Lisa-Jo Baker
About the Author

Lisa-Jo Baker is a bestselling author, lapsed lawyer, and current acquisitions editor for HarperCollins. Originally from South Africa, Lisa-Jo lives outside Washington, D.C., where she fell in love with her husband in the summer of ’96. Their story spans decades, languages, countries, books, three very opinionated teens, and one dog.

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(in)side DaySpring:
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  1. Yes, a hard week…heavy-hearted for my husband to know the Lord…praying for him for 11 years now. My son may be a false convert, so I ask the Lord to show him the error of his way…praising God for His changing my heart towards my husband! Thank you all in advance for your coming along side each other and me!

  2. **sending up prayers for you and your family, Merry**

    As for me, I’d appreciate prayers for encouragement and focus. I recently started my own business leading cooking classes, parties, and culinary workshops, and while I’ve had a few successes so far, I’m still learning and figuring things out as I go along. My biggest challenges so far have been a) getting the word out and b) staying focused while managing multiple priorities and ideas. I’d love prayers for guidance, encouragement, and focus as I grow this passion project.

  3. *sending up prayers for you for guidance, encouragement, and focus and the strength you will need to grow this project that you are obviously so passionate about. may his will be done*

    as for me, i guess i am in need of a peaceful heart. and a way back to church. i gave birth to my son on 8-8-10 and lost him thirteen days later on 8-21-10. his birthday is coming up and it just has me in pieces on how to properly remember such a beautiful soul. so i guess what it all boils down to is i am not sure what i need except that i need to know that the memory of my sweet boy, my little fighter is remembered in a way that honors him. how do you pray for that?

    • Paula,

      My heart goes out to you. I’ve lost four children, three through miscarriage, one stillborn at 32 weeks. In our family we celebrate “Happy Heaven Day.” We keep it low key, mainly because of our other young children, but make sure our children are remembered. On their day we release balloons, sing Happy Heaven Day to the tune of Happy Birthday and say a prayer thanking God for our child we miss so dearly. Nothing you do will be wrong. You do what You feel will best remember your precious son. I’m so sorry for your loss and if you would like to talk, please feel free to contact me.

    • Oh Paula, I am sure you have been told this, but the first year is the hardest!! We celebrate our daughter’s, who was stillborn 03/04/10, Angelversary. The day that she became an Angel! As Angie said, there is not going to be a “correct” way to grieve/celebrate on that day. My best advice is to give yourself the permission to feel however you need to feel. Also, do not put pressure on yourself to start any “traditions” Whatever you do this year does NOT have to be the same thing you do EVERY year!!

      Sending love and prayer to you as you face this difficult month! Feel free to email me if you need an ear who understands!

    • I am sorry for your loss and am praying for you! I have lost 2 babies. One due to miscarriage and one to ectopic pregnancy. One of my best friends lost her daughter at 17 months. We were so close that it was almost like losing my own child. We remember her each year on her birthday by lighting a candle. You can start a group and share with your friends and family. It’s a great way to share love, support and memories with those that are far away.

  4. Lord, shower my sister with your peace and comfort, the kind that only you can give. Our Almighty God, give her confidence that even now, while she’s not attending church, you’re doing a mighty work in her, assurance that You’re not mad at her and you’re patiently sitting there with ur arms wide open waiting for her. Our Heavenly Father, I earnestly pray that you will allow her grace for herself, that no matter how she commemorates her son in just a few short weeks it’s the perfect way! Lord, give my sister Paula that unexplainable peace and assurance that David and Paul spoke about in ur word. Speak to her aching heart like u never have before. In Chris’s Almighty Name, Amen.

    Ironically, my prayer request is for my son, as well. He’s 17….need I say more 🙂 He’s angry at me and believes the enemy’s lies. I ask for His eyes to be opened to THE Truth, his heart to be softened towards God and me and I ask for God’s wisdom in parenting.

    • Diane, I face much the same problem with my 16 year old. He is resentful toward me for moving away from his father (who has never been there for him, except in name only) My son longs for his father’s acceptance and I long for him to find the true Father’s acceptance. I long for him to have that peace in his heart and pray for him daily on this. I will add your son to my prayers that he finds the Father’s love and the God softens his heart and opens his eyes. Much love…Sheila

  5. Father in Heaven, will You please give Diane all the Love and Peace she needs in dealing with her teenage son, what a hard time it is Father. Father, I pray your protection over her son and that he IS covered in Love. Father will You please give him a special friend, one who he will connect with and get guidance from in a time where he separates from his mom. Father I pray for his heart and mind to open up to You. Fill him Father, In Jesus name, pull Him close!

    And as for me, the space here won’t be enough to jot down all my prayer request. I have been in a long season of struggles. 1. I am in need of direction. I run my own business but it’s been wearing me (currently at home with a burn out) out so I am looking into new venues. 2. I am still single at age 38 which is rather hard. That is where my desires lay, to build my own family and since it’s not there it’s partly where my struggles lay. 3. I have major troubles at my new home with the contractor. I am without bathroom for 5 months now. It’s causing major stress to be in this conflict with my contractor. I wish for a solution soon.
    I do wish to share that God is guiding me to have the right focus. The battle with the contractor will pass, in the end it will be a small thing. And being down cause I don’t have my earthly desires… He is still present and faithful, longing for me. So as I pray for all these things, I do try and keep a Godly focus! No always easy, but trying hard! Thanks for prayers!

  6. I pray for Betty’s son, Jared and healing from the hurt of his marriage ending. Also for his wife and two young children. Lord, let them feel your presence and love during this difficult time. I also pray for MCH for God’s guidance, love and peace. Amen.

    I ask for prayer for my tired soul. Thank you.

  7. I’ve prayed for you ladies above that you would all feel God’s arms around you, that He would guide and protect those teens who are stretching their wings and for the Mama who is about to experience the 1st anniversary of her son’s birthday and death all in a matter of days.

