Lysa TerKeurst
About the Author

Lysa TerKeurst is a New York Times bestselling author and speaker who helps everyday women live an adventure of faith through following Jesus Christ. As president of Proverbs 31 Ministries, Lysa has lead thousands over the past 15 years to help make their walk with God an invigorating journey. Not...

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  1. I would love to read this with my mom especially and my husband. My mom has struggled with weight loss, healthy eating habits, and negative self-esteem for as long as I can remember and I’ve followed in her footsteps, even more so these last few years. I don’t want to continue struggling with this for the rest of my life.
    As for my husband, he used to be very picky about not buying food with “bad” ingredients, such as partially hydrogenated oils, etc., but I’ve noticed as he has gotten more depressed (school, no job, etc.), his food and health rules have slacked and chips and other junk food gets bought more often and he will consume a bag of chips in just a couple of sittings, if not one.

    Thank you for the opportunity to win this great book.

  2. I would definitely read this with my husband and with my best friend in FL. I think we could all benefit greatly from this book — all for different reasons though πŸ™‚

  3. First off, Lysa, I just want to tell you how much I am loving your posts from this week. I feel like they’ve all been meant specifically for me. I have been struggling with my weight for as long as I can remember and just this week I told myself, I am going to get back on the bandwagon of caring about my weight again. I’m starting with simple things first…getting rid of soda, chips, crackers, sweets, that kind of stuff. The first few days were not fun but it’s getting easier!

    I would love, love to get my hands on a copy of your book and would love to share it with a MOPS friend of mine who I mentioned your book to a few weeks ago, and one of my sisters as well.

    thanks so much for the giveaway!

  4. I would love to read this book with my dear friends Jodi and Cristy – we all struggle with our weight and I think we could all benefit greatly from the message in this book. Thank you for the giveaways!
    Sabrina Reinhart

  5. My friends Julie & Jen have both expressed interest in reading Made To Crave (I have already ready it and can’t stop talking about how great it was!) I would love to start doing a weekly group this summer to read through this book together!

  6. Would love to win! I’d love to do this with my sister and my mom. πŸ™‚

  7. I’ve heard such wonderful things about this book and would love to share it with my sister and a good friend of mine Paula. I’m sure that reading this together would be such a blessing to each of us!

  8. My friends, Robin, Jackie and Lynda. We get together during the summer to do a study – when yours came out I just knew it had to to be the next one we did. I need it more than any of them – the second thing I thought about after making the study decision is, “What appetizers can I serve my hens???” It’s a sad state of affairs at mi casa. Thanks for this opportunity!

  9. I would love to have this package! It would be wonderful to read with my mom and my mother-in-law, 2 of the most special women in my life:)

  10. I have heard wonderful things about this book! I would love to share this with my mom and my mother in law. Just think of the impact it could have on our families!!!

  11. I would love my sister Cindy and my friend Teri. I am leading a women’s group at church but both are to far away to come. I’m down 7lbs and started to train for a 5k. Thank you for using this book with God’s Word to open my eyes

  12. I would love to read this book with my two sisters (and my husband) who are all my “bestest” friends! We lost our dear mom, unexpectedly, almost a year ago, otherwise it would have been great for my mom and “her three girls” to share this together. My sisters and I do not live in close proximity but we are sure to visit by phone, share prayer requests, and check in on each other several times a week. I am blessed that they are both believers, provide encouragement, and unconditional love! I think it would be great to share a long-distance study with them, then visit/share over the phone and via e-mail as we go through this book together. My husband and I love spending time together and have often commented on doing a study together; I think this would be the perfect study to start with.

  13. I would love to read this with my mom, and also my ladies bible study group. My mom will be turning 60 this year and has lost 28 lbs. since last year. I’m so proud of her, and I know she could benefit from reading “Made to Crave.” Also, many of the ladies in my bible study group, like me, are dieting or trying to lose weight. I haven’t read this book yet, but I’ve been drawn to it since I heard about it. I often think about the many things we try to satisfy our cravings, our sadnesses, our voids with and wonder why we don’t first go the the only one who can really satisfy all our needs. I would love to read this book and definitely plan on getting a copy one way or another, but it would be nice to win too! πŸ™‚

  14. I have a friend Leslie and Kelly that I would like do this study with – we have all struggled with our weight despite being on the Petite side Height wise! This would be an AWESOME opportunity to work together to make some long term life changes! thanks!

