Kristen Welch
About the Author

Kristen writes at her parenting blog, We Are THAT Family and is author of Rhinestone Jesus: Saying Yes to God When Safe Sparkly Faith is No Longer Enough and founder of The Mercy House. Follow Kristen on twitter as @WeareTHATfamily.

(in)side DaySpring: things we love
& you will too!
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(in)side DaySpring:
things we love
& you will too!
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  1. In this fast-pace society we definately need to be aware of what we are actually ‘putting on’. God’s word also prompts us to ‘put on your armour…’. Remembering to put this on also will help in clothing ourselves with what you speak of here.
    I love how you point out that in a rush, we often grab what is easy and comfortable, our old habits. May we always slow down and put on LOVE. Thank you for this post!!

  2. Oh, my…the Message has a way of putting things that makes me look at Scripture in a totally different & fresh way. And THIS passage gives me reason to smile!

    Thanks for giving me Good Things to think on–and DO–this morning, Kristen!


  3. WOW!!! What a delightful, insightful post!

    It is true we all need to put on love before we leave the house. At times, though, it is easier to slip into the old nature

    Thanks for the wonderful, thoughtful things to think and act on!!

  4. Beautifully said! I wore my old clothes all day yesterday, but I started the day today with time with my Tailor. It makes such a big difference. (PS–I’m wearing pink leggings today, under my black skirt!)

  5. I LOVE IT! Thank You πŸ™‚

    I’m still working on some of those…especially the “even temper”. It’s a tight fit Kristin!

    I so admire those women who have such consistently peaceful personalities- always patient, always cheerful, always with a smile…I just can’t seem to get there. I know I’ve grown, but I just wish I was there!

    One of my favorite quotes from that movie “TRUE WOMEN”, is when Georgia says…”I’m so unpredictable even I don’t know what I’m gonna do next!”

    I’m probably being harder on myself than I should but you get the idea πŸ™‚

  6. Amen. It’s all about taking off the old and damaged and dingy – and putting on the new, and clean, and pure – every day. This is a sweet reminder.

    Today the will be my thing; to, as you put it perfectly, β€œPut on love.”
    It IS our color πŸ™‚

    Thank you for this today Kristen

    God Bless and Keep you and yours

  7. Mmm…. this is so, so good. Along the lines of love… I just finished reading He Loves Me by Wayne Jacobsen. I absolutely cannot explain how God used that book to open my eyes and show me things I’ve never seen before. It’s a good one. A must-read.

  8. What a beautiful post!

    As a fashion-sewing enthusiast, I’m always looking for the right fit. The only thing I’ve found that fits me perfectly is the love of Jesus. πŸ™‚ I am so inspired by the way you described love as a garment. Thanks so much for sharing. Happy Thursday! πŸ™‚

  9. Girl, you are incredible. I have literally been struggling with this for 2 days now. In fact I was in my office working and thinking about it AGAIN and getting all mad, etc. and then I came to my google reader and there you were. Like a breath of fresh air.

  10. When I forget to put on Love I usually fret about what I look like, how’s my hair, am I cool, do I look hip, does this make my butt look bigger?

  11. Exactly. And if we searched for the perfect “grace garment” as eagerly and passionately as we rummage through sale racks at Anthropologie…..

    The Love Cardigan, Dress of Humility, and Scarf of Peace
    never ever lose their newness.

    Thank you so much for the reminder.


  12. Very nice…a great reminder. Reminds me of Little Orphan Annie’s, “You’re never fully dressed without a smile!”
    And yeah, those skin-tight jean-leggings things? Ew. What’s up with that? They look great on my daughter…um-hmm, she’s eleven, and skinny as a rail. But for a woman? Really? Not so much.

    Blessings on you!!
    Teri @ StumblingAroundInTheLight

  13. this pretty much summed up all the things the Lord is seeking to wrap me in in an especially tough ‘fight’ to stay in love and know his love this evening…thanks Kristen. You make me smile and give me Phil.4:8 stuff to think on…bless you:)