    I ask for prayers for strength and self control. I ask for prayers for a budding friendship that I want to grow into so much more. The strength is for me to have control over my feelings and urges towards this man. I made the decision after my divorce and subsequent counseling that I would not live my life like I did before. Therefore I would not engage in premarital sex. I’m 41, I wasn’t taught as a young girl how wrong this was, I was in charge of myself and answered only to myself! I now know differently. I just wish my hormones would catch up with my thought process! I want to be able to guide my own daughter when the time comes and tell her that yes, its difficult to not give in to the raging hormones but it IS possible. Plus, God says its wrong! Sounds silly to me at times to hear myself say I struggle with controlling my desire to have sex–seems like at 41 I should be able to. This is the first time in many years (even before my divorce towards my husband) that I have even felt these feelings, let alone entertained thoughts like this.

  8. Lisa, I pray that God will be your strength, and the Spirit will guide you to self control. I pray that the budding relationship be rooted in the Lord, and that it flourish lovingly, if it is God’s will for you.

    I ask for prayers for patience and humility. I struggle in these areas, and I know God is calling me to be better in both areas.

  9. Lisa, I will pray that you will be able to practice self-control, and that the spirit of God will work mightily in your heart.
    Our family is fostering two children, ages 2 and 1. Their permanency hearing is next month. We would be blessed to adopt them along with their new brother who is due any day, Pray for wisdom for the service providers and the judge that a fair and right verdict will be made. Pray that God would work in the heart of the biological mother as well.

  10. Celebrate: a little over a week ago I reached 800 days self-injury free!

    Pray: a HUGE project due on my first day of college that I just found out about

    Also pray: that God would continue to take care of me financially as I have been unsuccessfully looking for a new job

  11. VA, I am praying for your project and that God will give you peace, calmness and focus to work diligently to complete it on time. I am praising God for your victory in being self injury free for 800 days & that He will provide you will many more victories ahead!

    I am in the midst of our 5th round of fertility treatments. Should all continue as planned our IVF procedure will take place on/around this Friday the 15th. My husband and I so want to be parents. I am feeling excited that it is so near but also guarded due to past attempts with no result. I know God’s plan & will is better than my own and I know HE can make it happen. I just need to trust and know that ,regardless of the end result, God is still a good God whose love for me has no end.

  12. Morning everyone,

    A praise for the week, I started a new job.

    My prayer request is that I’ve been living in new york for two months now, and while I am meeting new people. I still haven’t quite found a community of people I fit into. And truth be told, my heart really misses it. I know that in coming to the city, I was following God and I know that everything in His time. But this city in all its beauty and busyness can get lonely and isolating.

  13. I pray for all that have posted, those seeking solace, those seeking wisdom, those seeking comfort, peace, and grace. The Lord Almightly knows our hearts and hears our prayers.

    I to am seeking comfort, peace, and grace. I was sexually assaulted a year and a half ago and although the assailant was convicted I now face his employers (the assalt happened at a local business) in mediation. I am extremely scared to sit in a room with ten men and have to go through the ordeal of everything that happened to me. Please pray that I may have to strength to face my foes with bravery.

  14. Lord, I lift Sandy and her family up to you. I know that you have these children in your hands. Please give Sandy peace as she cares for these two siblings and waits for a newborn and a decision from a judge. I ask for wisdom for the judge to place these children in a loving home where they will get to know You. I also ask that you surround Bindu with a community of people that will take away the loneliness. Having recently moved to a new community, I know that it will happen in Your timing. Until then, I pray that Bindu will draw closer to You and feel your comfort and peace.

    I humbly ask your prayers for me as I begin to co-lead the women’s ministry & Bible study at our church. I am feeling over-whelmed at times and need to keep the balance between home & volunteering in check….as well as my insecurities. Prayers also for my son as he makes decisions for his future. God’s Blessings on all who read this site!

  15. Heavenly Father~ I life MKE up to you. Only You know the level of comfort, level of peace and ultimate grace needed. I ask that you fully submerge her in your grace! Let her float freely in your peace. Wrap your Holy comforting arms around her. Fear is not welcome and in Jesus name we cast out all fear. Allow her to walk boldly and with confidence in Your name on the day of mediation. Place your glorious favor upon her. I also pray for the one who committed the assault. Lord forgive and release this person. Bring Shepherds of light in his life and allow your penetrating love pierce deeply his heart. In Jesus Name~ AMEN!

    My praise is for a dear friend, Ellen, who is getting baptized TODAY in our friend’s swimming pool. All of our community of friend’s will be there to witness and celebrate her act of submission and humility. I ask that the Lord be EVER present and that His Spirit soar in the hearts of all!! Also continued favor over all who are present…

  16. Good morning,

    Bindu, I am praying that God opens the doors for you to find the community that you long for and need. I pray until the time that the door is opened, you find comfort in knowing He will never leave you and is your friend. I also pray that in those times of loneliness that you find peace in knowing there are others praying for you. Congratulations on your new job. Praying God uses you in ways that you cannot imagine.

    My prayer today is for peace. It has been a rough week for me and I am struggling with lots of different things nead and dear to my heart. My husband and i have been trying to get pregnant on our own for almost 3 years. I am on my 6th round of fertility treatment this month and anxiously waiting to see if this worked. We have one beautiful daughter thru in vitro but we cannot afford to go this route again. Every where I turn, I am seeing and hearing of new pregnancies. I am so happy for them but my heart breaks, too. I am 42 and am losing hope. Praying to find peace that if we are not to become parents again, God will fill my heart with my precious child and help me deal with watching others receive the dreams I so long for. I also pray that He will fill me witht he support I need as I don’t have the support of really anyone during this time. Unless you have been through it, you can’t really understand the pain.Thank you for your prayers

  17. Sending prayers your way Tracy! I understand your pain, after three miscarriages.

    I am asking for prayers today first for my sister-in-law and second for my husband. My sister-in-law is going in on Wednesday for a PET scan to see how far the cancerous spot they found on her lung has spread. My husband lost his job this past week and is trying very hard to find a new job.