  15. I would love to read this book with a new friend that i have made. It’s like we are sisters that just met or the first time. Both coming from a difficult beginning, both facing struggles daily, but both never forgetting that God should be at the center of it all. It has been such a blessing to find each other. Aslo with my mom who has recently come back to God after more than 40 yrs. It has been amazing to watch as she is trusting again and starting new especially since the loss of my father a few years ago. She wants badly to lose weight, but has never found the answer (me either ).

  16. Now this is a giveaway I would love, love, love to win!! I would love to go through this book with 2 of my friends from church. We’ve been exercising together and trying to eat healthier but need to move to the next level and change our craving for food and indulgence into craving and panting after our Lord!

  17. I would love to have my sister & my friend Michelle. All 3 of us are struggling with our weight and we know we need help. We know we are trying to fill up an emotional hole with food instead of with the one who can fill every need…we just need help.

  18. I just finished Made to Crave along with the devotional. I am 30 days in and have lost 1 pound, but I feel great. god is continuing to work on my heart and I am going to start reading again. This time I like to read it with my mom. This is something we both struggle with and she has always been a spiritual leader in my life. Second, I want to read it with my accountability partner and best girlfriend!
    Thanks for all y’all do!!!

  19. I would love to do this with my friends Heidi and MaryAnn! One lives close by but it is so hard to see each other and the other is MaryAnn who moved away. We are all such good friends who enjoy worshipping the Lord! We all need to get healthier in some way or another and to be able to do it with the accountability of best friends and with help from your book would be wonderful!

  20. I would love to do this study with my two friends- Dora and Juanita! I am currently reading Made to Crave and it has changed my way of thinking completely to focus and to be consumed by my Fathers love for me! It I would love to do an more in depth Study with my two best girl friends!

  21. I would love to read this book and do the DVD study with two of my closest friends, Mary and Laura. We have done many studies together-marriage, parenting even weight loss. We all three have struggle with our weight throughout life. We are trying to make healthy choices, but would also love to do this study together. One of my friends is diabetic. I really love these girls and have been on many life journeys together and would love to Journey through Made to Crave with them as well.

  22. If I won, I would love reading this book with my mom and Cricket Hater.

  23. I would love to read this book/study with my husband and friend, Lisa…they are both at a point of wanting to become stronger in their faith and also have a desire to be healthier. I listed/followed when it was shared on K-love a few months back and have been looking forward to reading/sharing the book.

  24. I would love to read this book with my dear friends Pam and Kim. God bless you.

  25. I would love to share this with my friends Ann and Sonja. We have plans to start exercising together, and I think this book would be a huge boost to all 3 of us and help to keep us on track. We could sure use it! I’ve been wanting Made to Crave for quite some time, but it’s absolutely not in the budget–for any of us, really. Please choose us to help us on our journey!

  26. I’m moving this month and would love to read Made to Crave with two new friends I’m going to make in our new town!

  27. I would like to read this with two close friends Misty & Kristina.

  28. I was so glad to discover this book on Proverbs 31 webpage the other day. I have been struggling with weight since I had my first child 6 years ago. I have two awesome friends, Stefanie and Alisia, who are in this boat with me and would love to share in reading this together. Thank you!

  29. I would love to read this with my mom and little sister. We all need this book at this season of our lives!

  30. Hi Lysa,
    I’ve been overweight most of my life, and to be completely honest, my desires lean closer to giving my body things I “want” rather than what I don’t! I’ve just been hearing about this Made to Crave lesson in my adult Bible fellowship class! I’d like to see if there is anyway to make things easier to do better for my body! I want a desire to do right for myself! I know I make excuses, but it’s really hard to let go of what I want! I would do this study with two friends! Thanks for considering me!

  31. I am planning on doing this as a ladies Sunday School Class and having materials to share with others who may not be able to afford it would be a great blessing! I’ve thoroughly enjoyed reading the book and am confident that “He who began a good work will be faithful to complete it.”.


  32. I would love to share this with my momma and momma in law who is a new believer πŸ™‚

  33. I would share this with my sister’s Patti & Katie. Patti is far away in Oklahoma and Katie is going through some personal issues right now.

