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(in)side DaySpring:
things we love
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  1. Yes!! Thank you…I have always been a planner. It has taken me a long time and a lot of prayer to let go some of my plans for my life and fully enjoy His plans for me. I still struggle with it daily…but I have to admit, His plans are always better than my own.

  2. I love making plans, however I’ve learned to make them a bit more loosely and not to fret if they don’t go ‘the way I thought’ It’s actually quite freeing to let go of control I thought I had and felt I needed in this area.
    ps (I grew up in Iowa!)

  3. The blessing and the beauty is the fact that we can say those words despite our circumstance. I’ve had many bits of trauma that were no where near what I had dreamed or planned, but oh, the lessons learned, the nearness attained and the peace perfected. Nothings wasted…

  4. Thanks, this really spoke to me! I am a mother of four and one with a “multisyllabic diagnoses”. My regret is that I didn’t have this understanding 28 years ago….. but His plans are perfect.

  5. Thank you, thank you, thank you.. that’s all I can say.. besides asking for your prayers that I will give up MY plans, and just let Him lead me, step by step, day by day..

  6. Darcy, this was so well put! I understand the planning part, can relate to the eureka moment in college, am a bit envious of your time in Italy… and I appreciate the whole point, that the best things are those we never could have planned for.
    I still find myself bouncing back between letting go of the planning and trying to “grab control” back from God. It’s a blessing that He is patient with me!
    Thanks for a great post this morning!

  7. Wow! I needed to read this. Thank you for reminding me that my plans may not be the best, but that my God knows the plans he has for me and I need to trust and obey! Blessings to you and your family!

  8. I am such a “typical” planner…my calendar as many mom’s is crazy. But, I LOVE the reminder that why do we worry so much about THE plan, OUR plan when HIS plan is already set and we just need to follow and enjoy. I am trying ….thanks for the nice read.

  9. Darcy – I somehow missed this post. I’m so glad I found it this morning. Thank you doesn’t seem to cover it. But I’ll say it anyway — thank you for telling your story here. I know it is only a fragment, but it has been greatly encouraging to me this morning.

  10. Amen, my sister. This is a lesson that God is teaching me every day right now. And it’s painful.
    My plans are not THE plans. In fact, I’m pretty sure my plans generate heavenly chuckling pretty frequently.
    Thank you for sharing part of your story. You rock!

  11. I have a hard enough time controlling what’s for dinner, let alone life plans. I am sooo thankful that God has made plans for me, knows the number of my days and knows exactly what those days will hold!
    There are times that we do want to avoid difficulty, but we don’t realize the blessings that can only come through the tough times. And your little Trouble? Man, is he a jewel!

  12. I look at that top photo… and smile. He had such beautiful plans for you –in Iowa, not Italy. Look at those beautiful faces!
    And for that little boy… doesn’t it make you weep?
    That if we wrote our own stories, we’d miss the best chapters!
    I must remember this — me who has alzheimers of the soul….
    But the plans of the LORD stand firm forever…
    ~Psalm 33:11
    On this, I lean…
    Again, always, you bless…
    Thank you, Darcy…
    All’s grace,

  13. Many are the plans in a man’s heart, but the LORD directs his steps.
    Beautiful post, and such a needed reminder today. I am the worst with this!
    What a lovely family you have!

  14. wow…there were some laugh out loud moments in that post. love your sense of humor!!
    good thing that we aren’t in control. that we don’t get to make the plans. if i would have avoided all the suffering, i would have missed so much.
    i am off to visit your site and get to you know you better. thank you for this!

  15. I echo every word. My greatest gifts in life were not sought after and sometimes they were wrapped in grief. Thank you for reminding us of that!
    I love your way with words and YOU are a gift to all of us in the blogosphere….something that has also come from your unplanned life events.
    ; )

  16. Ah, Darcy, you’re the only one who would actually go to the trouble to look up Robert Burns’ real words. Most people know this quotation better as the inspiration for John Steinbeck’s Of Mice and Men. You rock. This post is just further proof of that.
    Thank God for HIS plans!