Stacey Thacker
About the Author

Stacey Thacker is an author, blogger, speaker, and believer who loves God’s Word and connecting with women. Her passion is to encourage women in their walks with God. Thacker is the author of seven books, her latest is Threadbare Prayer: Prayers for Hearts that Feel Hidden, Hurt, or Hopeless.

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(in)side DaySpring:
things we love
& you will too!
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  1. Friend, I’m actually fighting back tears as I write this! Even though I’d never pay $40 to have a daily “Awesomeness” phone call, I needed the reminder that my Lord loves me, created me, and knows me! I want my life to reflect that in every area! Thanks so much for sharing!

    • Oh sweet friend He does say this about you every day in black and white! And, your life does reflect it! Love what you are doing @asteadyrain! He is using you in big ways!

      Thanks for your sweet words! This was for you!

  2. What a difference it makes when I start the day with such knowledge that God Almighty loves me dearly, no matter what. Nothing can change His immense love for us, amazing ! Thank you for this reminder !

  3. Yes! This is my goal for blogging this year-real encouragement. Of course, that means I have to step up my efforts to not just read the Bible but understand and apply it!

    • The blogging part actually is a great tool of accountability for me, Emily. When I write it, I am letting it sink down deeper. And when I post it, I’m reminded that I must live it because it is there for all to see!

      Praying you reach this goal of real encouragement Emily!

  4. I was having a conversation about this just yesterday… How to effectively encourage not so much in the virtual world but in real life. This is a wonderful reminder “Let your conversation be gracious and effective.” Words I need to remember.

  5. Yes, so true. This is what really feeds our hearts when they’re hungry. Thank you for the reminder that nothing else can satisfy. So glad to see you here today, dear Stacey!

  6. LOVE the reminder: If HE is for us, who can be against us! So many times we think we’re fighting our battles alone (which is probably why they feel so hard to win!). If we only remember He is for us & with us our battles will not seem so hard to face 🙂
    Thanks Stacey !!

  7. I love the Chris Tomlin song that uses that in the bridge! So powerful and truly heart encouraging! Thanks for sharing that Kim!

  8. so excited to see you here, stacey!

    i am learning i first i need to listen. listen to Him. listen more intently in my conversations. listen with my heart so that i may give the encouragement in grace and love, rather than judgement.

    • Wow Melissa! That is dead on true! If we genuinely listen, they will be willing to hear our words so much more clearly. It also helps us to pause and choose the right words – His Words for them more wisely!

      Love it!

  9. This is so funny… I was JUST telling a friend today, how much God has blessed me for spending more time in His Word…
    About a week or so ago, as I sat down to have my quiet time and read my devotional books, I clearly felt God impress upon my heart to start with HIS book. Since doing that on a regular basis, I feel so much more in tune with the Spirit AND I have noticed that HE gives me more opportunities to SHARE with others the passages of scripture that have been an encouragement to me!
    P.S. I have to tell you, that very first verse you mentioned (2 Peter 1:3) is one God keeps showing me!
    Thank you for this post!

  10. I love when He makes a point in our lives that we can’t miss! Thanks for sharing this Amy! I know the time in His Word is equipping you because His Word does not return void!

    Have a great day!