About the Author

Robin is the author of For All Who Wander, her relatable memoir about wrestling with doubt that reads much like a conversation with a friend. She's as Southern as sugar-shocked tea, married to her college sweetheart, and has three children. An empty nester with a full life, she's determined to...

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      • Robin,
        I have long enjoyed reading your posts and books. I needed to hear this today. I, like you, am in a season of fear, injury, loss and feeling “Why God ?”… i moved to the south after leaving about 32 years ago and moving around more than a dozen times around the eastern half of the country with only 1 foray to the other side of the Mississippi. Most of the time i was moving (running) in search of elusive peace. A few times i moved because i truly felt that God wanted me to take a step of faith. In the last year, i lost almost everything i owned (long story); got sick from exposure to mold, mildew and fungus that grew through the walls of my former apartment; more recently broke my hip and pelvis; cannot find work where i am ( i am not yet an empty nester… 1 son is still with me and the other is about 1 hour away… both in their early 30’s) and my son, who is a trained mason, and has worked in retail in various capacities so has plenty of experience…couldn’t get work either. Our entire savings has been wiped out, we had to borrow money from friends and family, but i definitely “feel” like “Where are you God ? Do you see what we are going through ??? Do you know that i am so stressed out by all of this that my blood pressure, which has never been high is of concern to my doctors ? I am on the verge of bankruptcy…. have no furniture…. sleep on the floor (carpeted) in a mold free apartment….me on my yoga mat and my son on a blanket. At 67, it is scary and humbling. My parents passed away in 2001 (coronary heart disease) and my mother in 2013 from Alzheimer’s complications. I feel like i am drowning in the ocean with no place to go or anyone to turn to. Yes, i have amazing friends ( thank God for that)…. but it is hard not to feel hopeless. Deep down i know we are where we are supposed to be. I just was not prepared for the medical issues, the medical bills, car related bills, losing everything we owned, starting from scratch ( similar in many ways to the plight of many in Helene’s path as we were). Can you share any Scripture that might guide me through this ? Any books ? I pray that the things you are dealing with in your family will somehow be resolved in a way that bring health and / or peace. I lost your book ” All those who wander are not lost”… one of my favorite Tolkien quotes…. among many other books…. on a bright note… because of the Robin you once painted… i have 2 of Emily Lex’s painting books with brushes and watercolors…. so while i have no TV or computer… i am reading from the library and beginning to draw and paint.
        So inspired with a flicker of hope, i may spend some serious time in prayer this weekend and maybe i will start my new year on Sunday…i never made my resolutions this year so i haven’t broken any yet….

        • Bonnie,

          Abba Father, Come alongside Bonnie & her family. Give them a discerning heart & mind to know your will for their lives. Place them in jobs where you would have them. Give them the peace & comfort that only comes from you. AMEN

          Blessings 🙂

  1. OH ROBIN. I was at the Grove this past December when Katherine spoke and as soon as I read those words, I knew that God was echoing them into my heart again. And while my “things” are not your “things”, I knew exactly how you were feeling in this devotional. Thank you for reminding me of the power of God to change me through His presence.

    • Wasn’t it a compelling night of worship, Paige?? I love it when God confirms something in our lives in multiple places. Godwinks 😉 🙂

    • Hey Susan,

      Well…I’m still figuring that out. I’ve offered a few suggestions in this devo, but it helps me to think about what those things are (hope/faith), and then talk to God about them. For instance, I’ve often heard hope defined as “confident expectation” (in contrast to wishful thinking), and I spend time considering where in Scripture we see evidences of hope displayed. What Jesus says he’ll do, he does; what God has promised, he delivers. A lot of my faith is evidenced in God’s work in my past; when I can’t see him in my present and I feel hopeless in aspects of my future, I remind myself where I’ve seen him before. I’m praying for you that the Holy Spirit will give you clarity about what practicing hope, faith, etc. means for you. xo

  2. So good. Thank you for this encouragement as I walk through my own season of hard. It seems like so many of us are waiting there. I will lean into the Spirit and trust Him to give me hope and peace.

    • Gail,

      That’s about all we can do, isn’t it? I’m so sorry that you’re walking out a season of difficulty, but thankful you’re looking to God for the answers.

  3. I’ve been up for hours now in the middle of the night asking the Lord to forgive my response to our current unbelievable circumstances which have completely changed our day to day lives. And then I read your post right now 430 am which is exactly what I’m living! I know all the correct answers and yet I too struggle….wrestle with hopelessness. Thank you for sharing your heart. It has encouraged me and blessed me!!!

  4. Robin, this touched me deeply & practically this morning! Thank you for sharing! Stacking up the stones of remembrances of God’s kindness & goodness in the past & rehearsing the truth that God is the same yesterday, today & tomorrow is one of my tools for cultivating the practices of my faith. Thanks for your list of tools as well. Blessings (((0)))

    • Ruth,

      Yes! “Stacking up the stones of remembrances of God’s kindness & goodness in the past & rehearsing the truth that God is the same yesterday, today & tomorrow” is such a wonderful way of expressing “practice.”

  5. My family too has gone through lots of health issues and hard life changing diagnosis. It has made me realize hope and feeling lost can co-exist. Yes God is our hope yet I know God understands when we are so tired and overwhelmed. I’ve stopped beating myself up when the hard days get me down and give myself grace to process my feelings.

