Lisa-Jo Baker
About the Author

Lisa-Jo Baker is a bestselling author, lapsed lawyer, and current acquisitions editor for HarperCollins. Originally from South Africa, Lisa-Jo lives outside Washington, D.C., where she fell in love with her husband in the summer of ’96. Their story spans decades, languages, countries, books, three very opinionated teens, and one dog.

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& you will too!
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(in)side DaySpring:
things we love
& you will too!
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  1. You could pray for my health. I’ve had 19 surgeries and numerous other health issues in my life, and I’m only 18 years old. Currently, I’m suffering from debilitating migraines that my doctors are having a very hard time getting under control, all while trying to cope with a full load at college. I’m tired, I’m stressed, I’m frustrated, and wondering when God’s going to decide when I’ve been given enough. Thank you. I will be back to pray for others.

  2. Tomorrow (Monday) through Friday I’m sharing some of my biggest fears on my blog. I’m really nervous, because these are very rarely spoken fears…that need to simply be spoken. I’m hoping that if I give fear a voice it will no longer have power over me. Please pray that I have strength for this week to endure the comments that may come, to speak my fears, and come out stronger. Stop by and read my fears if you’d like, but please pray.

  3. i want the kind of love where I stop walking around looking at the ground … instead look people in the eyes and say good morning …
    let me know if there is anything I can pray about for you too …

    • Teena, I pray for God to lift your head up; I pray He gives you courage to look people in the eye(s). That other person needs your love, and eye-lock. I have faith in you!

  4. I want to be a better wife and mother. I want to be here with my family. But I want “me” time too. I don’t know where the balance is and I’m struggling hard.

  5. My family is battling illness at the moment. And I’m struggling to find that balance of being woman/wife/mother… But I am trusting God to see me through this season of life, and I praise Him, Who has made everything beautiful (including me!)

  6. I pray for you Mallory, OneGirl, teena, Krista, Joaninha. May our Father God come and meet you each where you are at. We trust that there will be a day with no more tears, no more pain, no more fears. Until then let us all hang on tight to his promises. You are not going through “this” alone. He is right there with you. Let it be true for you.

    “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future.” ~ Jeremiah 29:11

  7. My husband was laid off from his job 2 weeks before Christmas. While the timing seems bad, it really was a huge blessing. We had been praying for a very long time that he would be able to get away from where he was. It has been wonderful having him home all this time but we have also been without income for over a month now – there has been an issue with his unemployment and it is taking forever to get it resolved. Anyways, he is planning to go back to college in the fall with the ultimate goal of getting into the physical therapy assistant program. There are many requirements to get into the program, one being having worked as a PT tech/aide. He found a job opening this past Friday and sent in his application. Please pray with us that this is the job for him – not only to bring in some income but also for the experience he needs.

    • I admire your positive outlook on what I am sure was not a wonderful experience. I’ll be praying.

  8. Please pray for me this morning, specifically around 10am. I am going to talk to the HS students in our church this morning. The topic–“I am thankful for my God…” I have severe anxiety and speaking to others brings it to an ugly head. Even if they are HS students! I have a journey to share, I have things to say that even if one person benefits from it will be all worth it. But I am scared. I have it all written out, I may sound like a robot reading it but I have to do it. Please pray that my voice is strong and not trembling, pray that I do not cry while reading it–I will be so humiliated. I do not let people see me cry, especially if they do not know me. Help me connect to the group and then just relax letting God take over for me. I want to take the next step and not let fear control me any longer. Its had the better part of my life, its time it moves out of my body.

    • Wow, you have such courage. I also am socially terrified. You are strong to be willing to move past your fear to be so determined to give this talk. Good luck.

      • I survived the talk (10 minutes max!) I could not read my script because the words looked like they were moving all over the page. MY dear friend/mentor/counselor/encourager walked me to the room and then prayed with me outside the room before I went in. She asked if I wanted her to go in with me. I told her no, I needed to do this on my own. I did it. I’m not so sure it sounded good or even made any sense but I walked in the room, I said what I went in to say and then I left and sat in our foyer at church to catch my breath before I went into our service……..big big sigh!

    • Hi Ruthiey! I have been in your shoes. I know how you are feeling. Keep praying-God will fill your heart with love & compassion to the brim- overflowing.