  34. Well since I already have the book and workbook, I would love 2 share it with three ladies in my church. Would love 2 form a life group starting with this study

  35. I was just thinking this morning that I need to find some friends to read Made to Crave with me this summer. My friend, Rosie, already expressed interest and I’m hopeful my friend, Mary, would read it with me, too.

  36. My sister has struggled with weight all of her life and has become very depressed over it. My husband also has very poor choices in what he eats with a refusal to watch portion control. Me- I just love chocolate! We def need your book!

  37. Hi Lysa,
    I’m a P31 gal and love reading your blog.
    I’d love to read this with my sisters Kimmie and Nikki. The three of us have struggled with weight for several years now.

    Thanks for the very generous giveaway πŸ™‚
    Fran G

  38. I am a single mom who struggles with my weight and i would love to be able to read Made to Crave with my best friend Adrienne who is also a single mom struggling in life to balance God, singleness, and her weight, and my friend Melissa who is craving God but hasn’t yet seen the connection between God and her weight. Thank you for the opportunity to possibly share this amazing book with two of my dear friends! <3

  39. I would love to read this book with my mom and my sister. All three of us have struggled with weight, self-esteem, and lack of the desire it takes to make healthy choices. My mother and sister suffer from many physical health problems due to their weight. However, they can’t seem to overcome their emotional desire to eat. I must also add that both my mom and sister are lost. I think this book would be a great way for the three of us to come together as a family and for me to show them the true power and love of our God.

  40. I would TOTALLY read this with my friends Liz and Jill. We all love the Lord and have recently made healthier food choices (losing a combined 85 lbs in the process) so I know we would “eat” it up πŸ˜‰

  41. I’m currently reading “Made to Crave” and i LOVE it! I don’t necessarily have a problem with food but i do apply much of what you write about to other aspects in my everyday life. Reading about the understanding of cravings and getting deep down to the root of any problem is so informative and i just enjoy learning something new each chapter i go through. I’d love for both my parents and a friend to read your book. All three struggle with keeping or getting weight off and since starting your book i can see where some underlying issues lie and how you, through your book, bring out ways to conquer or even accept those issues. Even those we don’t even realize are there. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed reading your book and i’ve recommended it to a lot of people! I tell them its so educational about physical, spiritual, and emotional needs and wants with a touch of just the right humor (i absolutely loved the treadmill story about your husbands ipod!!!) Thanks for writing the book Lysa, you and your ministry is such a blessing! – Adrienne

  42. I’d love for my life group of 4 to read this!! I already have the book, but have been recommending this to my life group!!

  43. I would love to share this book with my sister-in-law’s, Stacey and Kimberly. I have been telling them about how much it has helped me. Thank you and have a blessed day.

  44. I would love to go through this study with my teenage daughter and my daughter-in-law. In think it would be a blessing for us to grow closer together as we study and support each other. It can only make our family stronger as we grow closer to our Father!

  45. I didn’t read your book when it first came out b/c I’ve tried everything! Then I found it again and the bookstore only had one copy, so I decided I’d grab it! Changed my life! Told several girlfriends about it and would love to have this package to share with my friend Jolie and Shonda! Am reading again every day as part of my devotional life, take it with me everywhere I go! Plus it led me to another of your Bible Studies “Becoming More Than A Good Bible Study Girl!” Just completed with 3 other friends! We love you, Lysa and what you’ve allowed God to do through you!

  46. I would love to win this book. I’ve read the first few chapters but I got it from the library and had to return it before I could finish. From what I read its a great resource!

  47. We have a First Place 4 Health group at our church and we just finished up a 12-week session. We decided to read your book in between sessions and talk about it through our Facebook group. I can’t wait to get started reading it with my friends Kathy and Joy!

  48. Name just 2 ?!?! There are so many I would like to share this with, my husband, Debbie, Wendy, Brenda, my sister, my daughter…………to name a few, lol! I have just started this journey and have been convicted this is not a diet but a spiritual committment, wow, that makes me think differently. I need to loose weight for my health and to be able to serve the Lord and others. One of the changes I am going to make this summer is to begin and commit to exercise 30 minutes a day. Thank you Lysa for your genuine, straight talk, encouraging words!