  18. Lee Ann, prayers go out their way, as well as yours.

    I ask for prayers for a good week as a joyful wife & mother. Thank you.

  19. Lee Ann I am sending prayers to you and your family, that you may all feel Gods peace in your situations and trust that He is working in all things. I pray you feel Him close to you this week and that you are able to rest in His love.

    For myself – I have had Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (M.E.) for three and a half years and am feeling that I am going into another relapse. Things aren’t easy and my soulmate died by sucide last June – I think the anniversary is the reason for my relapse. I know God id at work but am scared of what the future holds.
    Thank you.

  20. C.C. Almon – prayers up for you and your husband. I pray for the divine opening of doors and for your peace in the process of waiting until He reveals that next step of your journey. Prayers for your success and favor.

    My request is for my daughter, 16, she has had a rough go and has become very hard, angry, and bitter. She does not see how holding all of that is only hurting her. She can be so abrasive, negative, and cutting with her words at times – it is draining. She speaks many words of death over her life. She feels unheard by Him and at times I do to with this regard over the ongoing years. But, I know there is a spiritual battle and I trust that God will take her pain and turn it into a pearl in her life – for His glory. Thank you.

  21. Tamara – Prayers for you, dear sister in the Lord, as you love and hurt and worry for your daughter. I have two daughters, now 30 and 33. My 30 year old sounds much like your daughter did at that age. There is hope in Jesus and in staying in prayer for her. I love your prayer for her. I did seek counsel through the church for our family at that time. I pray that she will feel the Lord’s arms around her, comforting her and filling her with the peace that only comes from Him.

    My prayer request is for my 10 year old granddaughter. Specificially, please pray that the details will all be worked out for her (in the way that God can only orchestrate) for the next two weeks ahead of her. Also please pray for her parents.

  22. Friday I was diagnosed with breast cancer. I will undergo surgery on Wednesday so ask the tumor be centralized, not in the lymph nodes and no other treatment would be necessary after surgery. I will stay (in) Couraged as all the love is feeding my faith.
    Kindest regards,

  23. @ Barbara – prayers for your disease and your quick and painless recovery.

    I ask for encouragement in finding a new church home in my new city. I am attending the third new place today and would like to find a comfortable and praise-filled church. I also ask for prayers for my mom; she is in a bitter, negative place and our family has been hurting for awhile. I pray continually for her encouragement and enlightenment in the importance of making a decision to be happy, to change things. I’m in a hard position as a daughter, because she often talks to me as a friend. Any extra prayers could help. 🙂

  24. Barbara I am keeping you in prayer for your upcoming surgery. I echo your prayer for the tumor to be centralized and for the complete, miraculous healing from our Great Physician. I pray for courage and peace as only God can give you right this moment and in the days to come.

  25. What beautiful prayers! I will pray for you all.

    I need a push in the right direction. I feel like everything is falling apart – we are relocating and I can’t find a job, my body isn’t well, and my spiritual journey seems to have come to a halt. Please pray.

  26. Lifting you Chelsie up in prayer this morning. I pray your mom is able to see herself and others the way God sees her and her heart is softened to receive it. Praying you find a group of believers who love the Lord and will come along side you as you do them.

    I’m asking for prayers of peace, strength and courage. A lot is happening in our lives and while not all of it is unpleasant, it’s all quite stressful. Also prayers of wisdom to know what path(s) to take and what things need to be laid down. Some old enemies are trying to creep back in so I ask that I would find my peace and strength in God’s truths. Thank you and God bless you all.

  27. Susan, what a blessing to have a granddaughter! I pray for God’s guidance for her and her parents.
    Chelsie, how wonderful that you have a relationship with your mother! I pray that she sees in you the love of Christ and that He loves her too. Perhaps once you find a church she will attend with you.
    Barbara, I am so thankful that your cancer was detected! I pray that surgery is successful and further treatment unnecesssary. If you haven’t met with the anesthesiologist yet, tell him/her any issues/fears (pain, nausea) you might have concerning surgery. The appropriate medication can help you feel better so that you can concentrate on recovery. My 79-yr-old mother-in-law had a mastectomy a year ago and is a living testament to the power of faith and a positive attitude.
    I ask for your prayers for my cousin, who had her thyroid removed a month ago. During testing, it was found to be cancerous. She will receive treatment tomorrow. We are thankful that the testing was done and that this type of cancer is usually curable!
    Thank you for your prayers and the opportunity to pray for others.

  28. I’m at that postpartum stage where it’s really feeling hard to leave the house. None of my clothes fit, but in my head they should. My daughter (our 3rd) is just starting to sleep in 4 or 5 our stretches at almost 3 months old. My 18 month old son is getting into everything and testing my patience and grace at every turn. My *almost* three year old daughter is seeking my attention, and not always in positive ways. This morning I stayed home from church again with the kids. I know I need to go and there was a time in my life when I had strong convictions about NEVER missing a service. But here I am, wallowing in this season of life. I know I need a heart change. Today I heard my daughter say “we no go to church. we don’t like church anymore.” AH! I know I need to model a walk of obedience for my children, even when I feel self-conscious, and frustrated by all the “my goodness you have YOUR hands full” comments. So pray for my heart and walk with the Lord please.

    • Praying grace and joy unspeakable for you… that that which used to irritate would somehow amuse instead. That you would hear His love whispers deep in your heart and spirit in the still moments and the chaotic ones and those whispers would bring peace to the storm! And in the meanwhile you could find out where Jesus is snoozing in the boat and curl up with Him 😉 And that His more than enough grace would refresh you from the inside out.