      Lord, I pray you fill Ruthiey’s heart full of of your love. I pray you would give her the right words, and lay upon her heart when the right time is, to approach her friend. In your sweet-sweet name I pray, Jesus. Amen.

  9. For 6 year-old Joey and his family, His lungs are not working properly due to pnumonia and the flu. He is in a medically induced coma on a lung bipass machine. Pray against fear for his parents & family. Pray for healing, reminding God that He will bless him with long life and show him His salvation!

  10. I woke up this morning to a room temperature refridgerator and a barely above room temp freezer…and they were both full to the brim as the grocery store was visited yesterday to stock up…messy and frustrating. I also have a lot of big decisions coming up and am falling behind on school work due to preparation for these things…and to top it off all the stress from falling behind and the decisions is starting to make me sick….I’m a mess, I’m glad God can work through brokenness !!

  11. Our family is facing possibly a major change…feeling a little overwhelmed…please pray I maintain a good attitude ( even if the change isn’t something I’d think I’d like ) , my kids and my husband. Pray for clarity and wisdom for us, please. Praying for each of you above our post…much love and blessings to you!

    • Sue, I, too am on the verge of a huge transition. I am at peace with the change. So, peace is what i am praying for you today. Peace that carries you thru the pending change. You may not like the process of the change, but, look over to the side of you-Jesus is walking right beside you, pushing you thru His Will. Stay encouraged!

  12. We recently took in a 16 year old girl whom we rescued from an abusive boyfriend and a bad home life. Please pray for us to be able to minister to her in the way she needs and for healing in her heart so that she can be a strong woman who doesn’t get abused by people she loves any longer. Thank you!

    Semalee @ Nailing Jello to a Tree

    • I am praying for you all Samalee
      I know what this is like as we have done the same.
      May the Lord bless you with wisdom and peace and stamina and the ability to trust Him no matter what
      May this girl see how much God loves her and wants relationship with her and that He is Big Enough for all her pain….

  13. I am working with God to put my heart back together after a painful breakup. Although this has been one of the most painful seasons of my life, I am still finding joy in the journey, because it is bringing me closer to God. Please pray for continued healing and that my desire of finding love is not buried behind a wall of protection to escape any more hurt.

    I prayed for everyone that has posted so far……may God fill your heart’s request!

  14. Please pray for our daughter who is in suicidal mode as she has been told she is not stable enough to care properly for her daughter. Her daughter, in foster care, is having open heart surgery this week.
    Please pray for baby and her parents.

  15. Sweet sisters, we are on our way to church this morning and I’ve lifted up prayers for each of you. Phil 4:4-7 popped in my head. May His peace be yours today.
    For my request- that God would continue to order our steps as we step out into new things. That we would stay connected to His leading.

  16. good morning,
    If you could please pray for my friend who is going through some marriage troubles – I don’t know the details and don’t need to, but know that this is tearing apart my friend Diana. She is trying to leave it in God’s hands and now that He will make things write, but it’s hard for her to stay silent and be a listener to her husbands rants and raves. She has two children who are being affected by this emotionally. Please pray for God’s hands to touch both of their hearts. Blessings,

  17. Please pray for me to be open and willing to go through the training of the Lord in my life right now. He has totally changed our direction for the time being (we were missionaries overseas and he has us staying in the U.S. for now) and this is a difficult change. Because of challenges in ministry and this past year here in the states, we are both physically, emotionally and mentally stressed. We struggle with the religiosity we see around us in the christian culture as well and are left feeling hurt and frustrated. At the same time God is teaching us so much and for that reason I ask for prayer that he would keep us mold-able and that HE would get the glory in these situations and that we would learn to love each other…truly love each other and our children.

    • Libby, my husband and I just recently transitioned back to the States after being missionaries for five years. To even begin to put into words how difficult it has been is so impossible…but God has given strength and peace. My heart hurts for you because it this kind of change is so difficult. If you’d like to share more specific prayer requests or just need someone to listen you can find my e-mail on my website. I’d love to pray for you and your family and be an encouragement wherever I can. Blessings to you and your family.


