About the Author

Holley Gerth is a Wall Street Journal bestselling author, counselor, and life coach. Her newest release is The Powerful Purpose of Introverts: Why the World Needs You to Be You. She's also wife to Mark, Mom to Lovelle, and Nana to Eula and Clem.

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  1. Holley, has anyone told you lately how amazing you are? It brought tears to my eyes when I saw you left a comment on Joy’s memorial blog. Her parents and siblings are clinging to the encouraging words others are leaving there and taking strength from them. So I just wanted to say thank you…and you are amazing. Love.

  2. It is so difficult to take the compliment! Interesting example. In my life right now, I am struggling through a mental meltdown, took a medical leave from my job, and have been at home healing for more than 2 months. I won’t be able to go back to that job, I was working 80+ hours a week (which contributed to this whole mess!) One of my sweet co-workers (she did the same job I did and has been covering my territory since I left. She called me 2 days ago to tell me I was her hero. That she was in awe that I had the strength to just ‘do it’. Just walk away. To say “Enough”. Our company makes it difficult to leave because the pay is awesome, the benefits are great and the prestige is there. And did you happen to notice that it is kinda difficult to get another job?
    I just was taken aback that she was so complimenting of me! I mean I didn’t just say “I’ve had enough. I had a meltdown at a midyear review with my boss in a restaurant at lunchtime! Kinda hard to ignore that one!
    Thanks for this post! Between you and my friend, you really have me thinking deeply about this whole situation and how God is using it and has plans for me that are yet untold.

    • Thanks for sharing your heart and struggles here, Bernice! I agree with your coworker–good for you for saying “enough.” Praying God heals, restores, and leads you onto even better things than you could ever imagine!

    • Bernice

      Your strength is amazing! I agree with your co-worker. Being able to walk away and say “enough” is commendable.

    • That IS real strength. Being able to walk away. I am in the same boat and agree that the benefits make it hard to walk away. Thank you for your words and making me realize, i’m not the only one out there.

      • Holley,
        God has given you an awesome gift which reaches deep into my heart. This is for me. I couldn’t even think this until I read it just now. Thank you, I pray the Lord bless you, I love the overflow – I see it helping others. I can so identify w/Bernice you go girl, I was in the same boat but went too far, I broke. Working myself in to disability wasn’t a very good idea. It just happened, I still need much prayer since I tend to internalize things and very ill most the time.
        Love In Christ

        • I dont know you but i pray that the infallible word of God touch you whereever you need healing the bible declares in Isaiah 53:5 that you are healed by his stripes….do u beleive that Jesus died and rose again?…do you beleive that he bore some stripes for us….well then be reminded that he took them all so that you can be healed…so claim your healing from the word of God that never changes…

          Be blessed always….remember Jesus loves you sooooo much he wants you to be well.

  3. Hi, Holley:

    Thank you for this encouraging word. Right now I am a little down and overwhelmed. I believe I do those things you listed, but sometimes the way I am spoken to makes it seem to matter little. It hurts. I can often let go of/put away the hurt, but these past couple of days that has been more difficult. Admittedly, I am not perfect and probably hurt these people, too. Praise God for His compassion, mercy, and patience with us. May we learn from the way He treats us and be as Jesus is in this world.

    Peace to you and all who come here! ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Cindy, I’m so sorry others are making encouragement harder to hear. Broken people have sharp edges and it sounds like you’re feeling that now. Praying for protection for your heart and for God to continue whispering how much He loves you!

    • Agreeing with Holley. It can be hard to hear God’s “I love you” when people are shouting other things at you. I am hoping you get a chance to listen and hear His voice encouraging you.

  4. Holly, you have been a blessing to me for quite some time now through this blog. I have not responded, until now, but your encouragement today, is so anointed, pure, and timely that I have to Thank you! You inspire me and I love you for allowing God to use you this way. Be blessed and remain in the awesome will of God that he has in place for you.

  5. Holley,
    Thank you SO MUCH for your words of encouragement…..today and every day! You are such a blessing! It is so hard to receive a compliment when I feel like an imperfect person, just struggling each day to do the right thing. And sometimes miserably failing. But knowing that I am the daughter of an AMAZING GOD…….I guess that makes me amazing too! Thank you.

