Lisa-Jo Baker
About the Author

Lisa-Jo Baker is a bestselling author, lapsed lawyer, and current acquisitions editor for HarperCollins. Originally from South Africa, Lisa-Jo lives outside Washington, D.C., where she fell in love with her husband in the summer of ’96. Their story spans decades, languages, countries, books, three very opinionated teens, and one dog.

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  1. I’d love to be entered!

    I don’t have any really great fitting room stories, but I have had some interesting experiences lately. I live in Seoul, Korea, and I’m having the hardest time remembering when I’m supposed to take off my shoes. In some fitting rooms, you have to leave your shoes at the door, but sometimes you walk all the way inside. I went with a friend recently who is new to Korea, and when I walked into the fitting room, I confidently popped off my shoes at the door. The fitting room attendant was appalled and gestured wildly for me to put my shoes back on. My friend doesn’t trust my “knowledge of the culture” anymore!

  2. I can’t get the incourage FB page to load for some reason. I’ll try again tomorrow. As soon as I can get it to load right, I’ll be liking it (thought I already had, but guess I don’t) for sure!

    • Sadly, I don’t have any interesting/funny fitting room stories either. :o(

      I’ve just recently began following you all here at (in)courage and I LOVE this place!!! And I REALLY LOVE the Bloom book club!! Can’t wait to dig into the next book!! :o)

      • Woops! I hit the wrong thing! LOL! I did mean to reply here as well though. I can’t get the Facebook link to work either. :o(

  3. I would love to enter the contest. I want to join a book club and am pretty housebound taking care of my mom with Alzeheimer’s. Thanks for sharing this info!

  4. As I get older, fitting rooms inch further down on the list of happy places! I’d love to read this book along with everyone. Thank you for sharing a lovely giveaway!

  5. I’m in! I really don’t have any stories other than mentioning that I dislike trying on pants because even the “short” pants are too long for me, LOL!

  6. Liking on FB isn’t working right now, the page won’t work. I too was pretty sure I already had you liked but for some reason it’s not showing up.

  7. Ooh! What a lovely gift! My fitting room stories are all fairly dull and dimly lit…

  8. I was in a thrft shop once that carried killer vintage clothes and apparently the owners didn’t frequent estate sales with many “big girl” sizes. I did the best i could, took an armload of tops in the fitting room and set off a walk down memory clothes lane. I am about 4 shirts in, many don’t fit “just right” when I pull out my very favorite one. I look at it longingly, willing it to be a perfect fit. I model it in the mirror, turning this way and that, romanticizing who had worn it before me. The shirt and I have a moment together when I decide I time is drawing nigh, I go to take it off. I get it to about above my shoulder blades when all of a sudden it won’t budge. My arms are too short to keep pulling it over my head and it was stuck so good I couldn’t get it back down to start over. I can’t get it up or back down. I panic. My breathing quickens. My face turns red. My palms sweat (making it even harder to get ahold of the material). Fearing that I’ll rip the one of a kind shirt and ruin the fabric, I mentally go over my options: just go for it, rip the shirt and pay for a shredded 1960’s top, pray for the Lord’s return, or dig for my cell phone and call my husband (who is somewhere on the 2nd floor searching the men’s clothes). After praying the 2nd option, I realistically go for the 3rd. He comes in and after a quick laugh at my expense he tells me to take a deep breath, relax and to let him pull it off of me. (A dream of his, I’m sure!) Thankfully, he removes it without a problem, and with a slightly damaged pride, I look at my pile of clothes still to try on, smile that I gave it the “ol college try” and say, “Kids, maybe next time.” And head out before I do anymore time traveling damage.

  9. I don’t have any interesting fitting room stories because I avoid them at all costs 🙂

  10. Ah! I am so excited about this giveaway! i cant wait to read the book with y’all, and i’ve been eyeing that wall hanging for weeks! i need that reminder on the walls of my home!

    lately, fitting rooms have been the places i nurse my 4-month-old daughter when we are out and about running errands. however, my sweet emily is the worlds loudest, slurpiest eater, making everyone else in the fitting room painfully aware of why we are in there!

    thanks for the giveaway!!!! can’t wait! 🙂

  11. can’t seem to get to the fb page right now, but i’ll keep trying! i’m pretty sure i already like it anyways. 🙂

  12. created a twitter account just to follow you all so i can get that 3rd entry! can you tell i’m excited about this? 🙂

    (i may also be somewhat delirious since it’s 3am and i’m up nursing my baby girl for the 3rd time tonight…)

  13. This looks like a great gift basket! I don’t have any good fitting room stories, but my favorite place to try things on is White House Black Market. I only get to shop there rarely because they’re so expensive, but they have the most gorgeous fitting rooms with big comfy couches for husbands or shopping buddies to lounge on while they wait. Wish they were all that user- friendly!

  14. What a fun gift! Fitting rooms with kids can be fun. My little one poked me in the belly one time and said very loud, “Mom, your tummy is jiggly like jello”.

  15. I don’t have an amusing story, just a sweet one…I picked out my wedding dress in a total of 15 minutes! It was the first one I saw and it “fit” my dream dress!

  16. I can’t think of a good fitting room story, although I know I end up talking to those around me and laughing often. 🙂

  17. I cannot find you on Facebook for some reason. Can you link your page directly?

  18. Wow, awesome prize pack! I wonder if Kelly’s book is available for nook?

    The Dressing room? I was out shopping with my two teen daughters. We went into a young hip teen hotspot store. Both girls picked out a pile of clothes to try on and went into their own dressing room.
    I was waiting out in the mirror area and they would pop out and model. We’d either oooh & ahhh or reject the item.
    After being there for quite a while….we started getting ready to leave. My youngest got back dressed only to find that when she took off her cute little blazer/jacket, that she’d set it down in “throw up”.
    Yes, someone before her had gone into the dressing room and barfed. There was no way to see it until you put something on it.
    It was horrible! We had to purchase something to wear out because she was in a tank top under the jacket.

    Note to self: Never, never ever lay your clothes DOWN in a dressing room! No matter how nice the shop looks or seems. People can be gacky! 😉

  19. What a great give away! I remember having to cram 1 stroller and 3 small kids into a really small dressing room. I’m not even sure how we all managed, the kids were trying to climb out under the door too!

  20. Oh, I have no funny stories whatsoever. I hate fitting rooms! But I love this site 🙂

  21. I would love to win! I am excited about the bookclub and have already bought the book. But if I won I would love to share the extra bOok with a friend!

  22. What a great giveaway! I’m looking forward to the BLoom bookclub with the book and really hope I win 🙂 I don’t have a story either – I just get in and get out!

  23. Oh, what a wonderful giveaway!

    My fitting room story goes way back to when I was in middle/high school. My mama and I would go shopping together at the local department store. Mama would help me pick out things to try and then I would go in the fitting room, try them and model for her. I really didn’t like trying on clothing at all. If something didn’t fit just right or even if it did, Mama would take it and go get something else for me to try. After hours in the fitting room one Saturday I finally figured out she was having me try on things she liked. I was essentially being her fitting room model. After I figured it out I didn’t do as much trying on as I used to…

  24. I really have no stories…just the comment that I hate the fitting rooms where only the employees have the key, because as a girl who usually goes clothing shopping with dad, it is way too easy for someone walking past to close the door while I am showing dad, causing me to have to find the employee to let me back into my room–so annoying–do they really have such a problem with people using their fitting rooms that they can’t keep them unlocked?

  25. I just think that the mirrors are defected in the fitting rooms! Oh, and its just always awkward when you have to bring your children in their with you!

  26. Many years ago, my girl friends and I went to a department store during prom season and tried on dresses for fun. Lots of laughs as we did a little fashion show for each other in all kinds of crazy gowns. This entry isn’t for me though. I know my sister can not afford to buy the book and she would be so blessed to receive a copy to join me in reading it this summer. We live on opposite coasts. God has done some amazing things in Justine”s life this year as he has drawn her to Himself. So if this entry wins, my sister will be receiving the gift. Thank you.

  27. I just recently found you girls and this amazing site. i have started reading the fitting room. Amazing!!! cant wait to finish it and read it again to follow the videos.

  28. For some reason whenever I take clothes into the fitting room they are either to small or to large. Thankfully my husband is very patient and he runs back and forth with various sizes, styles, and colors.

  29. Fitting room stories… oh, were they ever dramatic growing up! I am so thankful that my mother didn’t disown me after some of my ridiculous behavior while trying on clothes. It was a miserable process for both of us! Just yesterday, however, I was able to have a delightful fitting room experience with my sweet mama… so thankful that things have changed!

  30. Who doesn’t have a “stuck in this dress” fitting room story? Love to win!

  31. Oooh what a great basket!! My fitting room experiences are usually uneventful…except for the one time where I was trying on some clothes and noticed something weird in the corner. Someone had definitely confused the fitting room with a bathroom! Sooo gross.

  32. My sister and I were pre-teens and we were terrified to try clothes on because we just knew the mirrors were actually those 2 sided ones and people that worked in the store were on the other side monitoring the fitting rooms!! Good grief how my poor mother ever got our clothes to fit is amazing! Maybe thats why she sewed so much for us.

  33. I have to share that my most humorous fitting room story isn’t mine. It’s from the show “The Middle” I think last week’s episode about the mom taking the daughter for a new swimsuit. She’s pleading with her to let her come in to look, to make a decision and her daughter keeps saying, “You just don’t get it.” A worker at the store goes in, tells the daughter how wonderful she looks and the daughter makes her decision. It goes with my theory that if I say something to my kid, what do I know…but a stranger saying the same thing, is brilliant! Ha! Thanks for the opportunity to win the gift basket!

  34. I don’t have any hilarious fitting room stories. Most of mine end with me saying, “I hate clothes shopping!” But I would love to win this basket! I have been jonesin’ after that mug ever since I saw it the first time, and I am excited about the book club! 🙂 Thanks for the chance!

  35. Ah! So excited about the book =)
    As for fitting room stories…hmmm, my most recent favorite one was being able to go wedding dress shopping with a friend and see her find the perfect dress. such a beautiful moment!

  36. I follow inCourage and DaySpring on twitter. (I would follow Bloom too, but I don’t think they have a Twitter account specific to them, do they??) If so, I’ll follow them too! InCourage is my happy place!

  37. No fun fitting room stories to report . . . but would still love to enter!

    I already follow you on twitter, and thought I was a fan on FB too, but can’t seem to get that to work . . . nothing is loading. Hmmm . . .

    Thank you!

  38. Love the pictures at the top of this post… and thinking about times standing in dressing rooms twirlling in skirts where no one can see and truly feeling the beauty that God’s put in me.

  39. I thought I had already liked you on facebook, but I can’t get the (in)Courage facebook page to come up, even when I search for it, so I think there may be a problem there. But I will keep trying. 🙂

  40. I don’t really have any fitting room stories. I have my uniforms tailored every once in a while, and the lady there is always mean, so I try not to use them very often.

  41. Not a fan of shopping for clothes…therefore, no exciting fitting room stories here. But would love to be entered in the contest! Thanks!