  18. Will you please pray for my anxiety as I face another pelvic/abdominal surgery on Friday? I too have very bad fibromyalgia and it is horribly flared, and I am the full time caretaker for my daughter Danica who is recovering from her second brain surgery/spinal fusion. I am reading about grace this morning. Undeserved favor from a loving God. It is through the LOVE of God’s people our family has made it through. Everyday there is some reminder of the great God who is so big, so strong and so mighty, there’s nothing He cannot do. I need more grace to trust Him so I can move forward with this surgery even though I feel like no one can care for my family like I want to. Our hope remains!!! Love always hopes!

    • I will be praying for you, Monica, and for your daughter. May grace cover all your fear and may you have hope ever in our Savior. Love and prayers, Rachel

  19. My husband and I are separated, and I am praying to know when and how to reach out to him. I love him and really don’t want our marriage to end.

  20. I am reading ann’ s book and I am so learning to be still and enjoy the moment that God has given. No matter what the moment is. Pray for me to have eyes to really see.
    Praying for Rachel and her husband…

    • Kristi, God loves you, and I too am sending you love. Psalm 32:10 says, “Many of the torment of the wicked, but steadfast love surrounds those who trust in the Lord.” I pray that you trust in Him and begin to realize His unfailing, unwavering love. I pray that you find the support you need. Sometimes His answers to our prayers are not in the form we thought it would be. Keep your heart open to let Him move and work in you. And in 1 Corinthians 7:7, “… But each one has a particular gift from God…” He has a purpose for you, and He wants you to know He loves you and He is always with you. May God bless you.

  21. I am having a very hard time loving and forgiving my husband. I seem to be able to see his selfishness clearly but seeing my own is harder. It’s so hard to submit when I feel like he always gets ‘his way’ all the time and he doesn’t understand what it’s like being a mom of little ones.

    I need my heart changed and I mainly need Christ’s grace to truly love and truly submit with a cheerful and thankful heart.

    I’ve been asking God so much for a thankful positive spirit but I feel so tested right now.

    • My prayer request is that I am able to become the person God wants me to become, and that I am able to discern His calling for me. I feel Him moving in me, I see and am grateful for His blessings in my life. I want to continue in my walk with Him and not get lazy with it or discouraged when I don’t receive answers right away.

  22. I’ve been so moved reading each of these. Ladies, I believe the Father holds your heart in His hands and will carry you through these hard times. You are loved more than you can know or hope. Praying peace on each of you today.


  23. Jess, I posted that in the wrong place and I apologize. I pray that you find the forgiveness and love you are seeking. I also pray that God moves your heart to become thankful for His gifts. It is when God is moving most in us that Satan attacks us the most… continue to seek God and pray. He will give you the power to defeat Satan.

    • (This is for your prayer request.) I want the same thing too. Take one moment at a time. I know I can get too far ahead of myself and miss this moment. There are things God would have us to do in each moment, whether it is to be still and wait on him or to help a friend in need. I pray that your hunger and thirst for righteousness would increase and you would love more and more with knowledge and all discernment. In Jesus’ Name.

    • Thank you Kelly,
      You are right it is an attack. God has been so encouraging me of late and this must be the evil’ one’s anger stirred up.

      Thanks, It’s wonderful to be able to share and pray for each other here.

  24. Things are tough right now. I am doing school online and it is hard for me. It is my last semester, though! I want to desire God and not turn to other things for comfort. I must trust him.

  25. I, too, am finishing up my schooling and definitely understand where Tiffany is coming from. I am set to graduate in May and yet I feel sooooooooooo overwhelmed by my internship, school, family and life. It is no coincidence that I am the next comment after Tiffany. God has given me encouragement by realizing that I am not alone. Hang in there Tiffany.

    Father, I pray for Tiffany and myself. I pray that we will desire You above all else. That we will not believe the lies of Satan that say we cannot do this. You have said we can and that means that we will. Thank You for Your amazing love and grace. Thank You for the plans that You have for our lives. In Jesus’ name~Amen 🙂

  26. There is no easy place to start when I am about to ask for prayer on a public webpage, so here is the request. I need huge help from God. I’m in on-the-job training for a whole new career that is very stressful, I must pass or I am without a job, my husband and I have a relationship that has been void of any good thing for more than 2 years and I’m worried about my sister’s reoccurance of cancer. I have no money and no where to go to get relief from the toxic marriage and I have to pass this training so that I have the ability at some point to walk out the door. And my sister’s cancer came back much worse than the first time. I need the strong arm of God in more ways that I can express here ………. and I pray for healing and strength for my sister. Thank you for listening.