  49. Well, I actually already have the Made To Crave book. I’m about half-way through and I love it! Although, I do not have the workbook or the dvd and would love to use both. I would love to read this book with two of my best friends. And, since I already have a copy of the book, I would give the extra copy to my mother. This book is such an amazing blessing! Thank you!

  50. I would LOVE to win the friend pack!!! My wonderful friends and sisters in Christ, Abby and Kristi. I have heard so many WONDERFUL things about this book!!!!

  51. Thank you SO much for yesterday’s giveaway – this could not have come at a more perfect time for me. I have so enjoyed all your posts this week. Now I have to get out and purchase the book so I can read it along with the workbook. I’d love to share this with any of the beautiful women at my church, but, after reading all the other responses and since I already won yesterday, there are so many other women who would be blessed by this giveaway. Thank you again for sharing with us here on incourage this week. It has been a HUGE blessing!

  52. I would love to read this book with my friends Heather and Paula. We all need to make healthier choices, and this would help us be an encouragement to one another! Thanks!

  53. We are going to be starting your Made to Crave series this summer as a small group discussion. There are 7 women in the group, so a couple of free copies would be amazing! We are all shapes and sizes, but all feeling the need to get more God and less food in our lives. God bless all that you are doing to help women!

  54. I have been tring to get our church ladies to do Made to Crave. This would be great to win all this. I would do it with my daughter and a lady that is wanting to do some type of Bible study this summer.

    Have wanted to read this book ever since it came out.


  55. I would like to read this with my Women’s Bible study group this summer – Karen, Laurie, and Marla. We’ve already been doing a study about our heart’s deepest desires and how God gave them to us to draw us in longing to Himself. And the issue of food/dieting/body image keeps coming up week after week in our various discussions. I think your book could be such a helpful and freeing tool for us as women. Thank you for writing it!

  56. This book has already changed my life! Would love to lead it as a small group at my church and see who God brings!

  57. My mom and sister are the two I would like to start this journey with. We all struggle with our weight loss and have our entire lives. What a great book to share with them. πŸ™‚

  58. So encouraging Lisa the vlogs and messages out of ‘MTC”
    The p31 ministry is so close to my heart…I’m thankfull i found it online years ago and could connect with sisters in the online community
    I so wish and pray oneday more woman in holland will come to know your ministry!
    Maybe translations in DUTCH of your books Lisa!!
    Anyways i love to read this “MTC” book with an sister friend who i know since secondary school and it would be awesome if my husband will read ‘MTC” also…..
    Now while writing i realize both of them have health issues what will benefit from loosing weight…..But to grow spiritually together in the Lord i look forward too….

    Thanks for everything Lisa

  59. I would love to read this with my mom and one of my sweetest dearest friends (Anita πŸ™‚ I have to remind myself to stay encouraged – the best way to do that obviously is God’s word! and he sends dear people into our lives to encourage us as well. If we win I’m sure we could put a group together to share with πŸ™‚

  60. My best friend Kym and my wonderful sister in law Kristie. I think doing it together would allow us to encourage eachother along the journey!

  61. I would share this with the girls in my bible study because we are ALL going through a ‘diet / exercise’ phase. Some have chosen to do things an easier way by going on a low, low, low calorie diet, water pill and appetite supressent while the rest of us are finding exercises we enjoy, making healthier eating choices and praying for God’s strength. This book would really help those who have chosen the ‘cheater way’ (their words, not mine) to see that this change needs to be a God centered choice.

  62. I would love to read this book with my mom and mother-in-law. I think we would all benefit from it and grow closer together.

  63. Oh! I have two friends that I’ve talking to about your book! I’d love to read it with them. We are all three army wives who have just found each other and we seem to be kindred spirits! In fact we are the choir directors at our church together. One is the little cherubs director, I’m the kids praise choir director, and the other is the Youth choir director! We are just soul sisters and this book just reaches right out to my soul and stirs it and I’d love to share it with my friends, Carla and Kathy. We’ve been talking about doing this for awhile now but have been slow to do so. This just might the kick in the pants we need! Thanks.

  64. My Bible study group at church just finished “Becoming More Than A Good Bible Study Girl” . . . WOW . . . it was amazingly transforming!!!
    I would love to read “Made To Crave” with my mom and my big sis . . . we all struggle with filling our ’emptiness’ with food rather than God. We have all struggled with our weight. I really hope I am picked to receive the friendship package.
    GOD BLESS YOU, Lysa!