  42. amused were my daughters 3 out of 4 of them
    in fact, all out laughter
    as we went on a final shopping trip to Gap
    before my dughter left to live in CA
    we were 4 in the fitting room
    the daughters were tring on Jeans
    we were laughing so hard that
    yep me, mom, peed my pants

    I would love to win the gifts so as to “sow generously” as in 2 Corinthians 9: 6-9 and give as gifts to encourage women in Mpls who have lost their homes and earthly possessions to the tornadoe that flew through here on Sunday.

    I just ordered my book and I’m in for the summer bloom book club … so excited!

  43. Thanks so much for the opportunity to win the fun items. I don’t really have a funny dressing room story to be honest I usually avoid and bring items home to try.

  44. Yeah, I avoid trying on clothes at the store at all costs. But I would love to be entered into the contest!

  45. I think the most memorable fitting room story I have is as a girl in high school going with real friends and trying on clothes in fitting rooms next to each other. Giggling and sharing through the walls.

  46. I would love to bless my Secret Pal at church with this gift basket if I won. I would bless her tremendously and be such an encouragement to a young mom.

  47. Ooh!!! Hoorah for this give-away! I would love it. I’ve already ordered the book, but have a friend who is unemployed and is an avid reader I would *love* to give this to and do this with.

    Fitting room story: Um…trying on a dress that was made smaller than I realized and standing there, said dress over my head but not off, realizing that




    Seriously. I started to have a wave of panic wash over me as I thought through the making of the dress. Zipper? No. Buttons? No. Just me and this ill-fitting piece of cloth that was sucking the life out of my lungs. To this day I do not remember how I got out. I’m sure it did not involve calling for help, because the feelings I DO remember are total embarassment and disbelief. That and the picture of me standing with a dress between my upstretched forearms and my stomach.

  48. What a great giveaway! I don’t really have any good fitting room stories to share…except one time my sister and I did get a little loud and the sales lady at Target let us know. It was quite embarrassing.

  49. I don’t visit fitting rooms very often:/ But, I like you on facebook and love the blog!!!

  50. I’d love this gift basket! Don’t you just love the fitting rooms with the 3 mirrors? I can get the view from the front, back, and side. Oh, the joy! (Not)

  51. Thanks for the giveaway. Funniest fitting room story was trying on wedding dresses … went with my mom and HER BFF. They are into frilly nonsense. I tried on a dress with a bow WIDER than the door of the fitting room. Couldn’t even get out of the room to show them (and I wear a size 6, so it wasn’t me that was bigger than the door. We had to fold the bow in half for me to slither out … and we all laughed till we cried! 🙂

    Needless to say, that dress was not the winner 🙂

  52. Fitting rooms are so NOT fun. But, the funniest story involves my husband and I, a few years ago. The whole family of 6 was helping mom shop for a new outfit, and I asked my husband to zip up my dress to see how it fit. Our then 4-year old starts singing from the outside of the fitting room, “Mommy and Daddy sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G . . . ” much to the amusement of other people in the other fitting rooms!

  53. I am looking forward to reading this book. Heading over to LIKE you on FB.

  54. I guess mine is more embarrassing than funny, in that I got totally stuck in a dress and had to get the assistant in to pull me out!
    I would love to win the basket, so I can share the book, once I have read it, and give the mug to a dear friend who loves coffee but her cats keep knocking her mugs off the worktop.
    May I also say a huge thanks for this website – so many encouragements or words of wisdom have come through at just the right time in my life. I look forward to lunchtime to see what I shall receive each day. Thank you.

  55. Great giveaway. I don’t know that my story is amusing. But I have GREAT memories of the fitting room with my mom (who is now with Jesus). EVERYTIME we’d go shopping together we always ended up laughing so hard in the fitting room that we’d be in tears. Something would always get us to giggling so hard. I’m sure that folks from the other fitting rooms would always wonder what in the world was going on! Oh. I miss her and those giggling fits!

  56. Thank you for doing this incredible giveaway! My most amusing fitting room story would have to be when the girl in the next room got stuck in a top and it took both my mom and I to help pry it off of her! Nothing quite like getting to know a stranger like that!

  57. I am having trouble getting to your FB right now (it keeps redirecting to my homepage with both direct links and going from the in FB search). I will keep trying and hopefully I can like you on there soon.

  58. I’d love to enter! The fitting room story is not my own, but my then teenage daughter’s. It is likely one of those “you had to be there” stories, but……….She was trying on a dress. She got it on. She could not get if off!! I heard a panicked “mom!!” from the stall and went over to see what was the matter. I instantly dissolved into fits of laughter! I have no idea how she got the dress on because we struggled and struggled to get the thing off!! At least we provided a major source of amusement for others and turned a routine event into something to talk about all day!

  59. My son has always found it amusing to look under the fitting room wall and comment on the other person. So embarrassing. He’s turning six next month, so I’m hoping those days are over as we haven’t had to make a trip to the fitting room recently!

  60. Trying something on with little ones is always a challenge. They wait until you are only half dressed to escape under the door… Now, I love the easy returns ~ try on at home with a locked front door. 🙂 Blessings

    PS Incourage on Fb isn’t working properly.

  61. What a fun giveaway!!! I was by myself doing some Easter dress shopping a couple of years ago and got stuck in a dress that would NOT come off!!! Eventually it came off, but it was pretty embarrassing! Now I’m very careful when I go clothes shopping by myself.:)

  62. don’t have a funny fitting room story… but i’d love to be entered anyway 🙂

  63. Love this!

    My most humorous (or embarrassing) fitting room story?

    A few months back I grabbed a dress that I figured would be too small for me, but I loved it and wanted to try it on. I finally get it on, realize it’s actually not that bad, but still too small. I start trying to get it off, and it wouldn’t go over my head, even with the zipper totally undone. I’m pulling, pulling, the dress is stuck around my head and shoulders, I’m banging into the fitting room door, the wall, the mirror. Finally I take a deep breath and give it another good yank and it finally comes off. Needless to say I was done shopping for the day, haha!!

  64. I do not enjoy fitting rooms because of the lights and small space! So I don’t have any fun fitting room stories!! 🙂

  65. Please enter me! I already ‘like’ the page on FB so it won’t let me like you again (boo ho). 😉
    And I follow on Twitter too. Fitting room story – I don’t like them. Never have. Never will. The end. 🙂

  66. I would love to be entered!
    My fitting room story is pretty crude i guess. When my daughter was tiny, she was in the stroller while I was trying on clothes. As soon as I went in, she started to dirty her diaper…VERY LOUDLY!!! FOR A LONG TIME! Of course the other people in the fitting room had no clue there was a baby in there and was prob wondering what in the world was wrong with me…I heard a lot of laughter in the other stalls, and my daughter just sat there with a huge smile on her face, stinking it up!

  67. Well, I have a 2.5 year old and a 3.5 year old, so any time I naively attempt to enter a fitting room with them, I end up with a story. It’s usually just them saying embarrassing things very loudly. 🙂

  68. I’m trying to find you on FB, but I can’t? I think it’s messed up. So I liked the Bloom Book Club instead!

  69. I can’t find you on FB. The link you have just takes me to my FB page. I typed in
    (in)courage but nothing came up for it. Can anyone help?

  70. Well, I call fitting rooms, ‘reality rooms’! Every angle is covered and the truth is right there! I usually have a heavy sigh in the ‘reality room’, but lately I view through the eyes of ‘I’m making progress!’ Sooo, looking forward to this study! Already have my book, but if i win a basket, I for certain will share the book with another friend! Looking forward to putting on the exquisite clothing of Christlike characteristics and loving it!

  71. I would love to be entered. No crazy fitting room stories. I know I dread bathing suits under the flourescent lighting and three way mirrors though. That’s for sure! 🙂

  72. I was thrifting for an outfit to wear to a wedding. I found a sheer blouse and a camisole to go underneath and thought it would please my husband (looking a little sexy). Oh my…it did look sexy to my husband and displeased him tremendously because he was sure it looked the same way to other men! I learned a hard but good lesson from that experience: keep the sexy in the bedroom! Wow, it’s hard to put this in print even now but I have never forgotten what the Lord taught me and I thank my husband for protecting me from my own foolishness. Since then I have spent more money on things no one sees but him, and kept the public outfits modest. Thanks for the opportunity to win.

  73. It has to be when I stepped on a pin in a JCPENNEY fitting room at the age of 8. It was pretty well stuck in my foot. After a doctor’s visit and tetanus shot, I was good to go. Still always on the lookout for pins in dressing rooms.

  74. Kelly Minter goes to our church… I have yet to meet her, but I would love to read her book! Thanks for the lovely giveaway!

  75. I don’t have a fitting room story. I rarely use fitting rooms. But please enter me in the drawing.

  76. I don’t think I have any really funny fitting room stories. I’ve had normal experiences (hopefully i’m not jinxing myself right now!)

  77. I’m pretty sure it was on our honeymoon when I accidentally tucked a skirt in my underwear and walked out of the fitting room to show my husband amongst other innocent bystanders.

  78. I did Kelly’s study “No Other Gods” a few summers ago. It was fantastic – in a convicting, yet encouraging way. I’m guessing this book will be the same, so I would love to read it. Thanks!

  79. I don’t really have a fitting room story.

    Thanks for the opportunity for the basket!

  80. I’d love to be entered! I think I’m fortunate that I don’t have any interesting dressing room stories because I bet they venture into the “most embarrassing moment” area.

  81. Until a few months ago, I had no idea that this community even existed- very excited to join the book club this summer.
    So- a fitting room story. When I was in high school, I was trying on clothes in a fitting room that unfortunately opened to the entire store (who does that?!!!). I was in my underwear when I hit the door with my bum and of course it opened! And as luck would have it, another teenage boy was standing right there. It is every girls nightmare- and it actually happened to me!!! I remember being completely humiliated- and now, 3 kids later, that seems like such a silly thing to have been upset about!!!

  82. What a lovely give away! I don’t really have any fitting room stories either but it is a place where I have made many solemn vows to lose weight….those little rooms with their funhouse mirrors are never a happy place…why do we go there?

  83. I remember one time I was shopping for a formal dress and I was alone. the dress had a zipper on the side and several layers of fabric for the skirt portion. I chose the size I *thought* I was which turned out to be too small. This wasn’t a big deal until I tried taking the dress off. It got caught on my shoulders and I couldn’t see through all the layers to know how to get it off. I don’t know how long I was stuck with that dress over my head, but I finally managed to bend down low enough and step on it and pull it off. Lesson learned…shop with friends!

  84. I am not a big shopper, so I usually avoid the fitting room at all costs, especially because I usually have two kids in tow! Thanks for the giveaway!

