Lisa-Jo Baker
About the Author

Lisa-Jo Baker is a bestselling author, lapsed lawyer, and current acquisitions editor for HarperCollins. Originally from South Africa, Lisa-Jo lives outside Washington, D.C., where she fell in love with her husband in the summer of ’96. Their story spans decades, languages, countries, books, three very opinionated teens, and one dog.

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  1. I’ve never done one of her studies. I’ve wanted to, just never was able to do so. The one that stood out to me was about Esther. I’m not sure why, though.

    • You have to do one of here studies! You will cry, you will laygh…but best of all you will come away with a new heart and love for Jesus, our Savior! Ester was a great study, and really spoke to my heart! Enjoy!

      • Not only will you grow in your love for God, but you will grow in your love for His Word, His Story, and how your story is weaved into the greater story. This is true ESPECIALLY of the Esther study. I loved it-my favorite one, by far!

  2. Oh! I have been wanting to find a good Bible study on the fruits of the spirit, so definitely ‘Living Beyond Yourself’. And it’s so hard to choose a second, because they all sound so good, but I think the Esther one. Who doesn’t love the story of Esther? I strive to be that obediant and to trust God so fully.

  3. I think I would DEFINITELY pick “A Heart Like His” or “Living Beyond Yourself”. She is absolutely one of my favorite authors, and if I could pick one person to sit down over coffee with, she’d be the one. Love, love, LOVE BETH.

    • I’ve done that one and boy was it an eye opener. I had forgotten that David had an affair, tried to cover it up and committed murder. I thought he was “mister perfect”.

      It opened my eyes to how loving our God is who forgives us of our many sins. He still chastises us, but forgives none the less!

  4. I’ve been wanting to do the Daniel study–I’ve heard great things about it! 🙂

  5. I’d be grateful for the opportunity to dig deeper and be inspired through a study, and then perhaps lead a small group of women through the same study. “Living Beyond Yourself,” and “A Heart Like His” especially intrigue me, as I learn how to serve Him with confidence in the gifts He has given me and the stories He is using in my life for purpose. Thank you, (in)courage, for partnering with Lifeway to offer a life-changing program!

  6. Lisa-Jo,

    I love Beth Moore studies! My first experience was a womens retreat at our church and they did a video study in about 12 hours of time. It was awesome. I can’t tell you the name of it because that was just a terrible time in life and I don’t remember a lot of things that went on around me. I think my favorite book so far has been So Long Insecurities! and I am so excited the workbook just came out. A few ladies from church want me to start a study on that book and I have been fighting it but God keeps nudging me, this post was another little push! I am currently going through her Believing God series that my friend from church loaned me from the church library. Its wonderful! I read the book a few years ago but its meaning is so different now that I am in a different place in life!

    She is a wonderful tool that God is using to change many lives!
    PS, do you know if the pictures I sent to the email you gave me for my quilt pictures made it through?

  7. I just met with my Bible Study Buddies last Wednesday and our leader was talking about the different options to study next year. One choice decided upon was “Esther: It’s Tough Being a Woman.” It would be a great gift to give to our leader Charlotte who is on a fixed income and purchases the leadership kit with her own money.

    Like Mary (above) I would choose “Believing God” as having the most impact on me so far. I can still recite the 5 Statement Pledge of Faith too. And what was amazing was the timeline of my life broken into incremental years where I saw what was happening (big events), where I was in my faith (at that time), and realizing looking back how God was with me and protecting me. It was a bit painful digging so deep yet it showed that He is awesome in His love for me.

    Thank you for the opportunity to win!

  8. My first Bible Study with Beth Moore was the Patriarchs. I had never experienced a Bible Study like that before. Since then I have done several in different settings with different women’s groups. All have been “at the right time.” Two studies I have not done, but I am curious about are Anointed, Redeemed, Transformed and Loving Well.

  9. I would love the chance to go through one of Beth’s studies. I’ve heard a lot about her work, but never had the finances to experience it for myself. Took a glance at the poster of all her works, and I love that she has stuff on the Old Testament, like the Patriarchs and Daniel. So many of them look intriguing… would jump at the chance to learn from her wisdom!

  10. How I would love them all 🙂 I would love the Breaking Free Bible Study. I have done the Fruits of the Spirit but I would do it again. I am looking forward to the James study to be released in the Fall. Thank you for this opportunity 🙂

  11. I would choose When Godly People Do Ungodly Things because it’s the only study of hers that we haven’t done at our church. (Believing God is actually my favorite; I was in the middle of this study when the biggest crisis of my adult life hit and God used the study to direct my thinking about what was really going on.) We have 75-100 women –out of a congregation of 350 or so–who meet weekly for Bible study and we have worked our way through most of the Beth Moore library.

  12. I’ve done Believing God and Living Beyond Yourself -and there’s no way I could pick which one is my favorite out of those two! Both spoke to me in INCREDIBLE ways. The one I wish I could do next is the Esther study. A friend of mine is doing it at her church and I”m sad I live too far away to go. I flipped through the workbook when I was visiting her a couple of weeks ago and it looked incredible!

  13. The Beth Moore study that has changed me the most is “To Live is Christ” (the one about Paul). It came at a time in my life when God was calling my husband (who was a business man, not seminary-trained) to church planting. We didn’t know what that would entail or where it would take us and it was kind of scary. Studying Paul’s passion for others to know Christ helped me to gain the boldness that I needed to walk beside my husband as he said “yes” to God. It has been an amazing journey so far!

  14. I have studied just about every Beth Moore study there is! And have been blessed throughout each study. She is so encouraging and digs right into the richness of God’s Word. Daniel was a hard study to get through. There is so much depth in that study! That is the one I would choose….hopefully I will “get it” the second time around!!

  15. I would be so thrilled to win ANY Beth Moore bible study leader kits! There are many I have not done and would like to. Her “Breaking Free” study changed the way I see God looking at me, and helped to free me from bondage I had carried my entire life. I think I might choose her “Believing God”, to learn more about and hopefully increase, faith.

  16. Oh goodness, I just finished Esther, it was AMAZING! I would love to do any of her other studies, maybe David or Daniel…pretty much anything! Love her!

  17. I’d love to win one of Beth’s studies. I’ve heard the Esther study is wonderful!

  18. I haven’t ever done a Beth Moore study, but I have always wanted to because I’ve heard such great things!! The ones I’ve heard about are Esther and then the When Godly People do Ungodly Things and Living Beyond Yourself. So fun that you get to give them away! Love it =)

  19. At 32 years old, marriage crumbling, mamma of two, I was just beginning my walk with Him. I decided to jump into my first Bible study ever. At the time I had never even heard of Beth Moore until…Breaking Free. What a powerful impact that one study has had on my entire life. Since then, a few years later, I’ve had the opportunities to enjoy other studies, but Beth’s has always been the one that moved me the most. Esther and Daniel pulled at me right away, but each of her studies are blessings.

  20. Every Beth Moore study I have done has been such an incredible learning experience. There is no way I could pick a favorite, they are all so amazing, but I would love to do the one on David.

  21. I would love to do the Annointed, Transformed, Redeemed study. And the Living Beyond Yourself study.

  22. We completed the Daniel study two weeks ago and I learned so much from it. Daniel is a difficult book yet Beth took it chapter by chapter and made it come alive. She’s a gifted teacher. I would love to be able to participate in another study soon. Thanks for the chance!

  23. I love Beth Moore studies! I will do the Esther study again, and again. That study helped me through an especially dark time in my life. I would choose “A Heart Like HIs”, this is definately the direction I wish to be headed.

  24. When my husband was in language school prior to our leaving for the mission field, I had the awesome experience of participating in my first Beth Moore Study of “John, the Beloved Disciple.” It was such an encouragement to my soul in a season of transition, made even more difficult but the emotional wait to adopt our fourth child. Now we are in Chile where her studies are not readily available but having been gifted two of her sets from a departing missionary I was able to lead “Breaking Free” and “Jesus, the One and Only” for ex-pat women and both studies were awesome.

    I would dearly love to do both the Esther and David studies – the latter especially, because David is probably the Biblical figure whose story (and God’s dealings with him) have spoken most tenderly to the wounded places of my heart.

  25. One year ago our family was transferred from a recovery ministry in the Washington DC area to one in the Tampa Bay area. I think I95 still has the marks where 4 out of 5 of us dug our fingernails into the asphalt crying out, “Please we don’t want to leave home!”
    It’s been a difficult year of transition filed with difficulty, heartbreak and homesickness and 12 months later there are no signs that it will let up. I feel as though I am wandering in a wilderness. Bianca’s comment was a knot at the end of my rope- if given the opportunity I believe I would choose Esther.

  26. I have not been in a women’s bible study since my kids were young…and that was a long time ago… be honest I have trust issues with women…..I am taking an honest look at me…..with the Lords help and learning what to own and what is not mine to own…..a wonderful freeing journey. So I probably would need to start withWhen Godly people….then move on to Ester next. I might even risk and invite a few women to join me:)

  27. I have never gone through a Beth Moore study, although I have always wanted to. I have heard so much from other women on how much they have learned through her writings. Maybe this will be my chance. 🙂

  28. Years ago, when Beth’s Bible study was in the morning, I attended. She is wonderful! I would love to do the Esther study with a few of my friends.

  29. I loved the study of Esther. Our Womens study group just loves Beth Moore studies. We have 10 very faithful women that come every Tuesday ready to study. We have borrowed our studies from other churches. Our budget is not big enough to buy our own. It would be wonderful to win one!

  30. I was given Beth Moore’s Believing God book years ago when I was back in college. I would pick it up, but not stick with it (VERY uncharacteristic of me!!). I become, somehow aware, that there was a specific time I was meant to read that book from start to finish – an intentional time when its contents would be a megaphone of awareness and reality in my life. Earlier this year, that’s exactly what it was.

    That book led immediately to So Long Insecurity…(an actual mind-blowing, deepest struggles aired out on the page by a complete stranger who MUST know all my inmost thoughts) which will forever be a catalyst of life-changing thought and heavy doses of truth. The prayers Beth wrote in that book, pierced my heart in actual and numerous ways that I can never escape into forgetting – nor do I want to! I finished up these short months of diving into her Spirit-filled words with Get Out of That Pit. A glorious, attacking-lies, ponying up to Truth, depend compeltely on God – book.

    I’ve yet to accomany her books with her studies, yet I repeatedly hear of the benefits of such. Directly after reading So Long Insecurity, I was able to see Beth Moore in the city and state I moved to after a lifetime of growing and living in Texas (Lowell, Massachusetts was where the conference was). The two states my life has been lived in, were brought back together in Beth and hard-hitting, lovely treasures of truth were taught that week, only deepening my appreciation for how God uses Beth to spread His name.

    The study I’ve been eying and truly wanting to dig into is the Breaking Free series. I’ve yet to read the book, but I saw the leader guide and study and complete set at Beth’s conference (I was already aware of the book, yet again, had never read) and have truly been unable to get it out of my mind since. I think God is nudging me, gently persistent in leading “Leigh, daughter, I want you to hear me in this place. There is sincerity for you here, I have things to show you and keep in your heart”. To be clear, I didn’t actually hear His audible voice (but oh how I’d LOVE that!), yet do you ever get these kinds of nudges? Ever so gentle, but consistently reoccuring reminders that there’s something you need to understand? And He’s trying to use all means (friends’ words, verses in your personal studies, a song) to keep your awareness heightened?

    Anyway, I did not intend to be so long-winded. My apologies! Base point = I would choose Beth Moore’s Breaking Free. And regardless if I am able to be blessed with a free copy or not (money is unfortunately always an issue in my life), I WILL read this. I have to be obedient to His gentle whisper. He will provide a way for His words to enter my heart. He does so in Beth and other’s like her – for me, for you, for each of His sons and daughters. Isn’t He marvelous?

  31. Love me some Beth Moore! I’m in the middle of Believing God right now. Breaking free rocked my world, so I bought the leader kit. I LOVE that Lifeway now has her videos online that you can buy for $4.99 – that has MADE Believing God so much better for me!

    Probably the one that I would love to have – more than any other – is the Patriarchs. I haven’t gone through it yet, but I have heard it is amazing 🙂 Thank you Miss Beth! We love you, and thank you Lifeway!

  32. I’ve read her “Jesus, the One and Only” book and the study book about Paul. Both were incredible! I’ve always been incredibly drawn to Esther and I’d love to do that study 🙂

  33. I love Beth!!!! Her Patriarch study was life changing for me. I was holding so much bitterness toward my father for leaving our family. When she talked about her own hurt and confronting her abuser it was so profound to me.
    I am so thankful for her testimony and the way she allow the Lord to work through her!!!!

  34. Oh, I just love Beth Moore. “Believing God” was the first Beth Moore study that I ever did, so it has a special place in my heart. It’s so hard to say which one I would pick, but I think — at this moment at least — I would pick David. I would really love to do that one. Thanks so much for the chance to win.

  35. As a small group, we have done Believing God, Living Beyond Yourself and are currently doing the Daniel study. Words just cannot express the depth to which these studies have taken our small group. We have grown as a group and individually. Our next study is Esther and we would love to tackle the David on in the years to come. Beth is a gift from God!

  36. I live in Uruguay, South America, working with a team of 4 families to plant churches in a non-believing culture. The four women on our team are meeting every other week to give each other spiritual accountability and encouragement. Next week we are planning to begin using one of Beth Moore’s resources, and we’re all anticipating the impact it will have on us.

    Thank you for sharing about her studies.

  37. Last Summer some friends and I did Stepping Up and was really encouraged. We’re about to start Believing God and have heard some really great things already. I would love to get my hands on the Esther study or A Heart Like His. They both look amazing and once again, I’ve heard great things! Beth’s studies are always a good challenge.

  38. Beth Moore’s studies have changed my life because she made the Bible come alive for me and in a way I didn’t know was possible, I have fallen in love with Jesus and God! I was born and raised in church, but until I encountered her Bible studies, I didn’t realize what I was missing! The study of hers that changed me the most was, “When Godly People do Ungodly Things,” and I had the priveledge to lead a group of ladies at my church through it this last spring and watch their lives be changed by it as well. I would be honored and thrilled to win two of her leader kits and would love using them to minister to other women as well!!! I would probably choose the Believing God and Breaking Free studies – haven’t done either one yet!

  39. I did her series on Believing God, I believe it was. I’ve heard great things about the Esther study and would love the opportunity to study it.:) I love how you encourage us over “here” with your posts, giveaways, etc. You all are the best!!!:) Thank you for your ministry…it means so much.

  40. Oooh! I love Beth Moore! I am finishing up her ‘Breaking Free’ study and it has been awesome. I love the depth she goes into with really digging into the scriptures! I think I would like to do Either, “Stepping up” or “To Live is Christ”, I don’t know! I would really eventually, like to work my way through all of them. She is an inspiration and encouragement. Such a powerful witness for Christ!! Thank you for this opportunity 😉

  41. First y’all love chocolate and now Beth Moore? Sigh. She has some great hair, does’nt she ? Sisters after my own heart 😉

    Beth’s studies always challenge and change me – Daniel was one of the most challenging that I’ve done and I loved every second of it. Two that I haven’t done that I would love to win are “Living Beyond Yourself” and “Believing God.”

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  42. Beth Moore was instrumental in the rescue of my heart following my young son’s battle with cancer. I attended a conference of hers in Baltimore and the theme of her messages was “The Perfect Storm” and every word she spoke went directly to my deepest need. God is amazing like that. So now I’ve done several of her studies and would love to do more!

  43. I first read Beth’s “Jesus the One and Only” during my quiet time about 10 years ago, and had to get more! The first study I did on my own was “Breaking Free.” We have now done most of her studies, growing from a group of 6 in my living room, to 40 in the local coffee shop. I would love to get her updated version of “Breaking Free.” We love you, Beth!

  44. What a blessing of a giveaway! THANK YOU!

    Since my very first Beth Moore study in college over ten years ago until today, I have completed almost every study she has. Though, to be honest, until this past spring, I had never been able to watch the accompanying DVDs with the study. I gleaned SO much from each study, but after learning from Beth’s DVD teaching in this last study, I want to go back, and re-do each study with the DVDs! 🙂

    Though all have grown me in deep ways, one that stands out particularly is her study on the Fruits of the Spirit. Even today I vividly remember and go back to the truth she taught in the lesson on peace. Oh, how that helped bolster my faith in some very uncertain times!

    Honestly, I’d choose and recommend any of the studies, but if I had to choose today, I think I’d choose the Daniel or the Esther study. I’ve heard SO many good things about both, and those are two I haven’t done yet!

    Thank you again, Lifeway and (in)courage! What a gift!

  45. The Beth Moore Bible Study that changed/impacted me the most was “Living Beyond Yourself” the Fruit of the Spirit. Completely changed my prayer life into a Spirit filled one. You wont regret one minute of the time invested in this study!

  46. The first Beth Moore study I attended was Breaking Free. CHANGED MY LIFE. I have studied Esther and Daniel in recent years. Now I am yearning to be transformed by David.

  47. As a woman who has led discipleship groups for years, and who loves a good personal, life-changing Bible Study, I guess it’s kind of unusual that I’ve never done a Beth Moore study, or read one of her books. It seems that everyone else has!
    If I won this, that would surely be a sign from God, and I know exactly who I would invite to join me in a study. There are some lovely young moms who I would love to share this with. My choice would be between “Living Beyond Yourself” and “Breaking Free.”
    What woman does not desire this for her life? Don’t we all want to go to the next level with God?
    Thanks for doing this, and Blessings,

  48. I haven’t ever done a Beth Moore study, but I think the one I would choose is breaking free.

  49. Nothing changed me as much as “A Woman’s Heart” did. The study of the tabernacle and that portion of Exodus was literally life-transforming for me. Two I’d really love to to do are “Jesus the One and Only” and “Believing God.” I have heard testimonials about how impacting those studies have been for other women. Thanks for having this random giveaway that will SURELY bless someone’s socks off!

  50. I would love to do Beth Moore’s Esther, It’s tough being a Woman. When I was a kid, Esther was my favorite bible story. Now I’m in a transitional stage in my life and I would love the opportunity to do this study. Beth Moore has been such a special part of my walk with God. She was one of the first women who showed me what it look like for a woman to dig deep into the Word. In college, a couple of friends and I would watch Wednesdays with Beth online every Monday before we studied. I love to see how God has used her in other peoples lives too.

  51. I would love to be able to add some of her books to my library. My heart is tugging at me to do more with my faith and in my chruch yet I am unsure how to approach that completely. I think her books would help me feel more comfortable with teaching, discussing and even advising others in my faith. Thanks for allowing me this chance and for your dedication to sharing God’s words and wisdom.

  52. Really, I’d take anything! But I would love “Jesus the One and Only.”

    What an awesome giveaway! 🙂

  53. I would love to do the Esther study. I work for our kidz ministry so I never get to do the ladies Bible studies. To get the opportunity would be awesome!

  54. I’ve done the Daniel and Living Beyond Yourself and Jesus The One and Only studies. Beth just has a way of putting things that speak right to the heart of the matter.

    I’m currently doing the Paul and Esther studies (I have to groups I do Bible study with). I would love to do the David and Believing God studies.

    To be honest, I want to do ALL her studies. I always get so much out of them!


  55. I have long admired Beth Moore and her gift of teaching. A while ago, I joined a small group of women from my then-new church home in studying “Believing God”. What impressed me the most about Beth’s teaching style was her ability to cut right to the heart of the matter. Her initial question, “You may believe IN God, but do you BELIEVE God?” grabbed my heart and has never let it go.
    I would love to lead the study “Breaking Free”. As women, we desire to carry one another’s burdens, and yet fail to recognize our own burdens, many of which we may not even be aware. I have read through Beth’s book of the same name, and a deeper study of the subject would be such a blessing to the women I would purpose to lead, through the Spirit, in this subject.

