Lisa-Jo Baker
About the Author

Lisa-Jo Baker is a bestselling author, lapsed lawyer, and current acquisitions editor for HarperCollins. Originally from South Africa, Lisa-Jo lives outside Washington, D.C., where she fell in love with her husband in the summer of ’96. Their story spans decades, languages, countries, books, three very opinionated teens, and one dog.

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  1. I ask if everyone to pray for my mom, Emily Javier. She was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer on March 9. She’s had her ups and down ~ one complication after another. By God’s grace she’s been able to overcome all of them. Her mind is very sharp and alert but her body is just so weak. Together let’s storm the heavens with our prayers. I’ve attached her caring bridge website. Please feel free to drop in a note and just reassure her that everything will be ok. Thank you and God bless!

    • Hi Claudia,

      I will keep your mother in my prayers. Mine was also diagnosed with pancreatic cancer about a month ago. She has surgery on May 31 to see if most of it can be removed. It is remarkable how such news has brought me through a healing process – taking hold of the things that are truly important, like trusting the Lord no matter what.
      Again, you and your mother will be in my prayers. Thanks for sharing.

  2. please pray for me as i try to take the step of faith to become a christian. as i try to recognise jesus as my saviour. please pray for me to experience the holy spirit.

    • johanna, step by step, He is there. it may not always be easy, and it may not always be clear, but this decision will change the course of your life in amazing ways.

  3. Johanna, I will pray for you! You cannot go wrong with this step of faith you are about to take!

    Please pray that I would get an offer on my condo, soon! I know its not my timing its his and its his plan not mine. But I need to know do I let my girl sign up for sports this fall and then only to find out we move?? If its not the plan God has for us then I ask him to please let me know that also! My 2nd request is for safe and civil travels next month. My ex-husband and I agreed to take our children to Disney together. This trip has been in the works for 2 years now with his family. He was up in the air this whole time until last month as to whether or not he would even take them. I’ ve been pushing it since they have been in the conversations with the grandparents about the trip! So he asked if I would like to go to be a part of the kids 1st trip to Disney. I agreed but with boundaries between us. Pray for me to be able to set these boundaries and MAINTAIN those boundaries.


  4. Lisa, I do pray that the Lord would intervene in your circumstances and orchestrate and make clear the path for you and your kids.

    I ask for prayer for my business. I continue to struggle with debt, and I just ask that you would pray for an increase in my business, that the Lord would send more good clients my way, that I might continue to work hard to steward these gifts and dig my small family out of this bondage, with His help.

  5. Please pray on whether I should end a friendship or not. It is a friendship that can be exhausting being the encourager. It’s also one that my words and actions get twisted so that I look like the bad guy. The friend is hurting and needs friends, but I am not sure at what cost to me and the hurt it causes. I love this person, but am begining to think that they need to figure things out on their own. Thanks

  6. Praying Sonya for God to give you guidance in your friendship.

    My hours keep getting cut at work and I pray that God will keep walking us through it! I am hoping that they will be restored soon but we just don’t know when that’s gonna happen.

  7. Oh Holly, I am praying for your job situation and your hours.

    My request, too, is for a new job that will help better provide for my family.

  8. Will pray right now for God’s provision for another Amanda behind me! 🙂

    Pls pray for a clean bill of health for me this Thursday. My first-ever abnormal pap, and procedure to check further is Thursday. I am admittedly a little uneasy. Pls pray for me to take thoughts captive and for peace.

  9. Amanda, praying you will find the job the God has planned for you!

    If you could please say a prayer for me in finding new connections and friendships – I am a mom of 4 and consumed with the day to day with my kids and need someone to share my struggles as a mom and woman. I have many friends who are non believers and I am feeling the natural pulling away as I look for friends with the joy of the Holy Spirit. Thanks!

    • Shannon, I have felt that way before. I will definitely be praying for you. As a mother of 3 small children, I understand the great need for support and fellowship with Christian friends. Praying for you now!