  65. This is an easy one for me! I would love to do this with my two very best friends: Paula and Courtney. Both of them are fairly new Christians and I’m so excited to know that I’ll be spending eternity with both of them! Thanks!

  66. I would love to share this with my Mom who has struggled with her weight her whole life. She is a beautiful and supportive person who always puts others needs before her own. I also have a great friend who struggles with weight and food issues who is very supportive. These 2 people are the ones who, I feel, understand what I deal with and struggle with daily. Made to Crave could be the “light-bulb moment” we all need!

  67. I would really like to share this book with my girlfriend who doesn’t attend a church regularily. We have struggled with weight loss together, even going to Weight Watchers a few years ago. My other friend is also struggling with health issues and weight and it would be so nice if the 3 of us would take time together to grow and encourage each other.

  68. My sister and my best friend — we all live in different cities but this could be a great connection over the miles!

  69. I would.share it with my BFF and all the ladies… I have been wanting

  70. Would love to share this with my mother in law and my mom! I think it would be a blessing and bring us all closer together. It would be a blessing to me because my mother does not attend church and I think this would be a non-threatening way to share Jesus with her.

  71. I would love for some of my friends from church to read this with me. January B is our Childrens Pastor and Sandy W. is an amazing lady who struggles daily trying to find a job and trying to get back on her feet.

    When I walk through a crowd of people now and I see people who are overweight, I now wonder what their hurt is that made them stop taking care of themselves by eating too much and how could I help them change the way they feel and think about food.

  72. Hello,

    I have the devotional but I would love to read the book Made to Crave with my best friend and my sister πŸ™‚
    Thanks for all your encouraging words.

  73. I would love to read this book with several of my friends from church, but since one of them is thinking of buying the group-study materials and leading it as a group,I’d have to say that I’d like to read it with my mom and my sister, both of whom live far away, but we could swap the DVD and read it together and chat online and on the phone about it. πŸ™‚

  74. I would love to do this with my friends Mindi and Tina! We are all currently on a journey to be healthier and it would be so fun to do this together!

  75. I would love to read this with my two friends, Lisa and Cheryl. We are, ahem, let’s face it, at the time in our lives where metabolism changes and it is just plain harder to maintain where we want to be. We are all healing from our own stories and desire to be women who follow God’s plan.

  76. I’m gonna make sure (even if I don’t win!) that my daughter, my sister and her daughters all have a copy! I want God to receive all the glory for the victory over this struggle with overeating! Thanks so much, Lysa for your encouragement!

  77. There are so many people that I know need to read this book. But the most important ones to me are my two sisters, Amy and Brooke.

  78. I would read this book with my friends Sandra and Cindy! We recently held a Beth Moose Bible Study on our job, during lunch. How cool is that! We’d loved to do this one!

  79. I have two sweet girl friends that are battling through weight loss, healthy eating and exercise with me — all long distance via email. I think reading and working through this together would be another tool for us to fight the lies that we tell ourselves.

  80. I would study it with Susan and Jana! What a blessing that would be.

  81. Fun giveaway! I’d like to read it with my small group – just finishing up a Beth Moore and ready for something new!

  82. I would love to do this study with my two dear friends Debra and Jackie. As friends we have a unique situation which over time,and much prayer, we have been able to get through it with God’s grace and a good sense of humor! You see Debra has Parkensins Disease and I have Multiple Sclerosis….. as for Jackie….we lovingly depend on her for many things : we call our driver, the sane one, our rock. Because of the limitations we have from our diseases and the treatments (ie steroids and many other medicines) we struggle with our weight and often are very discouraged by it. I think your book/workbook Bible study would be an awesome thing for us to do together… draw us closer to the Lord, hold each other accountable and learn to depend on God and not food when the discouragement of our diseases bring us down. We go to the beach each sumer for a week for rest and renewal and I can not think of a better study for us to do during this time!

  83. Dear Lysa, what a generous offer you have here today! And so many women who can use this kind of encouragement! I have struggled with my weight and food issues forever. My mom accused me of being bulimic when I was about 12, though I wasn’t, and it really tore me apart. I have health and hormone issues now that are making it hard, but I do exercise and eat right, so at least I’m fit, even if I can’t lose the last 10-15lbs. I would share the books with one of my sisters and a sister-in-law who really need this message, too. I think most women need to embrace the fact that we aren’t the sum of what we look like or what we weigh…we are the sum of what Christ did for us and the beautiful way that the Lord knit us together. Love to everyone on here today!