  56. beth moore studies have done more for me than grow me spiritually – and they have, so much. i have used her studies to build community with other believers. deep, long-lasting firendships with women i would not have known otherwise. a line i come back to again and again, especially when i face irrational fears, comes from the esther study. “If ________, then God.” no matter what happens in my life, i have the awesome privilege of turning to god. a comfort beyond words.

  57. Well, I’ve never read (or heard of) Beth Moore before today, but I feel Living Beyond Yourself (the fruits of the spirit) seems to address an area of my life I’m being called by God to evaluate, so I would probably start with that series. Thanks for sharing!

  58. Though a lot of the titles look amazing, I would definitely pick Esther: It’s Tough Being a Woman. I’ve always loved the story of Esther, and would be interested to read Beth’s study of this great Biblical woman.

  59. Studying Daniel with some precious ladies has been one of the most powerful times of learning in my life. That study ‘kicked off’ a series of deep works of the Lord in my life. What struck me then and strikes me to the heart still is this truth that Beth Moore pointed out: when Shadrach, Meschach and Abednego went through the fiery furnace, they had the full protection of God. The ONLY THINGS THAT WERE BURNED WERE THE THINGS THAT HAD THEM BOUND UP. I’m learning that when I look to Him in my times of trial, He WILL free me from all that holds me captive and when I think I’ve had all of Him that I can hold, there’s MORE!!!

  60. i have done a few Beth Moore studies. Ester, the Psalms of Assent, and Living Beyond Yourself. the one that sticks out the most at this season of my life is Ester. i am constantly repeating the verse : for such a time as this. it really keeps me in check on Gods sovereignty and everything is on His timing, not mine. i think the next one i would like to do is breaking free. i have a past that i cant quite shake. i know i have been forgiven, but i have a hard time forgiving myself. i think this will be awesome.

  61. I would love to do the ‘Believing God’ study – I have done ‘Living Beyond Yourself’ (LOVEd IT!) and the Esther study ..both were wonderful. I would love to get the leader kits so I can share these wonderful messages and promises with my sisters in Christ!

  62. Jesus The One and Only
    It impacted me so much. I started it with a friend at a time when I had been praying for a year for a friend to connect with on an intimate level, a deep level. When out of the blue she called asking if I wanted to do a Beth Moore study with her.
    The Truths I learned, that have been impacted on my heart to this day are incredible. I am deeply thankful to God for gifting Mrs. Moore with the ability to reach across page and screen to touch hearts and bring the Truth to us in a way that crosses age and culture gaps.

  63. I’d like to do Breaking Free! I have heard great things about it and just heard Beth Moore at Deeper Still!!

  64. Beth moore rides to work with me each day by cd just when u r gettin low she gives u a word that keeps ya goin … Giving praise to God for yours and her ministry both 🙂

  65. Wow. which one to pick–so hard. Most impacting? Believing God –I’ve done it 3 times 🙂 Favorite? Paul–To Live is Christ. I loved that one and learned so much about biblical times and Jewish customs.

    I also loved the one for women from Proverbs. It was great doing in a small group.

    I am so very thankful for Beth Moore and the way God has used her to encourage me and teach me how to dig into the Word myself!!

  66. I just finished my first Beth Moore study (Esther) — it was exactly what I needed and I was so sad when it was over. I would love any of them!

  67. Last year our women’s ministry group dissolved because one leader left our church and another was very overwhelmed as a nursing student. Recently God has been stirring my heart to use the gift of teaching and exhortation He has given me to take on and restart this much needed ministry. It is for this reason I would choose the Esther study. Women need each other and a group Bible study builds each of us up. Most importantly we need to know how God loves us and desires to walk us through any challenge in our lifes. Our church, though small is multi- cultural and multi- aged. Beth Moore’s studies meets everyone’s needs and imparts Godly wisdom that can be passed on. Thanks for this opportunity to share!

  68. I love Beth Moore and I really grew from a video study I did called Wise Women. She is simply amazing and I would love to bless my women’s ministry with a leader’s guide! Thanks for the chance to win!

  69. I’ve done almost all of Beth’s studies through the years, except somehow “Believing God” has slipped thru, we started it and never finished, the kit itself has disappeared!

    My very first Bible study as a newly re-born adult believer was “Breaking Free”, and it set the standard for my Bible study ever since. Gotta have some real, dive-in-over-my-head Bible study!

    The Lord has truly blessed this generation of women by sending us such a wonderful teacher..

  70. I LOVE Beth Moore. I’ve done 2 of her online studies, was able to go hear her speak once, and have done a few of her studies in my personal quiet time. It’s really hard to pick just one or two that I’d like to do, because I want to do them all, but I think I’d choose either When Godly People Do Ungodly Things or Stepping Up, or maybe A Woman’s Heart. Thanks so much for the opportunity to win such a wonderful prize!

  71. I would love to start a women’s Bible study after the summer, and I believe that any of Beth’s books would be beneficial. So to pick only two ithey would be Believing God and Seeking a Heart Like His.

  72. My small group is looking for a second bible study to do and we are a bit stumped at the moment. I would love to win one of Beth’s and be able to bring it to our next meeting!

  73. THE PATRIARCHS -I have heard great things about this one and have always wanted to do this!

  74. Beth Moore studies have changed my life! I first did Breaking Free over ten years ago. It was that study that made me fall in love with in-depth Bible study, and for that reason I will forever be grateful. Because Breaking Free had such a life-impact on me, I would have to say that it’s my favorite. I am thrilled that God is calling me to lead the updated Breaking Free at my church in the fall. I’ve done almost all the studies, and I’ve not found one yet that didn’t bless my socks off! Currently I am wortking on Living Beyoind Yourself, and it’s great, too!

  75. I too have experienced and been so blessed by Beth Moore in all her southern glory! Praise God for women like her who are so passionate for the Lord and His Word. I have gone through Esther and Believing God and actually had my eye out for a David bible study. Thanks (in)courage!

  76. God is definitely speaking to me today. I was just thinking about this Ester bible study this morning….I’ve never done it but have heard of it was thinking about it….and lo and behold here it is! That would be my pick, but they all look so good! Just like many of these women I have never done a Beth Moore study either but am longing to start one! Blessings to the givers of this lovely gift!

  77. Beth always shows up in pivotal times of my life – and is used by God to speak truth into my heart!

    8 years ago I was in the midst of a trial – deep, dark, and heavy.
    She taught me how to find the source of my lies and not only tear them down, but replace them with truth.

    The study on David with Kay and Priscilla was passionate and healing as I was struggling with God and His goodness.

    Through Esther I was challenged to boldly live out my calling and trust in my king.

    Thank you Beth for being faithful!

  78. I hav epreviously done two Beth Moore studies and LOVE them, and I’m currently working on another one. My favorite so far was the Esther study. I would really love to do the Stepping Up study from Psalms. It sounds very interesting.

  79. I learned so much when I did The Patriarchs. It also gave me a new appreciation for those Old Testament stories and people I’d known about my whole life. It was wonderful.
    There hasn’t been a Beth Moore Bible study that I have done that has not changed me in one way or another.

  80. I’ve never done a Beth Moore study but I have heard so much about her and seen her books at the bookstore. I think I would like to do the Why Godly People Do UnGodly Things. Also Believing God is something I would like to read.

  81. A friend recommended “Breaking Free” to me, so that would be my first pick. I’ve heard many good things about Beth Moore, but have yet to go through one of her studies. Winning would be a great kickstart!

  82. I just finished up her Study on Paul, and what an amazing study it was. I would love to do her Esther study or her Believing God study. She really makes you dig deeper into Gods word and gives and understanding to the confusing stuff. Love her!

  83. I have never heard of Beth’s studies before, thank you for sharing. I would love to do the Esther Study or the Beliving God.

  84. When I took part in the study, “Breaking Free,” many wounds were open, many hurts revealed, and many answeres were revealed as to quiet a few –if not many- of my ideas, choices, character traits. The journey was painful, but necessary. I saw where I can break the cycle and chose better paths. I really need to take part in this study again for I know that only the surface wounds in my life were revealed. I just love Beth Moore and her studies!!

  85. What a fabulous giveaway! I have never been able to participate in a Beth Moore Bible study as I used to work nights and weekends. Now that I’m a stay-at-home mom full time, I am so excited that I can! The Daniel study and the Esther study are first on my list. Thanks for the chance to win and get a study started!

  86. I’m not sure which I choose. I’d have to pray about it and ask Him to guide me to the ones that I’d get the most use out of.

    I did Believing God online by myself last year, and it was life altering. I learned more about God, His word, and His plans for my life from that one study than from all my years at church. It was absolutely miraculous in my life.

  87. Breaking Free was my first and is probably my favorite. I enjoyed the one on David because it is the only one I have done with the DVDs and a group. I would love to do one with my small group at our church. I have been thinking about doing Believing God with them. I love how she gets me in the word and really studying but then “forces” you to apply it to your life. Her studies help me to walk this walk closer to my God. I am very grateful for her obedience.

  88. I’ve studied the Proverbs one last summer. It was wonderful!
    The same Biblestudy leader is looking for another, and it would be great to win this giveaway for her. I’d pick Breaking Free. Thank you!

  89. My very first Beth Moore study was Breaking Free. Our church offered her revised version. I come from a divorced home, and ever since I can remember, there was always strife, grief, anger, etc…as a result of the divorce. I never new I had so many strong holds and that the chains were so “bound” until I went through that study. When she says the drop out rate is usually high around week 4 – she’s not exaggerating! To dig for an entire week through your family line and pull it up, face it…I finally realized I had never forgiven my father…oh, I accepted it and just saw it as “it is what it is.” I learned and declared that no matter what my family and generations before me did or the choices made, that my husband and I WOULD be the link in the chain that broke and we would begin new with our children. This would be the new starting point for our future generations. I forgave my dad, my love for Jesus grew, and my hunger for His word is growing everyday. Do I still have “stuff”? Sure, but I have been shaken, the chains have been broken, and Jesus is working to make them gone. Praise His Name!

  90. My g/f and I were just making plans to start a study!
    I like the topics in the Living Beyond Yourself and Believing God.
    What a great giveaway!!!!!!!!!!

  91. Sorry, I guess I should have chosen which study I would like to do…Believing God and any of the others! 🙂

  92. The “Believing God” study helped to change the foundation of my life as a Christian, living based on belief rather than based on “traditions of men.”

  93. I would welcome any and all of them… Esther, Breaking free and Believing God are the ones that stand out to me However any of them would be wonderful. They would enrich our lives… Thanks for the opportunity for the give-a-way!..

  94. The study that most changed me was probably Breaking Free…if I could choose it would be the “So Long Insecurity” that is NEW! Our small group is starting it this fall.

    I got to see our dear Siesta Mama, Beth, at Deeper Still this weekend (Louisville). It was so overwelmingly wonderful that I’m still processing…

    Thank you!

  95. I would choose Beth’s Esther study. I’ve done it once before, about a year ago, and it changed my life. It was amazing. I would love to do that study all over again, like I’d never done it before and lead some amazing women through it with me!

  96. I’ve never done any of her studies but I adore Beth Moore! I’m leading a bible study in the fall through Cru. and would LOVE to use Believing God!

  97. I have done several of her studies and have been inspired with each one. I think ‘A Heart Like His’ has been my favorite so far~ it was my first and helped me learn about deeper Bible study. I’m not sure which I’d pick if I won!

  98. Breaking Free changed my life. It took a while for the truths to sink in but when it did…my heart…my soul…was not the same.

  99. I did my first Beth Moore study during a women’s retreat with my campus ministry. She has a way of just engaging you and feeling like a good friend. Some of the ladies on the trip still reference her DVD to this day. I would love to do the Esther And Living Beyond Yourself studies.

  100. I’ve never read a Beth Moore Bible Study, but I would love to work through either ‘Beloved Disciple’ (the disciple I want to be like) or ‘To Live Is Christ’ (the apostle I most identify with). Sometimes I feel like a Paul who wants to be a John, but if a Son of Thunder could become ‘the beloved’, there is hope for me!

  101. I haven’t done any of her bible studies, but am very interested in Living Beyond Yourself, Believing God, and Esther!

  102. I did my first Beth Moore study at a womens retreat in November. It was so amazing. I would loveto do the Esther and Living beyond yourself studies.

  103. I feel like every woman (and man!) needs to go through Breaking Free and Jesus, The One and Only. Truly life-changing concepts that I will carry with me forever.

    Esther and Living Beyond Yourself sound very intriguing! I’ve also done “Stepping Up” which was an AWESOME journey through the Psalms of the Ascent.

  104. I have done several of her studies and LOVE them! I am doing one right now!

    I would so love, love, love to do Stepping Up next! Breaking Free is also on my list!

  105. I’ve heard such wonderful things about Beth Moore but have never had the opportunity to partake of one of her bible studies. Ester and Living Beyond Yourself are two that I would be very interested in taking part in. I recently found and subscribed to in-courage and I love it. Every morning when I get into work it’s the first thing I read is my daily email. What inspiring women. They have all helped me to strengthen my bond with my Saviour and inspired me to dig deeper into a relationship with Him. Thanks in-courage…..

  106. I love Beth Moore & would love to study “Jesus The One & Only” and “Beloved Disciple” Thanks for the giveaway! 😉

  107. I am currently doing Beth’s Living Beyond Yourself study and have been blessed beyond measure…would love any of her studies to bless my sisters in Christ with:)

  108. I have had the privilege of attending several Beth Moore BIBLE studies in the home of a dear lady. She went home to be with GOD June 10th. We are having a celebration of life for her at church today.
    I am a small group leader and it would be an honor to do Patriarch or Anointed Transformed Redeemed in memory of her.

  109. I’ve done several Beth Moore studies and I grow in the Lord and love His Word more with each one, especially the studies on Daniel & Esther! I haven’t done Breaking Free and am very interested in it but, also, I can hardly wait for her new study on James to come out!

  110. I was excited to see this giveaway because as a missionary helping with tribal church planting in a developing country, my team and I have struggled to get enough books sent our way that we could all do the same study at the same time. I have never done a Beth Moore study, but I’ve heard they are life-changing. The ladies on our team all face tough challenges, from homesickness to conflict resolution, to sick children and personal health struggles and all without our moms, sisters or church friends around to help. One of my ministries is member care, meaning that I try to provide a listening ear and go the extra mile to show someone cares. I also help colleagues work through conflicts if they can’t resolve them on their own. If I was chosen to receive a leader kit, I would try to find one that would bind us all together and help us to support each other. Thanks for the opportunity!

  111. My new daughter-in-law and I would like to start a bible study in the fall with Beth Moore’s books. If we win this would be a great help as finances are tight!

  112. I loved “Breaking Free” and I’ve also done the studies on Esther and David. Her blog is really encouraging as well!

  113. I have participated in many Beth Moore studies, but never led one. Lately I have been feeling that God is leading me to begin one at my church. Always praying for a wonderful opportunity, Tanya

  114. My daughter once received one of Beth’s books from a friend named Beth. She wrote a note and singed her name and everyone who borrowed the book or looked at it thought that she knew the “real” Beth!

  115. I’ve done several of Beth’s studies. I just LOVE her! Esther looks like a great one, but they all are! I get so excited about THE WORD when I’m going through it along with Beth. I feel like an archeologist unearthing precious treasures. Hmmmmmmm…which ones would I choose??? I’ll be thinking and praying on it…

  116. Having a mind, soul, spirit focusing on Jesus – living each moment to the fullest – would love to embrace “Jesus The One & Only” and “Beloved Disciple” Thanks for the giveaway! 😉

  117. I have Beth Moore stories too! The first study of hers that I did was Believing God. I didn’t know such studies existed until then! I’ve had the opportunity to lead several of her studies since then. I look forward to leading many more – as God would call me to do!

  118. I would LOVE to win these – we are in the process of rebirthing our women’s ministry at church, and I will likely be teaching Beth Moore Bible studies in the VERY near future! I’d pick “Living Beyond Yourself” and “To Live is Christ” if I won.

  119. I love Beth’s books. At the darkest time in my life, a friend handed me the book, “Get Out of that Pit!” and that book propelled me out of bed and back into life! Praise God for women like her to motivate and encourage others to move in the Lord.

    What a blessing it would be to win one of these studies. I would truly love to receive, “A Woman’s Heart: God’s Dwelling Place.”

    Thank you so much for this opportunity!
    Be blessed and bless others!

  120. “Jesus The One & Only” and “Beloved Disciple” are my favorite as I strive to focus on the Ultimate Redeemer in my life.

  121. The Beth Moore Bible study that changed my life was Jesus the One and Only. I fell in live with Jesus all over again and was in awe how a tiny baby, God’s only son, was sent to be our Redeemer. I’ve never been the same and want others to understand who they are in Christ Jesus, and feel His powerful, deep, tender love in their lives.

  122. I have been GREATLY desiring to have any of Beth Moore’s studies…The Esther one or Breaking Free both look especially good to me right now. What a wonderful giveaway!

  123. Definitely “Breaking Free” because I’ve heard so many great things about it and it’s something I need in my life right now and always! And “Jesus the One and Only” because I always want to get to know Him better 😉 Thank you!

  124. I would love to do any and all of Beth’s studies. I did David: Seeking A Heart Like His.
    Here’s my revolution story in a (big) nutshell. I have not gotten along with my father in 30+ years. Things were fine when I was little, and I could be his little princess. but as I got older, I wasn’t the girly-girl he’d always wanted. He’s told me too many times to count “I love you, because I have to. But I don’t like you one bit. In fact, sometimes I just hate you.” I started getting that message around 12 (same time as puberty) As the years went on, the picking and poking became meaner and more personal. He’s told me so many times that I could never be what he wanted and he hated me for that. The part that sucks is that he never bothered to try to get to know the “me” that I was, he just wanted this picture perfect daughter and when I didn’t work out exactly how he thought, he gave up.
    Now, in all fairness, as a teen I didn’t give him much reason to like me, or to want to get to know me. I hated him just as much and I surely didn’t want anything to do with him!
    After doing the David study with a group at church, I was shocked because God opened my eyes to the fact that I needed to stop blaming my dad for everything and that while he may have been very hurtful and completely tactless, he wasn’t entirely wrong. I was to blame for our poor relationship as much, if not more than he was. See, although he said hurtful things, he really didn’t mean them they way they came out. and on some level, I knew that, I just chose to hold on to the mean, keep it and let it fester, until my hatred was real and tangible.
    My mother died of cancer in 2005 and I was left to take care of my dad, my resentment grew even more because if he was mean to me, he was downright abusive to my mom (from my perspective) I felt that she never fought the cancer because she’d rather go home to be with Jesus than to live and be with my dad.
    for several years I was so bitter and resentful of him, that I know in my heart I hated him. But, he was homebound, in a wheelchair and had a host of health issue. I had to help him whether I liked it or not (I did not!)
    Like I said, I did the study, prayed and worked on our relationship. We don’t have the ideal father/daughter love fest that some kids get, but I’ve learned to temper my reactions and to pray alot! Forgiveness has given me back my father, and given him a daughter that he can be proud of!
    Without the David study, I have no doubt that we would have simply stopped speaking and I would have gone to my grave regretting our relationship!

  125. I’ve completed more than 30 bible studies and most of them are written by Beth Moore. She really speaks to the heart and soul of Christian women. I was so excited to see this today! I’m leading an online womens bible study with more than 1,700 women around the world and I’ve been buying the leader kits myself. Because I lead so many studies, the kits are really adding up! I’m not a church or nonprofit so I have to pay full retail for my leader kits. When I complete the study, I donate my leader kits to local churches. I do not charge for my online studies, and lead others in Christlike love. I have 15,000 twitter followers and I often tweet Beth Moore quotes. I’m a fan of quality bible study.

    I’d like to lead are “When Godly People Do UnGodly Things” because I completed this study a few years ago and it was life changing.

    Another memorable Beth Moore study I’d like to lead is “Believing God.” I think many women will benefit from it as I did.

  126. I am a huge Beth Moore fan and have done several of her studies. My favorite so far is the Believing God study. It radically changed my prayer life and perspective of God in regard to faith in Him and His word. God sooo uses her to touch lives! What a blessing!

