Lisa-Jo Baker
About the Author

Lisa-Jo Baker is a bestselling author, lapsed lawyer, and current acquisitions editor for HarperCollins. Originally from South Africa, Lisa-Jo lives outside Washington, D.C., where she fell in love with her husband in the summer of ’96. Their story spans decades, languages, countries, books, three very opinionated teens, and one dog.

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(in)side DaySpring:
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  1. The reference to the book of Ruth is very fitting for me as well. It was used in my marriage with my English husband.

  2. Oh what a surprise to see you here ! This was so well put. It sounds like you’ve overcome some obstacles and turned them into blessings. That’s what it’s all about really . So beautiful , and hope you have many more years of figuring it out and making it joyful.

  3. You describe my life exactly… 10 years and 4 children later, a Canadian girl married to a German. I used the same theme at our wedding day, but didn’t dream of how hard it would actually be…But praise be to God who gives his grace each new day, I love my husband more today then on my also bi-continental wedding days. Thankyou for sharing!

  4. Lisa-Jo, this is lovely! (And really, so fun to see you here after only “meeting” you a few posts ago.) Congratulations on 10 years, and on embracing the only way to make a marriage work– by saying “I Do” to selfless life, on the daily, and by His grace.

  5. Lisa-Jo
    “What I promised then, I am living now.” As you expressed, we can’t even fathom what this will mean. But it’s living out the promise–through not only the Detroit Lions’ losing streak and worse, but also the tender moments and great adventures–that makes “being married” even sweeter than “getting married.”

  6. wow… (and i don’t think i can think of anything else right now… i am…. wow)
    thanks for sharing, Lisa-Jo!
    still hopin’ that your wonderful quartet will someday visit here, the third continent 🙂

  7. Sigh, beautiful photos to accompany a truly epic love story. Thanks, LJ, aka The Gypsy Mama, for another delicious post about all things love & marriage. Great to see you here!

  8. I too love the story of Ruth and her committment to her husband and his people. Congratulations on 10 years and prayers for the many more to come!

  9. So nice to run into a familiar face over here at (In)Courage! I don’t think any of us in our youth and wedding planning euphoria understand the true power of joining forces in marriage. But how it has changed my experience of life. God is wise in His designs. I am off to hug my husband.

  10. Beautiful, Lisa-Jo. Beautiful and true.
    And what a delightful surprise to find you here. How appropriate for a Gypsy Mama to be roaming about! 🙂

  11. So many congratulations to you on celebrating 10 years together & thank you for sharing your beautiful, courageous, (13 years supporting the Lions?!) and romantic love story!

  12. Thanks for a glimpse into your culture-spanning/combining marriage! You know, I married a boy I grew up five miles away from and there are STILL many things we do differently and have had to learn to change perspective on! I loved hearing YOUR story – and the pic of your brother and sis-in-law!

  13. What a beautiful story – thank you for sharing it!
    Anyone who can survive one year as a Lions fan gets hearty congrats, much less 10+ years! 🙂

  14. Hey Big Sis,
    Very nicely written, and we’re privileged to feature in your story. Can’t wait to see some more of you on this site.
    Much love,
    Luke and Carine

  15. some of the best written thoughts on marriage i’ve read in a long time. i hope this site will post a lot more of your stories!!!
    after a year and a half under my belt, this makes me all the more determined to live up to my promises as well!

  16. Lisa Jo this is beautiful. Positive and lovely. Pure joy is seen through your eyes. Congrats on ten years together.

  17. Fabulous post! Marriage is definitely that, whether you are continent jumping or have never left the state you were born in. It is work, beautiful, rewarding work, and your post captured that perfectly. Thanks!

  18. Lisa-Jo! I didn’t know you were writing for incourage!! 🙂 Your post is a beautiful reminder of exactly what marriage should be, exactly what we should strive for. And as my husband are in the midst of some big decisions, a perfectly timed reminder for me. Thank you.

  19. I knew I wanted to marry my husband…and cross-stiched out this verse…ready for whenever he asked (just so you’s the only sewing project I’ve ever completed–if that even counts as sewing)…love this.