  27. Tiffany & Michelle I’m praying for you… Always remember Jer 29:11!! Please pray that God will bring my future husband & I together. It’s the desire of my heart to be married & to be a helpmate, encouraged & Prov 31 woman to my husband.

  28. Dear LynnR, I am praying for God’s grace to cover you right now! I pray for God’s healing for your sister, and His will for your marriage. I pray for you to have strength, wisdom, and courage. I ask, God, that you give Lynn knowledge, abilities, and peace with her new career.

    Dear peeps, I need to find my joy in the Lord again. I’ve had my one source of joy & worship to the Lord yanked from me, and I’m struggling.

  29. Please pray for my husband and I as we sort through all the new medical insurance plans and costs. Long term cancer care and the emotional and mental part of it. Not just on me with the one with illness but for my husband who is my caregiver through all of this. We have been really struggling with a lot of changes. Also please pray that
    this week will bring the support of a new and better Therapist . So I can make the adjustments due to long term health issues.

    Prayers for Everyone of you!!

  30. Kerry, prayers for you and your husband to understand all of the medical info that you will be reading and trying to pick the right one. Prayers for you and your husband to have strength and peace during this time. I thank God that you will be getting the RIGHT therapist. Reaching out to others is another way to help ourselves. Please pray that I will “find myself”. AFter 29 years of marriage my husband died year and a half ago. I’m now coming to terms with myself. I thank God for each day that i wake up. I am so blessed with family and friends also. I am enjoying this book and have started my own One Thousand Gifts. Starting today with orange clouded sky at sunrise. Thank You God.

  31. Sarita, so sorry for your loss. I’m still struggling with losing my parents a year and a half ago. I can’t imagine the pain of losing a spouse.

    And that would be my request. I haven’t really gotten back on my feet since losing my parents. I’m just kind of surviving the days right now. I’ve been reading and praying, and writing my gratitude list. I don’t think I’m depressed, just overwhelmed. I have a lot on my plate, and am just getting through. I want to do more than just get through, I want to ‘live in the NOW,’ as Ann says.

    We also are facing some big transitions potentially this summer, which I’m resisting. Please pray for a calm spirit. I was smacked between the eyes today in church, with our pastor’s sermon, and I’m thankful for that. God knew just what I needed to hear, now it’s up to me to respond.

  32. mamalion. Sorry about your parents. My mom died two days before my son was born that was 27 years ago. my dad died when i was prgnant with my youngest son, that was 24 years ago. i think i got through all of that because i was so busy with babies! My parents raised me the best that they could. I felt like it was my turn to show myself that they did the right job! I think your gratitude journal will be a big help, along with knowing that God is holding you in His arms. Don’t ya just LOVE when someone says something and you KNOW it’s meant for you! take care sister..

  33. You could pray for my health and peace of mind. I tore the flexor tendons in my middle finger last week. Was already scheduled for a follow-up with ortho oncology tomorrow to check on complications from a recent surgery. Now I may be facing another surgery. I have been deeply depressed and my doctor has changed my medicines. Now I am sleeping weird and feel angry and hostile all the time. It is not working. I also need a part-time job desperately. i have been on unemployment for 18 months and have lost my sense of purpose. I have not been released nor can i deal with a full time job but I fear my unemployment will run out and I will be on the streets. Sorry if my typing is messed up, it is hard to type with a splint!

  34. I don’t usually do this, but my heart is especially heavy today for my marriage. My husband has called both sets of parents to come over on Saturday, 2/18 and discuss “things.” Please pray for an open heart for each of us (especially me, the stubborn one!) and for peace, grace and strength. I am weary of this situation as we are going on 8 months of it. Many thanks for your thoughts, prayers and concern.

    • Praying for you today, sister. Praying that the words of your heart and mouths are honoring and acceptable to God, and that He would open your minds – all of them – to hear truth in love. Praying His peace and protection over your family. You are His daughter, chosen with love.