  85. Oh I would love to win this! Fortunately or unfortunately I don’t have a fitting room story. 🙂

  86. Since having kids I don’t go to the fitting room very often, simply because dragging a large double stroller into a fitting room is usually more work than it’s worth. I’d rather guess on the size, try it home, and return it if I have to. However, when my boys were still nursing and I was out and about the best places to nurse in public was the fitting room. Of course, some rooms were more comfortable than others. My most memorable time was with my first son. I stopped in Victoria’s Secret thinking that may be a good place since it would be all women (probably). I got into the fitting room and after we got situated and I began nursing, I looked up and right in front of us was a neon sign that read: Strip. Awkward!

  87. I can’t find the Incourage Facebook page but I have found the Bloom Book Club FB page and ‘liked’ that. Hope it counts!

  88. My fitting room experiences are more of a spiritual nature these days…putting on the breastplate of righteousness and holding up my shield of faith as we are now battling non-Hodgkins lymphoma in my Momma’s vertebrae, a child who is feeling lost and unloved, and a life that is a little overwhelming with homeschooling older children and a hubby who puts in 12-14 hour days….but we are putting that great “accessory” to use- the Sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God…His Word never fails…NEVER, NEVER!!! If chosen the fruit of the Spirit goes to my Momma, the charm bracelet to my sweet sister-in-law who just lost her daddy and I will put my feet up with the book and a mug of tea….thanks…what a treat to even dream of winning :)!!

  89. Love all the positive energy & encouragement from my daily (in)courage e-mails! No especially entertaining fitting room stories, aside from those many occasions when I’ve gingerly stepped out to get feedback from my husband only to find no one there, usually due to him being in hot pursuit of one of our children. Pretty minor!

  90. If I have any fitting room stories, I’m sure I’ve repressed them! Maybe that’s why I tend to only buy SHOES. No fitting room required! Can’t wait to start the book!

  91. “Amusing fitting room story”? Um, no. Trying on my wedding dress and knowing immediately it was impossibly perfect, everything I had told God I would like, was a happy fitting room story. I don’t remember any involving laughter, though.

    @Becky (122) You poor thing! Does the witness protection program handle such cases? 🙂

    Lisa-Jo, Jess, Angie, Sara, and the rest of the Dayspring folks who work to give us Bloom, thank you!!!

  92. Yes to the above quote! Yes!! You know what comes to mind? Psalm 119 where David speaks endlessly of delighting in God’s law. 🙂 He knows how freeing it is. It’s truly a safe haven for us.

    Amusing fitting room story? Oh goodness, I can’t think that far back!! The only thing I can think of is trying to change into clothes when one of my little ones tries to unlock the door and leave!! NOT COOL!

  93. My fitting room story? Nursing my teeny newborn babe. Flourescent lights. Post pregnancy hormones. Enough said. 😉

  94. I don’t know what “fitting room” I fit into, but this morning on my way to work, I realized I have been “squeezing” into some “clothing” that is not my “best” look!
    I am a high school counselor, a mother of two VERY active little girls who love to dance, play basketball and softball, a wife of a high school principal, a friend of many, a daughter to a mom and dad I don’t get to acknowledge near enough. And aside from ALL that, the DAUGHTER of a GOD who loves me unyielding!!! I find myself in different fitting rooms…..whether it be at the ballparks, ball courts, dance classes, dance recital, in the backyard, in my office, in my school of 400 high school kiddos, in my job of countless friend/coworkers, in my home I try to keep perfect, and the list goes on……….But JUST THIS morning on my drive to work, God touched my heart so intimately that I just let the tears go. In the madness of finding the “right” garmet to wear each day, I forget to first put on my “fruits of the spirit”. I forget my kids need patience when I am screaming “Pick up your room!”. I forget my husband needs gentleness when I am screaming “Take out the garbage….PLEASE!” I forget my students just need love and a quick hug when they are screaming about “Needing a transcript or GPA!” I forget my co-workers need JOY when I walk into a room, instead of me being on MY mission and not theirs. I forget………………….this morning he reminded me the perfect garmet for me…………………is HIS. Thank you Jesus!!!!

  95. Fitting room opportunities are few and far between with little ones in tow, but it always invlolves the toddlers sneaking peeks under the walls into the neighboring stalls. 🙂 I’d love to win this package!

  96. I hate shopping but when I do go shopping it is a pain because of being short. I have trouble finding things in my size yet I am considered petite for my height. Yet I wear NON petite sizes.

  97. I’d love to be entered and have also “liked” you on FB. Unfortunately, I don’t really have a fitting room story that I remember. In fact, it’s been so long since I’ve been in one, I barely remember shopping for clothes. Boohooo….wish I had a story for you but I just don’t.

  98. Fantastic giveaway!!
    I’m not a big shopper, I don’t have the patience for it. But a friend talked me into some clothes shopping when I was flying out to meet my soon-to-be husband for the first time. She picked out some clothes, shoved me into a fitting room, and went off to search for some more clothes. I started trying on a particular shirt that had some sort of inner lining. I should have checked the architecture of this thing out first, but I just started putting it on like I would a T-shirt. Well, I got stuck with the thing sort of on my head, arms straight up, and couldn’t move. I just stood there in my undergarments until my friend came back. It was a comedy of errors. I’m very tall, she is very short. (This also means the first thing she saw when she came back were my hands up in the air). She had to get on the small bench to try to release my skull from the fabric trap.
    I am still unimpressed with garments that have more than one layer.

  99. I can’t find (in)courage on FB! I tried…does that count? 😉 I will keep trying!

  100. I do not have a fitting room story to share, but I thoroughly enjoyed reading through everyone elses! God bless and best wishes to you all!

    Thank you for the chance to win this lovely gift.

    Barb (email subscriber)
    ruralmoms AT gmail DOT com

  101. I don’t have a fitting room story but I just came over to check this website out and discovered a book club that I haven’t missed out yet! I am hoping to join you all each week, newlywed, new job as a nurse, new apartment, husband just started school (again!), so time is precious and I am already online so much, this may just be exactly what I need. Looking forward to getting started! Thanks so much, Angela

  102. I can’t think of any great fitting room stories right at the moment, but my most favorite times in the fitting room are when I get to shop with my mom. She’s just so fun and we always end up laughing almost to the point of tears. 🙂

  103. I remember it like yesterday. I was visiting my childhood friend who had 4 brothers. We were in the dressing room and she was in the room right next to me. I was trying to make her think a spider was crawling on her so I stood on a chair to reach over and fell…hitting my head loudly. Needless to say, I was wearing a skirt and my underwear were showing. Who was the first to my rescue? Her very cute oldest brother. Soooooo embarrassing.
    Thx for the chance to win

  104. Well I have no fun fitting room stories, although once I did hide from my mother in a fitting room when I was younger! haha

  105. No funny fitting room stories here, but the book looks to be very interesting!

  106. I have the typical “stuck in a dress” story except I was at an outdoor bazzar in a shop called Global Mamas on a windy day in a makeshift dressing “room” made with fabric hung on a rickety wood frame and held together with clothespins. My husband had deserted me so the shop girl had to pull the dress up over my head!

  107. No great fitting room stories. I look for the ones with nice lighting and friendly mirrors – makes a difference : ) What an awesome giveaway!

  108. Sorry, no fitting room stories. But thanks for the giveaway opportunity! I would love to have this book!

  109. My best friend and I were shopping one time and she got stuck in the jean dress she was trying on, I think it took at least 5 minutes for me and her to get her out of it!

  110. I don’t really have any interesting fitting room stories as I am not a big shopper. Thank you for the opportunity to win a wonderful giveaway! I am looking forward to reading the book.

  111. Lately, every time I walk in a fitting room, it seems to be comedy hour with my two little boys. “mommy, can i crawl under this wall? Who’s over there?” So…I don’t travel to the fitting room very often these days. 🙂 Not to mention the laughs I get from myself trying to fit into sizes that are just not working for me anymore!

    The gift basket is awesome!!

  112. The only thing funny that has happened to me in a fitting room is getting a dress stuck but I finally wiggled out of it. I’ve already purchased the book and have started reading it. It is wonderful. If I win I will give the book to a friend.

  113. With my daghter-in-love some 19 years ago shopping for her wedding gown she got sick. Asked for a bag for her to loose it all into. Yes she did in the fitting room, we laughed so hard even though she was not into that trip it had memories to last forever.

  114. Nothing to exciting to tell about my time spent in fitting rooms (although I have spent LOTS of time in them it seems like….I try on everything before I buy!!) But now that I have a 3 year old in the fitting rooms with me, there are sure to be some stories! She likes to lock and unlock the doors too much! 🙂

  115. I would love to win this gift basket! This will be my first time to participate in this book club and I am so excited!

  116. What a fun gift package. I haven’t bought my book yet so this would be perfect!

  117. I live in a small town where most shopping is done online so fortunately, I don’t have an awkward fitting room story 🙂

  118. My best “fitting room” story happened before I ever got in the door. Was at a local lingerie shop trying to find an appropriate foundation garment to wear beneath my wedding dress, when a salesclerk walked up to me, inquired about my need, looked me square in the CHEST and declared, “38B!” Let’s go!

    Ummm, awkward.

    Would love to win a copy of “Fitting Room” to study with you. Gonna like ya on FB too!

  119. Very exciting giveaway! Can’t wait to read this. I loved last book club. This website is such a blessing and I love passing it on to others.

  120. I can’t think of any amusing fitting room stories. I know I’ve gotten stuck in a dress or two before but it wasn’t funny.

  121. Oh I would love to win this! I’ve been looking at a copy of this book wistfully as it is out of my budget at this time.

  122. I don’t have a good fitting room story yet, but with three children, I’m sure there’s a doozy to come. I’d would love to be entered in the giveaway. Thanks!

  123. I wanted to put my 2 1/2 year old in her jammies before the hour drive home so we went to the dressing room (of the men’s suit store) where she exclaimed she wanted to do it “by myself” and that she needed “privacy.” So for the next 20 minutes she worked and worked and worked in the dressing room to get her jammies on while I sat on the floor just outside the door with my camera pointed under the dressing room door so I could keep an eye on her (it was either that or lay on the floor so I could see). When she emerged she was so proud of her accomplishment and was excited to show off how big she was to the sales clerks.

  124. Oh my, you girls are just soooo generous! My fitting room story is kind of embarassing and kind of sad. I took my husband (ok that was my first mistake). I was looking for a dress for an upcoming wedding I was going to. Well dress after dress that I tried on, hubby gave me that look. I knew the dress he wanted me to wear and I knew how he wanted me to look in it. I chose a few dresses that I thought the style would flatter me in and I also grabbed a few of my husband’s choices. All the dresses but two I ended up buying. Mainly for comfort, but they are cute too. BUT, one of the dresses I tried on these were the words out of hubby’s mouth. Now I love him dearly and I figured that he didn’t think ahead before speaking but here goes. “Wow, looks like you have a shelf there in the back”….To explain the shelf thing if you don’t know what he’s talking about, it’s the fact that my bum was sticking out and making a little indent that would accompany a few items that would nicely sit there while I walked. He didn’t realize how those words impacted me….When we got home, I asked him if he realized what he said and how it hurt. He did apologize. I don’t think he realized at the time how it would make me feel. Sorry this is so long, but the other thing I wanted to mention was the embarrassing part. It involves toilet paper. I had tucked some rolled up pieces of toilet paper in my purse. You’d think that as well as shopping for a dress, I’d be buying some much needed kleenex tissues. Well, anyway, I got to the cash register to pay for my dresses and I felt a sneeze coming on, grabbed the tissue in my purse and instead of grabbing the rolled up ball, I pulled on the tissue and it came out in a long strip, for all to see there at the wicket…Note to self, stock up on kleenex tissue and have in purse at all times.