    • Shannon, praying for you as you work through this time. I see my friends with multiple kids getting together at one anothers’ homes so the kids all play together while the ladies grab coffee in the kitchen. Keep seeking His face and He will bring to you those best for you right now. Hang in there mama!

  10. I want to start by saying what a blessing this blog post is! I’m so thankful for the gift of prayer and Christian fellowship. Please pray for more faith. I’m temporarily the sole income for my family of five as my husband finishes seminary. This past week I haven’t been able to work due to sickness and then due to too much staff and too little patients at the hospital (I’m a nurse). No work=no money. Sounds so small in comparison to these other prayer requests I’ve been reading, but the pressure is very real to me. I’m ashamed of my weak faith. Thank you for praying!

    • Hi Judith – praying for you right now – I have felt how uncertainty in my life definitely tests my faith – I don’t think our Father wants you to feel ashamed – He loves you and has a plan! Just like we exercise to keep our muscles strong, God gives us situations to strengthen our faith and trust.

    • “I believe! Forgive my unbelief!” It was a admired cry of a man thousands of years ago, and it can be your cry now. Release the shame, as there is no condemnation in Christ. These times are hard–admitting they are hard is not a sign of weak faith. It is an opportunity to speak the truth and lean hard on Him.

    • Judith,
      God bless ya for raising 5 kids! The Lord has been speaking to me lately about seasons. This season of your life may feel trying but it’s only to further develop you into what God has for you. James 1:2-4 is so reassuring to me. And remember, no concern is small to God. If it matters to us, then it matters to Him because WE matter to Him!
      Love you!

  11. I go back to work tomorrow after a 9 week maternity leave, I have discovered I’m highly addicted to sugar, can’t keep our checkbook balanced and I’m trying to stay off my antidepressants! Whew! Lord save me! I covet your prayers!

    • Prayers for you for a productive return to work (if you are like I was, that just means that you make it through the day without using a whole box of Kleenex). I’ll pray for you tomorrow, as well. May God’s peace and wisdom guide you and overflow into your job. And may God watch over your little one as well =)

      • Thank you Lauren! Today was GREAT! I made it through the day. It helps that I work in a wonderful school (and that there’s only 6 more days of school left!!) I felt your prayers. Thank you!

    • Jill, I encourage you to stay on your anti-depressants. Assuming you are actively under a doctor’s care and have been given the correct prescription and dosage, anti-depressants are very important for treating diagnosed mental health issues. Think of it this way….if you were diagnosed with another major health problem (i.e. cancer, pneumonia, appendicitis, etc.) you probably wouldn’t try to avoid medical care, attention, and treatment. You would do what you need to do to have it treated. In other words, it wouldn’t be an act of your will that would heal you (God could, yes! ). You would follow the advice of a doctor whom God led you to. Please see your mental health in the same way. Please consider the option of staying on your medication as the STRONG and COURAGEOUS decision. Don’t concern yourself right now with worries about whether or not you will always need to take medication–perhaps you will…perhaps you won’t. Keep prioritizing your health so that you can continue to care for your new baby and family. Taking your anti-depressants may actually be more important now, as you enter back into the workforce and back into potential stressors for you and your family. Please be encouraged.

      • Thank you Martha for your prayers and concern. My main concern about going on my medicine is that I’m nursing and don’t necessarily want my baby to get what I’m taking. The doctor I see wasn’t very sure on what passes the milk barrier, so I’m praying for God’s peace about this. I’m also seeking more natural ways to help me so I’m able to help my family. Thank you so much for your encouraging words!!!

  12. Been a good week here, but I’d love for you to pray for it to stay that way. I still so much struggle in being a good Mom that demonstrates patience and self-control. My biggest prayer is for my family. Thank you for this community =)

  13. Jill- I will be praying for you, your family and your precious baby. I have a 6 week old baby and I understand how hard it cab be juggling everything. I will pray for you to feel rested and that God will help you as you navigate the working world.

    Please pray for our family as we make decisions about whether or not I should return to work or stay home with our baby girl. I am really trying to seek out God’s wisdom. We will be ok financially if I don’t work but we won’t be meeting some financial goals- saving, retirement, vacations, etc.