  35. Please pray for:
    * truth spoken with love, and hearts open to receive what needs to be said
    * new life to form soon, the miracle that only comes from God – my heart desires that blessing & the healing from what He gave, and took away
    * healing for hubs, and protection for our family (would prefer to stay out of the ER)

    • Praying for you today, Crystal. I have similar prayer needs to yours – you’re not alone! I pray for those both speaking and recieving truth – that they can do it calmly, in Christ’s love. I pray for your family – that you will recieve the miracle you so desperately want, and that God brings healing to those who need it.

  36. My prayer needs:
    *That I can open some dialogue with someone in a non-confrontational manner, yet clearly express what I need from that person.
    *My 6 year old has been sick this weekend – a fever constantly over 101 degrees for the past 2 days.
    *My 4 year old was diagnosed this week with moderate to sever hearing loss in one ear. More tests are to come, along with hearing aids and who knows what else. Pray that the doctors can determine the true extent of his hearing loss and will choose the appropriate treatment, if any. Pray that we do not run into problems with insurance.
    *I have something that has been on my heart. I can’t share it, but God knows what it is. Please pray for protection, healing, needs to be met.

    Thank you!

  37. My husbands grandmother, my sons and daughter’s great grandmother is dying as we speak, along with a great aunt who has no children. My mother in law has been a care taker for both of these wonderful christian ladies. Please pray for my family. This is a hard day!

    Also, my husband and I lost our infant son two years ago this April, I am still trying to understand this loss. We have a brand new baby girl and feel very blessed, but I am having a hard to understanding the reasons behind all of this hard loss.

    Just pray for peace for my family!

  38. My dad died last week and I am struggling with losing him so quickly.
    I am having a hard time forgiving and coping with less then loving family members.
    Please pray that I hear God’s voice and do what is right by Him.

    • Laura,
      I’m so sorry for your loss. I pray for you , that you will hear God’s voice and do what is right by him. I pray for peace in your family.

  39. I asked God for this post the other day! I have never posted on here before but I need prayers. Please pray for my marriage. My Husband of ten years suffers from depression and anxiety and I am near my breaking point. I take care of everything in our household and I am exhausted, mentally and physically. We have 2 young children and I worry about them growing up with a depressed father. He is on medication and in therapy but I feel like his highs and lows are getting worse. Pray for my husband to be healed from this illness, pray for my children, pray for me!

    Praying for all of you wonderful ladies!

    • Christina – that is a hard load to bear. Praying relief in your spirit from the darkness of living with someone who battles depression. Praying God’s protection over your kids and peace on your household.

      Praying that tomorrow you know you are loved through and through!


  40. I am having surgery to remove my tonsils on Wednesday, but I am currently fighting a cold and ear infection. Please pray I get well enough to have the surgery!

    • Melissa,
      I am praying for you! Praying the Lord would heal your body and go before your surgery, giving the doctors the wisdom to heal you and a quick recovery for you!! I will be praying for you all week!!!

    • Amy,
      Praying in faith knowing that God hears our prayers. Praying for God to bless you and your husband with a sweet bundle of joy. Praying you have peace, hope, and steadfastness in HIM above as you wait for His perfect time. Praying in faith that He knows the plans He has for you Amy.
      Love in HIM,

  41. Please pray for me and my marriage. It is hard work right now and stressful. I am a stuffer of my feelings. I have been learning to share my feelings with God and my husband. But this is still the hardest thing for me to do.

    I am also wanting to learn to “dream” — I don’t know if I know how anymore from all the stress of life that has been thrown at me I feel like I am surviving, trying to keep my head above the water instead of drowning. It is hard to dream when life is hard.

    • Katie…I honestly could’ve written this request myself…my heart jumped at your words “I’m wanting to learn to dream…it’s hard to dream when life is hard.” Praying for God to reveal the dream that only He could conjure to both of our hearts!

  42. Praying for you all and asking for prayers my me. Am struggling with somethings alone, newly divorced and scared.

  43. My friend Lora passed away yesterday after a tough battle with breast cancer. My heart is indescribably sad…she has two little ones, Sarah and John, who are 8 and 5. Please pray that the God of all comfort would bring her precious little ones peace – that He would put people in their path who would point their hearts to Him and reveal His Spirit to them. John has Down syndrome and, obviously, has special needs – please pray for tender hearts to minister to this precious little boy…open hearts and arms to nurture his awesome gifts into fruition. Thank you so much. It’s a privilege to pray for you all.