  125. my fitting room story? Having someone open the door when I was in the middle of trying on clothes! Nothing like having a stranger see you in your under garments! LOL!!

    awesome giveaway!

  126. What a great and awesome giveway. Thank you for your generosity! Since I already have my book, I would give this one away to a young woman in my church if I win. I serve in my church’s Women’s Ministry – and we will be going through “The Fitting Room” in Bible study soon. I do follow you on Twitter and will like you soon on FB. 🙂

    Bless you girls,

  127. What a lovely give away…have no interesting fitting room stories…sorry…will like you on FB too, Thanks for doing this…

  128. I am SOOOO excited about this book! I am reading Annie Down’s book “From Head to Foot” right now and I think this will be the perfect follow up book.

  129. Oh fitting rooms…ugh! My friend and I always have to get rooms right across from each other, so we don’t technically have to do anything but open the door. 🙂
    Thanks for the chance to win!

  130. Fitting room stories take me back to when my babies were really babies – One I recall most is the giggling fit when my daughter and someone else’s child played peek-a-boo under the walls of the dressing rooms often changing positions so I had someone else’s child in my room and they had mine
    thanks for the chance to win – sounds like a great read!

  131. excited to read a new book, just in time for summer days. I really don’t mind fitting rooms just their mirrors. I don’t understand the marketing behind the “things-appear -larger-than-they-really-are” mirrors that department stores insist in putting in the fitting room…one day maybe I will make peace with these mirrors, until then I’m just a buy and return girl. I try things on at home in front of my normal mirror.

  132. Typically memories of a fitting room aren’t so near and dear to my heart but this one is. It is the first time I took my daughter to a store and had her try on clothes in a fitting room. Before she turned 5 I had always bought clothes and knew my daughter’s size and never had any issues with the clothes fitting. I decided that as she got bigger it wouldnt be so easy so I surprised her with a 5 year old mommy and daughter trip to the mall to the department store. She was so excited that could pick anything she wanted from the racks and try them on. Now of course I wasn’t going to buy every item she picked out but is was so cute when she would look at the tags and the racks and say mommy, this one is on sale!!! We had a great day!

  133. Fitting room story–my “helpful” 5 yr old pointing out that “it looks kinda rick-u-lus with socks on, momma.” I could hear the woman in the next dressing room over trying not to chuckle–and not succeeding at all. Still makes me smile to think about it.

  134. I take my three girls with me when I shop…and it never fails that one of them makes funny comments while trying on clothes. My oldest is really getting into fashion…or her idea of what fashion is…and she loves to leave the room and head to the large mirror in the hallway of dressing rooms to dance in her new outfit. If she can dance and twirl, then we make the purchase! If not, it goes back on the hanger. I love her spirit and think we should all step into the light in the hallway and twirl in front of the large mirror!

  135. Fitting rooms, hmm. Best of times was when I was a teenager and actually loved to try on clothes! My mom was always there to take stuff off the hanger and hand it over the door and even help put the stuff back on the hanger! I’ve tried to do the same for my girls over the years. Love to win!!!

  136. I can’t think of a specific situation but I remember many times when my daughter loudly comments on something that I’d rather others not hear!

  137. The only literal fitting room story is from when I was way young, maybe preteenish? Maybe early teens? I was in Gliks with my aunt and was trying on a pair of jeans. They didn’t quite fit, so I opened the door, walked out to my aunt and asked her to get one size bigger, handing her the jeans. How mortified was I when I walked back into the fitting room to see myself, nekkid except for underwear, from the waist down?? It was a horrifying experience. Maybe it’s why I avoid fitting rooms now?

  138. Lovely giveaway! I’m not sure I have any amusing fitting room stories, but I’m really enjoying the ones that are posted! This is why I shop online…{grin}…

  139. No funny fitting room stories. Try to avoid them as much as possible too many mirrors. But I would love a gift basket so I am commenting.

  140. My friend and I were in Aeropostle and a clerk unlocked the door of a fitting room that my friend was in. I tried to get his attention and tell him someone was inside but by the time I noticed he was unlocking the door, it was too late. He was SO embarrassed!! He was embarrassed times three (in front of three girls!)… the poor fellow, he couldn’t get done apologizing. To top it off, he had to wait on my friend and I at the cash register.

    We still laugh about the memories.

  141. AND my most special fitting room memory – well, memories, actually – is whenever my precious daughter opens the door to expose me to the world, usually when i’m sans trou or top. nice.

  142. I cannot think of a specific story, but the funniest ones involve small children and rooms with great echos. 😀 With 6 little ones now, I don’t often venture into fitting rooms anymore. I’d love to win this book (and all of the other goodies). Thanks!

  143. What a great gift basket!! No fitting room stories to share though. I really would love to win this book. Thanks for the chance!

  144. My summer is so hectic that I look at these things and smile…oh, the bliss of reading a good book, seeing the artwork, smiling at God’s amazing blessings!! As I manage a Christian camp, summer is a crazy, busy time…I look for things like this to give me moments of God’s peace in my schedule! Thank you for your blogs – they are blessings!

  145. I am looking forward to reading this book! I have loved all of the BLOOM books so far. I am sure this one will be just as GREAT!!! 🙂

  146. I was shopping with my firstborn, and still nursing. I had heard that fitting rooms were a nice private place to nurse while out shopping. That might be for a tiny infant, but all those mirrors were mesmerizing to my already alert baby.

    Just found this website, and am looking forward to exploring it more.

  147. Once as newlyweds shopping Dilliards, my husband was helping me pick out clothes. I had the largest fitting room, so I asked him to come in and see the outfit I had on. We were comparing a couple items and he was helping me pick out the best one. When we left the room, a security guard came and told him he could not be in the women’s fitting room! My poor, modest husband was so embarrassed. He felt like a criminal!

  148. I don’t having a fitting room story but I would love to be entered into the giveaway. I wish I could share something profound but I know that right now I can’t. All I can say is that right now in life I’m truly trying to increase my relationship with God and I know this summer will help with that. Thank you for even offering this giveaway. It will be a great summer. God Bless!

  149. I’m intrigued by this study! My regular book study group is “off” for the summer & this will be a great summer study — hope to invite my group to try the online study too!! Pls. enter me for the drawing too!!

  150. Recently when my 14 yo daughter was in the fitting room and she opened the door to show me the top I didn’t recognize her for a second because it was something “dressy” or in style but I’m SO USED to seeing her in a t-shirt and sports shorts/pants. We both laughed at my surprise! SHe looked beautiful…I hold onto that “picture”. Hmm….is that how I am? So used to seeing the wrong attitudes on myself and not feeling comfortable in the things CHRIST longs for me to put on and wear? Think I need to read the book!

  151. I can’t remember any funny fitting room stories, but I’m really hoping to win this giveaway!

  152. Never go into a fitting room with an opinionated 6 year old. It isn’t good for your self-confidence! I was trying on jeans at one of my favorite stores and when the pair I was trying on was too big, my daughter commented, “Wow, that’s surprising.” When I asked her what was so surprising she said, “That they make clothes that are actually TOO BIG for you.” She’s eleven years old now and I’m just now getting over it! ha!!
    Super gift basket! Thanks for the opportunity!

  153. Well, my most memorable fitting room story was when I was in high school and had to go up from a size in jeans and I had an EMOTIONAL breakdown in Eddie Baugher(*sp). THat happened to be the only store I could find the jeans long enough to fit and just right in the waist. I sat in the floor and cryed while my poor mother tryed to console me through the fitting room door. That’s been 11 years ago and we still laugh about that shopping trip.

  154. I don’t have any fitting room stories. Just getting to try something on without having another child with me would be nice. This give away looks like a treat. I look forward to getting some reading done this summer. With seven kids in the house I am not so sure that will be often though.

  155. A few month back I was in the dressing room in a large clothing store with my 2.5 year old. It was a section where there were only 3 dressing rooms alongside the wall in the clothing section, not an entire separated area like other stores. I was trying on clothes and my 2.5 year old was trying to open the door on me… when I told her not to open the door because Mama didn’t want everyone seeing her hiney, she said loudly “Everybody gonna see your hiney mama! I opening the door!!” Luckily I had clothes on and got her away from the door before I could really be embarrassed but I’m sure the ladies around us enjoyed the “hiney” conversation coming from the middle dressing stall!!

  156. Oh, a great fitting room story–you mean like the time my sister and I were trying on bridesmaids dresses for me to wear for her wedding? The time where we’d been searching all day long for dresses–and had been walking the mall for hours…and I had had like three cups of coffee?? Translation=I had to go to the bathroom BAD, and literally almost had to run out in the dress I was trying on to find one?? Do you know how hard it is to change clothes when you’re just about to go?
    Not my greatest moment, but we laugh now…:)

  157. I would love to join in with this book journey, and what a great gift basket! I remember being a kid, shopping with my mom who would usually be saying, “Betsy, just try it on.” As a result I got a bunch of clothes I ended up liking that looked weird on the hangers. Then the movie Spanglish came out with Adam Sandler came out. Now every time I shop with my sister we both tell each other, “just try it on!” in our best Spanish accent. I still feel awkward at shopping, but I am game to try most anything.

  158. Here is my fitting room story….
    I was at a certain lingerie store helping my best friend register for her bridal shower. She was looking forward to her wedding day ….. As she tried on beautiful garments to be worn for her husband, she nearly fainted! (For real!!!) She had never put on “clothing” like this before. It was a totally new experience for her (and me as I was not married yet!) We now have 7 children between our 2 families. 🙂

    Each item in the gift basket is wonderful. I was not able to purchase a book and missed the request for a book by a day. It would be a blessing to receive this gift basket.

  159. the only fitting room story that is interesting or should I say startling is as I was trying on cothes at the Good will, I looked down to see a little boy about the age of 2 staring up at me after crawling halfway into my stall..:>)…….I had a hard time getting him to leave too, LOL…..
    Amy M

  160. I’d love to win! I have been part of the book club since the beginning and can’t wait for this book to start!

    I don’t really have any fitting room stories other than I’m the person that never knows if you’re supposed to find someone to get a key to let you into a fitting room or if you can just walk in yourself, so I always kind of just blindly, slowly walk into the area until someone yells at me =)

  161. No funny fitting room stories as most of my clothes are hand-me-down from friends.

    The idea of putting on Biblical virtues and becoming better women of God sounds exciting. I often forget to put on “fruits of spirit”. I’m not a very patient person and often short with people.

    I would love to learn to put on patience, persistance, love & other Biblical virtues before hitting the world.