    Thank you!

    • Erin,
      what a wonderful and exciting decision you all are about to make. I will definitely pray for wisdom for you all. Remember, this time of your life is made for you to “invest” in your little one. You all are essentially training a human and this is an investment for eternity! I’ll also pray that God gives you and your husband creative ways to meet other things (cheap vacations, ways to save money,etc.)

  14. Erin, I pray that God will guide you as you make this decision, and give you the wisdom you need as a new mom!
    I would appreciate your prayers for my family, particularly for my husband. Various stresses in life have made mood swings a lot more pronounced, and are tough on the rest of us. Please pray that he will grow in his awareness of GOd’s faithfulness, love and care, and pray that the rest of us will have wisdom and patient endurance as we deal with this situation. Thank you.

  15. I am a military wife and a mother of an 18 month old little girl and my husband is deployed until fall so right now so some days are better than others. Counting the days is a normal thing for us because we miss him so bad and want him to be home with us now! I just ask for prayers for my husband to stay safe and prayers that we can keep busy and that I can continue to be the strong woman God has made me.

    • Oh Karlee, I am not a military wife, but a military best friend through two deployments, with a third coming soon. The pressure is different than if I were a military wife, but I understand the long days, the hesitancy to watch the news knowing that the information is outdated and often not quite accurate. And I understand the precious moments when the phone rings and you catch your breath, hoping it is him. I also understand the never-spoken-about fear when the doorbell rings. Know there is another who knows a bit of what you are feeling. God is there–and what a glorious reunion when your husband returns in the fall!

  16. What a lovely community, sharing God’s grace. Karlee – I pray that God keeps your family safe until you are all reunited.
    I would appreciate prayers for me and the man I love. While I see this life together, he is not sure. I am trying to find comfort in God’s plan for both of us, be that together or separate. Trying to remember that everything is God’s will is sometimes hard.

  17. I have been praying that God would show me what He has for me. I am faced with an opportunity with my career which is totally away from where my passion has always been. I am struggling to know if fear is keeping me from pursuing this opportunity, or if I truly just do not have enough passion for this line of work. This opportunity came to me after I poured my heart out to God, and my sister had brought up this line of work as a possibility just the day before I received the unexpected news of opportunity through someone who I would have never dreamed would offer anything like this for me. I feel I need confirmation from God that this IS indeed the path He wants me to take. I am ready for it if this is truly what He wants for me.
    I will be praying for Karlee as she deals with the challenges of being a military wife. Thank you Karlee, for you and your family’s sacrifice. May God richly bless you and love on you in the days to come!

  18. I am praying for you all.
    I am struggling with keeping my 8 year old son a healthy weight. I try to keep him active but everywhere, he is offered food – candy, chips, soda etc….. please pray for him to make healthy choices, to stay active and to know that God loves him!

    • Victoria, I will be praying for you. It is a lot of HARD work to parent by example, so I will pray that you will have the strength to model an active lifestyle and healthy eating. Can I offer a suggestion?? I am an elementary school teacher and I find sometimes that it is easy to reward my students with food (i.e. candy, ice cream parties, etc.). I have been working hard this school year to avoid that. Instead, I reward with pats on the back, high fives, kind words of encouragement, “public” praise in the classroom/school, extra time for favorite activities, non-food items/privileges, etc. Perhaps this same idea might also work for you at home.

      My prayer request is for the man God is preparing for me. And that I will be ready and willing to accept whomever that man may be. I’m struggling with trusting that God understands and knows the desires of my heart.

  19. Martha, praying for you as you put your future relationships in God’s hand. All things work out in his timing.

    The biggest prayer request that I have right now is finding a new child care provider for our 1.5 year old daughter when our current nanny moves away (she has been such a blessing but is entering a new season of her life which is unfortunately taking her away earlier than we thought). My husband and I are both active duty navy so staying home is not an option at this time. Pray that we can find another Christian provider. Thank you!