  29. God I pray for Nancy’s cousin. I thank you for the wisdom you gave her doctors, and pray for her cousin’s continued healing and strength. I pray that her cancer treatment will be effective and that your will be done in this situation. I Jesus name, I lift up this sister to you and ask that you draw her nearer to your heart.

  30. Prayers for our new nation S Sudan, miraculous provision, supernatural wisdom, mountain moving grace and love that never fails… And I might have malaria AGAIN. Healing for that too and that malaria carrying mozzies would find me utterly tasteless. 😉 Love to all!

    • Lord I lift up Michele and the work she is doing for you. As she said, I pray for provision, wisdom, Your moving grace, and Your love to surround the area. Also, I ask You to use Your healing powers on Michele and wipe out any possibility of malaria. Bless her as You bless Your dearest children.

  31. My husband will be returning to deployment in about a week and I am already dreading the “getting used to him being gone” part of it all. The past four months without him have been extremely rough, especially being stationed overseas. I have been praying for a friend over here, who shares the same faith and same values, but God doesn’t have that in His plan yet. So, prayer that I will be able to keep myself busy until my husband returns, that he will have a safe rest of deployment, and that God’s ultimate plan on our marriage, our military life, and my friendships would unravel in His timing and perfect way.

  32. Hannah,
    I prayed for you and will continue to pray for safety over your husband and for a friend for you. All things are possible with God, I pray for Him to bring a Christian friend or friends into your life. I agree with you that His timing is perfect.

    My prayer request is for one of my sons to turn his life around to Jesus and turn his back on the ways of the world. I’ve been praying for this for years and am trying not to grow weary in waiting on the Lord in this request. To Him be the glory.

  33. My 29 year old son was admitted to ICU yesterday afternoon with acute respiratory failure. He is sedated and on a ventilator. We are not sure of the cause making it some what difficult to treat. He is stable now. I would love to cover him in prayer, remembering that God is good all the time. Thank you.

    In His Grace,

    • Jehovah Rapha, our Healer, I lift up Bev’s son to you. You know the cause of his condition Lord and I pray that you grant the doctor’s treating him wisdom and discernment so they can care for him in the best way possible. Give Bev and her family the peace that only comes from you in this difficult time. Let them feel Your presence every moment until this trial has passed. In Your precious name, Amen.

  34. I am having an ACL reconstruction and medial and lateral meniscus repair on my right knee tomorrow, Monday July 11th at 7:30am EST. I pray for peace and also for skilled physicians and a speedy recovery. Thank you!

  35. Good afternoon, everyone!

    My prayer request is for my mother’s health, the was diagnosed with breast cancer 3 month’s ago. Right now she’s in the hospital, since after her first chemo her defenses went down. Thank God she’s in good spirits, and she’s also confident that God will do His work on her, whatever that is, she trusts that this trial is going to streghten our faith and confidence in God.

    And I also want prayers for my dad, he’s the only one in the family that hasn’t met the Lord yet, and he is very, very worried about mom, and he’s not a very vocal person, so he gets angry a lot for, sometimes, not valid reasons. I pray that he finds that peace only God can give in moments like this, and that this is the time when he can make of Jesus his Lord and Savior.

    Thanks a lot for this space of prayers, as the Bible says The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective. And I trust that God will be faithful to His Word.

    Thanks again, Emilia from Ecuador

  36. Melissa, I pray that your surgery is a success, and that your recovery is quick.

    I would ask for prayers for my husband to find work. He’s been laid off, and jobs in his field are scarce.

    • Alison,
      I was where you are the same time last year. We relied on God and felt a peace that truly made no sense given the circumstance. God is good always and things are being worked out in ways you can’t even imagine. Praying for you…

  37. My best friend’s marriage is in trouble and it is a crazy mess. She has become a person I don’t recognize and is currently a runaway train, ignoring everyone close to her. Her husband is doing all he can and looking to the Lord and wise counsel, but he is exhausted. We’re praying for wisdom and grace in our time with them, and softened hearts and hope for the both of them. We pray the Lord will move her in a powerful way.
    Thank you for your prayers. This posting today couldn’t have come at a better time.
    God is good.


  38. Father God, thank you that you hear Laurie’s cry -you are ever near to the distraught and broken hearted. I ask for your Spirit to pray in words and utterances that we humans cannot. I thank you that Jesus intercedes for us as well. Shower down your peace and comfort to her now. And for Emilia-thank you God that you are her mother’s healer -Jehovah Rapha and her Father’s Redeemer in Your time. We ask that the Spirit would use this time and mother’s illness to beckon your father to our Eternal Father. In Jesus Name Amen.

    I am asking prayer for Financial Provision and Wisdom in my parenting my three small children under 4. My husband works crazy retail hours which does not allow him to be at home consistent hours -this really results in a lack of structure for our children and a lot of housework/ child rearing on me and I get weary. My husband’s job is severly underpayed and we are behind on bills and we don’t see any hope of something new on the horizon. He is a godly man who is very discouraged right now and I am too. Thank you for your prayers -I know the Holy Spirit will meet us and give us encouragement as a result of your lifting us up. XOXO-Christian sister love to ya!

  39. *Emilia, I know that only God could position me to be the next to post and pray for you. Not only did you reference my favorite Bible verse, but it wasn’t too long ago that I walked in your same shoes. My mother fought breast cancer a few years ago while my father wandered from God for awhile. The good lord has healed her and she has fully recovered, and my dad is now back in a right relationship with Jesus, but I understand the struggle of both. I pray for a peace and strength that only God could provide, and for a full recovery from this terrible disease. I pray that the continues to draw near to Him as she goes on this journey. For you father, I pray for divine appointments with people who show Jesus through their words and actions… people who will demonstrate what it means to be a true Christ follower and will love him into the family. Thanks for sharing.*

    As for me, my husband, son, and I recently relocated to Kentucky to plant a church. Our first gathering is tomorrow night and we have no idea how many folks will show up to hear our hearts. This is a true leap of faith as we follow God’s calling- we have a house to sell in Illinois that is sucking up a lot of our income and a baby girl on the way in September. Please pray that God will put the right people in our path to get His work off the ground, for the sale of our home, and for our sweet baby girl. I love the idea of this prayer post… I may have to do the same on my own blog.

