Lisa-Jo Baker
About the Author

Lisa-Jo Baker is a bestselling author, lapsed lawyer, and current acquisitions editor for HarperCollins. Originally from South Africa, Lisa-Jo lives outside Washington, D.C., where she fell in love with her husband in the summer of ’96. Their story spans decades, languages, countries, books, three very opinionated teens, and one dog.

(in)side DaySpring: things we love
& you will too!
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(in)side DaySpring:
things we love
& you will too!
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  1. My interest is peeked, but I need to know more information ab out (in) RL conference…I know we have a need within our chuch body of women and I’d like to offer this conference, but I have to have more information to go to our board with…to address our women with….can you help me get that???
    Love In Christ!

    • Hey Beth –

      sure, we’d love to help! This could be such a fun way for a church to minister to women. All the details are over here and we’ll be updating with schedules and content as we get closer to the date. But basically, the webcast will kick off on Friday for folks to watch from home and then Saturday we’re inviting women to connect with other local (in)courage readers, invite women to meet up at their churches, homes, coffee shops and enjoy creating new community. We’ll be providing webcast sessions they can all watch together.

      And hoping everyone is richly blessed by the new friendships and the discussion around how we can grow in community together without hiding behind “fine”.

      Warmest wishes

  2. Gathering in Real Life — right where we are, no matter how we are, just as we are — and connecting through webcasts — wherever we are — to be the love and grace of Jesus to each other… this is Gospel. This is beautiful and redemptive and this is grace!

    I am grateful for the brave beauty of women. Women being real and reaching out and tentatively sharing of themselves because they believe — fiercely believe and trust that God does deep, healing work in and through the Body of Christ.

    So we gather and *God Himself meets us.*

    God’s used this community to heal so many of the hurting places — *Thank you*

    All’s grace,

    • Thank you Ann. I am barely contained inside pulse and skin – I ache for this glory-filled, hope-washed weekend. I say “thank you” for the words you do not hold back – for the realness you do not attempt to quench. I’m reading your One Thousand Gifts (finally!). I’ve been reading (in)courage for a while now, and I praise our Sustainer that He has not only given you the gift of words and relay, but that He’s given you the measures of faith by His Spirit indwelling to be obedient and share those words with your sisters. I say that to each contributor of this lovely place. Yet I want to specifically thank you as well – for your honesty and vulnerability.

  3. This doesn’t really tell me what it is about. What do we do? How long does it last? What is expected of hosts? I’d like to host but having a “gathering of women” means nothin to me. I can gather a group of women on my own. Are there speakers and webcasts or a schedule that needs to be followed? A curriculum?

    • Hey there April –

      Good questions – the webcast will kick off Friday afternoon and meetups will be on Saturday. The time and location for your local meetup will be up to your local host. And we’ll be providing webcast content for the Saturday with several sessions that hosts can choose to screen or not as works for them. Our hope is that women will be able to connect with new friends and explore the issues of community, how we can support one another and what it looks like to free each other from the perceptions of “fine” or how we can “do it all” through the videos and discussion questions around them.

      And for anyone who doesn’t attend a meetup – they can always watch the webcast from home. But our hope is they connect with local (in)courage readers.

      More info is here and we’ll be sharing an agenda and video session tracks closer to the time.

      Hope you join us!

  4. This is beautiful. Praying the Lord uses (in)RL to heal hearts, mend relationships, and build new ones. We DO all long for community and encouragement, specifically from other women.

    Well done, ladies! Excited for what is to come.

  5. Oh I am so EXCITED! for this. What Ann was saying in the end was so inspirational.
    I will be signing up in January. Money tends to be tight at Christmas time as I am still not done shopping for gifts.

  6. I am not a subscriber. Things have been very tough this year and even more so this month financially. I can’t even watch the trailer because you have to be a subscriber to view it. If you want more to join why not offer the trailer to everyone?

  7. Okay nevermind. I found the link to see the trailer. My bad. I thought you had to be an RL subscribe to view it.

  8. I went to register, but realized it doesn’t allow Paypal as a form of payment. So need to postpone it til next week (or maybe just Friday). But I’m definitely registering and hosting!

  9. Oh my inhaled breath holds tightly in anticipation! I cannot wait until April blooms this gift. Wonderful job on the video – the women speaking heart-cries of truth, the stunning beauty in the smile on every face, the whisper of poetic faith. I’m so joyous to be awaiting the time in front of my computer to see the faces of sisters – to hear their words echo my own heart. Hallelujah, glory be His. 🙂 Thank you for this sneak peek of encouragement.

  10. Lisa-Jo- this is awesome. I am so glad that these interviews were done with no kids around. If this were a random publishers clearing house interview, I would’ve not come close to looking this good. You’d more likely catch me in my pjs, no make-up, crazy hair, and a couple of kids crying in the background. Then again, that might have been more real life. HAHAHAHA!!!!!

    Seriously- this brought tears to my eyes and it touched me so much that I’m opening my home up for this event. AAAAHHHHH!!!!! Par tay at mi casa!!!!!

    I do not want anyone to be left out when it comes to the wonderful community I’ve found through (in)courage and Relevant. No.body. should live on this planet wondering what it would be like to have a friend in real life.

    • Amen, La Donna, Amen! And girl, you know that if our kids were with us we would have all been passing babies back and forth and laughing over random stains and sleep bleary eyes. You are a gift to be willing to open up your home and share your hospitality – thank you thank you a thousand thanks on behalf of the women who will be blessed through you!

  11. I have submitted to incourage for some time and I love it. It really ministers to me. I work and don’t think I could join the (in)RL conference. Thanks for putting your time and your hearts into each piece you write. You all just don’t know what a blessing you are and each piece just seems to come at the right time. What a HUGE BLESSING!