    • Hi Danica,
      I read your post and wanted to inquire about being a nanny for your daughter. I am 23 years old and looking for work! I was working for a non-profit for a few months and left because it was not a good fit for me. Please e-mail me if you’re interested in talking with me! 🙂

    • Danica,
      We are also a Navy family! I will pray you find an amazing provider because I know how stressful it can be to be worried about your job and your child.

  20. Martha – I am praying for you now…praying that God first continues to mold and make you into the woman He desires…praying that you are able to rest and continue to trust in Him…praying for that future husband that He too submits himself to God’s loving conformation of himself into the character of Christ. Dear sister, please wait upon Him for His choice …

    My request is… I’m 48 years old, still struggling with connecting, with belonging. I’m at times bound by my past, discontent with my present and unsure of the future. I know, trust, believe in and have experienced God’s amazing love and grace so many times since He lovingly pulled me from my miry pit. Unsure of why I am still in this place inside my soul. Thank you.

    • Beverly, I am praying for you….Lord, please reveal to Beverly any lies that she may be believing about herself and telling herself. Once again bring her awareness to your truth, grace, peace, and provision. Continue to breathe calm and assurance into her heart and mind. Fulfill her unmet needs, Lord. Cause her to lay them before you and look for how you are meeting them. Remind her that there is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. Continue to renew her mind, Lord. Whisper sweet nothings in her ear as you bless her body, soul, and spirit. Thank you for Beverly, Lord.

    • Beverly I cried when I read your prayer request. I am 43, starting over and a new phase of life as an empty nester in a new location dealing with serious medical issues. I too am bound by my past, discontent with my present and unsure of the future. I cried because I keep my struggles hidden away from family, wearing an “it’s fine, everything is fine mask”. I have no friends. When I read your post the emotion just came flooding forth and I sobbed in pain.

      I pray for you that you have patience and faith with your journey. Pray for me to have the strength and faith necessary in this dark phase of my life.

  21. Danica – I posted my reply to Martha’s request at the same time as you.

    First, thank you to you and your husband for the amazing sacrifice of your time and talents to serve this great country. I for one appreciate knowing there are men and women like you defending our freedoms.

    Will be praying that God opens the door to the right person at the right time who will meet your need of care for your precious little one.

  22. A dear friend and her family are moving to Australia on May 31st (military move).
    In the meantime, her father has contracted an infection in his chemotherapy medication port (he’s in the last stages of cancer).
    And, while visiting her husband in the hospital, my friend’s mother’s heart completely stopped beating. They restarted her heart, but she was placed in a medical coma and “chilled” on Friday, and is being brought” back up” today. No one knows, yet, what she is facing.
    This family needs calm and guidance to face the coming changes.

  23. I’m praying for your friends family. That God would help them trust Him even when they don’t understand what the end of this will be. I pray for healing for both parents and for safety for their family.

    My husband and I are having our second child in August, and we are looking to buy a house. We have a contract on one right now, and are waiting to hear from the bank wether or not they will sell it to us. Please pray that God would provide for us in this way, wether its the home we are looking at now or another one.

    • Amanda, I pray that God will give you peace for His will & that you will know without a shadow of a doubt the way He has for you to go. I pray that this baby will grow healthy and be a beautiful blessing to your family. I pray that your first child will embrace this baby when it comes and that there will be no jealousy, but just an increase in love. I pray that your pregnancy and delivery will be healthy and smooth. Lastly, I pray that God would provide a home for you and your family that is perfect for all your needs. Amen. 🙂

  24. I am in the midst of trying to get a job. Please pray that God will give me peace & patience for His perfect timing. Thanks!

  25. Lord, I ask you to let your presence be felt during Michelle’s job hunt. She knows of your perfect timing in finding the job that will meet her and her future employer’s needs. Amen.

    At this time of year, I always think of those graduating from high school and college and ask for prayers for God’s guidance in their next step of life.

  26. I am praying for all those listed – including those graduating from high school and college – that God guide them and be with them and show the graduates the next step to take in life.

    My prayer request is for me – for God to remove the enemy that is keeping me paralyzed, stuck and afraid. Thank you.

  27. Stacey, I pray that God bless you with the strength, grace, and courage to move forward, and with freedom from your enemy.

