About the Author

Kristen Strong, author of Back Roads to Belonging and Girl Meets Change, writes as a friend offering meaningful encouragement for each season of life so you can see it with hope instead of worry. She and her US Air Force veteran husband, David, have three children and live in Colorado...

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  1. I got my card pack a few days ago and was SOOOOO excited! I immediately sent out 2 for ppl in my life who are in the midst of great storms! I know how encouraging it is to receive a ‘written’ word and I pray that God uses these cards in the lives of others! Here are some verses I consistently include:

    Is 26:3
    Phil 4:8
    Ps 18:1-2
    Ps 91:1-2
    2 Timothy 1:7

  2. I think as women we have to decide NOT to measure our days by our performance. If God doesn’t do that, then why do we? And why do we compare ourselves to what we assume others are doing? And assume they all do it better than we do?

    That is why the idea of sending cards of encouragement is such a great idea. When I am feeling down, I many be tempted to think I am the only one who feels that way. But in reality our enemy is not that creative. He uses the same tactics on us all. Thanks for the idea. I think I will go write a card and encourage someone…and at the same time remind myself of God’s truth! It is like a two for one deal!

    Blessings~ Susan

  3. What a great blessing to read this blog about letter writing. The art of writing a letter has seemed to slowly pass away so when i recieve a hand written letter from a friend i treasure it. To mean it is a treasured gift of time. Last year i had inadvertently forgotten Bernice from our Christmas card list. She was a secretary for my husband when we lived in DC 20 years ago. Bernice was so upset in not receiving our card she called me. I was so touched that it meant so much to her year after year to see the children grow and know that she still mattered to us. God shows us to to bless others in so many unexpected ways.

    • “a letter…is a treasured gift of time.” That’s perfect, Katie. And you’re right: letter writing is a beautiful, unexpected way to bless others. What a gift you are!

  4. I taught pre-school for 13 years–I always sent my little ones cards in the mail and I would say–one day you will grow up and please remember to always sent your parents mail!! There is nothing as wonderful as a hug or getting mail!!! Thank you!!! Blessings, Barb

  5. I have already made plans to mail Valentines to my girlfriends. Now I am encouraged to send at least one card a month this year.

  6. I went to a seminar on breaking spiritual strongholds. The girl who prayed with me later handed me a card at the end of the conference. I thought it was going to be a “thanks for coming” card. When I opened the card up, it completely blew me away! This is what it said:
    “He healeth the broken in heart, and bindeth up their wounds. Ps 147:3
    *You are Beautiful!
    Carol, I pray that the Lord sweeps you away in His love…so much that nothing else matters. That His love overwhelms & consumes you. There are mornings I wake up with tears rolling down my face b/c of His love & His warm embrace, with peace that overflows. May He do the same for you. That His grace covers you. His love cover you. That you may come to TRULY know His great love for you! That you are His beloved, you’re His bride. He sings over you and that is His delight. May He beckon & call you to come away with him. He says – Come away with me my love. Under my mercy come & wait, until we are standing face to face. I see no stain on you my child. You’re beautiful to me, so beautiful to me. I sing over you my song of peace, just cast all your cares down at my feet. Come and find your rest in me. I’ll breathe my life inside of you, I’ll bear you up on eagle’s wing. I’ll hid you in the shadow of my strength. I’ll take you to my quiet waters, I’ll restore your soul. Come rest in me & be made whole. God your Father loves you – oh so much. Continue to walk in His love, freedom & healing. God Bless You – Mimi Lilly

  7. beautiful!! thank you for sharing! With my children we are trying to incorporate more of this into our everyday. To not forget the “lost art” of sending someone a simple card of encouragement, I’m praying for you, thinking of you today. 🙂 Positive words over negative mindsets!!

  8. I am so bad at sending encourgament cards out lately! I do love the idea and I am going to make this one of my goals for the year! I thank you for the blessing of reminding me to do this and take it on again. I know how thought of I feel when I get a card or a note. Thanks again!

  9. i love sending cards, i make almost all. I hear how the words encourage and how they reread. But i don’t get alot at all hardly ever. My husband does give me cards.

  10. I love sending a handwritten card or letter. It means so much more than an email, that often gets lost in the shuffle and deleted. I hope the art of letter writing is not getting lost. They do not even teach cursive writing in school any more! I encourage parents to teach their little ones this fine art at home. I am a teacher of Braille for blind students, in a mainstream classroom.
    Bless you for all your posts!

  11. I have felt the tug of God on my heart several times at work. I know it’s Him telling me to send/give that person a word of encourgement during their trials. Done it several times.

    Have received wondrful beautiful cards & keep them. They remind me of the people who gave them to me–that they thought enough of me to go buy a card, write something & send/ give it to me.

  12. I just found my cousin passed away last night after a long battle with cancer. I hadn’t seen, talked to, or communicated with her in years – I wasn’t even supposed to know she was sick. Their family had all but separated themselves from the rest of us. But last week God laid her heavy on my heart and I sent her a card telling her I was praying for her. I doubt that note was life changing for her – maybe it was – but it just further reminds me that when God places someone on my heart to get out a pen and write a note.

  13. What a wonderful post! This is my first time on your blog and I would love to come back. Words truly do come alive when we write them down… what’s in our heads has the chance to come out and breathe into our lives! Thanks!

  14. Just wanted to let you know that I have been an avid giver of writing cards for the past few years. I know that without doubt I have blessed many people and it makes me feel good to know that. I always chat with the Lord and say who needs me to bless them with a word of encouragement and I follow the lead. It has blessed me to do this !!

  15. I received my card packs and have already mailed out a few of them. Sending words of love and encouragement to the people I care about is the biggest blessing… knowing that I’ve lifted someone up or made their day just a little sweeter with some simple thing I’ve done out of love.

  16. I received my card packs and have organized all my cards. Will send encouragment cards soon to friends who matter & need some uplifting words!

  17. i loved the chance to review the cards from dayspring! they have such creative stuff and i’m excited at finding opportunities to give the cards away!

  18. To this day, I have a letter my father sent me while I was in highschool. The first line was something to the effect of, “I love you because you are my kid.”

    Nothing else was needed, no performance necessary, I am his daughter and that’s all that mattered.