    • Beth Ann,

      I understand completely how you feel. I lost my job in March, lost our house to forclosure, and separated from my husband. I have made many mistakes saying things to my son, when on medication. I have not talked to him in over two weeks and he text me tonight. But like you, we are the daughters of an AMAZING GOD.

      Thank you so much for the encouragement!

  6. Thank you…you’re right…it does cause a little squirming on this end of the computer to reminded how wonderful we are…but we are fearfully and wonderfully made in the image of our Heavenly Father! Thanks for the reminder, though, because I know I easily forget it!

    • Oh, girl, I forget it so often too. I tend to write what I need to remember! Praying God keeps on telling us both the truth as often as we need to hear it!

  7. Dear Holley,

    Thank you very much for those words. No one has told me that I’m anything close to amazing for some time — other than you. Alot of today’s post made me cry because, even though it was hard to believe and to hear, I could actually see myself there. I HAVE been doing the hard and the different and taking steps of faith the last couple of years. I still have a hard time considering myself amazing, but … if you say so, I’ll believe it. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Actually, my favorite part of your post is that I’m “on my way to becoming all that He made me to be.” I love that. That’s what I want so much. Thank you, sweet Holley! You encourage me (and all of us) every day. To spend so much of your life caring like you do is just beautiful. YOU are amazing!

    Love and blessings,

    • Becky, you ARE amazing. To be where you are and doing what you do after all you’ve been through–wow, girl. Go celebrate YOU today. God and I will join in too! Thanking Him for you right now…

  8. Thank you Holley for this encouragement today. It is exactly what I needed today. You are so amazing as well and I thank God for you and appreciate how God uses you to spread joy and encouragement with others. Have a wonderful and blessed day/weekend.

  9. Thank you Holley…i look forward to reading your encouraging words all the time…they always seem to be just what is needed. Thankyou God, that Holley has allowed herself to be the vessel through which you would encourage your precious daughters!
    These words so, so encouraged me today as I feel like I have failed this week in so many ways….but God has grace for me even when I can’t find the grace for myself, thanks for the reminder! Blessings

    • I love how you said it, Connie, that God has grace for us even when we can’t find grace for ourselves. Amen, girl! I needed to hear those words today too!

  10. This is definitely a print-out, put it on the fridge, hang it on the mirror, put it in my purse kind of post! Thank you for the encouragement. I needed to hear that about myself today!

  11. Holley,

    As usual God gives you the right words to say. Thank you for the words of encouragement and may God bless your day!

  12. Holley.. this is my first visit to your site… I am sure I am going to be filled with amazing encouragement. I needed this today!!!!.. Lost my husband to cancer just 3 yrs ago and have been stuggling with a new relationship that just came about this Feb 2010 and has come to an end already due to unknown circumstances…. feeling a little unloved at this time..and you reminded me that I am loved by the most important man in the world.. God! It is truly amazing how God works in our lives and gives us what we need, when we need it whether it be uplifting words or people into our lives. Thank you so much and God Bless!

    • Deb, I’m so glad you found the site! I’m so sorry for the loss of your husband and now this new relationship. I’m asking God to do just what you said–be the most important man in the world, and your world, and show you just how much you truly are LOVED.

  13. Thank you Holly for all your encouraing word, no matter how bad my day is going….you always say the right words…that is why I LOVE reading your posts and that to me is Amazing….AMEN!!

  14. Holley,
    Your words of encouragement soothe like the balm of Gilead. I couldn’t tell you the last time someone told me I was amazing, if ever! There are many of us who don’t have a lot of encouragement in our lives. Thank you for being God’s mouth-piece and speaking His truth to us all. You are a blessing.

    • I wish I could be there to tell you every day you’re amazing, Nancy. It’s true–keep reminding yourself of that no matter what. And I’m praying that God will keep reminding you too!