    Please pray for guidance for me as I prepare to graduate from college, and also for the strength to salvage a relationship with one of my housemates that has been falling apart steadily but silently for over six months now. We will be moving out in three months, and I would really love to mend our friendship before that time comes.

  28. I pray for you Stacey, that your health will improve, that you feel God’s love and presence as you deal with the situation that you are in, that He gives you the strength that you need and that you are blessed with people in your life who will support you and help you to see the pathway that God intends you to follow.

    My own prayer is firstly one of thanks, for prayers that have been answered. I pray that those of you searching for fresh starts and new jobs are blessed in the same way that I have been. I pray that you have the courage to listen to God’s answers and follow where He leads. For a long while I didn’t, I was too scared, but now I have put all my faith and hope in Him and it has led me to a new job, a new home in a new place and a closer relationship with Him. I hope too that it is bringing me closer to the man I am falling in love with, and that it will give us a chance to be together.
    I also pray for a friend – Sheila, for as my life moves to a different city hers moves to a different Kingdom. She was a faithful follower and I thank the Lord for her life which she dedicated to Him and to her family. I pray especially for her husband and also for two brave young boys that she leaves behind. May they find comfort in the love that surrounds them, may they cherish the memories of their young lives and may the blessings that Sheila would have wished for them follow them as they grow.

  29. Jamie – we were writing at the same time. I pray that you are blessed with God’s guidance as you graduate and move on to the next chapter of your life. I hope that you are able to make peace with your housemate and that you can maintain a positive relationship as you both move forward with your lives. May you see clearly the road that you are to follow and may you be blessed with love and wisdom as you travel it.

  30. Praying for friend Shelia and rejoicing with you Guinea!

    My prayer is for honesty to prevail in my my marriage and grace and love. I have been apart of Recovery classes and counseling enough to not be shocked by my husband revelation of being a porn addict but at the same time it hurts me and our marriage hearing this. I want to talk to him more about this but as I am always I am afraid to share my heart… I am a stuffer and I don’t process my feelings well after years of emotional and verbal and physical abuse. My first reaction is to stuff this away and pretend he did not mention it to me. But I know this is not right. I know I need to tell him how this makes me feel and be honest.

  31. I would appreciate prayers for me to trust that God has purpose in the now, and to receive patience for tomorrow.

    Oh, Katie…I lift you to our Father and pray that you would receive courage and peace. He wants us to be transparent and honest in our marriages — and He develops our intimacy with our groom, and Him (as our Groom), when we are communicative. Lifting you to Him tonight…Rich blessings…

  32. Amy, I pray for God to reveal his purpose for you in His time and that He will help you find the patience that he’s already given you. Blessings and Christ’s love to you…

    Please pray for me as I continue my way to the Lord. I’m in a rather empty place spiritually. I am searching and need to calm my brain to let God’s message in. Pray that I can live the life He intends me to live.

  33. Kris, I am praying now for Him to fill that emptiness with His glorious prescence, and for a calm thoughts and settled spirit, to be able to wait before Him and hear His message.I will pray that you will see the many ways you already live the life He intends, but that you can also release all idols, fear, regret, and sin in fully in the freedom of his grace.

    Please pray for me as I witness to a husband who believes God brought him another woman for his wife and will not let go of the relationship with her. God calls me to witness to this man that I called husband for 26 years everyday. I have to let go of the pain of rejection and fear of an unknown future and pray for and witness to a man who has lost his way and sees His God as impersonal and mean. Pray also that I see the beauty of His grace in the midst of the pain.

  34. I feel very weary in many areas of life, pray that I find the rest and strength that is only in Christ. Pray that I have the wisdom concerning a relationship, whether to hold on or to let go.

  35. Isaiah 40:28-31
    “Do you not know? Have you not heard? The LORD is the everlasting God, the creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and he understanding no one can fathom. He gives strength to the weary and increase the power of the weak. Even youth grow tired and weary and young mean stumble and fall; but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.”