  127. Love a Womans Heart and Esther. The Lord did some deep surgery in my heart and mind thru these studies. God had gifted and anointed Beth Moore to speak into our lives as women.

  128. I’ve never done a Beth Moore study and I know it’s because I’ve been ignoring the promptings to do so. Esther is one of my favorite Bible characters and it would be an honor to be able to do that Bible study with my mom, sister, mother-in-law, and 2 sisters-in-law.

  129. I have had the great joy of going through 9 of Beth’s studies and each one seemed to be picked just for me during the season of my life I was in at the time. God is so great! The study that I would choose to say is my favorite is “Believing God”.

  130. I have been leading the Ladies Bible Study at our church for the past several years, and every year we do a Beth Moore study. God has used Beth in so many ways, in my life, and the lives of our church ladies! I think my favorite study is Breaking Free. This is one we haven’t done as a group yet, but a close girlfriend and I have been doing it together. We both have issues in our pasts that we haven’t been able to break the yoke of bondage from, but thanks be to God! Through this study we are learning to! Beth is so personal in both her experiences and her teaching style that you feel like you are not alone in your struggle. This study has given us the tools and the drive to “Break Free” and live free! How Awesome is our Great God?!

  131. I am currently doing Beth’s Fruit of the Spirit study- Living Beyond Yourself- with six other ladies. We are finding this study so interesting, challenging even life changing! I even had my husband listen to the third session on Love and Rejection. Praise God for Beth and her response to God’s call on her life.

  132. I love, love, love the Beth Moore Bible studies, too. She oozes love, and her studies are deep. I’ve done several with our women’s group at church, and one that has challenged and blessed me has been Believing God. I’ve been challenged with asking myself questions about my faith: Do I really believe God will do what He says? Why or why not? Where are the holes in my faith?

    The leaders guide I would pick to share for our women’s group is either Living Beyond Yourself (exploring the fruit of the spirit), or David: Seeking a Heart Like His. I’ve recently been reading much of the Psalms, so I’m drawn to this one especially.

  133. I did my first Beth Moore study as a young woman fresh out of college and on the cusp of getting married. Each year since then, I’ve joined a group of women twice my age in a Beth study and have always been struck by how God has anointed and blessed her. When I became a personal chef, I decided to download the “Esther” series to my iPod, which I would listen to while cooking in clients’ kitchens. If they had ever walked in on me they would likely have seen me in my chef’s jacket, kneeling on their floor in praise or prayer with all four burners bubbling away! That study blessed me in such a rich way at just the right time. I would love to get the DVD set and share it with the small group of young women I now lead.

  134. Oh, Beth’s studies are designed for girls like me. The ones intimidated by the parts of the Bible they don’t feel smar enough to understand. I’d probably pick ‘A Woman’s Heart God’s Dwelling Place’ because it’s the only Beth study that I started & never finished–due to a move out of state. And then my 2nd choice would probably be ‘Believing God’. But I’d have to think long & hard before I made final selections! Even if I don’t win, what a great blessing for the person who does!!! Thanks for an awesome giveaway. You just made someone’s summer a lot better (and busier!) as they deepen their relationship with and understanding of God!

  135. The only Beth Moore study I’ve actually done is “Believing God.” That was six summers ago, and I still speak the five truths from that study when I’m tempted to fear. Most of my experience of her teaching has been through the Living Proof blog and Siesta Scripture memory team, her Life Today sessions, and one simulcast.

    If I won, which I never have before, that would confirm that the idea to invite some neighbor women to study the Bible together is from God and the time is now. Believing God would be a great starting point, but there are 4 or 5 or 6 others I would also consider. “God’s Word is living and active in me,” so I have no doubt that if He brings the opportunity, He will guide the selection.

  136. Believing God has had the most impact on me. Breaking Free is second. But the 5-phrase statement of faith from the BG study has been huge in my life. When I faced a situation of infedelity in my marriage, I claimed those. When I was passed over for a job wrongly because I was pregnant, I claimed those. When I faced sorrow after losing people in the April 16th shootings at VT (where I live/work), I claimed those. They have been a lifeline between God’s truth and me! I would love to win this so that I could provide a new study for our church to do. Our budget is limited (church of college students) so this would be huge. I’d probably pick “A Heart Like His” but who knows, there are so many good ones!!!

  137. I just completed Beth Moore’s “Breaking Free” Bible study. I am breaking strongholds in my life for the first time and it’s so exciting! It’s the hardest thing I’ve ever done, but I feel such enormous peace and joy despite my current heartache. God is becoming alive in my heart like never before. Praise His name!!

  138. I didn’t exactly to the study, but the last book of Beth’s that I read was Get Out of That Pit. It was a wonderful book and very timely for where I was. God used that book in a big way for me. I highly recommend it.

  139. I love Beth Moore!! She is such an inspiration. I have done 7 of her bible studies through my church. I don’t have a favorite one because through each one I learned many things about my God and about myself.

  140. “Living Beyond Yourself”, definitely. God has dragged me, kicking and screaming, into the land of others and I have only begun to melt the tip of the iceberg. Since this is an area of struggle for me, I tend to recognize it in others. I would love to lead a Bible study on this subject.

  141. My favorite study is the first one that I did (about 14 years ago)…”A Heart Like His” (now “redone” as – David, Seeking a Heart Like His). What an encouraging AND challenging study. My second favorite is “Believing God” – I still find myself quoting the 5 points of belief. We have offered all of her Lifeway published studies here at FBC, Brandenburg, KY and look forward to many more.

  142. I went through Believing God in college and I feel as though for the first time- after being raised as a PK- that I truly believed Him for myself. Not because of my parents. Not because it was the right thing. But because I believed Him.
    I will never be the same.

  143. If I won it, I would choose Esther. I have been wanting to do that study. The study that has impacted my life the most of Beth’s was So Long Insecurity. That study is absolutely life changing. It revealed areas of my life that I had been strugging with for decades that were really just plain old fashioned insecurity. Now I have been able to deal with them. Life changing. All of Beth’s books are life changing.

  144. Almost 3 years ago I led the “Stepping Up” study on the Psalms of ascent. I love the Psalms – they are my “go to” book when I’m discouraged and need a reminder of who God is and how much He loves me. We were going through a very hard time in our family and church family, grieving, and God used this study to encourage my heart and help me depend on Him so that I could continue to take each step forward.

  145. Thank you! Our Lord has perfect timing! On my to do list for today was ” research for your first bible study”. and here you have given me so much wonderful information. I think “when Godly people do unGodly things” speaks to me most. So excites, I may have to head to the library today!

  146. I LOVE Beth Moore studies. I am currently doing her Psalms of Ascent study with my “fit” group (a small accountability group of women) and it is amazing. I have done “Living Beyond Yourself” and “Believing God” as well as “A Women’s Heart”. “A Women’s Heart was done with a larger group from church and it was much easier to finish the study and stay accountable doing it as a group! I would LOVE to study Esther and David! Her studies are amazing and I would love to have the resources to share the videos with groups of women as well! Thanks for the opportunity.

  147. I LOVE BETH! I started doing her studies in my effort to dig deeper and discover what this Jesus life was all about. I had only come to the Lord a few months prior to doing an in depth “Esther” study with my Bible Study group and learned so much. Then on my own I read “To Live is Christ” which was a study on the life of Paul, discovering what passion and sacrifice look like. That book was amazing. Then I did “Breaking Free” and did some major life-changing-never-look-back, deep, complete soul healing in Christ. Then I found myself trailing her all the way to Fresno, CA with some girlfriends. She is a great blessing to my walk with Christ.
    Thank you BETH!

  148. My church just recently started doing regular bible studies as a woman’s group after church, which is great for those who work during the week and cant get to the ones held during the week and in the am. We started with Esther and our little group has grown to most all the women come and even those not regularly going to our church come after church to be apart of our ladies bible study. Wow what an outreach it has been. It has been such a blessing to see our Woman growing, learning, bonding and getting stronger in who God is and who they are in God.

  149. I wasn’t sure about Beth Moore at first, just because when something has a lot of “hype” I tend to be skeptical. But the first study I did (Patriarchs) totally convinced me otherwise. She truly knows how to relate to the hearts of women, but she also puts so much study and research into her lessons and it is obvious how much she loves God’s word. Her passion for God’s word is infectious! She is also humble enough to admit when she is speculating or to present differing points of view. I am thinking of leading “Living Beyond Yourself: Exploring the Fruit of the Spirit” this fall so this would be a real blessing to me and our ladies group!

  150. we’ved been studying Beth Moore’s studies in our church.we have studied breaking free,believing God and a few more books but what i like most is the breaking free because ived been struggling in my marriage life and it really helps me a lot to release my pain and to surrender everything to God.Beth really touches people’s lives in her own way because of her endearment words and assurance that God is just a prayer away.I still want to study more or her study books..God uses her to draw us near to Him through her teachings.

  151. I LOVE Beth & her studies!!! I have taught her studies for several years at the church we were attending. In the last year, God moved us to a different & smaller church. I am in the process of starting a WM there & more specifically a Bible Study. The church doesn’t have resources or much funds so any study would be greatly appreciated for sure. I would do any of her studies as there is not a one that does not speak deeply into the lives of women! Thank yo so much for this opportunity!!

  152. Living Beyond Yourself was a life changing experience, and I can truly say that for the entire small group of us that did the study together. We were so fired up we spread the word and had friends and aquaintances in other cities start their own gorups. I can’t say enough about Beth’s studies, they are incredible. David, A Heart Like His is the one I would choose!

  153. Believing God or Esther is what I would like to do next. I did Breaking Free and it was AMAZING!

  154. I have never read Beth Moore, although I have been particularly drawn to her books in bookstores lately. When I read this post today, the review of “Seeking a Heart Like His” jumped right out at me…especially since I am in the middle of reading “The Fitting Room” as part of the Bloom bookstudy…I am really trying to live out those virtues!!
    What a great opportunity!!

  155. Living Beyond Yourself…just what God has started having me ponder.
    Esther…always a good study to do with women! Another thing I’ve been thinking of starting: a Bible study for ladies I know and others that I’ll meet along the way.

  156. I have loved all of her studies, so it is really hard to choose just one, but if I have to…ok, I really can’t choose just one so I will choose two: Daniel and The Patriarchs.
    The Patriarchs gave me a much richer foundation for my faith. The Old Testament characters and their stories took on more meaning and gave me a plethora of human role models to go back to.
    Daniel was just amazing. I did it twice because there was so much to learn. To this day my mom and I still use the phrase “we’re in Babylon” anytime we find ourselves being sucked into the world.
    It was Jesus The One And Only that made me love Bible study and I haven’t stopped since. (That was back in 1999!)

  157. I love how Beth has touched my heart in the deepest of places that no one has ever seen except for God. In those only moments God has always placed his Word through Beth at the moment and time I needed to hear it. I love her studies, I am in a season of my life which has been alot of struggles and heart ache, but I know my God is for me. I have a heart for women who are hurting and want to have a walk with God. I have in the past had ladies bible studies, God is leading me down that path again to open my home for women. God is so good.

    Blessings, Peggy Lee

  158. I’ve been in several Beth Moore Bible studies at my church and they have changed my life. It does feel like “family” when a group of women get together and study the Word with her. I loved David: Seeking a Heart Like His and so many others over the last few years. Our next one will be “Faithful, Abundant, and True” this fall and am so looking forward to it. I grew up in an adoptive family and God has used Beth’s Bible Studies to help me deal with the inner issues of adoption, search, reunion, and integrating who I am as a Child of God. Thank you, Lord, for your ministry through Beth. I would love to share leader kits with others. Blessings!

  159. My deepest growth was “a women’s heart”…learned so much. Second, I really studied hard through Daniel. I’m currently on week six of Easter.

  160. I’ve been wanting to do Esther for a long time. I finished Believing God this spring and would love to do another study!

  161. I would do breaking free. I have done believing God and it has opened my mind to how truly big and amazing God is!

  162. I love her studies and have been wanting to do The Patriarchs so I would love to win this! I am taking Living Beyond Yourself at church on Wed. nights and we have one week left in that study. I have also taught 2 of her other studies in a womens small group setting. Thanks for the chance to win!

    bamagv at aol dot com

  163. I’ve never done a Beth Moore study, but I would love to do one someday. I was intrigued with the Esther study and Living Beyond Yourself.

  164. Did my first Beth Moore Bible study about 11 years ago–it was also her first–on the tabernacle..I went because my pastor’s wife was new and wanted to do it–ladies were not signing up very well (no one knew anything about Beth or the study). I felt obligated to do it in order to support my new pastor’s wife. Not the right motive but it turned out to be the best thing that ever happened to my personal study…Beth’s enthusiasm for the Word and the Lord are contagious. I have done most all of her studies and have facilitated them in my church..there is nothing out there on the market to compare; at least for me. Have a new little church start–we’ve done one study and would love to win another one!!! God bless Beth and her staff–only eternity will tell how many lives have been changed because of her devotion to studyin the Word and her tremedous ability to communicate it..

  165. Breaking Free! by Beth was such an awesome study. I had done David before and loved it. Breaking Free I have done 3 or 4 times and then helped facilitate it. I Always got something new out of it. It amazed me how scripture written thousands of years ago could speak directly to my past, present, and future. Thank you Beth for showing me how we are written in the Lambs book of Life!

  166. I think every woman should do a Beth Moore study. I have had the opportunity to take 3 with our church! Daniel (Amazing!!!), Esther, and Breaking Free. If I were to choose one, I would grab Breaking Free. It was a life changer for me. I understand what you meant about losing 100 lbs of baggage. This is how I felt with this study. It’s okay to say no, be a God pleaser, not a man pleaser, and what I was going through at the time was pretty heavy. I would love to grab some neighbors and start this study with them. Meet them where they are, and share God’s love with them! Beth Moore has that perfect way of directing your attention to our Heavenly Father and seeing scripture in a whole new exciting way!

  167. Love Beth’s Bible studies! It would be such a blessing to have a new one for the summer.

  168. Thank you for sharing this! I have done 8 or 9 of Beth’s studies. INCREDIBLE! Esther was the last one, I NEVER would have gotten the book of Esther the way Beth teaches it!
    LOVE Beth Moore and thankful for the lives of women she reaches/touches, daily. To God be the glory!! I would love to experience “Stepping Up” study on the Psalms of ascent. If you have not read or done a study of Beth’s, jump in, do one…you will be so blessed! +

  169. My life has been forever changed by the ministry of Beth Moore. Believing God is by far the study that has had the most impact. I went through it a few years ago and am currently leading 30 ladies at my church through it this summer. Wearing my beautiful, ragged blue bracelet right now. People (esp. men) who have never done a Beth Moore study just don’t get it. Perhaps they think we’re worshipping a woman when we get to flipped out excited over the Bible studies: not so. We worship and hunger for more of Beth Moore’s God. Her love for Jesus and for God’s Word are contagious. I’ve been wanting to do Esther: It’s Tough Being a Woman for a while now, and if selected, I would use it in my church this fall. Unless we would be given the choice to select James: Mercy Triumphs when it is released. I follow Beth’s blog and have been praying her and Melissa through the journey of writing and taping! Would LOVE to own James when it’s released :o)

  170. Beth Moore’s Believing God completely opened my eyes to Bible study in a new light. I would love an opportunity to go through “A Heart Like His” and deepen my knowledge.

  171. I really enjoy Beth Moore Bible studies. I have done John – the Beloved Disciple and Jesus The One and Only. The have really increased my knowledge of the Bible. I would like to do David, Believing God or the one on the Fruits of the Spirit.

  172. There is an ongoing women’s Bible study in Bolivia for anyone who speaks English. They have done many Beth Moore studies before I came and we did one this past year. I would chose a study based on one that is not here yet, so I would have to ask around. However, If I were to choose just for me, it would be Stepping Up. My favorite so far was Breaking Free.


  173. The first Beth Moore study I ever did was Breaking Free in 2002 that study changed my life I was held in such bondage and captivity I was on the brink of not wanting to be on this earth another day and thru a Christian counselor whom I had started seeing for anxiety and panic attacks that nearly destroyed me she ask me how I would like to do a bible study from Beth Moore I told never heard of her she said you will love her once you do the study. That study changed my life and thru this study I came to know Jesus and the freedom from bondage and captivity and the verses that Beth Moore had in the back of the book I started memorizing scripture for the very first time in my life Praise God. I am thankful for Beth and her being faithful to calling that Jesus has placed on her life. Thank you Lord for setting this captive free,I have a couple of her workbooks here that I have not done because being unemployed can’t swing the funds one of them is A Woman’s Heart God dwelling place I have had that workbook for awhile.
    Thanks Carol

  174. I have to say I was so excited when I saw this post!! I have done many BM studies and have loved them all. They’ve seen me through cancer, marriage crisis, pain from my past and overcoming my own sinful behaviors. It’s been over a year without one and I have to say I’m missing her like crazy. I really, really want to do the new Breaking Free study (did the old one 2 years in a row a number of years ago) with a group of women God has been putting in my path and on my heart. Thank you so much for this opportunity and bless you all for all you do and say!

  175. I would love the Esther or Living Beyond Yourself study. I’ve never done a Beth Moore study but would love to!

  176. Believing God came out as an online study just as I moved to Nicaragua to do missions work. It spoke so powerfully to me, and I still have those truths as part of my foundation. Would LOVE to share it with some women in this season of my life!!

  177. I’ve never done a study but have always wanted to. I would pick “Believing God.”. I so need this!

  178. I think I would choose the study on Esther, but, then again, I would love to do the study on David, or on Stephen, or on Faith, or captivity/being set free…
    Thanks for the opportunity!

  179. I have done about half of Beth Moore’s studies, and they always leave me feeling so poured into. The one I enjoyed the most was the study of Esther. The way Beth illustrated how we are called to such a time as this to turn things around in our families and our lives through the power of the Holy Spirit was enlightening. I loved the way Beth brought the story of Xerxes to life – how his search for superficial beauty was so much like “The Bachelor” reality show was mind-boggling to me (does human nature ever really change??)! I firmly believe Esther helped me grow powerfully in Christ through an extremely difficult time in my life – my family was falling apart, I had lost my confidence in who I was – and this study led me back to what was important: that God can do anything, and that I was who He said I was, not anyone else. I am so thankful that Beth is willing to share her precious gift of teaching with so many of us!

  180. I love Beth Moore! It’s such a blessing to have her as a Christian woman mentor! One of the Bible study groups I’m in is doing Breaking Free right now and I LOVE it! We also just attended the Deeper Still conference in KY, which of course was AMAZING! While I was there I took some time to look at all her books and studies (as well as those of the other ladies), and her study on David is one that is calling out to my heart right now; however, I didn’t purchase it because it was a little more than I could budget for, so I would LOVE to have the chance to win it! Thank you!

  181. I have never done a Beth Moore study, but I am currently scheduled to lead a prayer retreat for a group of teachers in August. I would love some materials to use as I take this responsibility!

  182. Oh … Mama Beth … which of her studies has NOT changed me? She brings life into the Word. In simple terms she sheds profound light on the Truth – easy to understand, powerful changes and undeniable change.

    I guess the studies that have hit me the most were Esther, The Inheritance, David, Daniel & The Patriarchs … but I am just starting Breaking Free. I have a feeling my answer is about to change.

  183. I have learned alot from Beth! I have taken 4 studies from her so far and I have seen her live once. There is so much knowledge in her studies that I’m still learning months after the study is over. I just had a moment with God at the recycle bin that involved something I learned from the David study! I could hear Him saying you are complaining but you “asked for it”. Thanks Beth

  184. I’ve done several of Beth’s studies and came away refreshed and more aware of scripture because of her teaching. I have never done the Patriarch’s study and would like to have that one to study.

  185. I have done Beth’s Esther bible study – and ABSOLUTELY LOVED IT!! I want so bad to share it with the ladies of my church, as I did it with another church, because it was just a magnificent study! Would like to do David, as well, and it sounds like another wonderful study!! Hope I win!!