  162. I liked incourage on fb

    I cant think of an interesting fitting room story, but would love to be entered into the contest 🙂

  163. Whenever my friends and I are shopping for dresses, we have to at least find one ugly dress to try on. We then take snapshots in the dressing room of us all in these hideous outfits. =D

  164. What a great giveaway! My most amusing, or more like awkward, fitting room story was when I was trying to find a dress to wear to a friend’s wedding. I picked out two contenders and went about trying them on. The first one that I tried on was made so that I had to slip it on overhead, and then zip it up on the side (arm hole, fabric, zipper, fabric). Really weird design. It fit perfectly, but then when I went to take it off, I couldn’t pull it overhead, but I also couldn’t just slip out of it like a skirt. I finally managed to do some crazy contorting and get that thing off! Needless to say, I bought the second dress that had no zippers and was stretchy-cotton.

  165. What a wonderful gift! Not any really funny fitting room stories to share…just a good reminder that it’s been too long since I was in one! I think it’s time for some spring shopping…

  166. What a lovely bracelet! I don’t have any horror stories or even funny stories about fitting rooms… I try not to go into them 😉 However, I would love, love, love to receive the gift basket. I am currently working through No Other Gods and Kelly touched on Colossians 3 in this book. I loved the version of the Message, and as I was reading I thought, “Oh, this is what we’ll be going into detail about in The Fitting Room, I bet!” Looking forward to gettng started!

  167. Probably wont win, but just had to try for these great prizes!

    Funniest story was when my husband was in a fitting room and I sent my 6 year old son in to deliver a message to my husband. I told my son to just “announce” the message in the fitting room. Instead, he decided to locate him by crawling on the floor looking under every door for my husband!!!!

  168. Back in the day, I was dying to get the “cool” pant overalls for my wardrobe, but I was an especially long and lean young person. I tried on several pairs and every single time, they were horribly short (and people didn’t wear capri’s back in the day.) My mother and grandmother would burst into hysterical laughter whenever I would open the door to show them. So, funny! Sad to say, I never got my pant overalls, but I guess that really isn’t too sad. 😉

  169. I have already started reading and this book is so much easier and I really like it. I’m also a friend on Facebook and twitter 🙂

  170. I also “like” incourage on FB! Another story… I once got my foot stuck in taper legged jeans. I had HUGE feet for my little frame, but who didn’t in Jr. High School?

  171. My most embarrassing fitting room story (which may have happened more than once) was being in the middle of trying something on and having my little one escape the fitting room by climbing under the dividing wall and either run down the hall of the fitting room or go into SOMEONE ELSE’S dressing room. I then had to leave half dressed and chase the little one down or pull them back into my fitting room while apologizing over and over to the surprised lady who now had a toddler in HER dressing room.

  172. It’s been so long since I’ve been into a fitting room, I don’t remember if I have stories. I am looking forward to receiving my book and receiving inspiration once again. Thank you for sharing.

  173. My all time favorite fitting room story was a few years when shopping with 2 of my best friends. We were shopping for bathing suits. We tried on all sorts of styles, and we have never laughed so hard. Favorite comment of the day to each other, “Aren’t you a tall drink of water.” good times.

  174. i don’t have a fitting room story…..but my comment is this: i’m excited & hopefully going to be able to participate in this book club this go-around! 🙂

  175. I’m in and excited about it!!
    I think the funny part about fitting rooms are the conversations you hear going on. I make sure the person I’m with goes into the same room so we are not sharing our fat stories with the world. lol

  176. I have a dear friend moving away and I would love to give this gift basket to her

  177. I would love to win!!! Pick me Pick me!

    I used to work for a higher end women’s clothing store to bring in some extra income…I expected to fold clothes, help customers pick out items, run the cash register…what I got was a totally new dressing room experience! Women of all ages, races, and sizes would ask me (and others that worked there) to come into the dressing room and help them in picking out what looked good on them, what did not. OH my! What an experience–I am standing there thinking to myself–“I never knew women could be so comfortable in their bra and panties in front of a complete stranger!” I saw more tatooes on private body parts! Every time I worked I walked out amazed at women’s confidence, bravity, and comfortablility with their bodies. Go women!

  178. Oh my goodness, I would love to win a book cause I can’t afford to buy one. This is such a totally awesome group! I LOVE in courage!! You guys are such a huge blessing for women!!

  179. I don’t have a funny fitting room story but I love how a fitting room can bring women together. My best memory was back in high school when I was looking for my senior prom dress. My mom had taken me to San Francisco (we lived in a small Northern California town) to find my dress. I would try a dress on and then come out to show my mom. An African American woman was shopping with her daughter and started commenting on my dresses as well. She was so delighted by one of the dresses that I tried on exclaiming how perfect it was for me……it was the dress that I bought! Its great when we can encourage another in the fitting room!!

  180. I’m so excited about this book and giveaway.

    My unfortnate fitting room story happened recently. As we were preparing to go on a vacation and I am pregnant, I had to get a new maternity swim suit. My salesperson was very eager, so every 2 minutes or so she would ask how it was going. I’m pregnant and trying on bathing suits! Of course it was a little more than frustrating. I bought the first one I tried on, in a size larger than I initially started with, and left quickly. UGH.

  181. I don’t have a fitting room story, unless you count all 4 of my children crawling under the fitting room door at one time and getting stuck while I was trying on clothes, My then 5 yr old daughter says. ” Mommy you don’t have clothes on.” She is now 20 and has 10 month old. I am smiling as I type this.. Hoping that one day she has a humorous fitting room story…

  182. Such a sweet gift basket! I don’t have any interesting fitting room stories.

  183. There’s a story my Gran used to love telling about me, looking for a dressing room. I was about 2 or 3 and was with her at Sears. Apparently, there were some teenagers shopping for bras and panties, and I was trying to be “grown up” and grabbed a pair, and went looking for a dressing room.

    Thanks for hosting this giveaway! Good luck everyone!

  184. The first story that came to mind was the one when I was about 10 or 11 and my mom and I were shopping together but had split up to look at our own things and promised to meet in a few minutes. I found a really cute shirt and went into the fitting room to try it on. It was much too small for me, but I wouldn’t be deterred. I got it on and realized that I couldn’t really move my arms, much less raise them to get the shirt off. I struggled with it, but just couldn’t figure out the physical gymnastics it would have required. I needed to raise my arms up straight and have my mom pull shirt straight up and off. But, there was no way I was going to leave the fitting room to go out and find her. So, I stayed there and tried not to think about how much trouble I was going to get into for not meeting her. But, it didn’t take my mom long to find me, a miserable teary mess just waiting to be rescued from my fitting room prison. My gracious mom didn’t laugh or punish. She just helped me out of that “cute” shirt and she didn’t make a big deal out of it.

  185. I am sure my fitting room experience is not uncommon… involves little “peeping tommy’s.”
    I was wearing my undies! I do not have the kind of body or the personality that parades around in my undies! These “old enough to know better” boys were crawling under all of the empty dressing room walls when…..WHOOPS….they came upon ME! I am not sure which of us was more embarrassed, but I certainly know that I have forever more remembered the experience!
    Thanks for the chance to win a great gift. Love this site, it is a blessing.

  186. Well…when my oldest daughter was about three I was out shopping for a some new clothes for myself and as I tried on a dress she asked me in a VERY loud, shocked voice, “Mommy! Why is your underwear BLACK!!” I could hear snickers up and down the fitting room! That was the last time I took any of my children with me into the fitting room!

    Thanks for this chance to win!

  187. I would love to enter for this give-away and share the basket with a friend in need!

    I didn’t even have to *try* to think of my funniest fitting room story…it is probably forever ingrained in the front of my mind…

    I was at Target last year and I saw a cute, flow-y shirt for sale. I thought it was pretty, and I liked the longer length, so I decided to take it to the fitting room and give it a go. Well, I went into the fitting room and proceeded to pull this shirt over my head and then over my body. The neck-hole seemed of average size but the bottom of the shirt seemed to be very tight…I could hardly pull it over my belly, much less my hips (and it was long enough to go past the hips.) This was very strange indeed, but stranger yet was that I was locating what appeared to be tons of extra fabric on one side. I began to ask myself if this shirt was defective! As I tried to navigate through all the extra fabric, I discovered yet another hole, in this extra fabric, as if there was a sleeve on my waste. I was extremely confused (and quite tangled) before I ever realized that I had pulled myself into a ROMPER. I was wearing one flow-y leg hole around my belly and the other was hanging off the side.

    Then I, all alone in an empty fitting room, began to laugh. And laugh. And laugh. And try to free myself. And laugh. The poor woman at the fitting desk probably thought I was bawling my eyes out.

    That’s my story.

  188. I don’t have any super funny stories, but it seems that more often than not, I am in a fitting room with both of my girls, trying to find something in a hurry, with less-than- enthusiastic helpers. 🙂

  189. my sister in law and I were trying on bathing suits (not the most fun but definitly amusing chore), and our 4 children, all under 6 were running around as we tried on suit after suit. Finally my sister came out with the one she liked most and my son yelled “RUN, your mom looks gross!” We laughed so hard we cried! Our kids have doubled in age now and we still laugh hard about that day!

  190. Tried to “like” you on facebook but the link up there didn’t work, and I can’t find you when I search 🙁

  191. I’d like to enter. I think any interesting fitting room stories involve tops not fitting, seams not landing where they should. Not my favorite memories. I’ve had a zipper stuck, had to call for help. I’ve cried with the ladies on “What not to Wear” I feel their pain. My mom went bra shopping with me once, and in the middle of Sears, pulls up the back of my shirt and tells the saleslady, “She needs one of those with wide padded straps…” Of course the saleslady looked about 12. I often think I must be a freak of nature. Does nothing come in my size? You just have to laugh.

  192. While I don’t have a funny fitting room story, I really appreciate the entry into the prize! Thank you!


  193. Probably when I was physicall stuck in a dress. Somehow I was able to pull the zipper all the way up, but I could not for the life of me pull it back down. It was a sweaty, aerobic, physical feat of power to get out of that dress. It was gorgeous and looked great, but my near panic attack about being stuck in it for life made me not buy it! Thanks for the offer-I’d love to win!!! 😉

  194. It is the confidence of being loved that I struggle with. The idea of putting on that confidence like clothing remindes me that it isn’t a feeling that can be manipulated, it is a fact I can choose. When I choose to put on the confidence of God – Loving – Me than I can stop struggling to wear something that doesn’t fit or make me feel good.
    Sounds so good unlike the ill-fitting mess I usually am. Just keep holding on and one day I know He will put on my princess clothes.
    Love sharing and seeing I’m not alone in my struggles. Thank you so much for a place to gather.

  195. I cannot wait to participate in the book club & what a FABULOUS & generous giveaway!!

    My fitting story?! Hmmmm…well, with a very strong willed 6 year old, it seems that everytime I try on my “patience outfit” it just doesn’t FIT the way it’s supposed to! 😉

  196. When I was a teenager in the early 1960’s, Capris were all the rage. But they weren’t the Capris of today, they were down to the ankle, and tapered to a very slim opening at the bottom. I could get them on okay, but my feet were pretty big & to get them off my mother would stand on the far side of the fitting room and pull on them until the Capris were inside out–she’d tug and pull until the pants finally left my foot! My feet are still too big for my body–size 11 & I’m 5’4″, but what can you do about that? Not a thing.

