Lisa-Jo Baker
About the Author

Lisa-Jo Baker is a bestselling author, lapsed lawyer, and current acquisitions editor for HarperCollins. Originally from South Africa, Lisa-Jo lives outside Washington, D.C., where she fell in love with her husband in the summer of ’96. Their story spans decades, languages, countries, books, three very opinionated teens, and one dog.

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(in)side DaySpring:
things we love
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  1. i’m confused! i want to sponsor a book – when i go to check out do i put 2 in the quantity??

  2. As my husband and I face bankruptcy, I honestly could not buy it. But, even if I don’t get the book, I thank you for the opportunity and am blessed by your generosity to those of us really slammed by this horrific economy.

  3. Hi, i reside out of United States, I hope to get a copy of the book, an e-galley copy, please.

  4. I accidentally requested a free electronic copy of the book. I am more than willing to pay for it – and have actually since ordered it from Day Spring. Is it possible to withdraw my request – or pass it to someone who needs it?

    I did Kelly’s “Ruth” last summer and LOVED it – still remember lessons from it, and apply it daily! I am so looking forward to doing this study!!


    • Hi Tanis! Yes, we can withdraw your request. Thanks for letting us know! We are looking forward to this study, too– hope you enjoy!

  5. I tried to request a copy of the book (we were out of work for 5 months) but it says my email address is invalid. I am a subscriber so I don’t know what to do next. Thanks for your help.

  6. I was so blessed to be invited by friends to do this and to be told I could get a book for free. What a ministry that is. I am a single mom with incredibly limited resources as I have chosen to stay home and school my daughter instead of working. Thank you so much.

  7. What a blessing to be able to ask for a free copy of the book! If it would be less expensive for you to provide me with an electronic copy of the book, even though I am in the US, I would be fine with that. I’m a divorced mom who homeschools her four kids, and living on child support and alimony doesn’t leave much money for purchasing books….in general, if my library doesn’t have it or I can’t borrow it, I don’t read it. One of my friends has suggested that we get together and discuss this book over the summer, so thank you very much for helping me to be able to do so!

  8. Getting in to this late. Mentioned it to a girlfriend as a summer bible study option as apparently bible studies disappear during the summer (grr). She now mentioned inviting other ladies to it, and i’m wondering if we can still do this and watch the videos and be behind?

    • Hi Luann– yes, you’ll be able to follow the videos all summer, even if you fall behind a few chapters. One way to find past videos is to scroll down to the bottom of this page and view “previous posts.” Just scroll back until you find the chapter you are looking for. Glad you and your girlfriends will be joining us!

  9. I missed the opportunity to request this book. I wish I could afford a copy but I can’t. Hopefully I can get my hands on a copy somehow.

  10. Hello I would love to receive a hard copy of the book. It isn’t for me, It if for a coworker who doesn’t have a PC. We will do as much study at work on our breaks as possible with your help. Thank you and God Bless You

  11. I just got Baptized on May 29. I’ve struggled a lot with my past and my tears. I was freed from it as I’m now a new creation in Christ. Is it possible to get a copy of The Fitting Room at a reduced price