  186. The first time I ever “met” Beth was in “A Woman’s Heart: God’s Dwelling Place,” with the pink flower cover. 🙂 It so showed me how much God wanted to have a relationship with us, in all the details of the tabernacle, etc., and I especially loved the manna that He provided each and every morning to the children of Israel, and still provides spiritually to us today!


  187. I have never done a Beth Moore Bible study, but I’ve been planning to change that. Every christian blog I read recommends and/or quotes Beth Moore a regular basis. It sounds like from the comments here it would be tough to choose but wouldn’t go wrong with any of them. I think the Esther study might be my choice if I won.

  188. I have had the awesome privilege of completing several of Beth Moore’s studies in the past. I lead a group of amazing women in my home and we are so blessed by her words and teaching.

    I would love a copy of the David study – we have yet to do this one!!!

  189. Wow! How do I put this into words. After the first study 12 years ago I was addicted 🙂 GOD USES BETH TO CHANGE WOMENS LIVES I CERTAINLY AM NOT THE SAME!! It is a pleasure to lead Beths studies. I always tell the ladies I lead but only because I need to be immersed more than they do. Thank you for following the Spirits lead and publishing these studies. I pray you keep going till Christs return! Thank you for lifechanging studies!!!

  190. We did Believing God a few years ago at my church and it was the first time I did not feel that a “ladies” Bible study was too girly and emotional for me to learn and really connect with it. Since then we’ve done Stepping Up and would love to do more, it would be amazing to win a leader kit to get us started on our next study!

  191. My sister introduced the studies to me a few years ago. Since then, I have sought them out in my area and have really loved them. The videos and discussions really reinforce the lesson and they are at a level that is easy for all to understand. I have done Esther, David, Fruits of the Spirit, and When Godly People do Ungodly Things. Always looking for the next one to do! Have even traveled to near by cities to participate in a study as they are limited in our area.

  192. I love reading Beth Moore’s books. I would love to see one of her seminars/conferences. I think it would be life-changing. Just a few pages into her books it felt like she knew exactly what I was going through. I am glad that she shares her heart and lets you know you aren’t the only one who feels the way you do-but there is hope in our Great God!

  193. I and the women I study regularly with are very fond of Beth Moore’s studies.
    Believing God, When Godly People Do Ungodly Things and Esther were 3 that had a huge impact on me personally as well as those who studied with me.
    We are a home small group and it would be such a blessing to be able to offer another study in the fall. The one on Moses sounds intriguing.
    Thank you for your ministry of encouragement…it means the world to me.
    God bless,

  194. I live in the Houston area, so have been able to attend a couple of Beth Moore’s Bible Studies in person at First Baptist Church (her home church). What an amazing, and life changing experience! I would love to be able to share this experience in a bible study at my church in Katy, TX.

  195. I love Beth Moore Bible studies. They are very down-to-earth, thought-provoking, challenging, inspirational and eye-opening. It’s been a long time since I’ve done one, though & I think it’s time for another! I shall seek one out! Thanks for the prompting!

  196. I live in a small town outside of Houston (my hope one day is to go to a bible study lead by Beth). I was invited last year to do an at home study of Breaking Free the revisited edition, I reached beyond my comfort zone and did this study beginning to end. I did alot of “crazy” things during this study while being led by God to overcome strongholds but it was an awesome experience. I have recommended this book/study to everyone wanting to be free and even to some who are in the dark of needing to be free.
    I would really have to pray before I could decide which one I would choose if I won one. To ask God which one is the one I need most at this

  197. I have done many of Beth’s studies, but I think the one that impacted me most was the original Breaking Free, which I did in 2006, because it dug through the rubble and opened a window into a devastated part of me I never knew existed. The reality of my childhood that had been buried for decades came to my consciousness and turned my life upside down. Then God began the hard work of cleansing/healing/rebuilding.

    Now, I would most love to do the revised Breaking Free.

  198. I have never done a Beth Moore study before, but I have come across people who have and they cannot say enough about them. They talk about the change it has brought about in their lives, and the way they speak of the experience makes it sound like going on an adventure of a lifetime (like a fairy-tale adventure, I loved fairytale adventures) which has left me so intrigued of the woman Beth Moore. The studies that stick out for me are Moses & Esther. I have always found Moses to be the most fascinating character, I love ( sometimes envy) his relationship with God and have always wanted a relationship that intimate. Esther’s story has always held a special place in my heart, how God can use one woman (1) to change the destiny of a people/Nation. I pray I get the opprtunity to go on my own adventure.

  199. I would LOVE to do the study of Esther. I’ve done a couple of her studies before and they were incredible!

    Thank you for the opportunity.

  200. I L.O.V.E. Beth Moore and her studies!~ I have just finished Believing God. I have processed/studied five of her studies, and each one was divinely orchestrated for what I was going through in my personal/intimate life at the time. I am always in awe of how God reveals His Divine Thoughts/Wisdom to Beth as well as to each one of us. I am interested in doing Daniel and When Godly People Do Ungodly Things, next. I live in rural Alaska, so most of the studies are done solo.

  201. I have been a Women’s Bible Study Leader at my church for about 8 years now and BETH MOORE is my Favorite! The 2 that stand out to me the most are “Esther” & “Beleiving God” & “Stepping Up”. LOVED all of these! I have learned so much about the Bible and about myself with her studies. Beth Moore has a way of explaining things so you “just get it”. I could read a passage in the bible and it is just that read it but when I hear Beth Moore explain it, the story comes to life and jumps off the page for me and like I said “I just get it”. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU Beth Moore for all you do to help women all over the worls learn more about God, Jesus and the rest of the people on the Bible who help us get through life with love and support!! Which ones would I choose if I won 2 free studies?? I would like to do “Daniel” and “Jesus, the One and Only”. Thanks for such an awesome giveaway!!

  202. I have never done one of Beth’s studies; put after reading this page I am going to the bookstore during my lunch hour. I would love to do several of these with a ladies group from church. Esther sounds great and so does Believing in God. I would love to get chosen!!

  203. I am doing Breaking Free right now and I LOVE IT! It’s the first time I’ve participated in a group study with Beth’s materials. I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to get my hands on another study and lead a group of my own!!

  204. I love participating in Beth Moore’s studies. She makes you feel like you are right there in the room with her like no one else I know. I’ve laughed, cried, said Amen, planted the Word in my heart and had many truths strike me to the core right when I needed to hear it. I think my favs right now are Daniel and Esther but really they are all good. Haven’t done The Patriarchs yet. Need to finish Psalms of Ascent (doing that one alone is hard)

    In Him,

  205. I’ve had the blessing of being involved in a couple of her studies; one was on the Tabernacle, the other one I don’t recall offhand. But I’ve read all or a portion of more than one of her books and have listened to her on “Wednesdays With Beth” on Life Today. Not only has God used her to bless my life, my dear niece pretty consistently is doing one of her studies and God has used Beth in her life as well. it is obvious from hearing her that she spends a lot of time in the Word and digging into commentaries to learn all she can before she teaches it to others. Her openness that she has not yet “arrived” is refreshing to hear; it gives hope to the listener. I believe anyone who is privileged to receive this giveaway will receive a blessing from God.

  206. I have always been fascianted with Esther. I would probably choose to learn about her more in depth. But, there are to many good choices when it comes to a Beth Moore study! And, our church is in need of a good women’s study!

  207. I’ve done about half of them. “A Woman’s Heart” has been my absolute favorite and the one I keep running back to when I need a good word. Changed my whole way of thinking about God, in a good way. I haven’t done “Daniel” yet and would love to. Somehow I think it will change my whole way of thinking about God again, in an even better way.

  208. I would get the Spanish edition of Believing God to take with me when we move to Peru as missionaries. : ) God used that study in a profound way for me a few years ago and I would love to share it!

  209. I have done many Beth Moore studies in the past, but loved the Esther study the best!

  210. I’ve never done one of her studies. I’ve been feeling like I want to lately, which was totally random because i’ve only heard of Beth Moore. I’d be interested in either the David or the Esther study! 🙂

  211. I’ve never done one of Beth’s Bible Studies, but have read a few of her books (such as So Long Insecurity!) and they were awesome so I’m sure her studies are too! I’m not sure how I would pick just one to do! Esther and A Heart Like His both sound awesome, as well as Stepping Up and Beloved Disciple! And my fiance’s name is Daniel so I’d love to do that study too! I guess I’ll have to pray about it!

  212. This is so like Jesus 🙂 My family are in a very strange but exciting transitional stage and the posts on this website have helped so much…and now this!!! Even if I don’t win the Esther study is at the top of my list now!!! Thank you guys!!! 🙂

  213. I’m enjoying the “Breaking Free” study with a small group right now, and it has been very encouraging. I love Beth Moore’s style– no matter WHERE we are in our walk with Christ, Beth Moore gives us hope and equips us to make progress… and makes us laugh along the way! I’m only a third of the way through this study, but I’ve been blessed already. This week, my favorite “moment” was the realization that the “spirit-filled life” doesn’t necessarily happen overnight; it’s part of growing up, growing in the Lord, attaining some hard-fought maturity. That encourages me. 🙂

  214. I’ve never done one of her studies but would love to. I’ve been looking around for a Wednesday night study for our women’s group. I believe I would pick Esther and When Godly People do ungodly things. Thank you for the opportunity.

  215. My first Beth Moore study was “Beloved Disciple” in the fall of 2007. We had just moved, our oldest son had just been diagnosed ADHD and our youngest son was born three weeks after our move. I was DESPERATE for friends! I went to a local Baptist church where we had registered our oldest for kindergarten and signed up for their ladies’ Bible study. I got my workbook, met some ladies, had a snack and watched the first video. I was amazed! I was in tears! I was encouraged! Beth’s “girlfriend” spirt was so amazing, even through a video! But what really grabbed my heart was an obvious love of the Savior and a love of His Word. What, a female Bible teacher who actually owned a Strong’s Concordance?! My favorite method of Bible study. The most important thing is that Beth does not point you to Beth, she takes your face in her hands, and says “Sweet Thing, don’t look at me. Look to Him! There ain’t no high like the Most High!” AMEN to that!

    I’ve done two studies a year since, even doing one on my own in the summer months. I only have four studies left to complete my library of workbooks. Lately, I’ve been feeling led to have a Bible study at my home in the summer, and this would seal it!

  216. I would choose any that has closed captions or subtitles for the deaf. About 10 years a
    ago I was in a hearing group studying When Godly People…. It was great.

    Women in my Deaf congregation have never done a Beth Moore study together. never. A small group of us deaf women led by a hearing woman studied different books for a few years. Then a man joined the group. I walked out (stormed out) on our last session when the man became critical of his ex-wife (a member of our group — she herself was always full of self-criticism). Never went back and the group never met again.
    I miss studying with a group. But I do have the Fruits of the Spirit DVD from my church library. If I won, would choose Beleiving God for our deaf group (IF it has captions or subtitles)

  217. Lisa-Jo: Thank you so much for this opportunity!!! I don’t have the words (and I’m usually verbose) to tell what Beth Moore and her teaching mean to me. I have been a pastor’s wife for 34 years as of this past Saturday 6-11-11! (We married 6-11-77 and he was already in ministry already as well as a seminary student.) I was 19, he was 20…

    Beth’s studies have blessed me so and helped me as a pastor’s wife. I’m so thankful for all I’ve learned. You young women are especially blessed to have so many more tools that we Titus women had years ago. I love mentoring and encouraging young women.

    I lead women’s ministries at my church and would LOVE to win two studies. I have older copies on VHS of the studies on the Apostle Paul and the Beloved Disciple John that I would love to replace with DVD if they’re available!!! My personal favorite was “LIVING BEYOND YOURSELF.” Each and every week stands alone as Beth goes through love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness and self-control. “BELIEVING GOD” was my next favorite because God used those truths to get me through a rough season.

    Thank you Lisa-Jo…I love your homeland of South Africa. Cape Point is the most beautiful place I’ve laid my 53 year old eyes upon! I love the people there too.

    Georgia Jan 🙂

  218. Lisa-Jo,
    While leading a Beth Moore Bible lesson one Wednesday night at my church I had a close-encounter-of-the-radical-kind with the God who saved/forgave the woman with “The Alabaster Box”. (That was the name of the DVD teaching Beth was doing.) That began my journey toward discovering who I am in Christ and what it means to love Him and serve Him with all of me and not just parts of me. It meant that the junk I’d been stuffing (literal junk food as well as emotional junk) for so long just had to go. And little by little as I’ve yielded to Jesus, He’s brought the healing and the pounds have slowly melted away. (Fifty-three as of this writing.) My outside is starting to be a reflection of the work that He is doing on the inside.

    We serve an awesome Savior! Jesus is ready and willing to heal each of us. But we have to be willing to die to self daily (for me, sometimes it’s moment by moment), get out of His way, and let Him do the work. We have to be willing to face whatever it is that “ails” us and be obedient to doing with it whatever Jesus would ask. Have I arrived? Nope. I will be a work-in-progress until the day He calls me home. But thank God I’m not where I used to be either. And I can have real joy and peace when I walk with Him hand-in-hand. And so can all of Jesus’ girls!

    I’d love to win any of the Beth Moore study series. It would mean a future ladies’ Bible study to share at church. And that would truly be a blessing!

  219. i love Beth Moore! i have read a few of her books and would love to do the “Living Beyond Yourself” study!

  220. I don’t know which I would pick as I haven’t seen them before. In a dark place right now and just clinging to the Rock. Praise God that one day the son will shine again.

  221. I have done several Beth Moore studies. They are always encouraging and thought provoking.

    I would love to do Living Beyond Yourself, Loving Well, or Stepping Up. It would be an honor to be able to give this to my group leader< Kathy, as she just spent a year doing chemo for breast cancer and is cancer free! Praise God!! She love doing Bible studies and we all catch her enthusiasm.

  222. I love Beth Moore! Several years ago, I had heard repeatedly about her studies from friends, but had never done one. After an author I really respect recommended her as well, I took the plunge. I haven’t regretted it for a moment. I currently facilitate a small group in my home & it’s a highlight of the week for me.

    One of my favorite studies was Believing God, but if I won I would probably choose Esther, since that is one we haven’t done yet.

  223. My brother in law gave me my first Beth Moore Bible study, Jesus, the One and Only. I really did not think there was anything I could possibly learn about Jesus that I had not already read about in my Bible. God used Beth Moore to open my eyes bringing Jesus to life for me. I am currently doing the first Beth Moore Bible study “Breaking Free” without the tapes because I loaned them to a friend. I would love to have the newer version.

  224. Believing God had the biggest impact on my life. I still have the Scripture cards around my home.
    I have also heard Breaking Free is amazing!

  225. I love Beth Moore and her Bible studies. Breaking Free and Believing God were life-changers for me! I live overseas and would love to do a home group study- if my Welsh friends are ready for Beth’s accent and hair! 🙂 I’m a TX girl, so I think I’m allowed to say that! Ha. We love you Beth!

  226. I have done several of Beth Moore’s studies and have loved each one. I think “Believing God” spoke to me most but each one gives such insights to the character of God and how we should act. I would love to do Daniel which I seemed to have missed out on. I would love to have one of her studies to share with the ladies of my church.

  227. Beth is such a powerful, anointed teacher of God’s living word. She has blessed my life richly. I have done several of her studies. One of my favorites is Believing God. At the season in life I did this study, my only daughter had suffered a brain injury at 18 months of age. I was confused, angry and extremely heartbroken. I struggled with my belief in Jesus, even though I had been brought up in church. It was through that study my passion for the Lord was refueled! He is who he say’s He is and I am who He says I am! My daughter is left with a severe disability similar to CP but God! God is faithful and powerful! So Ms. Beth has been a person who has propelled me to dig deep into God’s word and stand firmly on HIS TRUTH!!

  228. I loved Esther! It was life changing. I would like Breaking Free. I would love to walk in freedom instead of continuing to live like a slave. Ms. Beth knows how to rock it! I love her.

  229. I’m hoping to do either David or Esther next and I absolutely loved Daniel. She puts together some good time studies that I just love!

  230. I did my first Beth Moore Bible Study in High School, and loved it! She is so full of knowledge and is such a phenomenal teacher who relates to all ages, situations, etc. She’s also just plain hilarious! I’d love to get one of these and do them with the 11th&12th grade sunday school girls I teach!

  231. Last fall, I attended a study of Esther: It’s Tough to be a Woman with about a dozen other ladies at our church. We discussed a lot of our own experiences while watching the videos, and shared a meal together. I have read several of Beth Moore’s books, too.

  232. I haven’t done one of her Bible Studies, but I have been blessed by her books and have enjoyed hearing her on the radio. I would love the opportunity to participate in one of the Bible Stidies and perhaps share it with other ladies at my church.

  233. I have read some of Beth’s books , The Beloved Disciple,When Godly People Do UnGodly Things, Beth is a inspiration and very good teacher.

  234. I have, to-date, only been through one of Beth Moore’s studies. Esther: It’s Tough Being a Woman was just what I needed (and still need as I am growing and understanding more) as I started my journey of womanhood in Christ. I was in tears after the introductory video…it was just what I’d been seeking. God spoke tenderly to my broken, down-trodden heart in this study and gave me hope. I’m grateful to Beth for being his vessel. I still look over the note cards she had us make!

  235. It would be great to lead either the Esther study or one of the studies on David with my small group. Yeah, Beth! 🙂
    Have a wonderful day everyone!

  236. In the past six months I’ve been feeling lost and yet centered due to so much activity in family and worklife. The study “Breaking Free” most resonates with me at this time. I’ve worked myself through about half of stepping up and found it to be so engaging. I would love to study Isaiah in depth. Readings from that book are so powerful and moving.

  237. What amazes me most is that God uses His Word and studies like Beth Moore in the perfect time and with the perfect content to speak directly to what needs changed most in our hearts. I know that whoever is the winner will have a special need that God wants to fill!

  238. Wow…I looked at the list and there are only a few that I haven’t done.
    I just finished the David study this past spring and it was great but my all time favorite study is A Woman’s Heart God’s Dwelling Place…I have done it twice…with a group and solo…I just love it! I had never studied the tabernacle in depth before and it gave me such an amazing life changing perspective of God, His Word and how there is not a single line of scripture that does not have long reaching purpose…incredible!
    I would have to think but I would probably choose Daniel as I have not done that study yet.
    Great giveaway!

  239. My first Beth Moore study was Daniel and I know God planned it that way. I was pregnant with my son who was diagnosed with a life-threatening birth defect. I was learning about trials through the fire and being refined all the while God was surrounding me with Godly women to pray for my son and my family as we went through this.
    Each study I have done since I have felt that God had me do that study at that time for very specific reasons.
    I think I would choose “Living Beyond Yourself…”

  240. Sign me up! I’ve never completed a Beth Moore study. Sounds like a wonderful opportunity.

  241. i’ve never done a beth moore study, but heard great things about her. i would choose breaking free or believing God as i’m going through a very challenging time in my life right now and could use some insight into both of those areas. i also liked Jesus the one and only. i feel like i need to deepen my relationship with him through all that i am going through.
    thanks for the giveaway!

  242. I have never done a Beth Moore bible study, but after reading all these positive comments I would love to have the opportunity to do so. Have been going through some tough times lately and have been seeking more of God and his wisdom. I believe I would pick the Esther bible study or the Believing God bible study. After reading all the comments, I will be looking into purchasing some of these bible studies. I am encouraged every time I visit your website.

  243. Breaking Free is definitely the one I would choose. They all sound great, but with all that I have on my heart right now that I am trying to deal with and all that I would like to learn to let go of, that is the one I would love to go through and share with others. So many of us are burdened with these heavy loads that weigh us down. Yet I know that we are not meant to carry those burdens or suffer under those weights. Christ paid a huge debt for us so that we do not have to do that! I just think we all need help learning how to accept that freedom and how to actually break free!