  197. Would love to win this so that I can have a chance to share in the Fitting Room story. BTW I <3 inCourage! 🙂

  198. I just “liked” you on Facebook! But I “love” you every day in real life!

  199. I am reading this book this summer with a group friends and neighbors! I’m going to let them all know about this, so we can see the videos, too.

    I will also be going back to the discussion on One Thousand Gifts. I couldn’t do it with you, but the book has been on my nightstand since the second or third week it was available.

    You guys pick good books!

  200. I would love to be enter into the giveaway.

    I am sorry to say – I don’t really have a funny fitting room story. I am not a big shopper so I don’t use the fitting room very often. When I do – my husband usually brings stuff for me to try on because he loves to shop. Come to think of it – that is a pretty funny fitting room story in of itself.
    Thank you all for your daily encouragement in my life. What you do is much appreciated.


  201. I can definitely say that I TOTALLY underestimated the difficulty of trying on clothes with a toddler in tow. Why is it ALWAYS when you’re half dressed or in a terribly unflattering outfit that they sneak out of the fitting room, have a major meltdown, or hurt themselves?!

  202. I don’t have any stories per se, but I do have a lot of great memories of bonding with my Mother and sister in such rooms…making sure clothing was modest and holding each other accountable in that area. Somehow my mother made dressing modestly fun!

  203. I already bought my copy of the book and love it, but would like to give one to a friend!

  204. I don’t have any funny fitting room stories but I would be very blessed by the giveaway. I am home recovering from surgery so funds are limited. I also would have the time to fully read and participate. Love the book club!

  205. Liked you on facebook and shared this link. Thanks for the opportunity to try. I especially love the wall art!

  206. Hmmm…I think I’ve blocked all fitting room experiences from my mind. 🙂 I did always think it was funny to use the “fake belly” in Gap Maternity when trying on maternity clothes.

  207. I missed the last book, but I am really looking forward to joining in this time! And that giftbag has some great goodies!!

  208. Wow…what a fantastic giveaway. The most recent funny fitting room story was over two years ago when my sister and I were shopping for bathing suits at Macy’s and we both came out of our indivudal rooms to show each other what we had found and we had the same suit on…we laughed so hard that the attendant came in. I grabbed my camera and had her take a photo…which mys sister will NOT let me show anyone! But it is one of my fondess memories of us being silly together, like when we were kids.

  209. It would just bless my socks off to be a winner in your give-away today…so thank you for the opportunity to do so. We finish home schooling this friday and I am ready to plop myself down at the beach and begin a good read…right along with you gals!

  210. I would totally love this! I don’t have any great stories, but wouldn’t it be super if they
    could use trick mirrors that make you look fabulous no matter what you try on!

  211. Truth be told, it’s been quite awhile since I’ve been inside a fitting room. Four years ago when we were preparing to leave for the mission field I did my utmost to by four years’ worth of clothing – and thankfully, for the most part, it worked! Now we are returning to the States for our first furlough and I have conflicting emotions of anticipating/dread about stepping into a fitting room again after so long. 🙂

  212. I just try to make sure I leave the fitting room with at least the personal things I came in with…like my shoes and purse!!

  213. what a great giveaway…i’d love to win! i can’t think of a good fitting room story right now…but i’m sure my visits to the fitting room are always amusing for the other people in there. i usually have at least one, if not 3 children in there with me. children who are loud and singing and playing and asking 100 million questions while i’m trying to see if something fits. it’s always a circus for us. 🙂

  214. I love the idea of this book, and look forward to reading it with you if I win the basket. I’d love to share this with my “fashionista” teenager – put a different perspective on things! Sadly, no fitting room stories that I can remember.

  215. I think the funniest thing I’ve experienced in a fitting room was trying on rompers (which should be banned for any female over the age of six, by the way) for the sole purpose of a blog post 🙂

  216. I have had my kids open the dressing room door on me while I am trying on clothes.

  217. I also follow you on Twitter. 🙂 (Oh, and last week I TOTALLY got stuck in a dress in the fitting room. Awesome.)

  218. Looking forward to this summer study! I try to avoid fitting rooms if at all possible. I’m the wife of a politician and I HATE TO SHOP! Pretty soon the newspaper is gonna figure out I wear the same outfit to EVERYTHING! Oh well. There are more important issues to attend to.

  219. I would love to win a copy of the book. I was too embarassed to ask for a free copy of the last book study and am kicking myself now. This time I totally missed the window for requesting a free copy. Would love to do this book study!

  220. I have 2 stories. While pregnant with my 2nd child, I was at a maternity store with my under 2 years old son. The store was small and everyone could hear when my son kept saying, “Awesooooooooome!” Now, my daughter, who is five, is a real encouragement when I clothes shop. She sits with my in the fitting room and no matter what I try on, she’ll say, “You’re so pretty, Mommy, that dress is beautiful!” (She will also “announce” to all within hearing distance what color underwear I’m wearing that day!)

  221. I usually shop with my friends or sisters, but there was one time when I went shopping by myself. I had a good stack of clothes to try on and was very excited about it. While I was in the fitting room trying on the clothes, all the lights went off! I couldn’t find the clothes I originally wore in there or see anything at all! I just stood in there waiting….still dark….I talked into the darkness and no one answered…so now I’m alone in the darkness…I finally opened the door and walked into the little hallway and the lights came back on! Apparently there was a light sensor in the hallway and I had been in the fitting room so long that it turned off. Now I really like shopping with other people 🙂

  222. I “liked” (in)courage on Facebook. Wasn’t sure if I had to leave a separate comment for that! 🙂

  223. When I turned 30 a dear friend flew into town to celebrate. Three of us went away for the weekend of food, shopping and laughs. While we were shopping we all decided to share a large dressing room. Mind you we were trying on swimsuits, so it was hysterical. While we were in there we heard another women say “you all are having way to much fun in there” we got really quiet and giggled. Then she said, ” it makes me want to join you” we were not sure how to take that so we burst into laughs. There is nothing like hanging out with good friends in a fitting room!!

  224. My sister was searching for a wedding dress and was on a tight budget, so we went to an outlet with my mother. There she found a beautiful brocaded gown, but sadly, there was only a size 16 on the rack, far to large for my thin sister. Mom and I went through every rack and I found a size 8. My sister was sure it would be too small, but into the dressing room we went with the dresses to try them on.

    The brocaded gown went on first, an fit my sister like a glove- no alterations needed at all. She hestitated only a moment about buying the very first dress she tried on. Then she saw the tears my mother and I were unable to hold back. Sold!

  225. I would have to say the funniest was when I was trying on clothes and my oldest daughter was in the dressing room with me.
    As I was trying on clothes she was reading the tags and she blurted out “Mom, you wear a size 23 in undies?
    I wanted to die.
    M. Waters

  226. What a great giveaway. I would love to win! I once got stuck in a dressing room and couldn’t get out-it was horrible, the door wouldn’t budge! I started yelling for someone to resuce me. I couldn’t crawl out because I was 8 mths pregnant!

  227. I avoid fitting rooms and just purchase then return, if needed. It quells the mindless shopper withing. Oh how I would LOVE to have gift basket! Thank you!

  228. I loathe fitting rooms. I will never forget the time I took my daughter in with me, who was about 5 at the time, and she honestly proclaimed, “mommy, you have a big butt”! Whaaaaaa!

  229. I avoid fitting rooms- but do get weird looks when I come out with my husband in tow.

  230. No really crazy fitting room stories here! I guess I should be thankful for that one! 🙂 I would love the gift pack though! Thanks for the chance!

  231. How fun! I am excited for the study, and would love to win all the goodies!

    Thanks for all you do!

  232. No fitting room stories for me either, I love new clothes, HATE trying on new clothes…ugh!! I hope to be able to get the book and read along with you all and journey this road together. Blessings!!

  233. I’m working so hard on gaining the fruits of the Spirit, I would love to read The Fitting Room.

  234. Oh, my goodness, I’d LOVE this basket! Fitting rooms are not my friend!! For some reason, if I am looking at the mirror as I try something on, that piece will not fit right. So I never look at the mirror until I get the clothes completely on.

  235. Trying on clothes in a fitting room just isn’t possible when I’m usually shopping with all my kids. I just bring it home and hope it fits! 🙂 Would love this gift package though!

  236. Hmmm, fitting room stories…let’s see…very briefly…

    I have learned that baby strollers do NOT fit well in any fitting room, no matter how big the room looks! And sometimes, y ou can wedge it in there, but getting it out is a whole other matter!

    And go by yourself if you can, because being half-dressed and trying to run down an escapee three-year-old doesn’t usually bode well.

  237. Love Kelly Minter! Can’t wait to read the book.

    Fitting rooms — yuck. I usually just buy it and bring it home. That might be why I have closets full of clothes that don’t fit. I just went through all the closets and discarded 10 bags of clothes. And I could go through them again!

  238. I don’t have a great fitting room story. This makes me wonder should I spend more time shopping? He He

  239. I recently went into a fitting room for the first time in months (years?) for some much needed new clothes. Brought the toddler along with me. This meant that at one point, I was standing shirtless, trying to find my ringing cellphone with one hand while hanging onto the toddler (who was trying to escape under the door) with the other. It was one of those moments where all you could do was laugh.

  240. How about hot chocolate or lemonade instead of coffee? Can I bring those? 🙂 I already “like” Incourage on Facebook. I “Like” Incourage on Twitter. I just plain LIKE Incourage! :):):)

  241. Funny? How about fun instead? It’s always more fun to try on clothes with friends. i never try on clothes by myself. Boring!

  242. My best fitting room story involves God’s provision. I was newly employed, and had joined a women’s choir which required a long black skirt for performances. I was in a fitting room having tried on a skirt that would work. It was beyond my price range, and for some reason, this usually quiet lady was talking to herself out loud about it. A voice from another room said, “If it’s over $50, I have a coupon.” I can’t remember how much the coupon was for, but it brought my skirt down to within a range I could pay.

    Of course, there are many goofy stories in my head from fitting rooms and other small enclosures, but this one is my favorite.

  243. I do not have any fitting room stories because I HATE trying on clothes in public. I rarely do so and pay for it by having to make returns often, which come to think about it, I think that I hate more than trying on clothes in public! Hmmm…lol.

    Thanks for the chance to win! Always such thoughtful prizes here!


  244. My most recent fitting room story occured a couple of weeks ago when I went shopping with my 2 granddaughters aged 7 and 8. We were in a childrens store where the fitting room conssisted of a shower curtain like half circle mounted on the wall. My grandaughter was trying on a 2 piece swimsuit in this tiny space and I was standing right outside the curtain, when she realized the two halves were linked together with a plastic tagger. She had the swimsuit half on and was trying to get the other half on and burst into a fit of giggles…..I peaked around and started giggling as well…people nearby must have thought we were crazy..her sister moved away to the childrens play area..we had a great day..but did not buy the swimsuit.