  15. Holley God uses you in amazing ways…may you continue to be Blessed as you are a Blessing through your words to so many…I always pass them along to my 3 adult daughters…it never failes to uplift us all…

  16. Thank you Holley – Needed this!
    Have served on a community committee for three years and have been the only woman with a bunch of good old bubba boys that hang out together outside of the meetings. Felt like an intruder for a long time but then realized I was doing most of the important work so I was vital to the success of the committee.
    At last night’s meeting – one of the Bubba Boys – started talking over me while I was in the middle of speaking. It was the last straw – I said Excuse me, I had not finished. He kept talking. I said it again. He kept talking. On the third time – he stopped and said – Did you have a question? I said No, I wanted to finish my comment. And he just said Oh – go ahead. ๐Ÿ™‚

    In the past, I would have probably have burst into tears and made a dramatic exit and never come back. BUT in my God Sized Dreams – I had a job to do that God had called me to work on and I finished the comment and sat calmly through the rest of the meeting. ( A bit FREAKED OUT that I had confronted this guy – confrontation is not my gift – but I STAYED! )

    Will BubbaBoy talk over me again? Probably – he talks over everyone. But I will speak up again and again. God put me in that role and I have things to say that need to be said. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Thank you for the encouragement. Thank you for reminding me and all of us that we are here to do God’s work in the dreams HE has given us. Thank you for sharing your fears and worries. It makes me feel less alone and less afraid as I try new things that God has nudged me to do. Thank you for the reminders that we are special and God created us as we are to be what He needs us to be.

    Love you!!!!


    • Woo-hoo for you, Debbie! Way to be bold AND kind at the same time. Beautiful. Keep going after those God-sized dreams, girl! The world needs them–and you!

  17. Dear Holley,

    Tears are streaming down my face now as I write to you to tell you how much your messsage has touched me and lifted up my drooping spirit.

    I have been trying so hard to function normally ever since my ex-boyfriend gave me a shock by getting married after only one month of silence from him.

    He then rubbed salt into the wound by asking me to have an affair with him…exactly one month after he got married! (I googled and found out the date of his wedding after getting some clues about the woman he married. I had to do that to confirm and believe that he did not lie to me about getting married).

    He had the cheek to get angry with me when I refused to have an affair with him, after telling him to be faithful to his new wife and to God. How can he behave like this after being married for exactly one month only?? I feel so sorry for his poor bride and can only pray that he will come to his senses. After all, nobody forced him to marry her! He made his choice when he decided to ignore me to pursue her for that whole month till he got her to say “I do”.

    My close friends told me that God is on my side. What if he had married me and is now wanting to have an affair with an ex-girlfriend?

    God bless you, Holley. You have no idea how much your message means to me at this low point of my life…dumped again, less than two years after my divorce. My ex-husband married his mistress 9 months after my divorce and now my ex-boyfriend has gotten married within one month of meeting another woman. I feel totally deflated!

    Sorry for my long message. Actually I had the intention of only saying “thank you and God bless you.” Amazing grace is at work again, just when I needed it most!


    • Oh, Teresa, I wish I could drive to your house right now, pick you up, put you in my car, and take you to your favorite spot for something sweet and a long talk. I’m so sorry you’ve been wounded by the men in your life. You are worthy of love–and not just love but the kind God intended you to have, the kind a beautiful, chosen, cherished princess of the King deserves. I’m asking Him to lavish that kind of love on you in this difficult time.

    • Dear Holley,

      I feel so blessed to get your prompt and uplifting response. Thanks for your love. Hmmm… I am imagining eating my favorite ice-cream while having a long talk with you.

      The thought of you asking God to lavish his love on me, his “beautiful, chosen, cherished princess” fills me with joy. Indeed, the joy of the Lord is my strength!

      Surely God has sent Holley to tell me that He will sweep away my glorious mess to reveal His glorious plan to prosper me and to give me hope and a bright future. Jeremiah 29:11. Hallelujah!

  18. Oh Holley THANKS!
    I was feeling so rotten today! We discovered last night at 11pm that hubby had accidentally locked 2 of our cats up in our barn (FOR THE WHOLE WEEK!!!)!
    We both felt so terrible!
    The cats are ok…..SKINNY but ok.

    It’s things like that …..which the enemy uses to make you feel like a failure!
    And I totally bought it!

    Your encouragement was just what I needed this morning!
    Sweet hug to you!