    • Maura,

      It has been so helpful for me to understand that diametrically opposed feelings can co-exist; I’m SO glad you mentioned that here! My sister told me I was too hard on my self when she read this devo (I ran it by her before sharing it here), reminding me of what you said: it’s so important to give ourselves grace!! Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

  6. Robin, thank you for such an inspiring, insightful and honest article. I’m sorry to hear of your situation. I too am dealing with my parents decline which along with my siblings we are a full time caregivers. It is such a difficult journey so far…mostly emotional and spiritual. Developing a habit of hope is an excellent way to deal with day to day sadness and discouragement. Thank you so much for sharing your journey. Blessings,

  7. Dear Robin…………..I feel your pain for what you were or are going through.This was a perfect devotion for me today; however, mine has to do with emotional pain and as I have in the past suffered from 4 very serious and rare kinds of surgery, some that were botched and caused a real threat to my actual survival. So I also know what physical pain is and to be honest with you Robin, I find that the emotional pain can be worse than the physical. My Holy Spirit has always guide me through these situations and I never did lose faith, but and it is a BIG BUT, I have prayed so much that at times I feel like I am prayed out. Don’t know if this is normal, but the one thing that I still am hoping that something can be done about, has not happened and due to being alone, I have only you the (in)courage women to talk to and who always somehow in your words have taught me that HOPE is a very key to God’s timeline. It has been 6 years now and honestly, I know that God has his own timeline, but some days I fear that somehow I will never see my now 14 year old grandson again as I am 77 years old and we don’t know when our time comes. I don’t care about money or even my son who has betrayed me so many times, he can’t break my heart anymore than it already is. My grandson is and has always been the love of my life. My son and his wife have been trying to brainwash him towards against me. I can’t even explain all the things they have done to do this. Of course, I cannot connect with him, so I don’t know if he believes them or not. So HOPE is the only real palpable thing I have to hold onto along with God, Jesus, my wonderful Holy Spirit and of course, you (in)courage women. Thank you for your words, Robin and I have already started to take a new perspective on this problem and hope that my time doesn’t come before I get to see or hear from my grandson. I send my prayers and love to you Robin as you have already lifted me up today. What a way to begin. My God Bless all of you……………………Betsy Basile

  8. Oh Robin, big hug to you! Your posts are always so real and touching, this one even more so (if it’s even possible). I don’t even know how to express myself further (I am certainly not a writer lol), I just know that when I read this (and pretty much anything you write), I feel it deep down in my soul. Things are finally settling down a bit for me after 6 years of constant traumatic events, and I know I couldn’t have gotten through it without God, and through him, you wonderful people at (in)courage. Thank you so much for this, and all of your words of real life experience. I don’t have a gift like yours, but please accept my grateful heart, and a big hug, and my prayers for things to settle down a bit for you too. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!

    • ((((Karen)))

      YOUR words are wonderful! What a gift to me (and our team)!! Thank YOU for your generous encouragement, and what a precious thing to get to see the Lord working among us, through us, and in us! I’m thankful life is settling down for you, and I pray 2025 brings particular blessing in your faith and life. xo

  9. Robin, I hope you will give yourself grace, as you grow through your experiences. You know God has grace for you. I’m sure those people you admire so much had their moments of doubt, too. None of us can escape our human-nous.

    I hope things turn around soon. God is good!

  10. Robin,

    I’m so sorry your family is faces such challenges and will pray. I understand GBM (brain cancer) as a dear family member is currently in the last stages. I pray for her 5x daily and have found setting my phone alarm is a great reminder to lift her up.

    Sending you New Year hope in Jesus,

    lisa wilt

  11. I am in The rocking boat with you dear sister.. and this year God has given me the Word.. ANCHOR along with the verse Hebrews 6:19…” we have this Hope as an Anchor for the soul , steadfast and secure” .. we keep our eyes looking upward unto Jesus .✝️

  12. Reminds me of this:

    Practicing to Abide in Jesus

    Psalm 91
    1 Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High
    will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.[a]

  13. Robin… This is the second time I have been pointed to John 14 this morning, and I appreciate your encouraging word on choosing hope, particularly in light of the So Cal wildfires, and the long road to recovery for many ahead….

    • What’s going on in California is horrifying. I can only imagine from afar, but pray for all right where I am. It sounds like you’ve received a Godwink today, too. John 14 is where I’ve been camped out lately…. <3.

  14. Robin,it was good for me to read this article. At bible study two days ago we were encouraged to make a date to talk with the Holy Spirit this week. We’ve been through times that made us sad. Our daughter had ovarian cancer 2023. We found out in March 2024 that our son was separated by his wife. Sad but continued prayers for him and his family. Hopefully they will get back together. Our daughter has recovered from surgery and NO cancer. Even though I get disappointed I think of good things and talk with Jesus to help me. It works. God bless.

  15. Robin,

    Prayers for you your family. Watching family members with health issues is hard. We as women want to fix things. Sometimes Prayer is all we have. Jehovah Rapha send your healing touches to Robin’s family. Take away the illnesses give them hope peace. AMEN

    Blessings 🙂

  16. Amen! Just read this now and it is what I really needed. I have a dear sister – in – the- Lord going through a serious cancer and a dear nephew who lives with TBI after being hit by a car many years ago who now needs another surgery. And if he looses the use of this arm, he will have none.