  244. I think I’d choose Stepping Up. Or David. Or Esther. Or…I DON’T KNOW! the only one I’ve done is Believing God, and I’m not exaggerating when I sy it completely changed my life. Completely. Changed. My. Life. Awesome awesome study. And like Mary, Ivan rattle off the 5 statements of faith.

    Thanks (in)courage for being so awesome!!

  245. I have done 4 or 5 of the Beth Moore Bible studies, and she is one of the finest teachers. She bears her heart, and wants her students to learn the Word of God. She has a gift for teaching, and in order to teach, she must study too. I have learned so much from Mrs. Moore. I thought I knew the word, but she helps us to dig deeper and tells us what she has learned. Her gift is truly God given to be able to open up the Words in scipture with a special illuminating key! I would love to do another Bible study in my home!

  246. I would LOVE to win this! My husband an I are relocating to help with an inner city neighborhood church plant and there is SUCH a HUGE need for God’s love and truth to penetrate the lives/hearts of the women. I know there’s a need for that in all of our lives but most of the ladies in our future neighborhood have never heard God’s truth. This would be an incredible tool for me and the other pastor’s wives to use while leading the ladies. 🙂

  247. I have done all of them EXCEPT “Jesus the ONE and ONLY” and “Stepping Up”. Every single time I am changed from glory to glory! Beth is the most amazing teacher and I would love to win. There is always someone to share these studies with…whether it be ladies in the neighborhood or young girls growing in their walk with the Lord!

    Thank you for the opportunity!

  248. A friend of mine introduced me to the Beth Moore series, Breaking Free, and told me how it had restored in her a belief that she was still needed by God, even though everything hadn’t turned out perfect. After doing the Breaking Free study myself, I was hooked. I’ve done several more of her studies with our group at church but there are so many more I’d like to do. Having recently discovered that my grandmother was Jewish, I loved The Patriarchs and Stepping Up. Now I’d love to do Believing God.
    Beth has such a gift for teaching Scriptures!

  249. My husband and Beth were friends in High School. Then she came to the church we were in where she began teaching womens aerobics, then on to teaching bible study. Beth is a wonderful person, wife, Mom and teacher.
    We moved to be in the ministry right before Beth started writing her bible studies. It’s great to see how God has used her in so many women’s lives. She loves the Lord and His word. We are in a small church now that has never done any of these studies unless they attended away from this church. I have done many of her studies before we came to this church. Daniel, Esther were so good. It would be great to be able to have a study to share with these women, so they can too grow and see how wonderful the bible can come alive in their own lives

  250. I would love to do the Esther bible study! I’d love to be challenged! I would like to do it because My mom died when I was 16 months old and I was raised by my dad (who was a great dad) but I’ve always struggled with what it is to be a woman, and a woman of God. I’d love to be stretched and sharpened to become that exact woman that God has created me to be!!!

  251. Esther – Its Tough Being A Woman. AMEN! (but when I stand before my Father, I believe I’ll be glad to have been the woman of the house instead of the Man of the house 😐

  252. For the past seven years, I’ve been in a particularly difficult season of my life, where my heart, soul and body crave every ounce of God I can uncover. And while this season has been particularly long, it is strangely combined with a season of very little opportunity for teaching other than my own, weathered Bible. About five years ago, I was introduced to Beth Moore. She came to Alaska, and I happened to get a last-minute ticket to hear her speak. There were no seats left, so I stood against the wall in the back of the auditorium and listened, and wept, and laughed, and breathed in the God that I need over and over again.

    Since then, my life has become increasingly challenging. I am a foster/adoptive parent of children with severe behavioral and mental health challenges due to trauma, and often my level of energy, hope, and finances is quite low. But I know the promises God has for these sweet, innocent kids, so I keep moving forward.

    So when life gets overwhelming, I get Beth Moore. I haven’t been able to afford any of the Bible studies you mention, so I can’t say I’ve seen any of them. But, I do have her 4-part “He Is” series. Late at night, when the kids finally fall asleep, I watch it so many times that the DVD is warping and I know that despite what I see “He is!” I’ve also watched every clip of her on YouTube. Over and over and over and over and over again.

    I would love to receive one of her studies. But if you can’t offer that… just send her back to Alaska. I’ll stand in the back of the room all over again.

  253. I just LOVE anything Beth Moore does. I have done her Believing God study and didn’t want it to end. I would love to be in the drawing for a free study and would be happy with any of them.
    Thank you,

  254. Beth Moore easily fits into the description of one of my favorite authors. However, I have not had the opportunity to participate in one of her studies like this. The ones that intrigued me were “believing God” and “Annointed, Transformed, and Redeemed.”

  255. I would love to do the Beloved Disciple study! I think my most favorite one I’ve done is Seeking A Heart Like His – the revised one on David. I think EVERY Christian should do that study – it was amazing!

  256. I’ve done her Breaking Free study at church and it was transforming! I’d pick either the David study or the study on love and do them with the women in my small group. I just finished her book, Feathers from my Nest, and it was so wonderful and heartwarming. I love her writing.

  257. I would absolutely like to get the Living Beyond Yourself study. About a year ago I was looking for a study on the Fruit of the Spirit, but stopped looking when I was given a study about something else. Last night I was reminded about wanting to study the Fruit of the Spirit after attending evening church service. What perfect timing this would be if I won! I was also just asked yesterday morning to think about leading a bible study for women on Wednesday nights.

  258. The Esther study definitely has changed my life! In fact, I am hoping to take some girlfriends through it end of summer!

  259. I am currently leading (my first time ever!) a small summer group through Beth’s “Living Free” book (we actually have 2 groups with 27 women involved!). There was a larger group last ‘semester’ in which I was a participant studying through “Breaking Free”. I would LOVE to do “Believing God” with a small group next summer as the Lord wills and provides. In past years we have studied with Beth through several other books- Daniel, David, the original Breaking Free, Esther…guess you could say we really feel a kinship with Beth. With the tremendous amount of material available, why do we keep choosing Beth? Simple- she speaks our language, and she’s honest about her own failures. THAT in itself gives a lot of hope to the rest of us imperfect women!

  260. I have been so blessed by many of Beth’s studies. I think Believing God began a life change for me. I volunteer in leading womens Bible study in our church. I also mentor younger women. I would love to have more resources.

  261. I would enjoy having a Beth Moore Bible study I can do at home. Due to disabilities I have, it makes it difficult to attend Bible studies. Also, having videos to watch would help so I can back them up and replay what I need to hear. I don’t hear well even with hearing aids, but reading lips and hearing words works best.

  262. I’ve done a couple Beth Moore studies in the last couple of years. I think Daniel has been my favorite. It was a lot of work, but we learned so much! You really do get out of it what you put into it. Amazing stuff!

  263. I have done five Beth Moore studies and led two. The one that most impacted me was The Patriarchs. Somehow, studying God as He first revealed Himself as a covenant maker, slowly giving more names and descriptions of Himself made me feel so close to Him at a lonely time in my life. I felt like I was getting to know the God behind the Christ more deeply and intimately and I loved every page of it.
    I am a pastor’s wife and looking for a study to do with the women of my church for this fall. Our church is small with low funds and this would be such a blessing. Thanks for sharing! 🙂

  264. I did a David one 100 years ago (exaggeration) and have a book or two of Beth’s and always love her teaching. I’d choose Believing God because, based on the post testimonial, I could really use that type of solid foundation setting. I’d like to think I have a solid foundation, but a little more won’t hurt. 🙂

  265. I taught a Sunday School series from her trade book A Heart Like His (not the workbook). AMAZING insight into the man’s life and his psalms. They came alive for me.

    I’d love to do it again with her material on Paul or Jesus….or both!

  266. I too am a newbie to Beth Moore. Many from my work have started a woman prayer group. We were looking at doing a bible study but not sure what to do. This would be a great opportunity to start off on the right foot and see where it leads us women.

    They all sound intriguing but I think Esther would be great.

  267. I absolutely love Beth Moore. I’m currently in her Bible study “The Inheritance”.

  268. I did one of Beth’s Bible studies last fall, and in doing so she helped me break out of a rut I’d been stuck in for several years! She has such a gift with sharing God’s message to the heart of a woman (“girlie girl” or not, she will speak to your heart!!!).

    Of her studies that she has not done, I would chose to start with “Loving Well.” I think our individual love walks are one of the most important parts of our journies as Christian women and we have the potential to make SO much of an impact through the way we live out love in our loves with others. I know I could personally always use help in learning to be better at loving one another, and I would love to share such a teaching with the other ladies in the small group that I co-lead.

    Thank you all so much for the opportunity for one of us to win a leader kit!!!

  269. GREAT Giveaway!! I would choose Living Beyond Yourself – The Fruit of the Spirit. Although I know I would love any of the studies and if someone picked and sent me one it would be THE right one. 🙂

  270. Loving well – One of my favorites. Our church ladies went on a retreat and did the study together and loved it so much we came back to our church and hosted it again for the community. I still talk about my “testies” and remind myself over and over that God is perfect love – nothing can separate me from God’s perfect love”.

    I would love to win one to share with my small group of ladies that meets monthly. They would be so blessed to receive a study.

  271. Iv done many of Beth’s studies and they are AMAZING! Breaking Free was life changing for me. Beth makes learning so fun and interesting while still getting deep into the heart of matters that need to be dealt with….

  272. I’ve read one of Beth Moore’s books called “Get Out of the Pit” and it helped me get out of depression and start living again. I have another book that I’m planning to read soon. It’s called “So Long Insecurity”.

    I’ve never really done one of her studies; but, I would love to. However, my profound hearing loss tends to hold me back. Maybe one of these would be an awesome way to do a study. 🙂

    The one that intrigues me is “Breaking Free”.

  273. I love Beth Moore’s book “Believing God.” I cried through most of the chapters. It really spoke right to where I was. I loved it.

  274. I have never done a Beth Moore bible study but I would like to do Believing God.

  275. I would be so tickled to share with my group that we are indeed going to do a Beth Moore bible study. Last year our group joined her Seista Bible Study with Kelly Minter, Ruth…I loved her videos and insights. After that, I was hooked. I follow her blog and she has inspired me to start our own Scripture Memorization group (MVP, Memory Verse People).

    Thank you for this opportunity. sheila

  276. After 13 years of a debilitating illness I went into remission, a work of God. My husband and I were thrilled as we felt God telling us it was now time, after all those years of praying and wanting so much, to start a family. I got pregnant right away and knew it was God! Then 9 weeks later miscarried and in addition, relapsed. It was life-shattering. I said, “Lord, I’ve been faithful to you all these years and praised you through tears and I will again. But I believed you for this. Help me believe You again.”. The next day I got an email from the church we just started attending saying they were going to do Beth’s “Believing God”! It will always be the study of Beth’s I cherish most. She brought me fully back to Him!

  277. oh man this is a tough one – A Heart Like His was the first Beth Moore study I did and I did it during a very trying season in my life, especially marriage – Believing God was amazing and walk-changing – Jesus The One and Only was beautiful, because He is beautiful

    so I have three favorites and please don’t make me choose one!!!!!

    rebecca j

  278. I’m working thru Breaking Free right now and it’s amazing. I love her illustrations and how it really paints the picture of God’s love. Everyday it shows me something new and truly beautiful. Thank you Beth!

  279. Believing God is the Beth Moore study that had the most impact on my life. The first time I did the study, I was going through a dark time in my life. Beth spoke of keeping an index card book full of scriptures that stood out to me. By the end of 10 weeks I had a book full of verses with one common theme- hope. It was exactly what I needed.
    I have watched 5 other women’s lives be transformed by going through this study.
    I recommend it to every woman. Be ready to commit to the daily work, It is worth it.

  280. i’ve been mulling over the possibility of offering a Beth Moore study at church for our ladies… the one i’d pick would be David. it just feels like it would be such a good fit. and whether or not i win, i hope that’s the one we will do 🙂

  281. I would like to study Beloved Disciple. I’m currently studying the book of John and leading an online Bible Study through the book. I have not read Beth Moore’s study but would love to.

  282. It is hard to narrow down, but I think my favorite study is Believing God.

    Our church is a new church plant and many of the ladies in our study group are new to Bible study. I would love to be able to share one of Beth’s studies with them!

  283. Any of them! We are looking for curriculum for our MOPS bible study, and this would be an answered prayer!

  284. As a new believer, I completed the “The Beloved Disciple.” Boy, it changed my life! It brought about healing in several areas of my life. “Danie” is another great study. The one I would love to do is “Breaking Free.”

  285. I had heard glowing comments about Beth’s teaching from well respected friends, but it wasn’t until I completed Breaking Free this year with some ladies at church that I understood why. She is anointed. I have been listening to her broadcasts weekly and have been continually challenged by the Holy Spirit. I would love to lead a study of hers. I’m especially intrigued by Living Beyond Yourself.

  286. I absolutely love beth moore. I was actually just talking about her with a complete stranger I met at the hair salon. We were talking about how we wanted to get our hair done and her response really shocked me. So often, people name “actresses”, however, she said she wanted Beth Moore’s hairstyle. It made an instant connection and we exchanged numbers to let the other one know when certain events were happening at our church. It was a pretty cool encounter.

  287. Everyone of Beth’s studies have been life changing for me.. through the different stages of life and season’s of life. But I would have to say that the ONE that sticks with me everyday is Believing God Study. I went through the study twice and still have the bookmark in my Bible as a reminder. Thank you so much for the great offer of receiving one of Beth’s studies! SWEET!!

  288. I LOVE Beth’s studies – my small group of spiritually hungry women have grown so much through her teaching. I’ve done Believing God, Patriarchs, Esther, Living Beyond Yourself and am now doing To Live is Christ. I would be thrilled to win any study you are offering for my small group but Daniel and A Heart Like His would be my top picks to own.
    Thank you, Beth, for being a willing vessel for God to grow up millions of women in the faith!

  289. I have done several Beth Moore studies but the one that literally helped me turn from my sin and confess was the Breaking Free Study. Amazing!! So thankful for this woman who is sold out for Christ!

  290. I would like to do any of them, but I’ve heard great things about Breaking Free and Daniel, so I would probably choose one of them.

  291. It is hard to narrow down which of her studies has impacted my life but the most recent I can think of is Believing God! I did it right after my first was born and it really help me navigate through my fears of being a godly mother/example.

    I would love to win!!! It would be a dream come true!!! Maybe a Woman’s Heart or When Godly people do ungodly things.

  292. I would love to do Esther or David studies. I have heard amazing things about both. I did the Break Free study while in graduate school. It has opened my eyes to all the bondage to sin in one’s life.

  293. You are SO right about Beth Moore being like family! What an amazing vessel God is using amoung women today! He used her in my life in BIG ways in October of 2009 at a Living Proof Live event. My husband and I have been in ministry since before we married, but at this event, she helped me bring many things to surface from my past that led to my rededication. Soon after this, I went through the newer version of Breaking Free and WOW! Exactly what I needed! God is so good!
    I believe I’ve done about everyone of her series, but none hit home like that one! I’m also pretty sure our church has all the leader’s kits, but I have dear friends who are missionaries to the Philippines and work with young women over there and also hosts a women’s conference for the Asia Pacific area, so my desire, if chosen that the kits be shipped to them.
    Thanks Incourage for shining so brightly for Him and on Him!

  294. I would love to do Believing God. I did the study on David, Seeking A Heart Like His before and got so much out of it. So many of her studies would be awesome to do! 🙂

  295. I recently started a Bible study at my house. We are looking into what to study. I’ve wanted to do Esther for awhile or Breaking Free. Would be a tough choice. 🙂

  296. Oh I just love Beth Moore Bible studies! I would love to have her study on the fruits of the spirit- LIVING BEYOND YOURSELF. Her books are life changing!

  297. I think one of my favorite studies is “When Godly people do Ungodly Things.” I read Beth’s book before she ever wrote the Bible study for it, and it came at a time in my life where my marriage to a Christian man ended with him having an affair. My world just seemed to fall apart, and all of the sudden I found myself asking so many questions about how in the world did this man I thought I knew so well and had known for 32 years, how did he change before my very eyes. This book helped me to understand so much, and I think I was able to let go of a lot of the bitterness I had and to have so much more compassion for him. I was able to forgive him, although we have never reconciled, nor did it ever appear that he wanted to reconcile. I’m grateful to Beth for the truth she speaks straight from scripture. She has used her gifts to help the rest of us dig deep in the scripture and pull out exactly what God is trying to teach us.

  298. Ah, the first Beth Moore study I ever did was Breaking Free and it LITERALLY saved my life. It was my first year of marriage (which is hard enough as it is), but I also had complications due to the birth control I was on. I guess I’m just very sensitive to the hormones or something, but it made me suicidal. I tried to kill myself a few different times (but didn’t know it was due to the BC). I seriously thought I was going crazy, therefore, during the study I was also in counseling. My husband and I were on the brink of divorce. The Lord’s grace was the only thing that kept me grounded during that time. I learned so much about Him and myself through Breaking Free. 🙂

    Anyway, since then I’m no longer on BC (never again!!), my husband and I began a ministry for high school students at the school where he taught, our marriage is stronger than ever, and we have two beautiful sons who we’re raising for Him.

    If Beth reads these, thank you so much for taking the time to write the studies that you write!! They’ve touched more people than you know. 🙂

  299. I have never done or been in a Beth Moore Study. But I would love to. Maybe Breaking Free or Esther.

  300. I would love to check out It’s Tough Being a Woman. I struggled when I decided to stay home when I was pregnant with our first child and now I am in the period of preparing to go back to work as she prepares for kindergarten…

  301. Is it bad that I have done all the studies except 3 of them? Of those 3, I read one as a book. My favorite has to be Daniel. I love eschatology and Daniel did not disappoint. As a homeschool mom, I have used what I learned from the study as I was teaching my kids about Alexander the Great. I got the CDs so I could listen to the study (too much information to just go through once). We lent the CDs out to a skeptical friend and he enjoyed listening to them as well. My husband thinks a Beth Moore study is a bit too estrogen filled for him, but he also liked listening to the CDs and learning the history. All of Beths studies are great- you can’t go wrong. I still have to so the one about love and the one about the Psalms. Can’t wait…

  302. My first Beth Moore study was in the fall of 2008, Jesus the One and Only. My husband and I had been “church-hurt” and kept ourselves out of fellowship for about a year. This women’s bible study was my first venture back in. IT CHANGED MY LIFE. That is when I truly fell in love with Jesus. I am tearing up just writing this. Since then, I have done 6 or so of her other studies. If I won, I would choose the Revelation study because I think my husband just might do it with me 🙂 Blessings to you all!

  303. I’ve never had the chance to do one of her studies, and I would so love to!!! Especially Believing God or the one on the Fruit of the Spirit. She seems like such an amazing woman, and I would love to learn from her wisdom and insights into the heart of God.

  304. The first study by Beth I did Believing God on line we had our son taken to those streets of gold to walk with his Redeemer King. The pain was so deep hard to breath it. She minister so deeply through it. Today I truly know I can do all things through Christ, he is who he says he is. I’m doing Esther our Pastor is teaching through Ester and I thought it would be fun to look at it through two different points of veiw a mans verse Beth. Have loved doing it this way Blessed by God’s divinne providence Gods hand in the glove of history. Celie

  305. I have done a few of Beth’s studies and attended her simulcast on So Long Insecurity… such an amazing woman of God!! I just started leading a Young Women’s Lifegroup and we would love to do Beth’s study on Esther in our fall session. I’ve heard wonderful things about it and I know these girls would benefit greatly from this study! I’d love the opportunity to use Esther: It’s Tough Being a Woman to lead and teach these girls everything Beth intended from it! It would be such a blessing! Thank you for this opportunity!

  306. I have been hearing about Beth for the longest time, but have never been able to do one of her studies. I finally borrowed the student/participant workbook from a friend, but it’s not quite the same as doing it with a group, is it? I think I would go with “Loving Well” or “Living Beyond Yourself”, though several others sound amazing, too:)

  307. I did Beth Moore’s study on Breaking Free 2 years ago and it really spoke to me. I so needed that! I also did her study on Stepping Up, which was also very good. I’d like to do her new study on So Long Insecurity or the one about Esther does sound really good too. My church hasn’t done one now for a few months and I really miss it! She really gets me studying deep into God’s word.

