About the Author

Simi was born in India and moved to Dallas, TX at the age of 7. Simi is a speaker, author, and full-time physical therapist. Her calling is to the local church and her passion is to equip women to know who they are and live faithfully right where they are....

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  1. Wonderful! wonderful! wonderful! Simi:
    what a great lesson you’ve revealed for us from that scripture.
    I’m elated to hear what it did for you as well!

  2. Thank you, Simi! I often feel invisible. Thank you for remind me that God sees. Even when people do not.

  3. Simi, this was wonderful, thank you! I didn’t know about this passage. To be honest, I’m not very good about understanding the bible. But these devotions have been so helpful teaching me about the bible in ways that I can actually understand. I too know how it feels to be invisible and unimportant, thank you for the reminder that God sees me and that he made me worthy.

  4. Thank you Simi for that excellent word and what you wrote. Our lives are not determined by the world as you say or our circumstances. We as followers of Jesus have to remember we live in the world and are not of the world. Everything we do is to please our Heavenly Father who lives in us and live as his word says. Put it into our lives. Not doing what the world want us to do. Yes they may put us in corner and want us to fit I. With what they want us to do. But we have to say to ourselves would God wants us to do it. If not say sorry we can’t do it or we will not be doing it and why if they ask. They might not like is for it. But we have to keep remembering everything we do is what Jesus would want us to do. We might not get liked for saying no. But God will rewards us for doing the right thing and doing as the world want us. Especially if it not what God wants us too. To offen.I said yes to people of the world especially my family who are not saved pleasing them and doing it to keep them quiet. I not listen to God and said no to them even if they think I am being offal not doing what they want me to do. It like a Salvation Army Officer I know. She has brilliant job as nurse with good pay. God spoke to her about leaving her good paying job as Nurse. To become a Salvation Army Officer which she is today. She knows if she doesn’t get reward for obeying God and giving up her good paying Job as Nurse to work for the Lord. She will get her reward in Glory. Her Dad was not amused she left her good jib as a Nurse to become a Salvation Army Officer. Her Dad is not saved. He would think like the unsaved world would. Stay in your good paying job and don’t go to job with less money even if God is telling you to do it. God says in Philippines 4:19 I stand on that promise. It says “My God shall supply all my needs according to his riches in glory” How true that is God will supply all our needs if we trust him. Not our greeds. Especially if he has asked us to leave a good paying job especially to work him with less pay. I have found that out in my Married life. I didn’t marry my Husband for money. Because he didn’t have much them or now. He is saved too. We all through our marriage have never wanted for anything God has met all our needs through our 31 years of marriage not our greeds. We every month do as the Bible tells we tithe a tenth of pr money to God and pray for where God wants us to give it to each month. I love my life and wouldn’t change it and the we housing executive house we have bought and done up through our marriage life. Not like my family who live in bigs house and are not saved. We are thankful to God he has given us a roof over our heads and we have heat in our house and food on our table a bed to sleep. When we both look at things like this. We say we have all we need when there are people in our world homeless looking for somewhere to sleep and food. Or like people in third world countries looking for food some days they get none. Walking to get water that is not clean. We can go to our taps any time for cleaning water as well. So we are richer than people who are not saved have their big flashy life style and houses. I wouldn’t change it for all the world. I glad I am saved and so is my Husband everything we do is about living for Jesus. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little Enniskillen Co.Fermamagh N.Ireland xx

  5. Simi,

    You are beautiful. If I’m honest, I have often coveted skin like yours that has more melanin especially as I age and sun damaged along with wrinkles creep into my face. Isn’t it funny how we all try to fit in yet stand out. For me, I have to tune out the voice of the Deceiver who wants me to believe that I am not enough and listen to who my Creator says I am wonderfully made. I need more of His Word and His promises and less of the world’s emptiness. Enough about me…Just wanted to let you know how lovely I think you are and look!

    Sending you New Year’s joy,

    Lisa Wilt