  19. Oh yes, I needed this today, I think I’m coming down with the flu so my weariness is adding to my discouragement. Thanks for the blessing

  20. Life is messy. So it’s a good thing I am, too. It’s through the messiness I have learned my most important lessons. I know intellectually that I am right were I am supposed to be. But divorced for 5 years, raising two teens – practically on my own – and being lonely a lot of the time without that special “someone” in my life it is sometimes hard to believe in my heart. It is so comforting to hear your words of wisdom that all will be OK. Just keep getting up. I was made in God’s likeness but human and so imperfect. And God loves me not despite this but because of it.

    With love and joy,
    Becky D.

  21. How often do I knock myself down. I am so quick to help and praise others. But, when it comes to myself I find it easy to criticize, to tell myself I made a mistake, that I can’t do it. Thank you for the words reminding me that no matter what, I can do it!! Thank you God for your encouraging words today through Holley’s writing.

    • I wonder why as women so many of us tend to do that! We’re great at encouraging others but it’s so hard to do the same for ourselves! So glad a some of those words got through to your heart today. Praying God keeps ’em coming right when you need them, Annette!

  22. You just made my day girl. One of my girls from Bible Study just sent this to me….and you are both so precious to be such an encouragement. Love you.. and all you do to (in)courage me daily. Thanks girl!

  23. I am thankful for your blog. But I must admit today I am down, so I need to get back up!!

    I do not feel wonderful or amazing today. I miss my prodigal and I believe in the power of prayer, but I am tired mentally , and tired of waiting for the answer to come ,even though I know it will. I am afraid of the ways my child’s life will be destroyed before she does come back, and I am so tired of the rejection and the cruel things she does , even at a distance, to hurt me, but mostly the way she is hurting the LORD that she once loved.

    I would appreciate your prayers today.

    I want to stand up and continue to fight the enemy, and I will , and I know that God even as I write this , is lifting me up. I want to be a woman of valor and a prayer warrior for my child and others. I pray for about 20 prodigals or more daily. I sometimes just get tired in this battle and need a little rest , then I lean on the LORD , and He strengthens me for another round. He is fighting the battle, and stands beside me as I use my weapon He has given me (prayer).

    So, I am going to believe that God sent me this blog today to lift me up again. I do appreciate all of the blogs you write and your compassion for all of us ladies.

    • I’m praying with and for you now, sweet sister. Holding you up in prayer while you’re feeling weary…and trusting God will never let you down.

  24. Holley:

    Doing the hard, the different, taking those steps of faith, yup, that’s me all right. I feel already odd within my own family (I’m a Catholic convert and my parents [my mom a Lutheran minister], though I know they love me, just don’t get me at the best of times). I’ve been crying ever since I’ve been reading the comments to this post. A lot of times for me it’s hard to believe that I’m infinitely loved by THE infinite God and nothing I can do or not do can change that. I’ve been reminded time and again by different people of this fact, but it’s hard to believe nonetheless. I feel called by God to cover Muslim-style full-time and I’ve been “hiding” it (for lack of a better word) for way too long already. This weekend is I feel the right time to tell them (it’s Canadian Thanksgiving) but I’m scared and then some about telling them. They need to know (I still live with them) but at the same time I have to do what God tells me to do, no matter the risk or fear. Thank you Holley, for that reminder of just how amazing we all are. It’s been a rough last couple of weeks, encouragement is just what the doctor ordered!

  25. You always make me cry. In a very I’m-so-thankful-for-so-much good kind of way. ๐Ÿ™‚

    And you must have cheered in high school or college because girl, you know how to work those pom poms! Your Daddy is so proud of you!

  26. Dear Holley,

    Thank you so much for this comforting message. As you know, i have been stepping out in faith lately, and I see God bringing me closer to the person he wants me to be.
    My mess is becoming less of a discouraging mess and showing me just how much God can and will use my messes in a special way. Every day is not a good day, but they are becoming more and more.

    I am crying because i’m realizing just how much the Lord loves me and how he is and will be using me to make a difference. with My Glorious messes and all! Thank you so much Holley, for encouraging me with your messages, nudges and prayers to keep on going and keep on believing I’m just as important as the other person. Thanks for being a part of my Journey!