  84. I would share this amazing book with two friends who are sharing the same struggle I am. I pray it would be a blessing to not only their weight loss but to them as they struggle with questions of faith as well! Thank you, Lysa!

  85. I would love to read this with my friends Sara and Sandy! Can’t wait to read how God has worked in Lysa’s life to share this message.

  86. I would love to go through this book with Sarah and Rachelle, two ladies in my small group. We have recently started walking together in the evenings. This would be a great book to study together. Thank you.

  87. I am in the middle of this book. What GREAT truths. Thank you Lysa. I want SO badly for my mom and my sis to read this book. Thanks!

  88. I would love to read Made to Crave with my friend April and my mom. :0) I think all three of us desperately need to learn what this book is trying to teach us!

  89. I would love to read this with my 2 adult daughters. I love this book and know that it would be such an encouragement to them and their daughters. Allowing God to be at the center of everything we do, including what we put in our mouths. thank you Lysa for sharing your story so that all of us can experience life change!

  90. I would like to read this book this summer with my good friend Emily and either my friend Julia or my husband. My husband is already on the track to healthy eating, and I think this would only do more to encourage him. My friend Emily is due to have a baby in June, and has said that after the baby is born she really wants to get on a healthy eating plan. I think this would be a great tool for her. My friend Julia is always looking for ways to be more healthy and to grow in her relationship with the Lord, so this would be a perfect study for her as well. And this is something I definitely need. I have been struggling with weight issues, and well I know that some of it is due to medical issues, it is still dragging me down in every area of my life.

  91. I would like to read this with my friend Sue and niece Lisa. A study group would be awesome with Made To Crave!

  92. I think reading this with my sister & my aunt would be good. Honestly I can think of many others who I could read with, so a study group would be great idea like Priscilla said in her comment.

  93. I would probably choose to do the DVD and workbooks here with two friends–Angie and Julie. But, I have a friend stationed overseas right now that I think would benefit greatly as well–so maybe I could send it to her when we were done!

  94. First of all, let me just say that I never win anything. Praise God salvation is freely given by our Precious Savior because I would have not won it; and I certainly would not have been able to afford it. In addition, I have never ever left a comment anywhere…… here goes.
    I would like to read this book this summer with two amazing women of faith, my younger sister Debbie (newly retired after 20 years in the Navy following multiple injuries to her back). Yet she consistently gives of herself to all around her with such zeal and passion that oftentimes I feel ashamed of my own lackluster efforts. Because of the back injuries (and emotional trauma from childhood) she has gained a considerable amount of weight. This book would help to remind her just how precious she is to our savior and to me.
    The second person would have been my older sister Jan, however she died last year at 48 years old due to a massive heart attack and stroke. She did not have any warning. I miss her a lot. But just as in everything else she is first. The first one of the family to see JESUS!!!
    So I pick my good fried Linda who has been helping me to be consistent with my walking exercises. She is a true Titus 2 woman. She is 64 years old so just the crazy “hormonies” is resulting in increased weight gain for her. Yet she takes the time to encourage me.
    Who am I? A simple woman undeserving of the grace of Elohim and the Sacrifice of Jesus. I am a wife to a very patient man of God, mother to a prodigal daughter grandmother of a 3 year old grandson and daughter to a strong Jamaican woman, sister to 3 siblings, aunt to 3 nieces and 1 nephew. And completely and profoundly ashamed of myself because due to my profession as I should know better.
    I have failed so many times that I…..thank you for this opportunity

  95. I have a women’s bible study that I’ve been meeting with for 9 months now. We are just finishing up a study and I would love to read your book together over the summer. The issues from your book are things that all 6 of us struggle with. So, Lynette, Lynette, Lori, Lori, Bernice, and I would all share the experience.

  96. I’d like to read this / do the study with my bff Liz and her mom, Kay. We all discuss our weight loss efforts (well, actually, our need to make weight loss efforts) and we all know that with God, we can achieve our goals. So I think we would enjoy doing this study together.

