This planner is designed to journey alongside you and help you see the beauty in every season. Seasons on the calendar, seasons of life, and seasons in your faith. Whether light or dark, warm or cold, lush or barren... when our eyes and hearts are open, we can see the goodness of God in every season! Each week has a Scripture to focus on, and every month includes a selection from a story by an (in)courage writer, sharing what God was up to in her life and heart during that particular season. Find all the links to the full devotions here on this page!

That day, a bouquet of July ditch flowers was my teacher. I needed to re-learn something I had re-forgotten: God uses ordinary things to show us His extraordinary kindness.
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We often approach new life stages and paths we haven’t walked with apprehension and uncertainty, but we shouldn’t be afraid: God has a plan for us. Where He calls us to go, where He invites us to try, where He leads us to trust, God will provide what we need.
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Teachers are amazing, imperfect, profoundly important people — who need our prayers. "Bless this school year and bless each person who wears the beautiful and noble badge of Teacher. Amen."
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Whether physical or emotional scars from childhood trauma, a dent on the car from a wreck, or an empty chair at the dinner table due to loss, life has a way of marking us by specific moments that have changed us. These scars serve as a reminder of the pain we’ve endured. It’s easy to become overwhelmed and even feel regret, but what if their reminder is actually a good thing? That we were bent and brought low but didn’t break. That we made it. Resilience often comes when we remember.
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"November is the perfect in-between month. A time to prepare and putter in the kitchen. A time to gather in and come together. A time of expectation of what’s yet to come and thankfulness for what has been. Jesus didn’t arrive with a “Do Not Open Before 12/25” tag. He came for us all, all the time. In the grey days of November. In the summer heat of August. In the slushiness of March and the blossoms of May. When we’re looking for Him and when we’re running from Him. When our hearts are soft and open, and when they’re hard and closed. In all seasons of the year and of our lives, Jesus comes for us. He welcomes us wholly at any time, in any space, in all of our seasons."
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"The beauty of the Christmas story is that Jesus came down to earth with me in mind. Jesus the Messiah came to save and rescue me, a caramel-colored woman with all of my joys and pains, all my passions, struggles, and insecurities. Jesus doesn’t overlook me. Jesus doesn’t reject me because I don’t fit into neat categories. He sees me in my humanity and loves me as His child. The simpler I make Christmas, the more I discover this truth."
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I see the year ahead as another twelve months of ripening. I choose to embrace who I’ve been and to show myself – and all my past selves – the grace I now so generously extend to others. From that place of love, I can approach whatever this year holds for me with openness and gentleness, with no hurry or rush.
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You have not been forgotten or overlooked. You aren’t falling behind. You’re exactly where you’re supposed to be today, and this chapter is not a mistake. Don’t pause your life for Some Day. Go ahead and buy the flowers, literal or metaphorical. There is good right here, right now, and today is worth celebrating.
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What if Lent was less about fasting and more about feasting on the presence of God? Let's take a different approach to Lent, and accept God’s invitation to focus on rejoicing. Let's fast from distractions and join at the table to feast with our Savior, the Bread of Life. Let’s lift our eyes from loneliness and lack, and look to the horizon, the resurrection to come.
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"Lord, Thank You for the gift of HOPE You gave us on Easter morning. Because of You we know that no problem is too difficult And even death does not have power over us. Thank You for the gift of JOY You gave us when You were resurrected. Because of You we know that no matter how challenging life may be, In the end we will rejoice again. Thank You for the gift of LIFE, You gave us when You left the tomb. Because of Easter we know this world is just the beginning And we will spend forever in heaven with You."
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The kingdom of God is like the seed that grows, regardless of our understanding or attention. Its growth is guaranteed, its longevity, eternal. In other words, when it comes to spiritual botany, God is always at work even when we are not. He’s a Gardener of green things, living things. What He plants grows. What He nurtures thrives. What He loves blossoms. So while I may never master my green thumb, I love a Master Gardener. He is tending His seeds even now, doing work I can’t see and performing life-giving miracles I’ll never comprehend. His kingdom is one that will never end. And that means I can rest, because tomorrow will be filled with the color of new life.
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The truth is that there is not one day in all of the calendar that gives time and space enough for the vast nuances that come with being human. New Year’s Eve will always fold out and be forgotten, Independence Day will always remind us of the ways we are not yet fully free. Mother’s Day will not always bring the depth of rest that mothers crave, and Father’s Day will not always fulfill our hearts to feel the love of a father. But the Holy Spirit can touch you — the Holy Spirit can reach deep into every hidden place you hold within your heart. The Holy Spirit can meet you in the chasms on the calendar — the gaping holes in which you are waiting to see and sense love show up on a day like today.
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Fireflies flicker, friends gather, watermelon seeds spit, and children packed like sardines on the blanket waiting in anticipation of the first explosion of fireworks. Whether you celebrate July 4th or not, embrace the opportunity to take conversations to the next level, engaging family and friends in discussion of what true courage really means. It doesn’t have to be organized, forced, or stressful, just a time of intentional sharing about the deeper meaning behind the celebrations, and why we have the traditions that we do.
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Caterpillars are born with all the parts to become a butterfly. But it is only through the liquifying process within the chrysalis that the butterfly can emerge, transformed, new, and complete with the power to fly. Though God’s no’s can be painful, they can also be an invitation to go from crawling to flying.
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Maybe you are facing the same death or facing the wilderness of waiting for an answer. Maybe right now nothing makes sense and you’re questioning who you are or how you fit. Behind the veil of silent seasons, loss, drudgery, and dreams come undone, know that you are deeply loved and delighted in. God is at work. He is building new things in you and for you and these days of wrestling, each one placed one after another like cobblestone, will serve to build a beautiful path forward. There are new things to come.
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Can you believe God created all these different trees with all their different gifts for us? Of course He did. And He did the same with us. You’re a masterpiece drawn by the Creator of all, designed for just the right time. And you will shine. Stand tall and reach high with your unique colors and seasons and far-reaching branches and roots. You are exactly the tree you were created to be.
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I don’t have the spiritual gift of cooking or hosting or decorating the table. But I can let go of my need to control the environment, people, and their experiences. I can trust that if I open my doors in love, that love will, in fact, meet them — that Thanksgiving will be different. Maybe not for the company, but for me. I don’t have to be perfect. I don’t have to be okay. I can just show up in love, release control, and trust that God is on a mission to love everyone who walks through my doors.
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In this season, when my heart feels weary and worn down with grief, when I become overwhelmed by how hard December can be, I remember who God is. Emmanuel. God with us. He is coming, but more than that, He is here. He dwells among us right now — this miracle of Christmas, of Christ coming to dwell with us, is not something to celebrate merely during Advent but every single day of the year.
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