    In Christ’s Love & prayers

  27. This glorious mess thanks you for these kind, truthful words. Sometimes I think as faithful women, we (rightfully) want to push back against all the boost-your-self-esteem messages in the world. Trouble is, sometimes we push back too hard and give our enemy an opening to tell us we truly are worthless. I once heard someone (John Eldredge maybe?) say that succeeding is often more frightening than failure. How terrifying would it be to actually accomplish what God put me on this earth and designed me to do? What if I really am supposed to be amazing, for His glory?

    • That, Nancy, is the scariest question in the world. One I have been thinking about a lot this week! Thank you for bringing it to my attention again and for your encouragement!

  28. Thank you Holley for your words of encouragement today!
    I feel blessed to have come across your blog and I can honestly say “you are an amazing woman”. Your posts always seem to “hit the nail on the head” with me every time.
    Although I am married I feel alone alot of the time. There is little communication between ourselves lately and I am questioning whether this relationship will last. It’s been 30 years and I would hate to make the wrong decision just by walking out. Doesn’t God want me to feel loved and wanted by someone who will treat me with love and respect? I would think so, but it’s difficult when I am trying to keep everything balanced, except this relationship is going more sour and I don’t know if God wants me to be this unhappy.

    • Ana, I’m so sorry that you’re feeling alone in a relationship that’s meant to bring love and companionship to your life. You are the bride of Christ and I’m praying He will be the husband your heart needs, right where you are. And I’m asking Him to love on you in new ways today. You’re His beautiful one and He treasures you deeply!

  29. Hi Holley,
    I don’t remember where this came frm but your comments made me think of this.It gives me strength to step forward.

    “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, ‘who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous.’ Actually, who are you NOT to be? Your playing small doesn’t serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that others won’t feel insecure around you. We are born to manifest the glory that is within us. It is in everyone. And as we let our light shine, we unconsciously give others permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”

    • Marianne Williamson said this. I love this quotation, too! Here is another quotation about confidence. Bruce Lee, the martial arts legend, was asked if he was really “that good.” He replied, “If I say yes, you will think I’m arrogant. But if I say no, you will know I am lying.” Our gifts are from God–we should celebrate them!!

  30. Holley,

    Thanks for the encouraging words!!! I find it hard at times to think of myself, especially in God’s eyes, as wonderful & amazing. I just do what I do to the best of my ability & try to please God most of all.
    It is sooo nice to have people say “thanks, you’re amazing, wonderful – even in the little things of life”!

  31. I am going to bundle this post up and put it in my pocket for a rainy day. ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks Holley for sharing your gift, your words, this site. If I do not get to thank you person- I cannot wait to thank you, in Heaven.

    Be well

  32. Hi Holley,

    You were right, when I started reading I said me? Someone else and then I read what you wrote> Thank you for that word of encouragement, just what I needed to hear. I feel so useless sometimes because I don’t match up to my husband’s expectations. Thank you. May God continue to bless you with words of wisdom to bless the ladies (like me) that come here daily for the words we long to hear from those around us and we don’t. God bless you and yours.

  33. No, I hear the opposite. Thank you for following Jesus and using your wonderful gift He has given you to help others. I pray God blesses you I see the overflow as a blessing to all who read your words. To Bernice, I also say you go girl, I was in a very similar situation and had a meltdown became very ill in every way my body, mind, heart, the doctors put me on medications. I waited too late. I am disabled presently and now know what its like to live without. I have many unmet needs. I need Jesus the most. I internalized it and now I’m coming back out slowly. I appreciate your words Holley. I never would have thought this, I’m too far away, I thought it today meditated and all I can do is thank God you reached my heart and mind for Jesus. May God keep and Bless YOU all.
    In Christ,

    • Dear Marilyn, I love how you summed it right up for all of us–“I need Jesus the most.” Yes, so good and true, Asking Him to keep showing you how truly amazing you are and all the way He loves you!

  34. Holly~thank you so much for your encouraging words! I am so hard on myself, although I jokingly refer to myself as super sometimes, I don’t feel as secure inside as I show outwardly to others. I am certainly the “glorious mess” on the journey to becoming all he made me to be.


