happy to host if there isn’t anything closer to time, but wouldn’t have an exact location until we got to the area! The next 2-4 weeks or so. Would be a great way to meet new people in the area that’s for sure!!

  13. I love this!!! just wondering if its only going to be myself watching do I need to be a host…. all of my close friends live in several different states…. I have purchased my ticket, and received an email from eventbrite and so far no meetups in my area… I live in a rural part of KY….. I just thought this would be wonderful to experience even by myself… please let me know if I will be able to join in even if I am the only one and not part of a meetup….. thank you and what a better way to experience GOD’s greatness than a BEACHCAST….. since I have lived in Sunny Florida in the past and the beach is “my heaven on earth” I wouldn’t dream of missing this…. thanks again connie

    • Hey Connie – of course you’re more than welcome to tune in by yourself and join us all on line as we tweet throughout the webcast and connect with women all over.

  14. I love your site but one question … your promo for (in)RL shows many lovely YOUNG women. Can those of us in generations-slightly-beyond feel at home as well? I facilitate a ladies’ Bible Study Group at my church and we are all ages … considering hosting … but just wondering …

  15. Would love to do this but my home is way too small to be a host. (We live in a tiny house 480 sq ft. and already have way too many living here!) I also live in a travel area Gatlinburg , Tn so not sure if anyone would really meet up. Seems to be all tourist. Wish I lived in a real city.