Meg Massey
About the Author

Meg Massey shares her life, faith, writings and wanderings on her blog. Meg completed her Master of Arts in English in May of 2009, and currently works as a marketing professional. In rare moments of rest, she loves spending time with her husband Ryan, reading a good book, and snapping...

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  1. Wow, this was absolutely beautiful. And it’s so true for so many of us out here in the world, trying our hardest to follow Him, and TRUST Him. Amen, sister 🙂

  2. Dear Meg,

    I agree with Tricia — “absolutely beautiful”. And filled with some of my favorite scripture, too. What you wrote was certainly true of the journey I’ve been on these last couple years. Thank you for these reminders this morning — I feel so loved by Him. 🙂

  3. Thanks for this reminder. As I’m at church this morning where I am on staff, yet am fighting back tears as I serve due to exhaustion and a terribly painful week this past week, it is good to know that just because I’m here, a believer, and employed by a church of all things, I don’t have to have it together. Times are hard- life is hard -having adult children go through severe life-altering trials is harder yet. Thanks for letting me know once again that when I hurt, He hurts, and when I don’t understand, He does.

  4. Thank you for reminding us, yet again, that so many of us are broken, discouraged, thinking we can’t get it all together, maybe feeling the Lord would look down on us for not being “more faithful”, or “better Christians.” How I praise God that he doesn’t despise and reject us because of our sorrows and failures, but that he goes on loving us (because he himself is Perfect Love) and accepting us, and yes, using is even when we’re afraid we aren’t useable. Oh, may we receive the favor the Lord has so graciously bestowed on us.

  5. Thank you. I have been struggling with pain and heartache for a while. I miss my prodigal daughter and find it hard that she left God. Then 2 days ago my son was injured in a serious accident and I can’t get to be with him for at least a few days and this has overwhelmed me.

    I am glad God showed me this post. I am finding peace from the Holy Scriptures and this message.

    • Dear Anonymous,

      Thank you so much for your kind comment. I am so glad that this provided you with encouragement, but am so sorry to hear about the struggles that you are enduring right now. You and your family will be in my prayers. Praying that the Lord continues to give you peace and encouragement during this time.

  6. Thank you for such a beautiful post! I needed to read these words and be encouraged by the verses you included. May the Lord bless you this week!

  7. Thank you, thank you, thank you! I just loved this post…got me right where I needed it! I’ve been sooo good at isolating myself but God keeps pulling me out of the shadows and sending me back into the action. He has given me a small group of women and now we walk together on our journey…encouraging one another. And He is with us each step of the way. God bless!

    • Karen, I am so glad that you found this encouraging! I’m like you…I lean toward being an introvert, always feeling that no one understands where I’m coming from. Thank the Lord I’m met wonderful women in my new church who are a constant source of encouragement! I pray that you continue to find encouragement on this journey!

  8. Yes and amen, dear Meg. Thank you for bringing us back to those eternal truths–the realer than real–the ones we can count on no matter how we feel. So glad you’re here!

  9. Meg, I totally get what you said… on both counts. Just invited to write for a ministry and my first 3 posts ended up being written from a pit. Praying for you as God expands your reach for Him!

  10. To gaze into the eyes of Love calms all my fears, soothes my spirit, and feeds my soul. The evil one loves to try to pull our eyes away from that Face. Only then can we hear his lies and deceptions. May we all have a laser-guided focus that seeks only to gaze into His Face.