  245. In high school, my friend and I were trying on clothes. We kept stepping out of our dressing rooms to show each other how cure we looked. It just so happened that there was a very unpleasant odor in the dressing room area and we commented on that every time we came out of the dressing rooms. At one point, the sales lady came and apologized and said she had no idea about the smell. We continued to talk about how bad it was, saying things like- I can barely breathe, etc. The sales lady came back and sprayed air freshener.

    As we were trying on some of our final selections, still talking about the smell (we were obnoxious), a lady in the next dressing room comes rushing out. She looks at us and says- I’m so sorry. I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I feel terrible about the smell. I’m going to find a restroom!

    She was obviously embarrassed. But after her confession, so were we!

    I’m pretty sure I would have walked out and said- the smell is terrible and I’m leaving. Never owning up to the cause!

  246. I was in a fitting room at a lingerie store with my three small children. They were 5, 2, and newborn aged. Yes start laughing here. My five year old began to ask questions about my body parts very loudly. The hushed giggles close by revealed that we were not alone in the fitting room. Oh Joy!

  247. Would love to win one of these great gift baskets! No good fitting room stories, other than the occasional times of temporarily getting ‘stuck’ in a dress that was too small. 🙂

  248. i am not much of a shopper … no real “fitting room” stories.. would love to win the book though !!!

    jill in wichita

  249. I don’t have a funny story to tell but it does bring back good memories of my best friend and I shopping together all the time and she and I taking my sons school clothes shopping, they always tried to avoid the dreaded fitting rooms! My sons are grown and my firend is shopping in heaven, good to have memories to fall back on.

  250. i don’t really have a fun fitting room story – i’m more of a, “if it looks like it fits, i’ll take it!” kind of girl:). but i would love a chance to win this book basket!! thank you.

  251. Funny fitting room story…hmmm…that is tough. I hate trying on jeans—I usually bring in a gazillion pairs and just keep trying them on until I find a pair. BUT, since I used to work at the GAP and had to clean out those fitting rooms, I am the type of person that always puts away all of my discards because I feel bad for the workers to have to do it. 🙂 This basket looks totally AMAZING!!!!!

  252. I would like to be entered for the giveaway. I am excited to read this book. I started it yesterday to get an idea of what we are going into and it is going to be fantastic!

  253. Love it when you find that just right outfit- the right color, the right fit, the right feel.

  254. My worst fitting room experience was trying on swimsuits w/my Mom (as an adult). I’m extremely modest, but she took it to a whole new level. It is funny now, but it wasn’t a pleasant experience.

  255. Hmm, fitting room story… nothing comes to mind but for a great clothes related story. On my wedding day, me and all my girls are waiting for the ceremony in the church nursery. My sister (who was my MOH) was drinking from an apple juice box and wanted to make me laugh. She attempted to blow bubbles in her juice box, of course with the juice box being a closed system it didn’t work and when she took her mouth off of the straw the juice came up the straw and spilled all over her light blue chiffon layered dress. 😛 Fast work with wet paper towels and a hair dryer mostly saved the day.

  256. I once tried on a dress in a consignment store, and the zipper just wouldn’t come down. Thankfully, my mom was shopping with me, and I had her come in and try to help… but she pulled the zipper pull right off! The dress was too tight to pull over my head, and so they had to cut me out of it! Oh, I was so embarrassed…

  257. Oh wow! I LOVE that bracelet. Not sure if us international chicks can enter (UK) but funny fitting room story?!
    A few months ago I went to visit a friend in London and she was determined to get me into leggings. I hate leggings. Will not wear them (although I admit they look cute on other people!). So, she gets this pair of leggings and literally force marches me into the changing room.
    So, because I love her, I try to put these leggings on. Try. She eventually starts asking what on earth I’m doing. Answer? Curled up on the floor, contorted into the stupidest position ever and collapsed over laughing. I can’t even get the things over my knee (and I’d picked them up a size larger than normal).
    Needless to say, I didn’t buy any leggings.
    And I still hate them (except on other people where they look cute!).

  258. I am a pretty impatient person, especially when it comes to trying on clothes. Well anyway, although I love shopping and trying on clothes, I am usually in a rush. So much to see! So one time I slipped a dress on over my head. It went on okay but the fabric had absolutely no stretch to it at all. I didn’t like it and it was kind of tight, so in my rush to get it off, it got stuck right over my shoulders. My head was completely submerged in stuffy fabric, arms frantically waving over my head. I felt like I was going to be suffocated by this monstrosity of a dress. Well it serves me right for being a shopaholic. I hopped, twisted, rolled, squeaked, and eventually had to practically dislocate my shoulders to get this thing off. It was scary! I still have nightmares. On the plus side I discovered I have crazy contortionist skills.

    • If there was a ‘like’ button, I’d click it!!! Nightmare at the time, but great story for girls nights out!

  259. With 3 kids in tow, I try to avoid the fitting rooms at all costs :)~ Thanks for the giveaway!

  260. My best (worst?) fitting room stories are those where I’ve gotten stuck in whatever I’m trying on! Yikes!!

  261. WOW!! How wonderful this gift basket is!

    I have many fitting room stories – it’s hard to remember the details after so long! My girlfriends & I would save up for 4 or 5 months & “go off” to the MALL. There were up to 6 of us at a time. Imagine the sales clerk’s face as we’d pick off the racks & cram 2 or 3 of us into one fitting room – then come out half dressed showing each other. Trading “TRY ON’S” with each other and running back & forth for different colors! Must have been a nightmare for them!

    D 🙂

  262. In college, my floor in the dorm went on one huge group date – roommates chose each others dates. We then divided into teams of two couples and had a scavenger hunt in the mall. One of the things we had to do was have a girl dress up in a hideous outfit or awful combination of clothing and pretend to believe it was the most gorgeous outfit ever. The others had to enlist the help of a store employee to try and convince her it wasn’t a good choice. We had so much fun. Great laughs and memories!

  263. Would love to be included. Having been a “Big” girl most of my adult life I have stayed away from the fitting room for many years. I have recently begun to loose a pretty good amount of weight (although I have a long way to go) and am buying new clothes AT STORES (instead of the web) and it is sooooo fun to twirl in front of all those mirrors that I have avoided for sooooooo long.

  264. well, what an exciting thing to be a part of! i would love to win the lovely gift basket and join the book club!!
    i really think of a fitting room story tho i’m certain my lovely sister could remind me of a few we’ve shared together over the years….

  265. I’d love to be entered as well. I don’t really have an awesome fitting room stories, but one of my favorite thrift stores doesn’t have fitting rooms so I always wear a cami there so I can try on shirts!

  266. I guess the phase that fits the best is “it takes a village”.
    I was being fit for a strapless bridemaid’s dress…let’s just say women of 40 should not be in strap dresses unless they are the bride…enough said.
    At one point I had one person helping with a strapless bra, another doing the alterations and another one in charge of the Spanx…at some point you just give up all modesty and let it all hang out! Comical!

  267. I can’t wait for the book club! As far as a fitting room story: Well I have gotten in a few sticky situations trying to take dresses off the wrong way (because I don’t want to get makeup on them) and getting them stuck around my hips! Luckily nothing has ever gotten torn.

  268. No interesting stories to share, but I will definitely “like” you on facebook:)

  269. I’d like to be entered!
    Thankfully I don’t have any embarrassing fitting room stories, which is hard to believe since I am pretty accident prone. Knock.on.wood!

  270. It’s terrible, but I can’t recall any fitting room stories. I just know that I hate the whole process of trying on clothes…once I’m dressed I want to stay dressed.

  271. “one thousand gifts” was my intro to bloom book club. It changed my entire view on life. How could I not do “the fitting room” also!

  272. I need to get organized and order the book for the book club – can’t wait! I’ve joined along for almost all of the studies so far. No funny dressing room stories, but I “like” you on Facebook!! 🙂 Thanks for a great give-away!

  273. My favorite fitting room story is when I found my wedding dress. I was with my mom and my grandmother (her mom) . It was a great day. We had just gone out to “see if there was anything” and we found the perfect one- we all teared up a bit, but it was such a blesssing to be able to find my wedding dress with the two most important women in my life.

  274. Fitting room story: I was trying on a pair of jeans and lazy me didn’t want to remove my shoes. You guessed it. I fumbled around in that small broom closet bumping and grunting like a bad comedy movie. After about 5min I was able to rescue my shoe. I could have tried on the jeans and been at the checkout by then. My time saver idea was a total bomb. Lesson: do it the right way the first time!

  275. I don’t know about a dressing room story other than the time I was trying on a formal gown and got stuck with my hands above my head, my face covered, and my legs bare. My blessed friend came to my rescue after hearing my muffled cries for assistance.

  276. I hope I’m not the only mom…

    One of my kiddos took a peek into the next fitting room over by sticking their head under the partition. Greetings were exchanged and I was three shades of red! 🙂

  277. It’s great to read about others fitting room horror stories 🙂 i’ve had a great chuckle. Most of mine included accidentally locking myself or my children into them.

  278. I think that some mirrors in fitting rooms have been altered to make clothing look better on me than when I get home! I find that so annoying! But, I guess, I probably don’t want mirrors to show how unattractive an outfit is? 🙂

  279. Once I was in a hurry to try something on at TJ Maxx and there was no fitting room attendant so I just picked a room. When I came out, the attendant was back and pointed up at the word above the rooms I’d just left. “Men’s.” Oops! Women’s were on the other side!

  280. My biggest fitting room story would be trying on a really cute shirt only to find out that it did not fit the best….as in I could not get it off. After much pulling, and dancing around…ahem…I finally got it off. 🙂

  281. I just bought the book at lunch! But I would still love to win and I would give your book to my friend so we could do the study together (I would keep all the other stuff myself of course!). I already “like” you on FB and am now following you on Twitter.

  282. Best fitting room story? Well of course itd have to include my daughter. This particular child is known for speaking whatever is in her little mind. One day we were in a fitting room and she was watching me change(nerve wracking). All of a sudden she blurts out “how comes you got those big things?!” I’ll refrain from publicly saying here what she was referring to;Im sure you can imagine. I wanted to crawl under the bench and never come out!

  283. I don’t try anything on so I don’t have any funny stories… The thought of trying on clothes in a store is enough to induce panic 🙂 I try it on at home and return later if need be… Wonderful giveaway!!

  284. I cannot say that I have any good or funny fitting room stories. I more so avoid those fitting rooms at all cost. Unless I am buying pants or a swimsuit.

    This is a great giveaway.

  285. I don’t think I have any great fitting room stories … if I did, I’ve blocked them from my memory! 🙂

    What a fun giveaway! Thanks for the opportunity!

  286. Most amazing fitting room story – my Mom letting gas out in the next room and then hearing giggles from strangers in the hallway! 🙂
    Follow you on twitter too!

