Lisa-Jo Baker
About the Author

Lisa-Jo Baker is a bestselling author, lapsed lawyer, and current acquisitions editor for HarperCollins. Originally from South Africa, Lisa-Jo lives outside Washington, D.C., where she fell in love with her husband in the summer of ’96. Their story spans decades, languages, countries, books, three very opinionated teens, and one dog.

(in)side DaySpring: things we love
& you will too!
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(in)side DaySpring:
things we love
& you will too!
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  1. {{waving at Kristen, Amy, Meg & Southern Gal 🙂 }}

    LOVE these new changes in the site–all created to better engage and encourage those who delight in hanging out “here”! Isn’t it fun??

    Thank ALL OF YOU for faithfully supporting (in)courage–your encouragement back to the writing team (and now GUEST POSTERS) ministers to all of us.

    Love y’all :).

  2. Oh, this is so welcoming – I love how you’ve scaled back the clutter – just wonderful!

    And that shot of you gals? Hee hee! You’re like friends of mine now, and seeing you all in one place? Awwwhh!

  3. love the look. love the interaction with the replies (i’m REAL excited about that!) but mostly i LOVE the monthly calendar feature!!!! YAY!!!

    i left my june calendar up on my desktop until the end of august. our IT guy at work asked me more than once if i knew it wasn’t june anymore.

    i just thought it was so pretty!! 🙂

    and i just KNEW i was going to win the $500! ha! 🙂 better luck next time i suppose! 😉

    yay (in)courage!!!!! 😀

    • Rebekah I did the same thing!

      I had searched the previous site MANY times looking for the updated calendar link!

      Love the new site, thanks (in)courage gals!

      • traci, great minds think alike 😉

        and the only thing i don’t like about wordpress is i like to litter my comments with smiley faces (because i really do have that look on my face when i’m typing these things) and the little emoticons actually show up on here instead of looking like this 😉 and my comments have little round yellow things all over them! i’m sure people think i’m crazy but i think it’s just the ocd.

        i guess i’ll have to start putting a little nose on my faces! 🙂 errrr…


        and all that being said…i still like wordpress. i was just kind of kidding about the not liking part. 🙂 y’all know what i mean! 🙂

  4. WOW!!!! I can’t believe I won! I am speechless! Thank goodness I can type instead of talk! 🙂 Unlike a previous comment I never even thought about winning the $500. That’s always someone else. I am praying hard about my charity now… Thanks so much to (in)courage and Dayspring! I love that I can always stop by here for the encouragement to face another trying day or to rejoice in a lovely one. Thanks again!!!!!

  5. Amazing, beautiful, fresh… I’m loving the new digs, ladies.

    And can I just share how thankful I am for all of you? Thankful for the truth and Jesus that is written here. This place has been such an inspiration to me in my own journey. Thanks everyone, for being authentic voices of beauty and grace. Your work here is so appreciated.

  6. The new site is lovely! I noticed it yesterday when I was linking up my greeting card post. It is so fresh and restful! Great job on your makeover!!! How fun!!! What a blessing that all of you were able to get together in person and celebrate, pray, talk, dream and plan together!!! Your (in)courage ministry was the first blog I ever visited last year when I was introduced to the blog world (other than my hubby’s). I was hooked immediately! The first article I read was by Melissa Michaels and as soon as I finished reading the article I clicked over to The Inspired Room. I loved it! Then I started meeting the rest of the “girls” by going to their personal blogs once I read them here. All of you have touched my life so much!!!! And you have helped me to follow my dream of encouraging others to spread the love. Thank you from the bottom of my very grateful heart!!!

  7. Yay! I love the beach and I’m lovin’ it! (Did you hear me sing the McDonald’s jingle? Haha!)

    I am so blessed to have found incourage and many women who have challenged me in my faith, inspired me and dared me to dream a little bigger. Thank you!!!!

  8. Oh! It’s all so lovely, and thank you so much for working to bring it all about. I can’t wait to see what transpires here in the years to come! Blessed to be here.

    • thanks erica for the kind words. when you said “years to come” my heart just skipped a beat! so true! i can’t wait to see how God expands this community in the future!!

  9. OH i love it all! yeah! i am so blessed to have found this site and to have met everyone here! Its gorgeous and fabulous and all those good wonderful words! YEAH!

  10. I started blogging because I love writing but also because I was looking for community. Before the 30 days of giveaways I’d heard about (In)courage but had only stopped by once or twice. During the month of giveaways I began getting the posts in my inbox and realized how wonderful it is. I’m so glad I’m following along now. So many posts these last few weeks have touched my heart and soul. I love the bright, happy, inviting look of the site and look forward to reading everyday!

  11. It’s like a little fun coffee break here, at this now ROOMY beach house… Fun to jump in here and say HI! … 🙂 love the nested comments .. and the daily guests posts, too! So thankful to be here blogging!

  12. Love the way you’ve rolled out the welcome mat. Always enjoy visiting here and seeing so many familiar names and faces….and hearing so many different stories, honest and real and meant to incourage. Keep writing!

  13. I love SO MUCH about this makeover it makes my heart hurt.

    AHHH!!! Deep welling of tears and excitement and joy over in SA tonight!

  14. I like the new look and all of the new features! I’m especially excited about the forum section and the daily guest posts.

    Thank you (In)Courage girls for all of your hard work!

  15. So, I’ve been here a time or two and have friends in blog world who are part of the community. With all the chatter about the redesign, I made the leap and joined. This gray-haired old woman is poking around, getting to know the community, and trying to navigate this thing called a blog frog–old dogs, new tricks! Looking forward to getting to know folks here.