  44. Please pray that I would trust God in the plans He has for me in many life areas, Pray that I would know His will in the big dreams He is laying on my heart to do and for doors to open, pray that the words I share would point to the one who is. Pray that these dreams would not be squashed by the hard times.
    Thank you so much.

    • Nicole, that could be my prayer request today. I am terrified about going out on a limb for God and my parents (I am of age and have been for quite some time) are of the type that if I do something out of the ordinary for our family its automatically considered bad (even if its God-inspired). Pray that God open their eyes to see what they’re doing to me by their actions and that I get out of a bad situation and into a warm loving Catholic family until I can get back on my feet. God has opened my eyes, I just wish He would open theirs. I know His time, not mine. Its the waiting that’s the hardest.

  45. I can’t compete with those with life-threatening illnesses, or whose marriages are crumbling, etc …. but I can say with 100% honesty that not one thing in my life is right.

    I could make a list of the whats and whys (and maybe I would if this wasn’t public) but I really don’t think it even matters- I just want it all to get better.

    I love life, I just hate mine.

  46. Please pray for me as I have some very difficult decisions to make regarding my marriage. My kids and I have endured 3+ years of verbal abuse and increasing anger from my husband. He no longer attends church, and hasn’t this whole time. I am also battling with all the accusations from him that this is all my fault….I “make him” behave this way. I know Satan has a hold of his heart and he’s trying to get hold of mine. My trust is in God and I firmly believe that. It is time for my kids and I to break away and begin afresh, to heal the emotional damage that has been done. However, there is still some uncertainty (ie housing, vehicle, finances)….all of the major things to put in God’s hands.

    • Michelle,

      I lift you and your children in prayer as well as your husband. No, you don’t make him behave this way, it’s not your fault. I pray God will show your husband that he needs to get help for his behavior. I myself have gone through this and it is a very painful and difficult decision that you have ahead of you, but understand that God is with you and loves you dearly, seek his will and he will speak to you. Trust in the Lord as he is with you every step of the way, you are a good and loving woman and deserve to be treated as such.

  47. Nicole, I pray for peace as you listen to God’s voice and wait on His timing to reveal all He has for you. That part is so difficult. The good news is when we do He does far more than we can imagine.

    We are expecting baby number three in less than 12 weeks. There is LOTS to be done before then. I’d just ask prayer for a safe delivery, healthy baby, and all the details to fall into place.

    By the way, I LOVE that picture!!!!

  48. My health as I have Crohn’s disease and just to be a Godly influence in my grandchildrens lives.

  49. I have a wonderful, joyful and beautiful 11 month old baby girl and am pregnant with her sweet little sister, our love child (aka, SURPRISE!!! :0) Thank you, Jesus.). This year I have worked part time but would love to be home with the girls this upcoming year. Please pray for God’s provision and his plans to be made clear to me about if and I how I am to do this! —pamela t.

  50. Please pray for me and my family we recently moved for a job that is not turning out to be what we thought and are falling short on our bills we are all down and missing family. We all try to stay positive but lately its been so hard. Please pray for strength, clarity, peace, love etc. God bless all you wonderful women struggling as well and many blessings your way.

    • Jen,

      I pray for you and your family that your finances will turn around for you and that God will bless you with strength, peace, love that you need during this difficult time.

      I will keep you in my daily prayers. Let us know how you’re doing.

      God Bless you!

  51. Please pray for my daughter Danielle, her husband Bud, and my granddaughter Phoenix…please pray for God to help reunite their family and to bless them richly with His love, forgive them for their sins, and just help them to be faithful especially during this difficult time they’re going through.

    Thank you all and God Bless you!

  52. I would really appreciate if you could pray for me that the Lord may send me a godly husband. I’m already 39 years old and ever since I got baptized at 23, I’ve been waiting and praying for a life companion. I have such a deep heart desire to get married!

  53. I need your help and your prayers for me and my girlfriend. We have known each other since we were 10. She’s left me three times. We’ve gone into a relationship this year and it was me who ruined it so now she’s leaving me again. She’s lost faith in me so please for us to stay together and love each other. I kno god wants us to be together but I need your prayers to help her have faith in me