Emily Freeman
About the Author

Emily P. Freeman is a writer who creates space for souls to breathe. She is the author of four books, including her most recent release, Simply Tuesday: Small-Moment Living in a Fast-Moving World. She and her husband live in North Carolina with their twin daughters and twinless son.

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  1. Thank you, Emily. I can identify with these words as a busy but blessed Mum.
    I read this morning from 1 Chronicles 16 v 27 “Strength and majesty surround Him: strength and beauty are in His dwelling.” Made me think of Psalm 91 v 1 +2 “Those who dwell in the shelter of the Most High will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty. This I declare of the Lord: He alone is my refuge; my place of safety; He is my God and I am trusting Him.” I guess we could substitute the word “space” for “dwelling” and “shelter”! Wonderful! How amazing to be so close to the LORD that we are standing in the shadow of Almighty God. God bless you.

  2. This is exactly where I am. Struggling to find that peace in the midst of chaos. Thank you for encouraging my heart today.

  3. Good stuff. I guess if Jesus needed to get away to a quiet place to be alone with his Father, it’s okey for me to long for that as well. You hit an important note, though, pointing out that space, solace, and quiet–like any of God’s good gifts–can become idols if we let them.
    As one on the brink of an empty nest, I’m considering what to do with more space in my life and in my days. I think it has something to do with receiving the gift with gratitude and taking every thought captive. I think. Trying to figure it out.

  4. Thank you for this post! I read In-courage when I can. Today was a day meant for me to connect with you. Thank you- as I return to loving, serving and being with my four young gifts. In response to your post, “Amen!”
    Maria in CT

  5. “I find myself beginning to worship space.”
    Yes, that’s me. My idol is quiet time, alone time, lack of busyness, etc. And sometimes I can’t control my environment enough to have the “space” I want. Sometimes, God ordains busyness and pressure to strengthen me and help me grow in trusting him. How I Him to be my ultimate source for the comfort of breathing room!

  6. Oh I love this – thank you for putting into words something I struggle with a lot these days. Working full time and having two year old twins makes for not much space in my life (physically, mentally and spiritually), but you have given me a whole new perspective on it.

  7. You have put my feelings into words Emily. It seems that no matter what the season of life – it is all too busy with little time left to simply “be”.
    I have felt those longings you write about – a little cottage by the ocean, long walks on the beach, spending days all by myself.
    I hadn’t really realized that the longing is that need for a haven – one that is always there waiting for me to come and rest.
    Thank you.

  8. I have learned to realize when I start that longing, that I am longing for time with God. And sometimes, it means I need a girlfriend evening 🙂 So long as we don’t become depressed as we long for heaven. There is a reason there is a hole in our hearts and it can only be filled by one thing. It’s so sad that so many don’t know or recognize that.

  9. Oh Emily…
    So often you write just exactly where I am. Thanks. I just said to my youth pastor husband, “I’m running away. I’d like very much for you to come, but I’m running away”.
    Just the very same emotions.
    Thanks. I will seek my Haven.

  10. Ooo, ouch, girl! I’m spending a lot of time setting up the summer with all four girls home, and find myself getting anxious about when I’ll have quiet time to myself…. I know, like Nancy said above, that it’s okay and that even Jesus took time away too. But I also know by the anxiety I have about it that I’ve begun to let it be an idol. Thank you so much for being faithful to share this – it’s a convicting, thus freeing truth.
    May we all have a summer full of space – grace space – and see God give rest in ways we can’t even try to engineer.
    (And here’s to hoping you have lots of inspired space as you finish your book, too! 🙂

  11. Wow, this is exactly where I am in my life. I read this and found myself… reading the lines over and over again…
    And realizing that today, my really awful, terrible, no good, very bad day needed some space in it.
    Thank you for sharing your heart Emily.

  12. Wow– I think those exact same thoughts when I am overwhelmed and need space! That’s when I start planning vacations, and thinking that maybe, just maybe we could have a farm and just survive off of our own hands. Yearning for the simple life.

  13. Yes, I can identify… This is the season I’m in desiring space. I’m feeling however I little convicted that I’m making it an idol because of this desperate need for it right now.
    Thanks for sharing!

  14. Oh, you nailed it, Emily… again.
    When I want space… what I really want is a Saviour. The one so spacious not even the heavens can contain Him.
    Reviving Truth… in your reviving words.
    Thank you, friend!
    All’s grace,

  15. I’m a chaser too, and it never once occurred to me that maybe it’s not space I’m chasing, but instead a safe, hiding place. Thanks for speaking the truth Emily!

  16. I agree with Kimberly above. Never once in my chasing time or space have I considered that I may be yearning for the space and safety God provides. Thank you for making this connection for me today!

  17. Thank you for putting words to something I feel all to often. But more than that – Thank you for exposing my true need and pointing me to the only One who can meet my need.