  40. I had to go to the ER for the first time ever on Wednesday due to a severe case of tachycardia. I’m wearing a 30 day heart monitor and am getting ready to have some tests done. I’ve had testing done before and it was inconclusive. My cardiologist does not believe there is anything wrong with my heart and neither do I, however, there is something causing my heart to race uncontrollably even upon waking sometimes. It is very inconsistent. My cardiologist only wants to treat the heart and not the whole person and is already telling me I need to find someone to figure it out such as an endocrinologist. Please pray that I will quickly be able to find a doctor who will help me find the problem and resolve this. It is terrifying when it is happening. My husband has been with me for the last 5 days but he has to go back to work tomorrow and being alone is going to cause a lot of anxiety since I never know when this will happen. Thank you for you prayers, Wanda

    Emilia, I am praying that God will be close to you and your family and give you special comfort today. Praying for your Mom – that she will have strength and courage for the days ahead and that God will miraculously heal her and that she will have a complete recovery. Praying that your Dad will come to know Jesus soon and will be able to be a support for your Mom and family.

    Laurie, Praying for your heart’s cry and that God will wrap you in his arms right now and comfort you. Also, praying for all of the others who are hurting and needing help. God bless you all.

  41. Guess I took to long to post but I am also praying for you too Kim. Praying that God will lead, guide, and direct you and your family. Praying for you and the birth of your precious baby. Praying that God will send you a buyer for your house this week and that this church will be a testimony to the commitment you made to act on your faith. Blessings, Wanda

  42. Wanda–I am praying for peace and answers for you!! I am praying for freedom from anxiety, especially tomorrow when you are alone. I am also praying that God will give you a doctor who truly hears you and wants to help you figure out an answer!!

    Please pray for my family. Two weeks ago, my husband lost his job. His company is downsizing, and his position was eliminated. We are praying that God will give us wisdom and direction and freedom from anxiety in the coming weeks and months.

  43. Dear God, Please give Laura and her family your loving arms, to support and hold them as they travel through the unknowns. Let them feel your guidance and love at every turn in the road.

    I ask for prayer for my husband who is battling alcohol dependence. Also my daughter her husband and baby. They attended a new church today and are working to build a life as a young family in challenging economic times. May we all have feel God’s loving support.

  44. That nasty ol’ Satan likes to work overtime, huh…

    Lord, be with each and every one of these commenters, before and after me, in whatever situation, that they would know Your love and guidance, grace and compassion, comfort and healing. I cover them all in prayer, that they would know You are ever-present, that You hold them in Your arms through their struggles. I ask these things in the name of Your Precious Son, Jesus… Amen! And Amen!

    Prayer needed here, too… long list. Suffice it to say it’s mostly medical and financial. Loving thanks to all.

  45. Please pray for my husband and I to both find employment, save our marriage, and heal my husband’s anxiety.

  46. We have been told that our son has health problems. I am 6 months pregnant and we have one month to pray for healing before we will test again to see if there have been any changes. This precious boy is a miracle and we need a miracle for him.

  47. (Praying for your miracle Marie…Our Lord is in the miracle business. And praying that you will have the strength and hope, joy and peace that only He can provide )

    My family has gone through a gut wrenching church split and after 8 months it’s still so hard. Feelings of hurt, false accusations and loss of trust in the body of Christ has been more painful than anything my own family of 19 has ever done. Just when I think I have let go of something, news of this church comes by my way, and I’m hurt all over again. I don’t want to be bitter, I don’t pray “smite them” or anything. But I need to get to the point where I’m praying God’s BEST for the ones that hurt me so much.
    Thank you for this web page. I have been so encouraged by the tenderness and honesty. thank you thank you thank you.

  48. My oldest son is in Missouri at a Boys’ Ranch after rebelling and acting out. I have 4 adopted children. He is my oldest. Please pray for Restoration and Healing.

  49. *Praying now for your oldest, for restoration and healing, and for you, Adoption Mama.*
    Asking for prayer for my husband who has stopped fighting his addiction, and for our children who have watched, and must cope with all that goes with it.

  50. Father, I pray for each of the women who have written here. Our needs and desires are so similar. Please draw near to Kay and her children. Give her husband the strength to stop hurting his family. Please pray for my family also and that God will guide me spiritually and professionally. Thank you, Lord.

  51. My husband and I are building a home and are praying that everything goes well with the financing and the build as this is the home we will be raising our family. Also, I got into a huge fight with my parents this weekend and they really let me down. I pray that they will realize how much they hurt me and we can move on from this.

  52. Lord I pray for Jess and her husband as they embark on this new adventure and I pray that you will oversee everything and bless their new home. I pray also that you will bring peace and resolution between Jess and her family and let them grow in their love for you and their love for each other. Amen.

    Please pray for my friend who is dealing with a court case filled with lies and deceptions and slurs on her character. Thank you.

    • To all the women here I pray for your comfort and blessings and hold you in my thoughts. Gillian, I pray for your friend. My the truth of her character not be hidden and this case end in peace for all involved.

      For anyone who can, please stop by my blog or just right here pass me a little blessing that my daughter’s issues be resolved and she be blessed with health. Thank you. Rosie

  53. Almighty God I need feel your loving touch to fill everyones HEARTS.
    For the lost feeling of your love is so unbearable.