    I pray that you may find rest and peace and that your strength will be renewed. I pray that you will cling to the promises that Christ has promised you. God, may you grant Kristin wisdom and discernment. Lead and direct her decisions when it comes to this relationship. Grant peace, patience and understanding :). Amen

    Please pray for me. I am a mother of a 3 yr old and a 5mth old. My husband works in the film industry and starts his next film next week. He is working for 14 days straight and will be staying on location. Please pray for protection or him from Satan and for our marriage.(we have never been apart for more than a day or two). Pray for me as I will be a single parent for a couple weeks.

  36. Carl Ann, I pray that God will help you forgive and in so doing feel His love wrap around you. May God grant you peace, comfort and wisdom.

  37. Mary-Elizabeth, my dad works in the film industry, so I understand what a hectic and consuming job/lifestyle it can be.

    Precious Jesus, I ask your filling, protecting, comforting love to surround and uphold Mary-Elizabeth as she spends time caring for her young children while her husband works away from the family. Lord, I ask in the name of Jesus for protection over both Mary-Elizabeth and her husband’s hearts during their separation, that you would grow them in their love for you and in their longing for each other, that their reunion may be more weighted with joy than the struggle of their separation has weighed upon them. Savior, would you grow Mary-Elizabeth in the discipline of seeking you for her ultimate satisfaction, as well as in trust and patience as she parents her precious children. In your powerful and holy name we pray, Amen.

    I’m asking for prayer for my heart right now. I am weighed down with anxiety over a rooming situation that seems ideal but may or may not work out–I need a roommate to make ends meet financially, and a wonderful candidate has been presented, but she still hasn’t decided whether it’s the right situation for her or not. I am asking favor for that girl to be my roommate, but above all I ask for God’s will to come to pass, as we know it will. I am also in a very dry and weary place relationally, and I am missing my family (my parents are in the process of moving to New Zealand and I’m in North Carolina) and my friends, several of whom I am trying to maintain distance from due to some misunderstandings and hurt hearts. I am also in a place of feeling myself a constant failure on a vast number of fronts. Prayer for any part of this request would be much appreciated:)

    Love to you all, dear sisters.

    • Ellen,
      I am praying for your roommate situation. I am praying that God will provide for you financially and that you will quickly find someone to live with you. I am also praying for genuine relationships in your life. I know that God will place life-giving friends in your life at just the right time. I’m praying for your heart to be healed of the hurts. Please know that you are not a failure. As humans we all fail but that does not define us. I am praying that you can see how special you are to Jesus and that you will find your identity in Him alone!
      Love & prayers.

  38. This has been a week of much celebration for several friends of mine – graduations, birthdays, engagements. I am excited for my sweet friends but at the same time I am feeling very left out. I know that God is not withholding good things from me but it is still difficult. Please pray that I will not be selfish. Also pray that God will provide genuine friendships in my life. This has been a lonely year. Thanks!

  39. Haley,
    I pray that God pours out his blessings upon you and reminds you of His goodness. That he provides deep and satisfying friendships for you, “the friend that sticketh closer than a brother” 🙂 And also that you won’t feel selfish, I know it can be isolating when friends are moving on in their lives and you feel left behind.

    I too have felt lonely this year. I ask for prayer that God will bring Christian friends into my life so we can talk of Him. Also I ask for prayer that the “nagging thing” God is asking me to do becomes apparent to me, and that I have the courage to do it.

    I also have a answered prayer: I believe we may have found a home church!! After quite a search this demands an AMEN 🙂

    • Praise God for the new home church – we recently joined my childhood church after years of searching after a hurtful issue within the church we loved. It has been such an answer to prayer for our family and I pray that God’s rich blessing will flow to you in your new church – that you will find those Godly relationships and friendships.

  40. Please pray that I will be able to accept God’s will regarding my two oldest grandchildren. My daughter can’t take care of them and they have gone to live with their father–at least for the summer, if not permanently. While I know in my heart this is best for them, I hurt so much that they will be across the country. I worry that I won’t be able to see them much or be part of their lives. I mostly worry about being replaced by their stepmother’s mother. She will physically be there–able to eat lunch with them at school, have them spend the night, all the little special things grandmas do. Pray that I can let go and trust the Lord. Thank you.