  97. I would actually like to read this book with my homegroup! We have several in our group that have a food struggle, but more than that, a craving struggle. We need freedom!

  98. Would love to do this with my friends Sandra and Kim this summer! πŸ™‚ Thanks for the chance to win!

  99. I would love to read this with my mom and my friend Wendi. All 3 of us have weight to lose and just can’t seem to put forth the effort to accomplish our goals. This book sounds like it would be the right inspiration and change that we need. And I think it would be really cool to do it as a Bible study / accountability thing. What a great giveaway and thank you for the opportunity!

  100. I’d like to share it with my bff and my daughters. Food plays such a complex role in our lives and not until we understand our cravings can we get relief. Thank you for your generous offer.

  101. I’d love to do this study with my two co-workers, Pam & Diane. We’re all on staff at church, and I think we could be a great “pilot” group before sharing this with our Women’s Ministries team. πŸ™‚

    Thanks, Lysa, for everything you do!

  102. I would love to share this with my best friend Tiffany Androsik and my daughter Amber Jeffrey. This would just simply be wonderful!

  103. I read your book already and found it so helpful with my walk with the Lord. At the same time I was reading, one of our Wed Night ladies had a prayer request she just found out her health was not that well. So I share with the group your book. It would be a blessing having this chance to win! This summer will be working in our health and spirit this summer we would “walk & worship our life to health”.
    Thank you

  104. I would love to share this with my friend Becky and Lynne. This looks like a great book.

  105. I would like to read with my pastor’s wife – I shared what I am learning with her last night, and my sister-in-law, who deals with the same struggles as I.

  106. I’d share this with my sister especially (we’ve both been struggling with our weight) and with a college friend that I’ve only recently reconnected with. She’s been on FB but we’ve started talking more, and she’s mentioned weight stuff. She’s in Ohio, I think, but I’d love to mail it to her. πŸ™‚ I’d share it with Hubby, too, but since it’s geared toward girls, I don’t know if he’ll latch on or not. πŸ™‚ Thanks, Lysa!

  107. I read this book and it has changed my life in away I can not explain. I am planning on starting a small group this summer. I would really love to read and study this book with my friend Jackie, her daughter is moving away to collage this summer and I think she could use the encouragment in her life right now. The second friend I would love to study this book with is my friend Esther, I think God will speak to her the way he has spoken to me thru this book and completely change her life. Thanks for your courage to share Lysa, you are amazing!

  108. I would love to do this with my sister, Judy, and my co-worker, Tisha. Personally I have the problem of eating too much of everything. I generally have self-control in what kinds of foods I eat because I LOVE to cook from scratch. My sister, however, could not be more different. She heads through the drive thru or buys the most convenient foods possible, which as we all know are not convenient for nutrition. My co-worker, Tisha, is a super busy person and doesn’t get to the planning portion of bringing food and ends up eating junk instead though she wants to change. I just know with each of this attacking in our different mindsets, it will prove to be thoroughly enlightening!
    Thank you so much for this work of love, Lysa!

  109. oh i am so praying that i win this~! i would love to read this with my friends bethany and dane. we have been using weight watchers which i think is great but is OBVIOUSLY missing you point of finding the want to through god.

  110. I would like to read this with my husband and 10 year old daughter. We have been slowly making changes to the way we eat in an effort to live a healthier lifestyle. My daughter has been increasing making negative comments about herself. She recently became a christian and I have been giving her scripture to encourage her and hopefullfy teach her how special and beautiful she is to God.

  111. I would share this with my friend Lindsay, and my small group! I am finally finishing up my spring classes after juggling my son’s Cerebral Palsy stuff and my other daughters (we have 2 all the time and other times we have our other 3 daughters) and I’m in desperate need of something to focus my study this summer that’s not just about my degree! I have yo-yoed and am working to get an scholarship for our local YMCA, but have other issues at home for my husband and I won’t share here, but NUTRITION is super important for us to get right and to recognize the relationship we’re meant to have with God and not with out food. ; ) Kudos on the book and may you be blessed as much as it will bless others.

  112. I already bought my copy. . I am on page 52. I just started reading Sunday. Weighed for the first time in years on Monday. . .with a girlfriend who just wrote the # on a piece of paper. .did not tell me what it was. Next Monday she will weigh me again and tell me I went down.
    Anyway. . would love the friendship pack so I could invite 3 gals from church to do this together. . .