  54. Joining with you in prayer for your friend and that truth and uprightness will guard and protect your friend. And that justice will rise like the noon day sun.
    Please pray for my precious 4 yr old son who has been in and out of chemo for going on 3 yrs now. We have a routine MRI coming up and it is a time of great anxiety for me. We never know what the outcome will be. We are hopeful that the results will show the tumors are shrinking…but must have open hands. We try to live each day and embrace the joy we have in each moment. He is doing great and thriving everyday. He is human sunshine and a joy to all. Please pray for healing, encouragement, and endurance to fight for joy.

  55. I’m so very stuck. God said, “Stay, i have you where I want you.” It breaks my heart. I know that His plans are perfect but this road is rough and I am weary.

  56. We are praising God in our house because He is good, and because he’s shown us the next step in his plan for us. We were waiting to find out if my husband would be laid off next month. Last week, he was offered a promotion and accepted it the next day. For months we’ve been looking for other jobs “just in case” and put off the search for a house completely because we didn’t know if God meant for us to stay or prepare to go. We are so thankful not to have to start over in the job market!

  57. I pray that those who are caring for Anna’s son have your guidance, that the chemo has done it’s job and the little guy grows stronger to continue to be human sunshine. I pray that his family and love ones find comfort in your strength.

    I also lift Suzanne up to you, Lord. Let her lean on you for strength. When the burden is heavy, let her put it in your strong arms.

    Suzanne, read Isaiah 42:2.

    My prayer is request is one of praise and thanks. The last time I posted here, I asked for prayer for my husband who struggles with cross dressing, drinking, and volatile temper. I asked for help praying for his salvation and for me to have strength to carry on. More than one person prayed for me.

    We have a long way to go, but just had a great weekend. He was thoughtful, patient and sober in situations that usually trigger bad behavior. Good times like this encourage me and carry me forward. There is power in prayer!

  58. Please pray for my marriage. I don’t know how to talk to my husband anymore. Everything just turns into a fight. I feel like I’m all alone here, fighting a losing battle. We used to be so close and now it feels like it was all a sham. I miss him but I don’t know how to do this anymore. I feel like a terrible mommy too. I feel like I don’t get anything right.

    • Father of light and reconciliation, bless Molly and her husband. They have lost their way. We know that you can make all things right, heal their wounds, gentle their words and bring tenderness to their actions and a loving spirit back into their relationship.

  59. Suzanne: I’m praying for you and your struggle. I know what it’s like to be stuck, and yes, God’s plans are perfect. Place your life in His hands, trust Him and in His time He will reveal His plan for you.

    My husband died just over two years ago and I’m struggling with loneliness. Please pray for me as I daily ask God to fill this emptiness with His presence and replace the loneliness with peace.

    • Dear Lord … thank you that you do love LH and I ask that you make that love evident to her in a very special way tonight.

  60. God – please comfort LH and MCDH in their needs. Let them know that they are loved.
    My prayers.

    I am trying to see God’s plan in my life please help me to see the course.

  61. MCDH- I pray that the Lord fills the emptiness you are feeling and puts His arms around you and brings you peace as well as a feeling of love! YOU are loved!

    Please pray for my husband and I as we are trusting the Lord to bring us the blessing of another child. We are facing some fertility issues and are not sure where we stand at this moment.

  62. Sarah – I pray for you right now that you are able to find peace and understanding during this rough time of suffering through fertility issues. It is a hard road to travel down, but know that you are not alone and that He is with you and your husband through it all.

    I am going through a similar thing as you Sarah – struggling with infertility. It has been over 2.5 years of trying, two miscarriages and 3 failed IUIs. My husband and I are trying to find balance, hope and peace throughout this challenging time.

  63. Lord, bless Linds in her infertility struggles. Grant her perfect peace in you and help balance, hope and peace in their quest. Keep her mind stayed on you in all things.

    I am recovering from a series of IV steroid infusions that have left me seriously sleep deprived for a week. I have to return to work tomorrow and am feeling quite I’ll this evening with a nasty cough. My immune system is du redder as a result of the steroids and I fear I am not going to be able to shake this cough.

    • Lord I pray for mollianne. Please help her through the day, knowing that she only has to put one foot in front of the other. Give her rest, and let her know that you are always with her. You are the great healer, please hold mollianne close and heal her body.
      Exodus 33:14 The LORD replied, “My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.”

  64. And this is why I love (in)courage…it isn’t about being all together. It’s truly about encouraging one another. Thank you, all of you, who make this happen.

  65. I have a hard week ahead of me… Friday I have a panel interview on a job for a position I am currently doing as a contract employee with now the opportunity to become permanent… I am believing God as I have been during this past year… I have been blessed by your ministry and you have encouraged me so much. It is because of how timely your emails have been to me that I’m asking that you help me pray for this need… God knows all and I know He is my source and He will decide what’s best for me… Just help me pray that I receive what He has for me… Thanks.
    God bless You Too!!!

    • Lifting you up this morning, Jules…that you would *See* that all is for purpose; even temporary opportunities.

      Rich blessings as you continue to trust Him…

  66. I’d appreciate prayers that I would continue to trust my Father for His plans and timing–with my career, my writing, and the size of my family. Only He knows the *what*, *when* and *how*.

    • Amy, I’m praying for faith and patience for you as you wait for God’s timing. Lord, give Amy your plans for her career – just the right place for her. Help her with her writing that she may be a blessing to many and give her all the children you want her to have.

      For me, my blood pressure is really high and I am on medication. I am a missionary and have just been 6 months in a new position as Dean. I need healing so I can still do my job. I am also going to the doctor in about 13 hours.

      • I also have high blood pressure, Denise. I am now on my third medication as the first two left me with a nasty dry cough that drove everyone crazy. My BP was always low and last fall it started to climb. The bottom number has a hard time staying below 85. I cut out salt as much as I can, and exercise everyday, and it still wouldn’t go down.

        I will pray for you!

