Lisa-Jo Baker
About the Author

Lisa-Jo Baker is a bestselling author, lapsed lawyer, and current acquisitions editor for HarperCollins. Originally from South Africa, Lisa-Jo lives outside Washington, D.C., where she fell in love with her husband in the summer of ’96. Their story spans decades, languages, countries, books, three very opinionated teens, and one dog.

(in)side DaySpring: things we love
& you will too!
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(in)side DaySpring:
things we love
& you will too!
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  1. I subscribed too…but you too are in my bookmarks under “Blogs I Read”! Happy Birthday! Now, uhh, can we go back to the cupcakes? 😛

  2. I subscribed – and I thought I already was subscribed – but wasn’t.
    enjoying the 30 day thing. Thanks for this blog and what you do!

  3. I am already subscribed, but I referred my sisters. I hope they enjoy this blog as much as I do!

  4. I subscribed too…but I do check the blog daily also…will the emails be any different? Hmmm..I guess I will find out?

  5. I guess I’ve never noticed the subscribe feed. Duh! You all are at the top of my blogroll and you’re my first stop everyday!
    Love you girls!

  6. I’ve been a happy (in)courage subscriber for a couple months now! Not a day goes by that I don’t read your posts and find great encouragement from them! I just recommended you to a friend yesterday! (can’t help myself!)

  7. Me too! I miss my sister – I live in North Carolina and my sister lives in Washington State. I tried posting yesterday, but didn’t get thru…hopefully today works.
    thank you for the daily incouragement.

  8. I have to share…yesterday was my birthday. I got this email that said “It’s your birthday” and I was all wondering HOW does (In)Courage know it’s my birthday?? Well then I read on. I share (In)Courage’s birthday!!! How fun!. Oh also my name is Melinda so when I saw who one that great necklace from yesterday I got so excited (Lol I didn’t enter yesterday’s contest so duh!) Anyway I may just buy that great necklace as a bday present to me. Thanks . I love this site. I get emails and am sharing with friends!!

  9. I’m a current subscriber and referred a fried of mine recently. Love the daily posts – always so REAL and timely.
    Thank you – keep it up.
    There’s not a single person that doesn’t need encouragement.

  10. I subscribe of course!!!! But I have referred you on facebook!! And all my friends through email hroughout this last year! Y’all are awesome!!

  11. I love coming everymorning to get my daily dose of encouragement…thanks so much for being here:)

  12. I just want to tell you that I love (in)courage. I feel a little bit like the old lady of the beach house (53), but that’s okay. I don’t have a blood sister, so the women in my life are automatically part of my sisterhood. I may not “know” you, but I’m grateful for you all.
    Thanks for being here.

  13. I just signed up to rec. your e-mails and am so happy to do so. I love reading your website every day. Thanks for the encouragement and inspiration. 🙂

  14. Hi, my name is Jan,and i have had breast cancer.I have just finished my last round of chemo.I had 8 rounds.Through it all,i found out how many friends i really have,and i made many new friends.My daughter was there for me every single chemo,She sat in that hospital room with me all day.Chemo last about 5 hours.She has helped me with my son who is 21 and autistic,her brother.she has helped me around the house,and she is married and has 3 young kids of her own to take care of.I am giving you her e-mail address because she needs encouragement as well,since she has marriage problems.I have forwarded her many incourage e-mails to her and she really likes them.Her e-mail address is Thank you.sincerely,Jan Traylor

  15. I subscribed! Now there is no way to miss your posts since you are also on my blog. 🙂 Thanks for doing this and being such an awesome ministry!

  16. I love the encouragement and lessons I get from reading In(Courage)’s blog posts. You’re bookmarked on my Reader and now I’m subscribed by e-mail!

  17. Already subscribed, of course! LOVE all you sweet (in)courage girls! If any of you sell for BLESSINGS UNLIMITED, I’m interested and would like more info – can you contact me please? agoodwin2010 (at) gmail (dot) com. Thanks!

  18. I subscribed, I keep up via facebook, and the blog, but will now also keep up via email too! I’m gettin all kinda connected now…Thanks!

  19. I just found this site a few days ago and ? {love} it! Thanks for the daily {in}couragment! Just signed up to subscribe to posts. 😉

  20. I love your website!! I just subscribed for the email updates. Thank you for all your (in)couragement! 🙂

  21. I love (in)courage! I subscribed to receive emails! YAY me!!
    Thank you for what you bring to my day!
    Love and blessings to you all!

  22. i subscribed – but I already follow in my blog reader/dashboard also! 😉
    dayspring/in(courage) has so many good things – words of encouragement, amazing ladies, lovely products (that I so have a wish list for.) =)

  23. I have two sister’s that live about 1-2 hours away depending on traffic. I am the oldest and the mother figure to them. I miss them, and when we get to spend time together it is a warm, comforting feeling that delights my heart and makes me wish I could freeze the time.
    I have been so blessed to make a great friend and sister in Christ just a few blocks from me. I am also introducing her to (in) courage.
    Thank for the blessing of community in Jesus and your desire to include all who love Him.

  24. I subscribed by e-mail, and I was referred by Janis @ Open My Ears, Lord.
    P.S. I can’t believe I wasn’t already a subscriber!

  25. I’m a subscriber and I start each morning by reading your words of encouragement before I do anything else! Such a wonderful way to start my day!
    Thank you so much!

  26. All signed up to receive the emails ~ thanks for offering this framed print ~ I’ve got the perfect place for it. Hope I’m picked!

  27. I subscribed! I already visit daily, but now I’m official. 🙂
    Thank you so much, (in)courage, for encouraging *me*!

  28. I totally subscribe by email and it is one of the highlights of my day! And I tell my friends about it all the time!

  29. I’m probably too late, but I signed up and told several friends about you. And reminded a few too! 🙂 Love you guys! You in courage me so much! 🙂

  30. I subscribed!! I, too, thought I had already subscribed, but I was wrong. Read the blog daily or more frequently. Am so blessed by all of you wonderful women. Thank you!!

  31. I am already a member, but just signed up 2 friends! I’m always sharing with every girlfriend on e-mail or FB anyway!
    Love all the posts!

  32. i’m already a subscriber but i’m always referring people to you guys. i love the daily posts i get to my email! always a bright spot in my day! 🙂

  33. I subscribed today for a chance to win that beautiful gift. I also subscribed because I like this blog!!!!