  41. Oh Beverly, I pray for your grandchildren and for you. God, give this grandmother peace, help her trust you Lord, and help those grandchildren never lose the feeling of their grandmothers love.
    I pray for wisdom – we are struggling financially like big time. I was in an auto accident 2 1/2 years ago and have been unable to work. We are dealing with an insurance company that has been reluctant to reimburse my expenses. We need closure and we need reimbursement. Please pray that it can come to and end soon and through it all God’s name will be glorified. Thank you

  42. “And do not seek what you will eat and what you will drink, and do not keep worrying. For all these things the nations of the world eagerly seek ; but your Father knows that you need these things. But seek His kingdom, and these things will be added to you.” Luke 12:29-31

    Nanci, I pray for peace and patience for you and your family as you wait on the Lord. My husband was laid off from a great job at the end of 2008, and we really struggled financially for about two years. It was so difficult to be patient and trust the Lord, but we are now amazed by how we are being blessed with the new job he started in January. The Lord has “plans…to give you a future and a hope” (Jeremiah 29:11).

    Please pray for peace and patience for me, as well. I found out that I am pregnant a week ago and had a miscarriage last August. I am going to a new ob/gyn today and hoping for the best this time but struggling with anxiety.

  43. Nanci,
    I’m praying for you and hope you can feel God in control and trust in Him to take care of your needs. May God guide you to find the right person to work with and resolve this situation and bring you and your family relief.
    I’m asking for prayers for God’s guidance and strength to help me end my 35 year marriage. I am so distraught and lost about this. I have done everything I could to stay in this marriage, but I do believe God wants me to leave. My husband is a non believer and very violent rages, now at an extreme level. My family and friends are afraid for my safety. I’m trusting in God to put me where I need to be and provide a path for me to follow. I have stayed in the marriage thru all these years to make sure my 5 children had a roof over their heads and a bed to sleep in. My youngest just moved out about 3 weeks ago. The drinking and violent episodes went into hyper speed. Please pray also for my husband. I can only imagine what a miserable torchered soul he is without God and I so want God to touch him and come back into his life. Thank you

  44. Lauren,
    I am praying for you, your hubby and your baby. May God watch over you and keep you always. May you have peace and a very healthy happy pregnancy.

  45. Casey, I am praying for God to give you guidance and great courage. I am also praying for your children to lean on their heavenly Father’s unconditional love.

  46. For the past 8 years, my life has been filled with health problems on top of health problems. I have Immune System issues and suffer with depression. My children are 12 and 10 and they need their momma healthy especially here at the onset of summer. But, right now, it feels like everything is at it’s worst and I am fearful. Please pray with me for my health to be sustained. And for my children to feel secure and carefree.

  47. I am new to the Houston area and am still looking for a full time job so that I can keep living here. Also, I am still trying to make friends down here. Please pray with me for the job the best fits God’s will for me and friends that will keep encouraging me. thank you.

  48. Lord, I lift up to you Donna and Sara. For Donna, I ask for strong health so that she can care for the dear children you have given to her. Help her to release her fear, and trust in You completely. For Sara, I ask you to provide her with a full-time job. We know that You already have a plan for her life and for her to meet new people, so Lord, we place her completely in your caring hands now.

    I ask for prayer for outpatient surgery that I will be having tomorrow afternoon. This is the second procedure I have needed to correct a woman’s issue I am having. I pray that this will be the final step and another more drastic step will not be necessary. Please pray that the Lord will guide the surgeon’s hands and he will be able to fix the problem completely. Thank you!

  49. Father, I lift up Beth Ann to you today. Calm her heart & spirit as she prepares to go back in for surgery tomorrow. Guide the surgeons hands. Help them to find the source of the problem and bring it to and end.

    Please pray for me as I wait today to see if I still have a job. I have been falsely accused of committing Fair Housing violations & it has become a politically charged situation. My housing is tied to my job. I could be jobless & homeless by the end of the day. I’m really scared.