  113. I would like to read “Made to Crave” with my sister-in-law and my friend Rolida. We get together every Sunday before church to weigh in, encourage each other, and pray for one another.

  114. I would love to read this with two great friends form church, Melanie and Brenda. We have all 3 struggled with weight, which has become an even more difficult struggle since having children.

  115. Marybeth and Sandy…two of my dearest friends and kindred spirits:) These ladies bless me so much…

  116. I would share this with 2 of my friends. I love your videos, so inspiring. I feel I am on a journey of…kids are older…can now take care of me more.

  117. I’d read this with my 2 sisters! I am in desperate need of this program as I am weighing in at 388 pounds and stand at 5’2. We were raised by both parents, my father being an alcoholic. We learned to cope with his addiction with food as a comforter. We’re all grown women now, but have not been able to break out of the bondage/addiction to food. Please help us. Blessings.

  118. I would love to share this with my friend Jessica, as we have been having conversations about our struggles in this exact area the past couple days! I’d also love to share it with my mom. I would love to see all three of us set free in this area! Thanks so much for a great giveaway! I would also then purchase two extra copies for my mother-in-law and sister-in-law. Man, you are so right…it is a very common struggle for pretty much every woman I know! This book seems like it puts it in such great perspective! Can’t wait to read it and claim victory that is already mine in Christ!

  119. I’d love to share this with two special Melissa’s in my life. Thanks for sharing about Made to Crave this week & for the giveaway.

  120. I would share it with Shannon and Tammy. My soul sisters and fellow Jesus girls that I can always turn too.

  121. Thank you Lysa, I just read that I won in yesterday’s giveaway. It really shocked me because I wasn’t thinking about winning anything when I posted my comment. God bless you and thank you so much. What a blessing for Mother’s day!

  122. I would love to read this with my mom and my aunt. We are l strong Christian women but yet are cravings are a little off. I want to share this physical and spiritual journey with them both!!

  123. this book is changing my thinking and making things so clearly! I can’t stop reading it! Thank you for your obedience! I have struggled for years with weight issues and I see now that there is HOPE! The first chapter alone confirmed many issues that God has been speaking to me about! thank you again may God richly bless you!

  124. I would love to read Made to Crave with a college friend that lives about 2 hours away from me and possibly a ‘future sis-in-law’. I think it would be wonderful to bond with them through this book.

  125. I would love to do this study w/ 2 friends from my SS class. One has a prayer request every week about eating habits, and the other has shared her continual struggles w/food. I myself am feeling totally defeated in this area, and I was thinking that an accountability partner to go through this, with me, would be great. What great timing!

  126. Three is a wonderful number for small group study and fun! I want to share this experience with My two best friends Joyce and Sheena!

  127. I would just love to share this book with my mom. She has been through so much, and I feel like this book would speak to her ways that would bless her immensely. She does so much for those around her, I would love to be able to do something for her and sharing this wonderful book would be such an honor. Thank you for writing it!

  128. I plan to read it this summer with my friend Ann, and my friend Shirley. I would really like to get a small group at my church involved with the DVD and participants guide as well. We’ve discussed our struggles with weight and food, and it would be a great thing to do together!

  129. I would love to read this with my group of 23 women that are currently doing One Thousand Gifts book club. So at least my self, Amy, Mary, Tracey, Lynn, Barb, etc… I’d love to share it with other women in our church and have a whole bunch of us reading this and getting our lives healthier!

  130. I wish I would have saw this! I just got the 21 day devotional and didn’t realize there were other things that went with it! It sounds like a good study and I’m really glad I have the devotional πŸ™‚

  131. I would love to share this book with my daughter-in-law and her mother. We all are struggling with our weight. I am an emotional eater and use food to cope. I was always slim when I was younger and never had a weight issue until after I had my children. Now I know I need to make healthier choices but just haven’t been able to find the motivation to do so.

  132. This post really read my mail! All the things you said you struggled with I am currently struggling with. I want SO BADLY to crave God more than ANYTHING else. I struggle daily wit the”why is God enough for me when He proves over and over to me that He is CRAZY about me?” This book sounds wonderful. I’m really enjoying your posts. Hopefully, one day before He calls me home, I am hoping to find the freedom God offers me everyday.

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