    • Oh, Lisa, you and me both. I’m SO hard on myself and people sometimes say, “You seem like you’ve got it all together.” Um, nope, not even close. If not for grace, where would any of us be?! So glad we have Jesus…and each other!

  35. This grandma is pleased that you have such wise counsel & share it with the young women of today.

    When you mentioned getting up after falling, it reminded of a bit of wisdom my baby sister shared with me during a long ago tough time:
    Failure is not falling down. Failure is in not getting up.

    God’s helping hand is always available. We just have to reach out and take it.

  36. Dear Holly,
    Oh…it has been a very long time since anyone has told me how amazing I am.
    Thank you so much for the encouraging words ๐Ÿ™‚ I really enjoy getting your encouraging words! As of right now I have been going through a tough time in my life.
    There are days when I feel so hopeless. Thank You!

  37. You have spoken to my heart today! I am beginning to accept this miraculous fact…that I am amazing…for years my parents told me I was not amazing…then God began to tell me I was amazing, but I was only started to believe it when I met my ex-husband. At first he told me I was amazing…then he married me and for years told me I was not amazing…its only in the last few years that I have been rediscovering who I am in God’s eyes. My husband looks at me with eyes filled with love and I watch his lips and eyes filled with his heart tell me that that I am absolutely amazing. (tears of joy) God my amazing heavenly Father told me that so long ago…I am so glad that I am at a place in my life where I am slowly beginning to believe it. Me…messed up, imperfect, emotional, scarred me…I am an amazing daughter of the King of Kings!!! I am amazing because He is in me and I am His daughter.

    Thank you for reminding all of us of this today, Holley! You are amazing too!!! Love you sister in the Lord!

  38. Why IS it so easy for us to encourage others, believe in them, pray for them and support them to the very end and not do the same for ourselves?
    I AM the one squirming in the chair, I AM the one who believes she isn’t worth it, who can’t pray for herself and thinks, “oh, yes, but if you only knew THAT about me.”
    Most days my strength is small and then you come Holley, and say the words to make me keep trying. Bless you friend.

    • I don’t know why we’re so hard on ourselves as women, Judy, but I can most certainly relate! Glad I could slip some grace into your day, sweet sister.

  39. Amazingly, the person who came to mind was my daughter, my teenage daughter! Now when your teen tells you that you are wonderful, you know you gotta perk up and soak that in. Those are rare gifts!


    • Annemarie, wow, you are a resilient woman with a beautiful heart. I love how you are determined to encourage others no matter what! Keep at it, girl, and many blessing to you as you do!

  41. Trying again and again…it’s all I know how to do. And I’m so thankful that in Jesus it’s enough. And I’m thankful for your kind words too, Janis!

  42. Holley.
    After browsing through all the comments I find I am not the only one who values your daily inspirations. I am a 45 yr old woman who after a marriage that ended in its 23rd year, left family and friends that I cherished deeply to take care of my Amazing Mom! She was diagnosed with Parkinson’s 12 years ago. She pioneered a church and pastored for 34 years. She had become unable to continue and with a nudge from God I stepped into my God sized dream!! Yes, I now pastor that church that Mom served with blood, sweat, tears, prayer and lots of love. Last year Dad was diagnosed with stage 3 lung cancer. He wasnt able to physically handle the chemo and radiation so we continued to pray and God did it! THE CANCER IS TOTALLY GONE!!!! PRAISE GOD!! Sometimes in the middle of caring for aged parents you can kind of forget that you are amazing. Thank you for your words of encouragement. I have used some of your blogs in sermons. You are amazing and wonderfully used of God. Don’t ever let that voice of doubt get the best of you. Just look at all God has been able to do through you! Prayers & Blessings

  43. Dear Holley,
    Your devotion through dayspring always bless me a lot, thank you for reminding us today how wonderful we are, am walking head high…appreciating my maker, exalting my saviour. I thank God for you Holley, may he repay you richly for being such a resource of hope and joy.


  44. This post is amazing. I struggle greatly with body image issues and haven’t been quite able to accept it (my body). This is a post I plan to copy and paste into my cell phone so I will have easy and continual access to the message.
    Thank you for sharing.