  67. Yes please. My husband is away for work until August 5 and I’m having a hard time with the separation. I’m also 5 months pregnant, so the hormones don’t help! I would really appreciate prayers for both me and my husband to be comforted in our loneliness and also for the health of our baby girl (everything looks fine, but I can’t help but worry-she’s our first).

  68. I know I am a day late on this, but I would SO appreciate any prayer we can get! My husband and I are 13 weeks pregnant with our 5th pregnancy in 3 y ears. We have lost our first 4 babies and are hoping and pleading through prayer for this to be the baby we get to bring home and raise. I have 2 specific prayers…1) A healthy baby, of course! 2) Peace for me. As you can imagine I am fighting the urge to constantly be filled with anxiety. I know that this isn ot the spirit I was created, but it is the spirit of my flesh!! Thank you so much for your prayers!

    • Hey Britt,

      When I wrote my reply, Cara’s post was the one just before mine, so I didn’t see yours.

      I leave you with this verse: II Timothy 1:7 “For God hath not given us a spirit of fear: but of power and of love, and of a sound mind.”

      I urged you, and all the ladies here who are fearful to meditate on this verse. It helped me when I was going through a great deal of fear many years ago.

    • Lord, I know personally what its like to worry about a pregnancy after a loss. Please, Lord, give Britt some of the peace that you gave me. Let her know that you are always with her, and that you have plans for this little baby. I pray that this pregnancy continues with no complications and that mommy and baby are healthy. I also pray for Britt’s husband so that he doesn’t worry and that he knows how to take care of Britt. I pray this strengthens their marriage and that this brings them close to you.

  69. Prayers for Cara…that during this time of separation, her and her husband would grow closer to the Lord. Prayers also for the the precious baby girl that is growing inside of Cara. Help her not to worry. May she find joy in the Lord. In Jesus name, Amen

    Please pray for our family. My husband was let go from his job in Dec. of 2009. He had worked for the company for almost 25 years. We struggled for 14 months trying to pay our bills and used all our life savings. He started a new job in Feb. and he doesn’t get paid much at all. We are very discouraged. After 29 years of marriage, we never thought we’d be where we are presently. We have 4 kids at home, and we have no idea how we will send them to college. Thank you

    • Dear Lord, please lay Your hand of blessing on Robin and her family. Please give them peace and hope in a time of struggle. Provide for them as they need Dear Lord, making sure that all are taken care of. Give them strength to get through these tough times and to find the road that You intend for them. Lift up their hearts and ease their minds. In our Lord Jesus Christ’s name I pray….Amen

    • One son just graduated and he had to put his college plans on hold because of our financial situation. It breaks my heart.

  70. Yes, hard week…my boyfriend is facing issues at work (the National Guard). He has to pass a fit for duty board and is worried that he won’t. He has had mental health issues over the last six months and is afraid that they will force him into a medical discharge or worse. Also, my 16 year old son is having a tough time. He is trying to assert his independence, is feeling torn between his father and I and is in short trying to grow up. He and I are butting heads on where he needs to spend his time and how, and his father is not helping and is actually making things worse. Please pray for strength and guidance for all of us. We are gonna need it.
    Thank you…

  71. (I’m a day late too…but still want to post)

    I have many requests: For finances–need to get out of debt and stay ahead of the bills. We need a bigger & newer vehicle for our family of 5. I need direction & purpose, so that I can wisely use this gift of writing that God has laid on my heart. We’ve just made the decision to start homeschooling this year–we’ll need resources, supplies & a good plan.

    Thank you so much! God bless you all 🙂

    I plan to read through the comments here during the week, and pray for all of the requests that were posted.

  72. I could really use prayers to not get discouraged about our financial situation. Just when we think we might be able to put more money towards our debt, something comes up, food prices increase, things break down, etc. I’m trying to focus on the fact that we can still pay for all these things, but it’s hard to not get discouraged when we’ve been praying about getting out of debt daily for the past 6 months.

  73. I have been fighting anxiety and depression. God is faithful and my husband is so comforting, but there are times when I still fight to walk through it and not let it consume me. I have a medical condition that has kept us from intimacy for over a year this time. Summers have been hard seasons the last few years with that and losing our grandfathers the last 2 summers. And I turned 30 last week! 🙂

    Thank you for your prayers and for caring! “Do not let your hearts be troubled.” 🙂

    He is showing me how to trust in Him and walk in freedom!

  74. I’m in need of a prayer today. I’ve been dealing with some serious anger/depression/don’t know what to call it issues lately. I’m able to be productive and “happy” at work but the minute I come home I start snapping at my partner and jsut being a total jerk. I know that I am-can hear myself speaking harshly-but still do it. I know that I need to read the word more but I feel like I just don’t have the motivation to do so lately. I’m not sure what’s going on, but any prayers would be so appreciated. I just need to get out of this funk! I have so much to be thankful for-really!

    Angie….I pray that you and your husband are able to find ways to be intimate with one-another and that God lifts you up and out of your depression. *Hugs!

    • Julie;

      I pray God meets you right where you are, for release from the depression and anger. I pray for peace in your home, heart and mind. May God draw you near to Him and may you hear His words of peace, comfort, joy, grace and love. May He shower you with the more He has for you. May He come in and resolve whatever is keeping you from His peace.

      May you be blessed in Him. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


  75. I need to get to a point where I have complete confidence and trust in the Lord. I am in the hole financially and only know one earthly way to get out. It is the way I always go – my earthly father. My reason for not going to him is because there is always disappointment, anger and condemnation and I can’t go through it any more.

    I am a full-time seminary student, I work a part-time job and have started my own business. The lessons I have learned in the midst of this financial struggle is that I have more value and worth in God’s eyes than any of the things I desire or need and that God will not give me the more I ask for until I am a faithful and wise steward of what He has already given me.