  308. I am currently attending a Beth Moore study on Daniel. WOW, who knew that there was so much depth to that story? I sure didn’t, but Beth is pointing out things that I never noticed before, every week! Next up is Esther, and I can hardly wait! Thanks to Beth Moore, I have new enthusiasm for studying God’s word!

  309. I love Beth Moore bible studies. My favorite that I have done is A Heart Like His. I have 3 I would like to do now Daniel, Breaking Free, and To Live is Christ.

  310. Believing God (I’ve done it before and LOVED it, but we just started a Beth Moore Bible Study at our church and I would love the ladies to go through it.) 2nd place would be Breaking Free. I have a feeling I need to do this one! 🙂

  311. I have heard of Beth Moore but I have never done one of her studies. I’d need to do a little research and think about which one long and hard…so many look very good.

  312. I was privileged to be at the very last “Deeper Still” conference in Louisville, KY, this past weekend and got to see Beth Moore live. I grew so much during her study of Esther at our church. Any of her studies encourage we ladies to go Deeper and grow in our faith so that we may share that with others. The ones that catch my attention are the two on Daniel and the one on Psalms. I would love to share these both with our women during Wednesday night Bible study and my blog readers as I glean God’s message from the studies.

  313. Believing God was life changing. Learning to believe God has not been easy for me. But I wanted it sooo badly and I needed that study to show me how to claim it! That was years ago. Beth’s books and studies have changed my life. I am about to put in a new dvd set called Beautiful Mind by her right now. I love how much she loves us and we can feel it.

    Please feel free to stop by: Trailing After God

  314. I have done several Beth Moore studies, but the one that challenged me the most was Daniel. She causes me to dig deeper into God’s Word and apply it to my life. I would love to do the David series and the one in Psalms. I haven’t been disappointed with any that I have done. She is a blessing to all of us!

  315. I haven’t had the blessing of reading any of her studies, I would love to read any of them, maybe start with Breaking Free and Ester. Thanks for the chance, and stay blessed!

  316. I LOVE Beth Moore! I would either choose “A Heart Like His” or “Breaking Free”. Beth is truly a gifted teacher.

  317. I LOVED the Ester Study. I started it with our women’s ministry but was unable to finish it with the group. After they were done I asked for the dvds and completed the study on my own! Beth Moore truely has a God given gift to encouraging women!

  318. I have done several of Beth’s studies. The two that stick with me the most are Believing God with the 5 points and Esther. When I did Esther I was in a dark place. I was suffering from depression and numerous other things but it was during that study that I knew my life was meant for more than the brokenness I was feeling. Now I am a women’s ministry leader and the one I want to do with our group is the new So Long Insecurity study I loved that book and I feel it would really help some of the women in my church as well as myself.

  319. I’m a BIG Beth Moore fan! I’ve done several of her studies but I would have to say that Breaking Free has been the most life transforming. I would LOVE to complete the Esther study or the David study. 🙂

  320. How do I pick a favorite out of Beth’s studies?? Guess I would have to choose Breaking Free and The Fruits of the Spirit (not sure of exact name). I wish every woman across the globe would have the opportunity to go through these studies!! PRAISE GOD I AM NOT THE SAME PERSON I WAS FOUR YEARS AGO WHEN I JOINED BIBLE STUDY!!

  321. Beth Moore is a modern day “Deborah” and her love for God’s word is so contagious!! love her!! It’s really hard to pick one favorite study…”A Heart Like his” would be one of my first choices.

  322. I would love to do the Believing God or Esther study. Our church is not having a women’s Bible study this summer and where I live there are no connections. I’ve been wondering what I should do and how to be in a study without one available. It’s been heavy on my heart…

  323. I loved her study on Breaking Free. Such good material that will change your life.

  324. I have been participating in Beth more studies for the better part of a decade. My faith, my walk, and my relationships have grown in such amazing ways because of how she so faithfully points you to Christ throughout the study. Most of her studies I have done and relished. I would like to learn through “To Live is Christ”. Praise God for the leaders He anoints!

  325. I LOVE Breaking Free. We borrowed it from our association, but I wish I owned it. I still feel like I’m working through my strongholds, and there are so many women in our church who weren’t able to be at the study.

  326. I like the sound of the “Esther” study…plus, that story has a special place in my heart!!

  327. I would love to do the Esther study. I have been wanting to do a Beth Moore study but can’t afford the whole set. This would be great to offer to my neighbors to do with me!

  328. I would love to do the Breaking Free study. I am now in the middle of your Revelation study and last year did the Esther study. They have both been such an inspiration to me.

  329. I recently completed the “When Godly People Do Ungodly Things” study- excellent!

  330. I have never been disappointed by a Beth Moore study! Each one has changed my life in different and dramatic ways. You can’t go wrong with any selection but really anxious to do Faithful, Abundant, True. Have heard great things about the conferences.

  331. Well, Beth and I started our journey together about ten years ago. I was newly married and a new Christian in desperate need of freedom from bondage. I found it in Beth Moore’s Study “Breaking Free”. I have over the years went back to this Study and found it applicable every time! Another layer of the onion (me) comes off and yes it stinks and it’ll make you cry! LOL I am a pastor’s wife now and I lead a women’s bible study group in which we do Beth Moore studies on Tuesday evenings. Right now we are working through “Living Beyond Yourself”. I would love to do “Breaking Free” this fall with my women. Thanks for the opportunity!

  332. God has taught me so much through Beth Moore and her studies. No matter where I am in my relationship with the Lord, I continue to be encouraged, challenged and convicted. They are a true refining process. I would love the privilege of going through her study of Daniel.

  333. I would love to do Esther or Breaking free! I love the story of Esther, and I think I need to Break Free! Amazing giveaway!

  334. Breaking Free changed my life! I also loved Living Beyond Yourself! I would love to get to do Esther!

  335. I absolutely love and appreciate Beth Moore studies. I have completed her Breaking Free study with a group of ladies from church and God used it in so many ways. Receiving her bible studies would enable women in my church as well as women in other churches (there is a group of pastor’s wives that share Beth Moore curriculum) to grow from the words the Lord has put upon Beth.

  336. I have not done a Beth Moore BIBLE study.. I have been told so much.. I think I would LOVE doing the Esther one with my Daughter or a couple of my Friends.. 🙂

    Thanks. Sara.

  337. I would pick David… Experiencing God was life changing! I am still working through Breaking Free. I liked Steppin Up and Esther too.

  338. I haven’t done a Beth Moore study-but would love too. Seeking a Heart like HIS, and Believing GOD and Breaking Free are a few titles that capture my attention. Would be so very Blessed to get the opportunity to participate in any of the studies! GOD Bless!

  339. Jimmeny Crickets…choose…really? Eek…almost impossible, would love to do them all and would love to share them with the chickies at my church too. We’ve done “Anointed, Transformed, Redeemed” and “Esther” and both were a-ma-zing!

    This August we’ll be doing “Faithful, Abundant, True”, but would love to add these two; “Stepping Up” and “A Heart Like His” to our brand new women’s ministry that we just launched in April.

    Thanks a bunch for sharing the Beth Moore love!
    <3 Mel

  340. After a horrible church split at the church we’ve been at for 5 years & were married at we have found a wonderful new church family. I have just started to get together with a group of women from our new church & I would love to do a Beth Moore study with them. I think I would choose Living Beyond Yourself.

  341. I’m just finishing Esther, but I would have to say the Believing God is my favorite!

  342. I have done lots of Beth Moore Studies and every one of them has ministered to me in some way. I would love to study Believing God as I have heard wonderful reviews on it.

  343. I feel so primed to start a study right now – so many things going on in my life. My faith shield has grown, and I feel and see His touch in my life so clearly right now. I would LOVE the opportunity to do a study with a group of folks in a similar state – I can only imagine how it would change each of us.

    • Looking over these, I would pick Jesus is the One and Only and the one about Daniel. But there’s several more that look positively wonderful!!!

  344. oh how to choose before kids wake up from naps? I think Living Beyond Yourself is jumping out at me today or maybe the David one. Ack! I love love love Beth Moore.
    I think my favorite so far was Believing God. Life. Changing.
    Seriously, besides the profound truth and insight into the Word she offers, she’s just hilarious. 🙂 I love her.

  345. Jesus the One and Only. It was the first time I understood we were supposed to fall hopelessly in love with Him. That Bible study started it all. I didn’t know how much I was missing until I saw what Beth had. I wanted it too!

  346. “Breaking Free” was phenomenal! I didn’t realize how much bondage I was in until I went through that Bible study with several friends.

    I would love to go through “Esther”. I am in a new season and wondering what God would have me do during this time and new home and town, etc.

    Beth Moore rocks!!! Love her!

  347. Honestly, I have never been a part of a Beth Moore study. I would really like the opportunity though to lead one with a group of fellow stay at home moms. Being at home there can be such isolation and opportunity for the enemy to attack if we are not on our guard. From what I’ve heard about Beth Moore’s studies is that she pulls no punches and allows things to be seen as they truly are. After reviewing all the studies “Breaking Free”, “A Heart Like His”, and “Living Beyond Yourself” seem like ones that might fit perfectly…but I’d leave that up to the Lord to decide. His plan is better:) Thanks for the give away. What a wonderful blessing.

  348. Just did the Esther study with my church. Would love to do the study on Daniel and Stepping UP.

  349. I would love, love these!! I am really wanting to go through the “Esther” study. I did the “Heart Like His” not only loved what I learned, but loved the discipline of a daily study. Thank you for offering this!
    Keri Campbell

  350. My “most growth” study has been “A Woman’s Heart.” I’ve gone through it twice, first as a student and then as a group leader. When I first went through it, I was a college student and a brand new Christian. I had absolutely no church background and I was a dry sponge soaking up every little bit of Jesus I could get my hands on!! I loved learning about all the intricacies of the Tabernacle and the symbolism and meaning behind each and every part. And mos t of all, I love how Beth shows Scripture coming around full-circle with Jesus serving as our Tabernacle in every one of those intricate ways. It was an amazing time of growth, both in general knowledge of OT/NT Scriptures, and learning how deeply Jesus loves each of us.

  351. I love Beth Moore and while I have several of her books, have never done any of the bible studies…actually, didn’t even know about them. That said, they all look amazing. If I had to pick I would probably get A Woman’s Heart…I have been searching in the Bible lately for references to the Holy Spirit.
    thanks for the information and, of course, the chance to win ;o)

  352. Beth Moore’s teachings and writings are some of the most important and influential to me in my spiritual walk, especially in the last few years…I’ve never met her, or got to hear her speak live, but her words and her video/audio teaching have had a PROFOUND effect on me! Winning one of her studies would mean soo much to me! I have a passion to lead her Bible studies with women in my church/community, and each time I can absorb some more of her studies, I know I am going to grow in my faith with the Lord! I cannot afford her full packet of studies however, and this gift would help touch myself and so many other women in Fort Worth. Thank you!

  353. I haven’t participated in a Beth Moore Bible study (yet!) However, I have read her book “Get out of that pit!” and have her book “So long Insecurity” on my nightstand to read next. I love her writing – it’s down to earth – easy – real and full of wisdom and inspiration. I’d love to do an indepth Bible Study with her writings to help me further my growth in walking with Christ.

  354. I love, love Beth Moore and her studies. I’ve been blessed to be able to do many some in ladies groups and one I was privledged to share the Psalms of Accent with my daughter.
    I completed A Woman’s heart: God’s Dwelling Place via Skype with my ladies that I had to move away from. That one was so moving about the Tabernacle and how she was able to make theology so personal!
    I would love to study the one on Paul To Live is Christ because BSF is studying the Book of Acts in the fall.
    I’ve also always wanted to study Daniel.

  355. I loved Daniel, my Bible turns to that book automatically now. But I think Esther changed me the most.

  356. I’ve done several and loved them – I’ve never heard of the Loving Well one but that sounds good to me. Thanks!

  357. I’d choose When Godly People Do Ungodly Things. I have so many friends that have been hurt by other Christians, and because of this they have quit going to church. If I had this study I could have it at my home, and I believe they could be one step closer to healing and also on their way to returning to The Church. They are so many wounded out there-it just breaks my heart. I just finished Breaking Free at my church and has been such an amzing blessing and life changer for me. I know Beth has never met me, but I know she loves me, and she has a gift to reach the most burned and broken of us. Thanks for this opportunity to win two studies! Julie

  358. My first Beth Moore study was the Daniel one – I did it with a women’s group right after I lost my mom to cancer, and it truly changed my life. I’m at a tough spot in life right now, much like Bianca described in the post. I’d love to do the Esther study and soak up the encouragement about being a woman in today’s world! Thanks for the giveaway!

  359. I would love to do study on Esther. So much to learn about this couragous woman of God!

  360. All of them sound inspiring, not sure what would be the best one to start with. Would appreciate any if my name was drawn.

  361. I’ve done several of Beth Moore’s studies (LOVE HER!) but the two that stood out to me the most were “Daniel” and “Esther”. I’m excited to do her new “James” study next year! 🙂

  362. We’ve been doing Daniel during a Sunday school class that a friend and I started. This is our second Beth Moore study. We started with Jesus, the One and Only, which we borrowed from another church, and I literally grabbed people in the hallway and asked them to come to our new class. Now, we have grown into a great group with all levels of knowledge. We never get through a full session in one sitting, but it is wonderful. I’d love to be able to follow Daniel up with Now and Here, There and Then.

  363. Difficult to pick just one Beth Moore study; I have done at least a half dozen by now. My first was John, a gift from a friend, who knew I was struggling with my divorce and needed to feel God’s Love. She sent it to me for Valentine’s Day and through it I rediscovered that I am lovable and loved so deeply by my Savior. I just finished Esther, one that I thought I could never relate to, not ever considered a princess. But through it, I related to all women and how difficult it is to be a strong woman and how with God’s strength we can fulfill His plan for us.
    Beth Moore studies are very intense Bible studies that search and use scripture. Even after growing up in a Christian home and receiving a Christian eduation, I am constantly having ah-ha moments throughout her studies. After doing Beth’s studies, I have a difficult time doing other studies. It is like having a regular Hersey’s Kiss after experiencing the Carmel Kisses 🙂
    I have just started her study on Paul and look forward to sharing it with someone who has never done a Beth Moore study before this.

  364. It is so hard to pick a favorite, but I think I would choose Living Beyond Yourself, I was blessed to be able to attend the taping at Houston First Baptist, and it was awesome to receive the live teaching from Beth Moore. All of her studies become valuable teaching/growing moments for me. Greatly looking forward to the one she is working on now, the study of James.

  365. I did breaking free last summer with the ladies at my church and experienced layer upon built up layer being peeled off. In the chapter about generational stuff I had questions so I called my mom to ask about stuff….she asked me what she and my dad have done to hinder my walk. I didn’t really want to answer but saw it as an open door and ended up on the phone for a few hours sharing and learning.

  366. I’ve never had the chance to do one of her studies, I always seem to be tied up with serving in other areas when they are offered during church times, or unable to break free from single-mom-ing to go other times.

  367. What a generous giveaway…purposeful to so many in so many ways! I’m new to Beth’s work so it’s hard to say which would the best choice. Hopefully in time I, too, can experience and learn from all of Beth’s studies. I’m thinking “Esther” would be a good 1st. Open to suggestions!

    Bless you wonderful women!

  368. I think that LIVING BEYOND YOURSELF helped me to grow more because of the impact learning about the HOLY SPIRIT and HIS work in my life.

  369. I lead a group of young marrieds and we just got done going through ‘The Inheritance’ which we did twice because it blew our minds. We now see inheritance talk everywhere and catch each other’s eyes at church when we hear about presence, people and property. I would love to take them through Believing God. I have heard amazing things about this study.

  370. I recently co-lead a senior high/college age girls bible study with a couple other young ladiesand we did Beth’s Fruit of the Spirit Study. It was AMAZING! She was funny, direct and sensitive all at the same time. She knows how to speak to people and showed me what the fruit of the spirit really are and how to live the fruit of the spirits. Another one that i would love to do is “To live is Christ” the journey of Paul’s life. I love the story of Paul and his commitment to christ in his lattter days. 🙂 Beth is simply a GREAT lady who allows God to work in and through her!

  371. Breaking Free was my first Beth Moore study and it literally changed my life! Currently, I am in the middle of the Psalms of Ascent study and I am once again amazed at how it is the perfect study for me for this time. I will probably say that about each one as God has so much to say to me and to change in me!

    I am interested in doing ALL the other studies. Esther, Daniel, Breaking Free…..yep, all of them! 🙂

  372. I so appreciate the way God has gifted Beth to teach His word. I have done two of her studies: Breaking Free and Believing God. They both reached me in a way that I really needed in those seasons of my life. The study of Esther intrigues me as I am currently in quite a transitional stage myself. So thankful for Beth’s faithfulness in teaching God’s truth!

  373. I’ve been attending Beth’s bible studies for YEARS and there isn’t one that didn’t leave an impact on my life! But I must confess that “Believing God” was one study that I remember seeing Him move profoundly in my life. LOVE her contagious hunger for the Word!!!

  374. This is crazy! I literally just decided yesterday I am going to do the Beth Moore Breaking Free Study! It would be such a blessing to receive the free kits!

  375. This would be awesome!!!! I have never done one of Beth’s bible studies but would love too……

  376. How do you name a favorite?!!! It’s like choosing a favorite child. Impossible!! They are all wonderful. Just this week I have been rereading the notes I made from Believing God in 2005. God has used those truths to change me and help me to see it’s not enough to believe in God, but to be blessed by Believing what His Word says about me and all the precious truths from His Word. So as much as I love all the studies, I would have to say Believing God. 🙂

  377. One of the studies I would choose if I won would be the one she’s working on now – on James (if possible). I have been anticipating that study with some dread because James is such a challenging book, but it’s like that trip to the dentist – I know I need to do it and that I will be thankful when I’m done. I know that if anyone can deliver the hard truth in a graceful, fun way – it’s Beth, so I’m trusting that she’ll make the medicine go down with a spoon full of sugar 🙂

    The study that changed me was her Esther study. I work on a Christian college campus and I chose to do the study with a group of female students. It was an AMAZING experience and if I won the two studies – that is what I would do again.

  378. I started attending my church last year and in Sunday school we were studying Beth Moore ‘Stepping up’. She is wonderful. I am not sure that I could choose a favorite. I think that all of her material is great.

  379. I’ve not done one of her studies, but have two sitting on the bookshelf (Esther and So Long Insecurity). Currently not reading anything or in the middle of a major study/teaching anything, so I MUST prioritize one of these right now! However, I did love her book, So Long Insecurity, and I just love hearing that woman talk–she’s hilarious, and even getting updates from her blog are a blessing!

  380. Oh my gosh…I would love to do the Esther or Breaking Free or so many others. I have done a couple of her studies. Daniel, Beloved Disciple, The Patriarchs, Jesus, the One and Only. I love her studies. She has always been an inspiration to me.

  381. I LOVE LOVE LOVE Beth Moore!!! I am pretty sure I cry during every one of her Wednesdays with Beth shows on Life Today.

    I would love to do the Esther Bible study, or the one on the Patriarchs, but all of them sound amazing!

  382. I’ve recently begun reading her book “Praying God’s Word.” I love her tone in her writing. From the studies on the poster you all linked to, all of them look great, of course. I’m especially interested in “Esther,” “Living Beyond Yourself,” and “Loving Well.”

    Thank you all for this wonderful offering!

