About the Author

Tasha is a Korean American melancholy dreamer, wife to Matt, mom to three wild and wonderful humans. She writes about everyday life and cultural and ethnic identity, and writing has always been the way God has led her towards the hope of shalom. Her first book, Tell Me The Dream...

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  1. Bless you Tasha ~ that was wonderful
    Btw, what’s the title of the book please?
    Thank you for this beautiful reminder.

  2. This is so beautiful Tasha! thank you … tending to my heart, allowing God to restore and repair and finding peace and comfort in HIM!!

  3. Tasha,
    The tone of your message is so reaffirming and soothing. I decided to gift our 6 year old animal loving, outdoorsy, gentle spirited niece with the book, “Pandora,” for her birthday. Thanks for introducing this unique book for all ages to your readers.


  4. Tasha,

    You posed some thought provoking questions. Here are my answers:

    What things in my heart, mind, and body need tender care and attention right now? My spiritual life. I need to do better at praying & reading my Bible.

    What in my life needs mending and repair? My body. Need to take better care of myself as I age. Eat healthier & exercise more.

    What one thing can I help tend to or mend in my home or family or community? Though I am a clerical I tend to my patients at the hospital. It may be listening to them, making them comfortable but mostly praying for each & everyone of them.

    Who needs my simple presence right now? Good friends Marie & Steve. He had stents put in his heart about a week ago. Last Sunday she fell broke her ankle in three places. Can’t do weight bearing for 3 weeks & no driving for 12 weeks. Going to get a meal together for them.

    Where can I plant a seed or prune a branch for the sake of my own and the world’s becoming? Loaves Fishes Food Pantry. I volunteer there almost every Friday. Assisting the needy in the area. We show them God’s love.

    Blessings 🙂

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