    • Lord I ask that you be with Kristie today. Given her guidance and strength through these difficult times. I pray that you guide her in the ways that you want her to go. Be with those that are in the midst of this investigation. Open their eyes to the truth. I pray this in Jesus’ name. Amen.

      Kristie I will continue to pray for you in my personal prayers. Pray continually I try your hardest to give it up to God. He has a strange way of bringing the pieces together.


  50. Pray for peace and guidance. I am in the midst of a huge life transition. I was week from graduation (teacher credential program) when we got the call that my grandmother was diagnosed with a terminal illness. That weekend my mom and I drove on up to be with her for Mothers Day. After 6 hours of driving at 11 o’clock at night it was decided that I would move in to help my grandma. So that Sunday I drove home once again. But this time I finished up what was left of my program, graduated from my college, packed up my life and move 6 hours away from my home. I am now living with my aunt and uncle to take care of my grandma. We don’t know how much longer we have left with her. I also am in the midst of looking for teaching positions in another state. So to say my life is a little messy is an understament.

    What I need is pray for guidance, strength and endurance in these difficult times. I love being with my grandma every day but struggle as I see her slowly dying.

  51. Kristie I pray for you!

    Please pray for me. In the moment I have to make a really tough decision. Please pray for wisdom and that God takes away my fear of failure and of the future.

  52. Praise to God!

    I still have a job!!! I’m on probation for 90 days and was told that they will make it very difficult for me to successfuly complete the probationary period. But I have a job & a roof over my head!

    Thank you Father for your mercy!

  53. Charlotte, I pray that the Lord will guide you as you make this decision and will give you wisdom. He has helped me with the fear of failure. I know he can help you too. May you know who you are in him and not be afraid of the future because he holds your future in his hands. And when he forgives your failures they are as far as the east is from the west and you have a clean slate for each day.
    Kristie, rejoicing with you that you have a job. Praying God will guide you and help you to have favor during this probationary period. Lord, make a way in the wilderness.

    Please help me pray that my summer can be productive. I have 2 months off work but need to catch up on so many things. Also my relationship with my elderly Mom is not very good. She has changed into a different, mean person. I try to remember it is the disease (dementia) talking, not her. But I’m not real good at it. I want to honor her and love her like God wants me to but it is hard. Thank you.

  54. Please pray for me and my son. I have had to take time off work due to an illness. I have been having these problems for over 4 years and they have gotten progressivly worse. I have had to file for disability, because this leaves me so exhausted on most days that it is a struggle just to get through the day. My boss called me this week and stated that she couldn’t hold my job or the hours for me. It is probably for the best, but in the meantime I don’t have any income except for child support. It seems that I have had my share of blows lately, 2 years ago my husband filed for divorce and now my health is overwhelming me. Please pray for healing and that the Lord would open another door, when and if I am able to return to work. Thank you for your willingness to prayer for these matters..and no matter what I know God is with me always and is in control.

    • Kim- Praying for your health and strength during this time in your life. Praying that your job situation will work out the way He knows it should be!

  55. Please pray for me – I have been having some random health problems; what I thought was a very bad sinus infection making a tooth hurt, might be a tooth abcsess. Our family is going on a road trip Saturday through next Thursday and it is going to be pretty intense. Please pray that my health can be strong and I can be strong. I will be the one driving 12 hours home next week and I need to be healthy. I am currently on an antibiotic and hoping it keeps working and taking the pain away. It is much better than it was but I still get twinges of pain that worry me! Our road trip is for a leap of faith we are taking to get my husbands Vasectomy reversed, as we decided we are not done yet and will take any blessing’s God gives us and we were wrong to have tried to prevent it permanently. So please keep my husbands health in your prayers as well- he is an amazing man to be going through this very long procedure for our family!

  56. Sara- Praying that your tooth pain will subside and that you will be able to drive the long drive without any pain. I will also pray for travel safety for your family and that the situation with your husband goes well and that having a baby will come soon after the procedure. We all make decisions that at one time or another we regret, but trust God, His way is always perfect and his timing is always on time.