  383. I am on week 11 of Breaking Free. My mom, and a dear friend of mine decided to have my mom “lead” us through this study. My friend and I deal with so many issues we often felt backed in to a corner, struggling with how God would want us to react, or literally break free from bondage. I distinctly remember my girlfriend saying I will not be ready and I will not be free by the time we turn our last page. I had a break down a couple of weeks ago, really struggling with life issues, taking people way to personal and then I stumbled across weeks 9 & 10. It was as if God specifically gave Beth Moore the words for ME to break free from this bondage. Thank you Lord! I have grown so much in the past two months, and I have lost pounds and pounds of garbage and I myself allowed to tear me and weigh me down. I can speak for my mom, and my friend that this study has helped us to grow leaps and bounds. My mom is even going to teach this study to the ladies at her church. Thank you Beth Moore for being so transparent and helping us through with words and experiences in your own life that Jesus wanted you to share! We honestly cannot wait to dive in to our next Beth Moore study!!!!

  384. i would LOVE the esther study right now because i’m really going through a period of transition. i’ve also heard great things about the david study for years!

  385. Breaking Free is my favorite. It seems like she looks straight through that camera into my heart and with God’s help pulls the shackles off my feet. I have been blessed by her faith very much.

  386. Our bible study group just did believing God and it weaved right through my bsf Isaiah study. God is so cool like that! I love her deeper still series, too! I would probably choose breaking free if I won….I hear amazing things about it! Im sure I need to break free from some chains! (kidding)

  387. Believing God and Living Beyond Yourself have been life changing for me. There are ideas in these studies that I still remember with ease such as in session 2 of Living Beyond Yourself – she speaks of starting your day with prayer – pour out, pour in and pour forth. Although not used the same way every day, it has become foundational for my days. All of her studies have encouraged me to be so much more intentional in my Bible reading and studying and living and have encouraged a neediness for God or a recognition of the truth of who I am without God. Thank you Beth for knowing and living your calling so fervently.

  388. I have never done a Beth Moore group study, but I would love to lead one at my church. I did the Living Beyond Yourself one on my own (sans dvd’s) and it was such a challenging blessing. If I could lead one at my church. I’d like to do either Breaking Free or the Esther study.

  389. Am currently doing When Godly People Do Ungodly things…cannot wait to do James. But as of now my favorite is still my first on the Fruit of the Spirt. I did it before the videos. Would love to do it again. Always relevant.

  390. I have not done a Beth Moore study yet but would like to very much. I’d choose A Woman’s Heart, Esther, and/or When Godly People Do Ungodly Things. Thank you for the opportunity.

  391. My Beth Moore story happened while doing her study, Living Beyond Yourself. Several years before, I had turned away from serving the Lord and He used a difficult and trying time to draw me back to Him. While in prayer one evening, I felt that He spoke to me and told me that someday He would use me and my circumstances to help others. I began to develop a heart for women’s ministry, but the small church we attended afforded little opportunity.

    We changed churches and I began attending women’s Bible studies. We met in a woman’s home and one night I was sitting directly in front of her big screen TV while watching the DVD. Beth quoted Hebrews 5:12, “For by this time you ought to be teachers…” It was as if she looked from behind that TV screen directly at me. I knew that was God’s confirmation that I was to lead women’s studies, which I now do at my home church.

    I’ve done several of her studes…haven’t been unhappy with any of them. It’s so hard to pick, but I think Beloved Disciple or To Live is Christ would be my choices.

  392. I would definately do Ester. My daughter just finished it with s group and it sounds like just what I need.

  393. Every summer my girlfriends and I get together for a summer moms bible study and we have done a few beth moore ones! I could easily pick two more for my own library and maybe even lead a group this time! Pick me, pick me!

  394. I haven’t done any of Beth Moore’s studies, but I ‘ve heard so many positive things about them from other people. I’d love to start with “Believing God”.

  395. We did A Woman’s Heart. It was indeed a blessed and intense time. The weekly studies went along hand in hand with what so many of our women were going through. Our group right inow is starting Faithful Abundant True.

  396. This is my DREAM! I’m a college student and don’t have the money to buy a book and the dvds. I bought one of the books before I realized that I really couldn’t do it on my own. I would love to be able to go through a Beth Moore study. I’m not sure which one I would start with, but I think Esther and David sound incredible!

  397. I first studied “A Woman’s Heart God’s Dwelling Place” (not the exact title) but it was a study on the Old Testament Tabernacle and the great lengths God went to to make himself knows to the people and she drew the coorelation between the New Testament tabernacle where the Holy Spirit resides in us. This study so captured me that I spoke about it to everyone I met. This led to a small group study by another of Beth Moore’s works on “Daniel”. This again was life changing. The most significant part was her encouragement for us to memorize Daniel 2: 20-23! I spoke this verse out as a prayer for perhaps a year after the study had completed in our small group. And I now know that I know that I KNOW that God is on the throne and WHATEVER happens here on earth – the seen and the unseen. God wins at the end of the day and I can put my full faith and trust in Him. I will never be the same. Next, I’m gonna tackle Ester!

  398. I would love the ” living beyond yourself” study. My church does her bible studies frequently, but because of health issues I have been unable to attend. I would love to have this study to work myself through, I have read many of her books and they really touch your heart and help your relationship with God.

  399. I would pick the “Heart like His” series on David, “Stepping Up,” or “Esther.” My husband and I are youth group leaders, and a study like this would be perfect for the girls!

  400. My first study was breaking free and it has helped me in so many ways! I am excited to do more more studies, I am currently doing 90 days of Paul, loving it so far. The next study I would like to look into is Esther. i love Beth Moore!

  401. Studying God’s Word with Beth Moore has been transformational to my own life and to my ministry. She is God’s woman to reach many women for Christ in this hungry, aching age. I’m a pastor’s wife of small rural churches in the province of New Brunswick, Canada. I have lead Beth Moore studies for a few years now and we love her honesty, humour and her desire to share the depths of the riches of God’s Word (and her heart) in Bible studies. We’ve been borrowing the leader’s kits from other churches because we cannot afford to buy our own kits, so receiving a free kit would be amazing. The next study we want to do is Esther. I highly recommend her studies!!!

  402. “Jesus The One & Only” and “Beloved Disciple” i would love to grow and learn to be more like Jesus with my small group! Thanks for the giveaway! 😉

  403. How exciting is this. Our church has done many of Beth’s studies and I have always wanted to attend one but it was either always during the time I homeschool or in the evening when I am running kids to activities and making sure that my littles get to bed early. I so want to get some women together and do our own Beth Moore study so this would be amazing. Since I would like to do all of her studies I am not picky on which one to start with. I’m sure that through prayer God would help me know which one that the ladies He leads to me will need. Thank you for this opportunity.

  404. Awesome Awesome Awesome.

    I would (in)courage any woman who receives these to bring some of your wonderful women friends on the journey. I am in a group that has completed a few of Beth’s studies and they are amazing. I agree with so many of these posts that her hunger for THE WORD is contagious and you can’t help but nibble.

    The Esther study was an AMAZING. Really life changing for me. I would love to look through the life of David with Beth.

    Way to go Lisa-Jo – This is a great partnership !!!

  405. I have never done a Beth Moore Bible study, but I would like to do Living Beyond Yourself, and Loving Well.

  406. I just finished Believing God and of all the studies Beth has written, this one definitely impacted me the most. I finished it with a stronger desire to believe God even more in my life and to trust him in each circumstance. I’ve also done the Psalms of Ascent and the Breaking Free studies with small groups and highly recommend those too…it’s so awesome how God uses these studies in each of our lives to bring us closer to him. I would really like to do Beth’s latest study on James (that isn’t quite out yet, but I’m looking forward to it!)
    p.s. and thank YOU guys for such an incredible giveaway! 🙂

  407. I have always wanted to do a Beth Moore bible study. I would start with the Esther study and the study on David.

  408. Beth Moore studies have changed my life, and I mean that literally. I joined a group of women for Daniel and Believing God. The scriptures I memorized and the things I learned are treasured in my heart. I would love to do the Breaking Free or Stepping Up studies. I have since moved to another state and have not found a group of women to study with. Having the kit would enable me to start a group!

  409. The one that got me hook line and sinker was Daniel. It was the first study that I did after my sister died…something inside me came back to life and I have not been the same the since!! I even took it with me to Hawaii and watched the videos on the lap top…my oldest daughter thought I was nuts! I would love to lead that one here, now that I am in Minnesota and no where near things that are familiar to me!!

  410. I love the “Believing God” study…being a “seasoned” pastor’s wife of 37 yrs…it was so refreshing to remind myself of the basics in my relationship with Jesus!

  411. I’ve never done one of her studies–my women’s Sunday school class has done many, though, just before I came. I’d love to do the Esther study!

  412. When I look at the page of all of Beth Moore’s Bible studies I just get excited. I have done some of her studies and they are wonderful, life changing. I think I would be interested in doing A Woman’s Heart. Sounds like it might be perfect for where I am in my walk.

  413. I am currently studying Daniel: Lives of Integrity, Words of Prophecy with Beth! I really feel like I am studying it with her. What I love is that even though I have heard theses stories and read these words hundreds of times, I always hear something new in the videos. She has really studied and provides a level of depth, analysis, and perspective that touches my heart.

  414. I would get Breaking Free or the study on Paul! The study on Paul sounds very good and I think we could learn so much from his example to fully live for Christ.

  415. Last summer, our women’s group studied Esther (already one of my favorite Bible stories!!) and Beth’s Spirit-inspired teaching brought the story to life. The applications and the Turn It Around cards she had us make were so helpful in overcoming the difficulties of being a God-fearing women in the present age.

    That’s only study I’ve done that was written and taught by Beth. Her summer Siesta studies are always a treat but she usually chooses something by another author and gives us discussion prompts for those.

    And who doesn’t love a good LPL event… she’ll be near us this fall and I’m already pumped about it!

  416. I’ve never had a chance to do a Beth Moore study, most of the women at church have a rave about her. I would love the chance
    Thank you

  417. I adore Beth Moore! My absolute favourites have been Daniel (a MUST for everyone!) and Breaking Free. Right now I am working through the updated version of A Woman’s Heart and am, of course, loving it!

  418. I am newer to Beth Moore bible studies but I am currently completing my second one (To Live is Christ). Love the study and ready to go right into the next one. Love love love her passion. It is awesome to know there are so many to choose from!!!

  419. Hi friends!!! I would love the chance to study Breaking Free and Daniel! Just saw Beth Moore and the girls in Louisville! Thanks for laying down your lives to help women across the nation!!

  420. I love her!!!! Breaking Free saved my life! I would love to win, I would choose Esther and/or A Heart Like His!!! I did Annointed, Transformed, and Redeemed last summer and loved it!

  421. Living Beyond Yourself set within me a thirst for God’s Word like I had never known before. I did it online through LifeWay’s website and had a member book that I worked through during each week. It was the first study of its kind that I saw to completion. God spoke to me so clearly through this particular study. It started a change in me, moving away from a self-centered existence into a life lived for God’s glory. I WANT to bear fruit! Oh, just typing about it makes me want to go through it again and let it fall fresh on me.

  422. Wow…Love what God dose through a great teacher like Beth. Our ladies in our church and surrounding churches in our community have done several of her Bible Study. What a great way to get some more studying in if we won these.

  423. I have been a Christian (or influenced by an amazing Christian mother) my entire life. When I would watch/listen to women/men in Christian leadership roles, I couldn’t figure out what I was missing. It wasn’t until I participated in my very first Beth Moore Bible study. I have written her on numerous occasions to tell her how grateful I am to her (and always will be)! The passion in which she shares God’s Word, is what cultivated a desire in me to read the Word (and grow in ways I would have never imagined).

    I have the joy of teaching middle school students and elementary students and think of what I learned from Beth every day! It is the time we spend with God IN HIS WORD that changes us! HE changes us! I would have never learned that without Beth Moore! I am extremely grateful for her and always will be!

    I have not had the opportunity to complete many of her Bible studies, but LOVE every one that I see. I am extremely interested in the studies on Psalms and Daniel. (and her new study on James!) I can’t think of anything she has written that I wouldn’t love!

    Thank you for offering this opportunity!

  424. Stepping Up: A Journey Through the Psalms of Ascent would have to be my top pick to study next. I am currently almost finished with Breaking Free and it has been a whirlwind ride! Beth’s studies are incredibly in-depth, challenging (in a good way), and soundly grounded in the Word of God.

  425. I’ve started several Beth Moore studies through the women’s ministry at church, but due to young kids and a husband with a sometimes erratic schedule, I haven’t had the chance to finish them. One I only got halfway into that was fantastic so far was Daniel. I’d love to do that one.

    Also, I would probably most benefit from Breaking Free. I carry around a lot of baggage, and I’m working through it…slowly. I’ve heard that one is a great one to bring things out into the open and let God deal with them with you. Would love to do that one, too!

  426. I think I would chose the Believing God study. I have not participated in one of her studies before but grew to love her after I read her So Long Insecurity book. Loved it!! Would love to do some of her studies!

  427. Beth is the best! Esther was my first study and I completed it with a group of total strangers – they were not strangers for long! What a terrific first Bible study experience that was! Esther is wonderful; I cannot believe that there is a woman who could not relate and learn from this study. Living Beyond Yourself is probably my favorite and one that I return to over and over for inspiration and for use in other learning/sharing situations. I Believe and Patriarchs are two that are next on my list.

  428. My first Beth Moore study was Believing God and I was totally hooked by Week Two. I have taken a lot of Bible studies but I must say that I look forward each morning to by Bible study time so I can hear what God wants me to hear through Beth’s daily work. I love each day’s God moments when we take the time to see where God was in our day. I have lead this study twice and it was wonderful the second time around. I have also led Esther and The Patriachs and this fall I would love to offer the study on David.

  429. Believing God was life changing for me. 🙂 I’d love to get the…When Godly People Do Ungodly Things….or Stepping Up…or the Tabernacle…or…they all seem so wonderful!

  430. I believe it would have to be Having a Heart Like His … although the Believing God is one I would like to to glean from as well. Thank you for this opportunity!!! May God richly bless the winners with wisdom as they make use of the studies they win!!!

  431. I’ve never had the opportunity to read or participate in one of Beth Moore’s studies, but I’d love to be able to. Would love any of them, and it would be great to use in our summer womens’ Bible study group.

  432. I’ve never done a Beth Moore study! I’m excited to start one soon and dig deeper in the Word. Her full-library was quite full of studies I’d like to do. Sooo, how about I say my top four (in no particular order– hehe)

    1) Loving Well
    2) Living Beyond Yourself
    (both are parallel to the season of life I am in)
    3) Esther
    4) Daniel

    Ok, so pick me!! lol

  433. I actually had a chance to lead an Esther study after participating in one of Beth Moore’s other studies. I’d love a chance to win “BELOVED DISCIPLE” to teach to my ladies Bible study.

  434. The one I really love most is “Jesus the One and Only”. I remember our group getting down on our knees around our table to pray and starting to giggle so much we disrupted all the other tables around us. We had an overwhelming joy and Holy Spirit encounter there! Thanks in part to Beth, but mostly for her always pointing to the ONE and ONLY

  435. So many good ones… I have done 3-4 of her Bible Studies. The one that I remember the most was Believing God. it did such a work in me.
    Short story… I believed God to provide us with a larger home (with a RED door, to show me it was from Him) and he answered!!

  436. I would love to win this! I organize a Christian mom’s group & we don’t have a plan for our summer study yet! I would probably ask your advice on which to choose but I’m leaning towards Loving Well.

  437. My first study was Living Beyond. Through the Holy Spirit & Miss Beth I found for the first time in my life that the Word IS alive & active. I have done almost all of the studies in groups in & personal devotions, Living Proof Live events & simulcasts & each one has taught me more. Everytime I have done a study I share what I am learning with my family, friends, co-workers, believers & non believers. I can’t help but talk about what I’ve seen & heard! 🙂
    Thank you Miss Beth Moore for your obedience & your willingness to share what God puts on your heart. Be blessed.

  438. Annointed…..transformed (about David) was one we really enjoyed.
    I’d like to try Esther next.

  439. The Beth Moore study that changed my life forever was Breaking Free. For many years of my life, I had been saddled with addiction. It started in relationships where I used my physical self to gain control over others. My addiction to control stemmed from years of abuse in my childhood. It was driven by the belief that I was unworthy of love, of dignity, of being wanted, of being fought for. Later in my life, my addiction turned into painkillers. My heart and soul ached so badly. I wanted out and I was determined to numb myself at any cost. And then a friend gave me Breaking Free. In the pages of that study I heard the gentle voice of Jesus. It began as a whisper of the phrase “You are worthy my Child. Worthy of Me.” His voice grew louder, until I could no longer deny that the chain I had been in bondage to for so long were meant to be broken. As Beth says, each utterance of my prayers to Christ, each tear that hit the floor were links in the chain that were breaking. Finally, at the end of that study, after a great deal of grief, prayer, seeking Him and total abandon to living a life for Jesus I was free. Beth was simply the vessel. She shared her own issues and showed me that a godly woman, a woman of beauty was raised from the ashes. Through Breaking Free, the beauty in me emerged to meet Jesus in a new and profound way!

  440. Wow! This is such an amazing giveaway! It’s so awesome to see the work of God in Beth’s heart and through her ministry! She is such an encouragement to many! I’ve actually never fully done a study of hers- how I would LOVE to! The library is full of so many wonderful heart gravitates toward, “Breaking Free” and “To Live is Christ”
    Thanks for the chance to win!!

    God Bless!

  441. I would love to do Seeking a Heart Like His and Living Beyond Yourself. I’ve done various individual studies on my own from her books and done The Patriarchs and Esther in a group. Esther was one of the most amazing studies to show me how special and important being a woman of God is!!

  442. I think I’d have to say “Living Beyond Yourself” as there are so many things I’m struggling with right now and I’m looking for direction… Esther I think would also be a touching one….

  443. The Esther study was so encouraging…love how it exemplified God’s faithfulness in so many ways!

  444. I would love to do the Esther study. I’ve done several of her studies and have loved them.

  445. “Seeking a Heart Like His” is my desire and goal. David was a real person who dealt with real challenges. In all and through all, David had a heart for God. Whether he was walking closely with God or behaving with arrogance, David’s heart was tender. Please, I want to know more.

  446. I’ve heard fantastic things about the Breaking Free study. In fact, we need to purchase another copy for church since there is so much interest in that study this summer! It would be used immediately!

  447. At this point in my life, I would love to do the Believing God Beth Moore study. I have done a couple of her bible studies and loved them. She is an awesome leader. I just need to believe that God is still around as I am going through a valley right now.

  448. I have not done them all, but I have loved every one I have been a part of. My favorites, so far have been Believing God, Esther, & Stepping Up!

  449. I would say that right now “Having A Heart Like His” and “Living Beyond Yourself” would be at the very top of my list.

  450. I’m in a small group Bible Study with 8 other women. I’m 39 and they’re all in their 60’s and 70’s. They keep me thoroughly entertained and constantly challenged. We have done several of Beth’s studies along with other studies but are just finishing up the Revelation one for the second time. We felt like we just didn’t get it enough the first time through. It has been incredible. We just pooled our money together to buy it and now we’ll share it with others. I’d love to win the one on Paul or probably more appropriately the Patriarchs to donate to my sweet group. Thanks for the giveaway!!!

  451. I have done four of Beth’s studies and enjoyed every one of them… but my favorite (so far), is Patriarchs! I didn’t really want to do this study, because I thought it would be boring…WRONG!! It’s amazing how Beth can bring the old testament to life and then APPLY it to my life! I learned so much about the Bible history, but it was so interesting I didn’t even mind at all. When I prayed about which study my husband and I would use for our church, this one kept coming to mind and I’m so glad I listened and gave it a try!!

  452. I would chose the David study, because I haven’t done it and he also happens to be my favorite!! I just finished the Psalms study and as always, LOVED it! I’m a huge Beth Moore fan!!

  453. I’ve done almost all of Beth’s studies…and God has used each and every one in it’s own special way.I would love to do Esther or maybe revisit Breaking FREE. This is such a generous giveaway!

  454. I have not yet done a study by Beth Moore, but am VERY interested in the Esther study or A Woman’s Heart study (although all of them sound REALLY good =) !!