  287. Ah! So excited about this giveaway – been praying about joining this bookclub! No funny fitting room stories – unless you include the times I get stuck in clothing that I pray is my size and isn’t! 🙂

  288. I almost thought I had an emergency in a fitting room one time when I tried on a dress that said it was my size, but was apparently 2 sizes too small. I got it on. (first not-so-bright move) then I couldn’t get it off without ripping the thing. I shimmied around that 5×5 room for close to 30 minutes. I knew my husband would be wondering what in the world happened to me. When I finally appeared he said, “Why is your face so red?” All I could do was laugh…

  289. These items would make great gifts for 2 upcoming birthdays. I’d love to win!

  290. When my daughter, Rachel got married last summer; we went to try on clothes for the wedding. I tried on some slacks to go with a cute top for the outdoor event. I didn’t realize the pants were “slimming”. Boy did they feel funny! It was like wearing two pairs at once. They were so uncomfortable. I couldn’t figure out if I should tug them up or down and nothing I did helped. We laughed so hard we were crying. I won’t forget the fun we had together that day! Blessings, Laura 🙂

  291. I used to work at Ann Taylor Loft and part of my job was to help customers in the Fitting Room. One particular lady started to cry when she tried a beautiful dress on. She went on to say that she had just lost 60 pounds and it was the first time in her life that she was able to shop at a “regular” store and try one a beautiful dress like that. I’ll never forget that experience!

  292. Fitting room drama- my then 4 year old said very loudly as I was trying on some pants,”your legs are SO big, why are they SO big?” then proceeds to go on and on about all of my various body flaws. It was a rather low moment for me, since I struggle with body image anyway. He is a child and didn’t know better, but we have dunces had a few chats about what is appropriate speech.

  293. Luckily I can’t think of any fitting room stories, other than the usual kid-peeking-under-the-wall scenario that I’m sure everyone has experienced!

  294. What a lovely gift basket this would be! Unfortunately, I have no good “fitting room” stories – I dislike shopping for clothes. Find quite a few things at garage sales where there are no fitting rooms….you just “eyeball” it and take a chance it will fit.

  295. Fitting rooms here in Kenya can be kind of strange. Oh, just try that on over your clothes in the shop. You can stand behind this little room divider hunched over and change clothes to see if it fits. Here is a sheet. Just hold it up while you try on the clothes!

    It would be great if you could post the next book about 6 weeks to 2 months in advance – that way I could order it and maybe get it before the book club starts reading it. I really enjoyed 1000 gifts, but wish I had a hard copy as the only way I could read it with you all was to download it and read on my computer. It will be the same with this one and I really like having a real book to read and sometime make comments in the margins. Just a request for those like me who live overseas and like to have a real book. Thanks!

  296. Hmm I can’t think of any fitting room stories… Thanks for hosting such an awesome giveaway!

  297. I once carried on an entire coversatiom with who I thought was my sister. Turns out, it was some random women. Yeah, kinda awkward when I walk out and see someone thaw NOT my sister!

  298. I don’t think I have any funny fitting room stories…but I would love to read this book sometime.

  299. I never try on clothes in fitting rooms! I always take them home, then return them if I need to!

  300. Woohoo! I sure would love to win this! Love, love, love this website!! So thankful to God for you all 🙂

  301. I had one of my daughters with me in the fitting room and all of a sudden I hear her say, “Hi there!” To my dismay, she was bent over, looking under the fitting room partition to the woman next to me! I then hear, “Well, hello yourself honey. How are you today?” My daughter then answered, “Fine, I think that dress is pretty!” Thank God I had a wonderful woman who was a grandmother and understood. We both exited the fitting room snickering. My daughter had a long discussion with me as why that is not appropriate.

  302. And my favorite (haha) dressing room story is apologizing for my then 1-year old son climbing into the next stall before I could get him. Poor elderly lady was really sweet about it, but still! Haven’t taken him back with me to the fitting room since.

  303. OK – Here’s my fitting room story:

    My husband and I had been dating maybe a month or two when we were getting ready to go to our first semi-formal together. At the time I was about 80 pounds heavier than I am now, so dress shopping was never a fun experience for me. Hubby – trying to be supportive boyfriend – offered to come with me. Because we were friends beforehand and the relationship had just kind of evolved, I didn’t always make sure that I filtered through “Girlfriend” mode before I spoke. Having said that, I tried on this one dress that I had a hunch looked horrendous, but wanted a 2nd opinion. So I came out of the dressing room and said “Does this make me look fat or terrible?”

    Hubby – mortified because he didn’t want to answer this question wrong for his new girlfriend – stood there silent for a moment before informing me that I had doomed him in my question. I, in turn, informed him that if I looked stupid – HE looked stupid too because I was with him, so I wanted an honest answer. I got one, thanked him for his feedback, went back in the dressing room and tried on the next one. Looking back on that, Hubby still gets mortified that I asked him that after one month of dating – but I am grateful that we set the honest communication loop up early on!

  304. I’d love a chance to win this! I try to stay away from dressing rooms as much as possible!

  305. My funniest fitting room story would have to be the last time I went shopping at a department store and I really needed (or *wanted* I should say) new clothes. My babysitter was not available so I packed up the kids and said a prayer that they would behave. I bought them something to eat at the mall to make them happy (it was McDonald’s – we never eat fastfood, so it was a rare treat!). I waited to introduce the food until we got to the fitting room. It was great at first but while I was trying on clothes, my daughter (16 months) grabbed my son’s caramel dipping sauce for his apples and flung it all over the dressing room floor. Then she continued to fling pieces of chicken nuggets followed by squeezing all the juice out of the juice box all over the floor. She did it at lightening speeds because after I turned around from putting on the outfit, I saw the mess. And oh was it a mess! lol I spent the rest of the time (half dressed, might I add), alternating between cleaning the floor with baby wipes and cleaning her hands after she played in the spots of caramel sauce that I had not yet gotten to. I tried to put her in the stroller while I cleaned but she screamed loudy – this coming from my angel who is very peaceful and quiet most of the time. I guess it was the caramel sauce! lol My husband would have been motified at the sight 😉

  306. i thought i had already “liked” in(courage) on facebook, but I guess that was the book club. i “like” in(courage) on fb now, too!

  307. hmmm fitting rooms stories…. Yeah having to take your kids with you while trying on anything can be interesting. I can’t tell you how many times my kids have slipped under the door to have me chase them down half clothed. Oh Joy! It is so glamorous being a mother.

  308. I am really struggling to have the confidence that I am loved by God—really. I know that everything flows from that…It would probably be a real good time for me to do a study like this, but I definitely can’t afford to buy anything right now. So we’ll see???

  309. I also follow (in)courage (and Kelly Minter, and Jessica, and Angie, and Holley, and DaySpring, and…okay maybe I’m obsessed?)

  310. I worked in a clothing boutique for many years as a young adult and probably would have many more stories regarding others experiences.
    There was the man (a husband of one of my customers) who needed directions to the restroom and took a wrong turn and ended up opening the door on an older woman trying on a skirt. Much embarassment indeed!

  311. I just found this website for the first time and am really excited by what I’ve found!!

  312. I try my hardest to stay out of fitting rooms, but normally if I have to enter in one I have baby girl with me and possibly her 3 year old bro which always turns into a little adventure while mama tries on her desired attire!

  313. Definitely realizing that since the dressing room doors didn’t go all the way to the floor, that when I squatted down to pick up a piece of clothing, the whole store could see my bum bum.

  314. I already “LIKE” you gals on facebook. 😉
    & as far as a fitting room story, i don’t have any because…i don’t like trying clothes on in public. I’D LOVE TO BE ENTERED!!!!

  315. I could use a good book to study!! I really enjoyed One Thousand Gifts but never joined in the book club….sounds like it would be amazing!!!

  316. I may be too late for the party, but that’s okay. I’d love to be entered if entries are still accepted!

    I don’t have an amusing fitting room story… I can’t remember the last time I’ve been in one. However, when I was super pregnant, I tried going into a bathroom stall at a restaurant. Going in was no problem, but then as I tried to get out… I couldn’t get the door open around my uber-pregnant belly! I stopped to think, “Hmm, there must be a way out if I got in!”

  317. I took my 3 year old son with me into the dressing room one day and as I ried on outfit after outfit, he would comment, “Oh mommy, that’s pretty.” “I like that one.” Sometimes it was just, “Ooooh”. After about 5 minutes of this a voice from another stall called out, “Can I borrow him?”
    Another time, I was in a rush trying to find a pair of jeans for vacation that we were leaving out on later that day. I tried on several pair and was getting increasingly frustrated and flustered as time was quickly getting away from me. Finally, I settled on a pair and began hanging up the various pairs I had decided against. With my arms full, I reached

  318. My fitting room story is, well… not appropriate for all of blog world to read so I shall absatin.

    I would love to give a gift basket to my dear friend who is in the midst of a heartbreaking time and needs a little distraction and {in}couragement!!

  319. Boy, I’d love to win this gift basket…it’s bee-u-ti-fulll! I had a little girl about 3 yo join me in the dressing room one day. I guess her momma was next door because that’s where she crawled out from and just started talking to me. Her momma yelled at her to get back over to her side, but she just kept talking and I told her it was okay. When I had to leave the dressing room, she just crawled back under to her momma, never to be seen again.

  320. excited to read the book (and getting it free AND goodies…. fun!!) thanks in advance 😉

  321. I was helping my sister-in-law get fitted for her wedding dress and my 14 month old son thought it would be fun to crawl around and look under the fitting room doors, of course there was someone in the first one he chose and I had a hard time keeping him from going back to that one to look under again.

  322. (I’m sorry… this is what happens when you try to respond from a cell phone) The rest of my response was – with my arms full of jeans, I reached for the door but stopped… something was wrong – felt wrong… It was then I realized – I forgot to put my own jeans back on and was about to walk out half dressed. I began to giggle at the thought and then couldn’t stop. The more I giggled, the funnier the situation became. The attendant eventually knocked on my door to ask if everything was ok. I was so embarrassed but I finally had no choice but to fess up.

  323. I don’t know if I have any embarrassing fitting room experiences but I certainly have nursed babies in more than a few!

    What a wonderful giveaway!

  324. What a wonderful gift basket. I am looking forward to reading the book. Just received my copy yesterday.

  325. This is not really a fitting room story, but in a way it is. I was in a sports store. I saw a rack of crocs and decided to try a pair on. I grabbed a pair and sat down to try them on. I liked the way they looked and decided to stand up and walk around in them. The only problem was, I forgot they were tied together at the back straps. When I went to walk forward, I stumbled into a whole wall of tennis shoes and down they all came. My daughter was with me, and we literally were on the floor laughing hysterically. You know the kind of laugh where you are literally crying, and there’s no stopping in sight? That was us! But a fun memory it was:)

  326. Can’t wait to dive into “The Fitting Room”. The Gift basket is a great complement to the study! Would love to receive one!

  327. Thank you for this opportunity to win this book! So excited for your book club!

  328. I may be too late for the entry, but I’d love to be blessed anyway 🙂