Annie F. Downs
About the Author

Annie F. Downs is a bestselling author and nationally known speaker based in Nashville, Tennessee. Her most recent books include 100 Days to Brave, Looking for Lovely and Let’s All Be Brave. Read more at and follow her at @anniefdowns.

(in)side DaySpring: things we love
& you will too!
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(in)side DaySpring:
things we love
& you will too!
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  1. I feel like you may have overlooked one thing … deviled eggs. They are always in abundance!! Comfort food.

  2. Thanks for this. i just offered to help with a funeral luncheon later this week, feeling, as I do every time, that it’s so important to create an environment for people to mix and mingle and share.
    Your post confirmed it!

  3. Annie, you are this kind of friend–the feed your soul, fill you up, make ya come back for more kind. And I love ya for it…well, that and a whole lot of other reasons (like that you’re funny, and fabulous, and crazy talented) too!

  4. That’s beautiful, Annie. It’s a true demonstration of loving through action – what better way to tangibly care for someone than to feed them?

  5. gotta love that dennis! (oh, and his wife and all those women-i could probably name each one and they are TREASURES!)

  6. i lost my 9 day old niece on friday evening. a tragedy, to say the least, for family and friends. despite everything else that we are now faced with (the grief, the lack of understanding, the choice to cling to truth and faith and God even though things of this nature, seemingly very unloving, do happen), we have seen an outpouring of community and love and service to our family in the days since. and i was in fact thinking last night how blessed we are as a family to have so many people here who care and who, because they are seeking after Jesus, have become His hands and feet to us. and oh have we eaten well the last few days! thank you annie and thank your dad for encouraging you to write this reminder that we are His body and how big a blessing it is to serve one another in love.

  7. That was so precious to read. It is a wonderful reminder not only that we are loved by others but also as an encouragement that our service to others may appear to be quite trivial, but they can make such a difference to a person! Sorry for your loss…

  8. Thanks to your dad for “getting it” and (in)couraging you to write this. It filled me up and made me smile. Sweetness indeed.