  455. Oh, I love Beth’s studies and have done several! I would appreciate receiving Esther or Daniel.

    Thanks so much!

  456. I’ve loved Breaking Free but I think I would choose Jesus the one and only this time. Oh, its so hard to choose. Each study I”ve done has been so encouraging to my faith and heart!

  457. I absolutely loved the Living in the Spirit and the Esther studies! Beth Moore’s “fruit of the Spirit, especially love and joy and kindness, well, all of them) was so great! Very relatable (is that a word?) and challenging. Beth’s knowledge of the Hebrew language and its poetic nuances (I am thinking of that really long word for the Esther study) is what really makes her studies hit home, the bull eye’s (again, Esther).

    Two of the studies I have not yet taken AND, of course, hope to someday, and would love the Leadership Kits to have for the studies, are:

    David, “A Heart Like His” because I love the Psalms, and his heart was “after God’s heart” AND Moses, “A Woman’s Heart” because I can always learn about humility. I also love the “his and her hearts” so another reason to hope to win BOTH of these studies.

    Thanks for the opportunity to be in the drawing!

    God Bless All!

  458. I love Beth! Believing God was a life changing study for me when I did it back in 2008. I would take any one of her studies because God has a way of showing up through her words!

  459. I have never read one of her books…………but now I am going to start looking ………….

  460. I have read a couple of Beth’s books, but never done a study.
    I would like to do the When Godly People do Ungodly things.

  461. A Woman’s Heart Bible Study Leader Kit would be the right fit for me!

    Homemaker Honey
    homemakerhoney @gmail .com

  462. I loved the study Believing God. We have done several of her Bible studies and I have always had a transformation because of them!~ I love her!

  463. The first bible study I ever did as a believer was Jesus the One and Only. Changed my life to learn in depth about Jesus. I have done several more since then and now serve as a missionary in Hungary and would love to win a leaders kit to do with the ladies here.
    Thank you!

  464. I have never done any of the studies, but the glowing references are certainly an encoragement to do so.

  465. I absolutely love her studies and have done several but not all of them.

    I would love to do the new James study, as well as the Paul study!

    Thank you for this opportunity to possibly be able to do them and share with my friends.

  466. I have heard of Beth Moore and always wanted to learn more about what she does but I never really looked into it. There are so many bible studies that I have no idea which one I would choose, but I do know that whichever one it was, I would come out of it a changed woman.

  467. I have done several of Beth Moore’s Bible Studies, but my favorite so far was the one about the tablernacle. Beth did such a good job at helping us to see what it actually looked like to the point that you almost felt like you could walk in there in your mind and feel the presence of God among you. I love the way Beth expresses herself and makes everything so down to earth so that we all can learn from her teaching. Please send my blessings to Beth and the work she is doing for the Lord. She has touched my life in so many ways through her Bible Studies I am honored to get to share in this post.

  468. I think I would choose when Godly people do ungodly things. Thanks for the chance to win.

  469. I have done several of Beth’s studies. They are full of valuable insights and powerful truths. I have not done Esther yet, but I have heard so much about it. It sounds great!

  470. Wow! Thank you so much for an awesome giveaway. I hope I’m still in time to enter.

    The Beth Moore study that made the biggest impact on me would have to be A Woman’s Heart, God’s Dwelling Place (the old version). I loved how she used it from the KJV and then brought in all the word studies. She taught me how to really use my Strong’s Concordance and dig deep in the Word throughout the course of the study. Phrases from her talks still come back to me from time to time.

    The leader kit I would most love to have (and it was a hard choice!) would be Believing God. I have already done this study once, and it was powerful. However, I would love to go through it again~ this time with my teenagers. There is so much in this study that I’m sure you can’t soak it all up the first time!

  471. I would love to win “Breaking Free” or “When Godly People do Ungodly Things”. Both look like they really dig deep into modern day issues and pain in our lives.

  472. The first Beth Moore study I did was with an amazing group of women 8 years ago – Breaking Free. I ended up leading the study and was so blessed and so changed. We went on to do many more of her studies. A core group of us still meets together and the fellowship is so beautiful and genuine that it makes me want to cry just writing about them. We haven’t done the Esther study yet – would love to dig in to that one. Thanks!

  473. Hello,
    Beth Moore is a blessings to the BODY of CHRIST!! I have wanted to do the David study, I have heard that it is fantastic, not that all the rest are not!!!
    What a blessing!!! 🙂

  474. I have never done her studies, but they look great. I liked the one about the Fruit of the Spirit or Living like Him.


  475. I’ve never done one of her studies, but the story of Esther has always fascinated me and I am planning to study her with a group of women I meet with for breakfast… a Beth Moore study would be awesome!

  476. I have done several Beth Moore studies and my favorite was the Daniel one. I learned so much and really developed a hunger for His word through that study. The Believing God study also changed me and reminded me of who I am in Him – it gave me a new love for my Savior. I would love the Ruth study to share with some of my mommy friends.

  477. Beth Moore’s Fruits of the Spirit Bible study touched a chord with me. This was a time in my life when we had just had our fourth child, and during that pregnancy, my husband went into complete psychosis. He lost his mind, literally. What the future held for him was grim and unknown. He was diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia one month after baby number four was born. A couple of weeks after baby was born, he drove off and never came back…for months. I was served divorce papers when baby was two months old. This was the man I’d been married to for almost ten years that had served the Lord passionately, and he had become a real monster. I also knew that he was completely out of his mind and the delusional thinking about me and our marriage and everyone being “after” him affected his decision. I realized with that study that my husband was an idol to me, and I repented. I wanted him to fill a role that God was designed to fill. I was full of joy from the Lord, despite the circumstances, but I really did want my husband to “complete” the picture. He didn’t. We reconciled, my husband got well, and now, I’m very cautious about where I’m getting fed and feeling validated, loved, and needed…from the Lord, NOT from my husband.

  478. I am in a serious transition period in my life. My boyfriend and I of 2 years just broke up. I am going to be a senior in college and looking to start a full time job. i will be an Resident Assistant in the freshman dorms. It is a time that the Lord is completely using. Last year, Bianca actually spoke at a leadership conference at my university and I loved her. Anyways, all that to say, even if I don’t win the free give away, i will be purchasing the study on Esther.

  479. I am curently finishing up Beth Moore’s study…”Living Beyond Yourself”, based on Galation 5:22…..I have been a Christian and completed many ladies bible studies over the past 39 years! I have to say, this study may have saved my life, literally! God’s timing is always “divine”….and He certainly knew what I (&about 15 others) needed, right now. I so enjoyed the 5 days per wk homework, more than any other, I can remember, and the weekly meetings with the video! I am not looking forward to next week’s being the Last study, as will miss it so much!!! …but, looking forward to the homework and the video!!! Thank YOU so much….as my mother in law told me last yr before she passed into eternity, at almost 90 yrs young, we must NEVER stop learning!! God Bless your continued ministry. sincerely, Valerie L. Lewis

  480. I have done the Beloved Disciple study and it is true, she is awesome at sharing the Word. I am interested in Esther and When Godly People do UnGodly things.
    Thanks for the opportunity.

  481. I loved working through Living Beyond Yourself… It helped me through a particularly hard/emotional time… I’ve been wanting to work through Believing God and I think the Esther study would be just fabulous… Thanks so much for the giveaway!

  482. I would choose Living Beyond Yourself and Loving Well. The first Beth Moore Bible study I did was Believing God 5 years ago, and the mantra still stays with me today. I’ve don’t over half her studies and still have yet to feel anything but grateful for such an anointed Bible teacher. Love Beth Moore!

  483. I love the David study and Esther. Would love to do the Daniel study, I have heard great things about it.

  484. I have long desired to do a Beth Moore Bible study but have never had the opportunity. The study Living Beyond Yourself looks like it would be very interesting.

  485. We’ve done Beth’s Believing God study and the Esther Study. Both were amazing…I’ve been praying about whether to lead a women’s group this coming school year. I’ll definitely be looking into the other studies!

  486. Wow, what an amazing gift! I would love to get the Living beyond yourself, Stepping up, or To live in Christ. This would be such an awesome opportunity to get to know the bible a bit better. Thank you so much!

  487. I love Beth’s Red Book of letters. The Beth Moore study was on Esther. I really learned alot about the Jewish people and understand how they are God’s chosen people and how special they are to him.

  488. Wow, amazing giveaway!
    I’ve never participated in a Beth Moore Bible study. I have been to Deeper Still (went this wknd in Louisville) and I’ve watched her teach online a hundred times. I’ve been a huge admirer for many years (some call it stalking) hehe! I’m dreaming of actually studying several of her books with my friends.
    This is such a great gift!

  489. I’ve had the pleasure of doing several Beth Moore studies. About picking a favorite, I have a story for you. A lady was visiting Rome and wandered into an art gallery. When she realized the artist was in the shop, she asked him which was his favorite. The artist asked the lady if she was married. Thinking it odd that the artist would ask that, she replied, “Well, yes I am. What does that have to do with the paintings.” The artist then asked the lady if she had children. Still baffled at his queries, she replied, “Yes, I do. But I still don’t know why you need to know that.” The artist looked at the lady and asked, “Which of your children is your favorite?”
    Each Beth Moore study has spoken to me in a different way. All of them have taught me. Beth is an extremely gifted communicator and story teller. There is no way I could pick one above another.

  490. I’ve never completed a Bible study by Beth Moore, but have read many of her books & have watched her on Life Today alot. I have learned so much!

    I would love to study, David ~ Seeking a Heart Like His. I have always said, “MORE OF YOU; less of me…” This sounds like a perfect study to become more Christ-like.

    Break my heart, Lord for what breaks Yours.

  491. “Believing God” was just the Bible Study I needed, honestly. I had not attended a video Bible Study or read any of Beth Moore before so I was unsure of what I had ahead of me! But the first video was a big blessing which induced some ‘labor pains’ as I discarded my ‘poor me’ attitude, let go of the ‘reproach’, and plotted my journey of faith. Thank God for Beth Moore and the gifts of the Spirit that she shares. I am so thankful for what I learned and would love to receive a study from her and her ministry.

  492. I LOVE Beth Moore… More Beth Moore PLEASE! Our Ladies Bible study has done at least two of her wonderful Studies. Beloved Disciple and To Live is Christ. Each one of these were life changing for me! They were in depth but doable for a Mom of two young girls. I always felt like she took me to the place where Jesus Lived and Taught! Identifying with the characters and really making you think and understand what the lesson was all about. Whenever we are looking for the next Bible Study Beth Moore is the first person I suggest. My friend recommended The Patriarchs which is about Abraham, Isaac, and Joseph. I am thankful for her gifts to all of us in her writing and personal experiences which have enriched my life and brought me closer to GOD!

  493. I have never done one of her studies either I am sad to say. The one that looks the most interesting is “David ~ Seeking A Heart Like His”

    A prayer I pray on a daily basis is to become more like Him and so much less like me. To respond to people the way He would, to treat others (no matter how badly they treat you) as He would, to love like He does…

    Somedays are so much better than others, however I never stop striving to more be like Him.

  494. The Fruit of the Spirit study had such a huge impact on me. I just finished it and plan to do it again right away. So much to learn and glean, once through is just not enough. I would love to win! Esther looks interesting to me, but any of Beth’s studies would be amazing.

  495. I’ve been looking for some variety for my Bible studies–these sound like the way to go. The “Believing God” study sounds fantastic. I’d love to build up the confidence in my faith to just believe God, no questions asked.

  496. I’ve never done one of her studies, but if this offer includes those in the UK, I’d love to read through the ‘Breaking Free’ study.

  497. I don’t think you could go wrong with any of Beth’s studies. I would love to experience Living Beyond Yourself and would love to share Loving Well for a Valentine Retreat for the ladies of my church. Thanks for the opportuinty..

  498. I am currently on week 10 of Breaking Free – and have been delivered to a spot I never thought I’d EVER see! Beth speaks to me in a way I need to hear, it touches me so personally and has given me an entirely new way of viewing reading the bible. Prior to this study I struggled to even know “how” to open my bible and read it. Now I can really understand parts of the bible that were foreign to me 11 weeks ago. The biggest take aways for me during these past 10 weeks have been focusing on making it through my moments to reach my milestones (I pray this daily) and knowing that I need to look to God first and foremost to fill up all of my empty places… anything that I get above and beyond that in a day is overfill! I am not looking to others to “fill up my cup” anymore because I’m going to God for that each and every day!
    I would like to continue with another Beth Moore study as I can’t imagine not doing one now after how life changing these past 10 weeks have been for me. I’d probably choose either Daniel or Stepping Up.

  499. I absolutely love Beth Moore’s relatability to the every day woman. Her transparency and desire to share God’s love with everyone gives inspiration and hope, to those in the lowest of lows. I would love to do the Esther
    Study and the new James study, and I would love to do any of the other studies over again! As I mature, so does the depth of my perception of the scriptures and how they relate to life.

  500. Believing in God is the Bible Study I would choose. Wouls love to win haven’t done any of her bible studies.

  501. It all started when I went on a mission trip and met my friend, Lisa who took me to see Beth Moore. I had no idea who she was. I fell in love with Jesus because of her contagious love for Him. Basically, I wanted what she had. She prayed for a miracle for my marriage in 2007 and I’m celebrating my 10th anniversary as I type this comment thanks to those prayers! I started my blog and chose “byfaith…angbaylis” because she introduced me to Believing God. I have since shared many of her studies with anyone who is in my path. I’m indebted to Beth!

  502. I am a little embarrassed to admit that I’ve never done a Beth Moore study but I have heard so many incredible things about them. I would really love to do one soon though. If I were to pick one, I think I’d pick Breaking Free or Loving Well – those sound exactly like what I need.

  503. I love Beth Moore books. Have never done a study in a group:(. Believing God looks great!

  504. So hard to choose! I love the studies I’ve done so far. It’s a tie between Daniel and Esther for me. Though many others look good too!

  505. I have taught and participated in a number of Beth Moore studies. Believing God was an eye opener for me. Having believed in Him for years, I had never thought about the difference in believing in and believing. It was huge. I would love to do the Esther study.

  506. I hope it is not too late to enter to win a Beth Moore leader kit. Right now I am reading Patriarchs. I am surprised at how I’ve related to the lives of these men, their wives, their families and their relationships with the Lord. All the studies sound wonderful ….it would be difficult to choose.

  507. I have done some Beth Moore studies. I just led 5 other women this year through “breaking Free” (the old version) and Believing God. Those studies back to back changed our lives. Each one of us has a testimony of how it has helped.

    If I were to pick 2, I would have to pick “Living Beyond Yourself” and then if I were pressed to pick It would be a Heart Like His. I feel really called to lead this group of women (hopefully a couple more join us) to go through the fruits of the Spirit…. so here it goes! 🙂

  508. wow, i don’t know where to say i would start. i have attended one live cast with her, and have yet to read a study by her! i would so love to! i just haven’t taken the financial plunge and purchased anything. i also don’t know where i would start! LOL.

  509. Our Ladies Bible Study group here in England at a local church averages 10 women representing 4 different countries, every socio-economic bracket and educational level, ages 22 to 68 and ONE HUGE LOVE for the Lord which Beth Moore studies have encouraged and fostered for the past 8 years. We have laughed , wept, debated and prayed together. After our Daniel Study we were blessed to have the British museum hosting a special exhibition on Babylon: Myth and Reality. We did the tour with Beth Moore workbook in hand and even sent a commemorative bag to Beth! She is after all an integral member! The study expanded our knowledge and our hearts. It is often difficult to obtain the books and DVDs here in England but we have become extremely creative in getting the material ‘across the pond’ We are ready for the Patriarchs!

  510. Living Beyond Yourself was such a blessing to my life and to the other women who participated with me in the study. Even though we were all at different stages of our lives, with different strengths and challenges, the study encouraged each of us to fully live out the fruit of the Spirit. Jesus, The One and Only was amazing too – learning more about our Savior!

  511. I used the Loving Well series as a women’s retreat for our church one year and just loved it. She does have a way of making you feel like family. And she really has a way of speaking right to your heart. I walked away from that retreat with an understanding of God’s love and the kind of love I should be displaying. Wow!

  512. Beth’s enthusiasm for the material she presents and her LOVE for Jesus are contagious. You don’t want more of Beth after a study — You want more of
    I would love to go through the study on “Jesus, the One and Only.”
    “Whom have I in heaven but you? And being with you, I desire nothing on earth. My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.” Psalm 73:25-26

  513. I am trying to start a weekly Bible study at my house and I have been researching all the Beth Moore Bible studies. They seem to be just what I am looking for! I am curious if anyone on here who has done a Beth Moore Bible study has a gently used leader kit or even just the DVDs for any of the studies that they would be willing to sell for a reasonable price or even give away. I would really appreciate the help because the leader kits are 200+ dollars to buy online.

  514. I live in Burundi with my family, serving as missionaries from the Mennonite Church. I am part of an international women’s bible study there. We recently finished my first Beth Moore study, “Stepping Up.” I found it to be incredibly insightful and helpful. Many words fo encouragement just at the right times. My Bible study group has commissioned me to come back to Burundi with another one or two Beth Moore studies, but when I saw the cost of the leaders’ kit I got really scared. They are so expensive! It’s something only a church or institution could afford. I would love to win one or two, though! I can promise they would encourage a diverse group of Christian women in the heart of Africa, and we’d share them beyond our own group. Thanks and lbessings on your work.

  515. I have participated in several Beth Moore studies with my church’s women’s bible study. All of them have been great, but I think my favorite is the Esther: It’s Tough being a Woman. I can’t recommend it more highly. If you have to choose one, I would suggest this one. Thanks, Beth!

  516. I recently finished the Psalms of Ascent with a small group from my church and absolutely loved it. Now I want to lead a small group through Living Beyond Yourself, so it would be so wonderful to win the leader’s kit since it’s a little pricey. So looking forward to the study!

  517. Seeking A Heart Like His would be my choice since I have not did this one. My favorite so far is Daniel…oh and Esther since it was the last on I did with a group of missionaries women while living in Papua new Guinea. My husband actually listen to Daniel because he thought it was about the end times which it was but it was so much more. I am moving to California soon and will be involved with a group of women who would love to do Seeking a Heart Like His with me. I’ll thank you for giving it away even if I don’t win it…someone who desire to grow will…..thats worth a thank you.

  518. I see Beth Moore’s “Breaking Free” as critically needed in that more and more women are struggling with debilitating emotional challenges like anxiety and depression. I believe that we should be seeing Jesus’ mission fulfilled as He came to bring us Life…and that in abundance. He came to preach Good News to the poor, to heal the broken-hearted, to set the captive free and proclaim the favorable year of the Lord. As I prepare to lead the women of our church in this study, I look forward to seeing His people set free to enjoy the bounty that was purchased for us by the Champion of our cause. Winning this study would be such a blessing as we are a small church with limited resources.

  519. I lived overseas as a missionary for 12 years with my husband and children until the Lord brought us home due to health reasons. While overseas I was introduced to a Beth Moore study and fell in love with the way she communicates God’s Word. My husband and I have moved from place to place and as I work with women my first choice for taking the ladies deeper into God’s word is a Beth Moore study. My favorite is first and foremost , Believing God, If I could, I would walk with women through this study every place we move. (I usually have to hunt down a copy), Although I have lead several of her studies it’s so hard to choose a favorite but the most impacting for daily living out for me are Believing God, Breaking Free and Living Beyond yourself. Wow, I believe God has ordained Beth to speak into the lives of women, For such a time as this. I pray spiritual protection around her and over her as she breaks through to women of each generation. Praise God.

  520. We belong to a very smaill (Broadway Christian Church) in Pueblo, Colorado. Whenver we talk about doing a women’s bible study Beth’s name is always at the top of the list. Her studies are so thought provocating. Beth always seems to lead us on a journey that is belong what we every thought would happen. She is a great teacher, and her study Beleving God is exactly what we need right now. Our little church is just going through so many struggles right now, that we just need some uplifting encouragment. Beth keeping doing what you are doing.