We're so glad you picked up an (in)courage 2023 One Heart for Jesus Agenda planner! And if you haven't gotten yours yet, pick one up at dayspring.com. Plan and walk through your days remembering that you are not alone - we are connected as co-heirs of Christ & our one heart for Jesus beats loudest when we link arms. Every month you will be introduced to a different theme that reflects God's heart for you, and you'll get to read an excerpt of a story from an (in)courage writer! Find the full stories here.
Because of my friends’ honesty and the prompting of the Holy Spirit, I’ve come to understand that I can and should take action in creating a world that’s welcoming and safe for all.
Read MoreGod created us unique for a reason: His glory. Our differences and diversity reveal God’s complexity and imagination and the special ways He intends for us to reflect His goodness and grace and glory to a world in need… The Body of Christ and our world need us to live our respective stories as each one of us is uniquely designed to fulfill.
Read MoreGod has given each of us a unique set of cultural heritages, with a rich diversity of stories and different types of families, to show the world He is powerful to carry us through every imaginable human experience. When we open up about our lives and share our stories, others can see that nothing is wasted under the power of God’s loving hand. And because of God’s never-ending, faithful, and healing love, you and I no longer need to hide our brokenness.
Read MorePeople are looking to others to find safety in sharing their own pain. My weakness, to some people, is the shortcut to safe. God can and will do powerful things through those of us who give our weakness over to Him.
Read MoreGod didn’t give us gifts of color and culture so we would pretend they didn’t matter. Jesus with His brown skin, poor skin, lonely skin, targeted skin, villainized skin, arrested skin, wounded skin, and resurrected-but-still-scarred skin made every color and culture of humanity matter. He gave each of us our colors so we can learn how to recognize and discover the breadth and width of His perfect love in our diversity.
Read MoreWhereas blame-shifting destroys, humility builds and, in many cases, heals. We live in interesting times, sisters. The fear and unknowns and racial tensions and injustices have left our cities with broken walls. The destruction is apparent. We can not ignore it. And yet, blaming won’t help us with rebuilding. Instead, I pray we heed Nehemiah’s wisdom and see his posture as a means of healing our day. Because there is only One who can help us shore up our walls. But we must first admit we need Him.
Read MoreThe thing about God’s dreams is that they don’t come from a place of fear, trepidation, and reservation. They are given by the One who knows the end from the beginning. They’re fashioned from love, assurance, and generosity, and they propel us forward into the future, fueled by hope. Because we trust the Dream-Giver, we can employ faith to follow the visions He gives us. Despite our rocky road, I believe that we are on the path of manifesting the dream relayed by Dr. King. As I have benefited from the dreams spoken before me, I must also be a voice resonating God's vision beyond my today.
Read MoreMay we be a people who wait well, who cling to hope when the night is long, who remember and believe that chaos will one day be calmed once and for all. Take heart! The Word gets the final word. Everything sad will come untrue for Light has come, Love has won, and all is being made new. Hallelujah!
Read MoreWe can run from the Bible, with both its whispers and roar, or we can stand in God’s story in the storms of life, learning to hear all of it, even when we just want quiet and rest. That respite is in there, for certain. But God invites us into His whole story, preparing us to hear each other’s — not just the bite-sized, easy-to-swallow versions but His whole story and our own, even when we may disagree. May the complexities of learning from every part of the Bible — and through the stories shared here — ignite our hearts to surrender. Then, we can love.
Read MoreOur Savior wore a crown of thorns and carried a cross up the steepest hill to be crucified so we might all experience grace, freedom from sin, and His glory. He made Himself the bridge for all humankind. Being a bridge means following Jesus’ lead and actually laying down our politics, our prejudices, our passions, our perfect houses, our planned-out futures, and our piercing sense of entitlement in this country on behalf of others. Jesus invites us into the ministry of reconciliation. He designed us to be bridge-builders for His Kingdom
Read MoreThere is no way without the extraordinary love and sacrifice of Jesus. There is no way without extending extraordinary love to each other. So even when we sing our lament songs off-key and imperfectly, we keep singing. We heal when we hear God’s love song over us, His beloved children. In His perfect love and grace, He alone can create harmony out of our dissonance.
Read MoreHumans were stamped from the very beginning with the imago Dei so that we could be God’s representatives on earth. Every culture with its unique bodies, voices, thoughts, actions, and values reflects a piece of God Himself. Seeing, embracing, and living out our faith through our unique cultural identities and expressions is how we become fully alive.
Read MoreHere’s to humbling ourselves and realizing our own perspective is not the beginning and end of the matter — and others’ perspectives matter. Here’s to saying yes to crossing the awkward bridge toward an awesome connection. Here’s to learning and growing through difficult conversations.
Read MoreI do know that faithfulness and perseverance and persistence seem to be consistent themes in the stories Jesus spoke about prayer. I do know that God is a good Father, who loves to give his kids good gifts. So the drum you’ve been beating for days or months or years — for a good and godly marriage, a healthy body, for your child to love Jesus, for a baby or a job? I say this with a smile and all the love in my heart for you: Keep beating that drum, dear one.
Read MoreHe’s not surprised by anything I do because God wired me Himself. Does God have other feelings about my actions and personality? I bet He does. There are always better choices I could make that lead me nearer to His heart. But surprise? I don’t think so. And when I begin to apologize for who I am, God cups my face in His hands and gently says, “Why are you sorry? They’re all good . . . and so are you.” God hasn’t given us a spirit of fear or self-condemnation, but He has instilled in each of us gratitude. Let’s practice leaning into appreciation instead of guilt and stop apologizing for who we are. Because, friends, every part of us is unsurprising to Him — internal clocks, questionable music choices, selfish ways and all — and we can breathe deep with thankfulness for it all.
Read MoreAs a white woman, for a long time I didn’t see racism as my problem because it didn’t affect my own interests. This thinking is unbiblical, and it’s wrong. My pride said, “Look at my diverse circle of friends, family, and acquaintances. Five gold stars for me, please!” It saddens me to admit this. Admitting our false thinking and sinful patterns is critical to repentance and crucial to reconciliation. People are not tokens. People are not symbols of status or progress or political correctness. If you have willfully or accidentally made someone a token in your organization, business, personal life, or mind, now’s a good time to confess, repent, and do better.
Read MoreIt’s fun to dream and share our plans with others, but sometimes we forget that every new chapter in life, as amazing as it is, comes with a price tag. There are things we must give up in order to experience the fullness of what is ahead for us. And this is true when we decide to follow Jesus. In Luke 9:23, Jesus urges us to count the cost. He makes no compromise when it comes to discipleship: die to yourself, crucify your selfish desires, take up your cross, and follow me daily. Being a disciple means giving up your life for life. No holding back. No turning back.
Read MoreAs we keep renewing our minds, God’s thoughts become our thoughts. We begin to see others the way He sees them. We begin to love the things He loves. We begin to walk in unity with one heart and one mind. Isn’t that what we all desire? I know I am not completely there yet. I am wrapped in human flesh that gets in the way sometimes. But God is patient, kind, loving, and faithful. He is the author of salvation and redemption. He is light in the darkness and makes crooked places straight. He is the mender of all things broken. He is our Prince of Peace. He is the perfecter of our faith, and He is our soon and coming King.
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