About the Author

Jennifer is an artist living in rural Nebraska with her US Army veteran husband. She loves to create and seeks to reflect the beauty of Christ and encourage others in meaningful, beautiful ways. You can find her and see more of her art on Studio JRU.

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  1. I’m always struck with the thought that the Bible says, “Having food and raiment, let us be content.” That God has promised to provide those things for us. I appreciate your post and the reminder today to rest content that He does know what we need and we can trust in His provision for those things!

    God bless!

  2. This challenges me in a deep way. When I think about the struggles of certain relationships that come close to the nest, it pains me to consider *why* and to choose trust that all. is. for. purpose. And yet, it’s true. I have everything I need–living inside of me, and living among me. I *need* character adjusting, not because I am bad, but because my Father wants to be glorified in me–His Grace known. And so, what He allows, I am learning to trust. It’s not just tangible, it’s of the Spirit.

    Rich blessings, Jennifer, as your creativity brings others to know Him.

    • It is a challenge to not think about the ‘why’ and to just trust. It’s of the Spirit…. love how you said that Amy. Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts!

  3. What a timely post for me, Jennifer! A friend and I were having this conversation last night πŸ™‚ He does provide for all our needs – abundantly. And your pictures! Looks like that mama bird is lining her nest with bits of heaven. That is my kind of messy, colorful nest! Beautiful!

  4. Your post brings one of my favorite verses to mind….”Better a handful with quietness, than both hads full, together with toil and grasping for the wind.” Ecclesiastes 4:6

  5. Love this! I love thinking about how not only did God provide just what the bird needed but that it was a little of this and a little of that, a mishmash, but exactly what was needed.

  6. This is such a challenge! I’ve been reading through Philippians a lot lately, and I pause every time I get to the end where Paul says “And my God will meet all your needs according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus.” (4.19). That is so hard for me to believe, especially when I think about all of the people that starve or freeze or… and then I remember something Jesus said: “It is written, ‘Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.’ ” Ah. Perhaps my main trouble in believing this promise is my misunderstanding of what I truly need!

    • You are exactly right Elizabeth. We just need that faith that HE has provided what we need. I think it really helps us see what HE knows we need and the things we think we need, but we really don’t. Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts!

  7. What a beautiful mess, indeed! πŸ™‚ Such encouraging words, Jennifer! And I love that scripture in Isaiah!

  8. Love this Jen. It is so easy to get caught up in seeing all the things we wish we had. These days I am longing to just be content with what He has given – because He really does give us good things and everything we need.

  9. Wow! What insight! We truly do have everything we need, not necessarily want. He does provide All the essentials of a Godly life if we would just wake up, and lookup and have faith~!

  10. This isn’t a deep profound insight on your insightful post, but I look at the nest and see a great deal of creativity, in God’s provision, He made those little birds mixed media/material artists! And hard workers!

    We had swallows building their mud nest on our porch this summer, so I also got a close up look at nest building, and nest tending, and baby feedings, and flying lessons.

    • I totally agree with you Kathy. I am absolutely *amazed* at the way birds create their nests. All with just a beak! The are quite the artists! It is so neat to see how swallows put together their nests out of little mud balls. Amazing!

  11. Sometimes I look at my messy life and think if I only had this, had that, etc. and so on, that life would somehow be easier. But that bird in the nest, it wasn’t perhaps what she may have wanted, but she was content. She had everything she needed. Thank you for this beautiful post today.

  12. We are in the process of lookinig for a nest in southern California with so little money. There are certain things I THINK I need in my nest, thoughts of not having them can tend to depress me. That little mama bird used what was available, materials I don’t think I would have picked which lets me know I am not trusting the Lord for what He knows I need. One of the place we may end up living is in the high desert…talked about sun-scorched…it’s not my choice…but I love the promise that He will strengthen me…well water me to overflowing. I believe one of the truth of this is others will notice a well-watered garden that never fails more in a sun-scorched land….and when they notice what an opportunity to testify to who provided all I need.

    The LORD will guide you always; he will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land and will strengthen your frame. You will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail. Isaiah 58:11

    Thanks for the post, very timely in my life right now.