Lisa-Jo Baker
About the Author

Lisa-Jo Baker is a bestselling author, lapsed lawyer, and current acquisitions editor for HarperCollins. Originally from South Africa, Lisa-Jo lives outside Washington, D.C., where she fell in love with her husband in the summer of ’96. Their story spans decades, languages, countries, books, three very opinionated teens, and one dog.

(in)side DaySpring: things we love
& you will too!
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(in)side DaySpring:
things we love
& you will too!
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  1. i would love to partner with you either way, but I am so so excited for the opportunity to apply for sponsorship to the conference since I wasn’t able to get a ticket!

  2. I love this idea! I’m so excited for all the women who will be able to attend thanks to this plan you all hatched! You’ve outdone yourselves again. 🙂

  3. WOW! I am sooooo excited 🙂 I came to check out my favorite ‘morning-cuppa-coffee site’ and saw the blissdom pic and about jumped outta my chair! Oh how I long to hug everyone at DaySpring! Then I read about Relevant and got goosebumps! I just emerged myself and S.D.G. into the Twitter world about 2 weeks ago and my eyes have been opened to an etire blogging world that I didn’t even know exsisted. I have been researching and reading and ooohing and aaaahhhing and trying to find the time and know-how to make my own blog. I just barely got started building the page and plan and launching within a few days-can’t wait! Now I need to find the time to write a proposal! Yikes!! Thank you & LOVE you InCourage!!! (Shout out to Saul & Lainie-thanks for believing in me-you guys are the best blessing S.D.G. could ever ask for . <3)

    • Hey Sherri –

      We love love love your art! And Saul was the one that came up with the brilliant idea of mounting that (in)courage tile piece in our suite at Blissdom. Thank you for sharing your creativity with us all! We are all blessed by it!

      And I LOVE your new site – glad to have somewhere to link to in the future when we share about your work! 🙂

      Warmest wishes,

      • Oh my goodness Lisa-Jo thank you! Today has been the most encouraging (truly-no pun intended) day EVER thanks to everyone here. I needed it so much more than I even knew. My cup overfloweth today! So great to meet a new friend! Hope to be able to give you a real live hug someday soon 🙂
        Bless you,

  4. This is wonderful! I was so disappointed when I heard the tickets had all been sold. I would love to partner with you… I will be working on my proposal!

  5. This is wonderful! I know it will be a blessing to a deserving blogger. I won’t be able to go myself, but look forward to seeing who gets picked for this special offer.

    Mrs. White

  6. I tell ya, (in)courage is just awesome!
    Last year at Relevant, I saw first hand how wonderful and amazing your team truly is. I consider my blog to be a lowly, humble, little blog- yet when partnering with (in)courage/Dayspring, my little bloggity-blog is never treated as such. Truly, you are an uplifting group to work with! 🙂
    I can’t wait to go to Relevant this year…. {Is it nerdy to have my ticket printed out and kept in a page protector, displayed to remind me daily?!?}
    I’m praying that these sponsorships will truly bless each individual that is granted one.
    Best Wishes everyone- I look forward to meeting bunches of new friends this year! 🙂

    • Rachel,

      That’s one of the most beautiful things to share – thank you so much. We’re so so glad that how much we respect, admire, and love this blogging community translates! We hold you all in the highest esteem and believe that Christ is doing wonderful things through each and every part of this community. And in Him, the size and scope of the individual platform is irrelevant, right? He makes the wonder happen.

      So glad you’ll be at Relevant again – be sure to come and say hello!

      Warmest wishes,


  7. I had written off Relevant 11 – as difficult as that was to do being a 2010 attendee. I guess the stream of tears down my face after reading this means I should apply? Such a strange thing to love ‘invisible friends’ so much. My husband used to think I was crazy – until he got to meet some of them himself. 😉

  8. oohhhhh! i too had written off relevant this year…i was dying to go and was kinda bumming about it, but just wasn’t sure how to swing all of the costs…but this is such a FAB idea you guys! not just for the Great Eight that get picked, but for your own business model…to find more women to partner with…to expand your reach and be exposed to some amazing women that you may not have known were out there (not that they aren’t all amazing, but you know what I mean!).

    i’ll be praying for you guys…i can’t imagine the sheer volume of emails y’all are about to get…for patience and guidance as you try to make the hard decisions. that’s a tough job!!!

    so fun and exciting! be on the lookout for a proposal from moi! woop woop!

  9. Praying right now for the amazing and God picked women God will match up with each of these 8 (in)courage sponsorships!

    I can’t wait to see names, smiling faces, and hear how God uses this in their lives for His glory and their good!

    Love how God continues to write the (in)courage story!

  10. As a former recipient of an (in)courage sponsorship to Relevant, there’s not enough I could say about this gift you are providing to so many women. I hope the opportunity to attend changes lives, as it did mine.

  11. This sounds very exciting! I had written off Relevant for this year, but maybe I’ll have a chance!!
    I am a little confused over what bullet points 3 and 4 above are in detail. (Can you tell I’m new to this blog work….hence will be entering the “newbie” category! LOL)

    Can you explain further:
    # Free product (for thematic sponsorship promotion) and/or covering proposed promotion expenses
    # Promoting your blog and helping drive traffic your way to benefit you as an affiliate.

    Thank you!!

  12. Wow! What a great opportunity! Thank you for making one of the scholarships available just to newbies. There is so much to learn and a conference like this would be a fantastic way to get moving. Now the biggest dilemma: Am I brave enough to enter?

  13. So excited about this!!! I just discovered this site and could hardly believe the opportunity! I read that you can apply for more than one of the scholarships…if you do this, do you need to write a proposal for each one, or can you write one proposal and list all that you are applying for?

  14. Thanks for the wonderful opportunity, for those of us that believe we can build a mutually-supportive relationship with DaySpring/(in)courage. This is such an amazing corner of the Internet and this sponsorship opportunity is just the icing on the cake. Thanks Lisa-Jo!

  15. This is such an incredible opportunity! I sent my proposal in tonight and am just praying that some crazy cyberspace glitch doesn’t prevent it from being delivered! Thanks for the chance!

  16. I sent my submission just under the wire at 10:30 as an e-mail attachment so I hope you got it! I just had a baby and I just couldn’t get to it sooner. Here’s hoping and I’ll be watching for the announcement on 2nd! I can hardly wait!

  17. What a great idea! Y’all are so awesome! Are you doing this again this year for Allume? Have I already missed the post about it? I’d love to apply. Thanks so much!