    I have made mistakes and I am so tired of beating myself up. I want the joy God has for us even in the midst of life lessons and mistakes. Please pray for peace and resolution for good so that I can move on to the more He has for me. I am madly, deeply in love with my Lord and Savior and all I can do is fall at His feet and cry out for help.

    God bless you all for your encouragement. I have enjoyed reading and praying over your posts.

    Be blessed,

    • Heavenly Father, I ask in the name of Jesus that you bring peace, and joy, and strength, and self-worth to my sister-in-Christ, Monica. Honor her commitment to doing the work you have set before her. Let her see that she is so valuable. Let her feel your love and forgiveness. I ask that she be encouraged and uplifted. Amen.

      “I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the Lord’s holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God. Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen” Ephesians 3:16-21

  76. I am in need of prayer for myself and my beautiful daughter. First, healing for her. She is 16 years old and suffers from a disorder called Trichotillomania where she pulls her hair out. She has suffered from this disorder for 7 years. Second, for me. I usually cruise right along just supporting her and encouraging her. But the last couple of days I am questioning why and I am so discouraged. I have always felt as if I have given this over to the Lord, but the last few days it seems I have picked this burden back up. I need to give it back to Him. My heart is so heavy.

  77. My husband and I need prayer, we just began leading the youth group after the former youth pastor quit suddenly and left the church. It’s been hard on the kids, and we desperately need the Holy Spirit to fill us, speak through us, and guide us!

  78. Father please give Emily and her husband the wisdom and strength to lead these youth. Lord, youth workers need lots of energy, wit and lots of wisdom. Bless Emily and her husband as they take on what they believe to be from You. Thank you Father for what you can and will do through them.

    My prayer is for my daughter who is 31, single mom with two children, 11 year old girl and 6 year old boy. She has done a 360 degree turn around in her life and is working hard at being a good mom. She has turned back to God and is striving to follow him with all she has. Recently she was admitted to nursing school at our local communtiy college. My prayer is for her finances, her living situation ( being a place to live that won’t break the bank), and for the right man for her and the kids. She so desires to do whatever God wants her to do.

  79. Launi – prayers for your daughter. May she find all that she needs in her journey.

    Please join in in a prayer of Thanksgiving! I’ve been offered a job as a housekeeper and elder care and I start tomorrow. The money earned will be just what I need to make my budget shortfall each month. A huge weight has been lifted.

  80. PTL for your job Kat (also one of my nick-names). God is ever so faithful to provide! I pray for strength and wisdom as you step out on this new venture in Him.

    God is love and he grants us the desires of our hearts– I want to be faithful to Him in all things, wether He gives or takes away. I am asking prayer for God’s continued leading, wisdom, strength, and perfect timing . . .

  81. I am fervently praying to the lord for a child, for my husband and his work struggles, my parents who have been very sick. May God bless them with good health. I wish there could be an online prayer box or forum where we can take turns and pray for one another. I very badly need your prayers for many more things in my life.

    • Praying for you now, that God would minister rest to you in the midst of so much struggle. For healing for your parents, for strength for your husband as he struggles with work, for your heart desire for a child… may He grant you grace to walk through these trials. Holy Spirit, come. Minister peace.

  82. Just please pray for my family and me… I was recently diagnosed with cancer for the fourth time. I will have surgery next week and then probably chemo (again) in the months to follow. Will you please pray for healing and for strength to fight this battle over the long months to come? Will you pray for my husband as he will carry the weight of caring for our family and watching his wife suffer? Will you pray for our children (ages 5, 7 and 9) as they reel and struggle to understand why and how and what all this means for them and us? Will you pray that our hearts know God’s
    presence and for spiritual rest as we constantly feel the sharp pains of Satan’s fiery darts whispering lies to us? Thank you.

    “She recollecteth times of great peril, when deliverance came; hours of awful need, when as her day her strength was found, and she cries, ‘No, I never will be led to think that He can change and leave His servant now. Hitherto the Lord hath helped me, and He will help me still.'” (~C.H. Spurgeon)

  83. Heavenly Father I pray for Angie’s family & her health. I pray that you ease any pain or symptoms she may encounter, and I pray that you bless her body with the things it needs to function & heal. Please bless her family with the strength to support her during this time, and to care for themselves as well. Please all their hearts to find a peace that can be hard to find in trying times.

    This is the first time I\’ve heard of this type of posting. (New to the blog). I, selfishly, want to ask for prayers in all the \”branches\” pertaining to one particular problem I\’ve been struggling with. I\’ve found a low over it all that I have never seen before. As a result of it all, I\’ve been diagnosed with PTSD. But instead of asking for help for myself, I will ask for help for the other person (the one causing the problems). She is an estranged relative, former addict (of many things), clinically diagnosed psychotic/schizophrenic, lonely, depressed & volatile, isolated because of her choices & treatment of others. I personally, will pray that she finds peace for her broken mind, and that she finds (a positive/constructive) purpose in life.

  84. Please pray for me this morning: I have a job interview this morning for a promotion. It would mean a lot more responsibility, but also more money. We want God’s will for us. Thanks for praying!

  85. Elaine, I’ve prayed for you and that you had a successful interview this morning.

    I am praying for continued good health for my family. We have struggled the last few years with illnesses and medical bills and are just holding steady financially. We learned this morning we need a “new” (to us) vehicle and I think we can do it as long as we stay well and don’t incur more medical expenses.

    Thank you for your prayers!

  86. Father i pray for Heather and her family, I lift them up to You. Please see them and provide for their needs, be their Daddy. Thank You for Your faithfulness!

    I ask for prayer for my mental state. I’ve just returned from a vacation in the States, it was full of rest and it’s always home to me. Now I’m back to my real home where there’s a lot of loneliness. I so ask God to turn my mourning into dancing, oppression into worship and to have faith in Him and for me to keep my eyes on Him instead of getting lost in the negatives. I need a new job, I need fellowship and to trust His plan. Lots going on!